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*[[:Category:Fiction|BACK TO THE FICTION--INDEX]]
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*[[:Category:Genres|BACK TO THE GENRES--INDEX]]
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|title= Music & Second Temple Judaism (Home Page)
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
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|content= [[File:Music.jpg|500px]]

List of works of '''Music''' (in chronological order).
'''Music''' is a category of fictional works, that includes operas, oratorios, etc. The page currently lists (in chronological order) more than 400 works of Music on Second Temple Judaism (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Origins), from the 16th century to the present.

* See [[Composers]]
* '''''[[Genres]]''''' : [[Ballets]] -- [[Film Music]] -- [[Musicals]] -- [[Operas]] -- [[Oratorios]] -- [[Songs]] -- [[Sound Recordings]] -- [[Video Recordings]]
* '''''[[Interpreters]]''''' : [[Choreographers]] -- [[Composers]] -- [[Conductors]] -- [[Film Composers]] -- [[Librettists]] -- [[Singers]]
* '''''[[Cognate Fields]]''''' : [[Fiction]] -- [[Art]] -- [[Dance]] -- [[Literature]] -- [[Cinema]] -- [[Theatre]]
[[File:Giuseppe Verdi.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Giuseppe Verdi]]]]
|title= Highlights (Music)
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
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* [[Matthäuspassion (1727 Bach), oratorio]]
* [[The Messiah (1742 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio]]
* [[Judas Maccabeus (1747 Haendel / Morell), oratorio]]
* [[La Betulia liberata (1771 Mozart / Metastasio), oratorio]]
* [[Christus am Ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives / 1803 Beethoven / Huber), oratorio]]
* [[Ciro in Babilonia (Cyrus in Babylon / 1812 Rossini / Aventi), opera]]
* [[Nabucco (1842 Verdi / Solera), opera]]
* [[L’enfance du Christ (The Childhood of Christ / 1855 Berlioz), oratorio]]
* [[Christus (1866 Liszt), oratorio]]
* [[Hérodiade (Herodias / 1881 Massenet / Milliet, Grémont), opera]]
* [[Salome (1905 Strauss / Lachmann), opera]]
* [[Amahl and the Night Visitors (1951 Menotti), opera]]
* [[La transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ (1969 Messiaen), oratorio]]
* [[Godspell (1971 Schwartz), musical]]
* [[Jesus Christ Superstar (1971 Webber), opera]]
|title= [[Languages]] ([[Fiction]])
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
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|content= [[File:Languages.jpg|thumb|280px]]
[[:Category:Fiction--English|English]]  -- [[:Category:Fiction--French|French]]  -- [[:Category:Fiction--German|German]]  -- [[:Category:Fiction--Italian|Italian]]  -- [[:Category:Fiction--Latin|Latin]]  -- [[:Category:Fiction--Spanish|Spanish]]   
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|title= [[Overview]] (Music)
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'''Second Temple Judaism offered Music a number of interesting subjects. Unlike other media, only very few works of music feature [[Jesus of Nazareth]] directly. Most deal with events of biblical history (from the [[Babylonian Exile]], [[Esther]] and [[Judith]] to the [[Maccabees]], [[Salome]] and the [[Jewish War]]). When Christian events are reported, it happens through the eyes of historical or fictional characters other than Jesus (such as [[Mary of Nazareth]], [[Mary Magdalene]], [[Amahl]], [[Judas Iscariot]], [[Caiaphas]], [[Pilate]], etc.).'''
|title= [[Timeline]] (Music)
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
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|content= [[File:Thinking.jpg|thumb|left|250px]]
'''[[Music]]''' : [[:Category:Music--2010s|2010s]] -- [[:Category:Music--2000s|2000s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1990s|1990s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1980s|1980s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1970s|1970s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1960s|1960s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1950s|1950s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1940s|1940s]] --  [[:Category:Music--1930s|1930s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1920s|1920s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1910s|1910s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1900s|1900s]] --  [[:Category:Music--1850s|1850s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1800s|1800s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1700s|1700s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1600s|1600s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1500s|1500s]] -- [[:Category:Music--1400s|1400s]] -- [[Music|Home]]
'''[[Fiction]]''' : [[:Category:Fiction--2010s|2010s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--2000s|2000s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1990s|1990s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1980s|1980s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1970s|1970s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1960s|1960s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1950s|1950s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1940s|1940s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1930s|1930s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1920s|1920s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1910s|1910s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1900s|1900s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1850s|1850s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1800s|1800s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1700s|1700s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1600s|1600s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1500s|1500s]] -- [[:Category:Fiction--1450s|1450s]] -- [[Fiction|Home]]
'''[[Timeline|General]]''' : [[2020s]] -- [[2010s]] -- [[2000s]] -- [[1990s]] -- [[1980s]] -- [[1970s]] -- [[1960s]] -- [[1950s]] -- [[1940s]] -- [[1930s]] -- [[1920s]] -- [[1910s]] -- [[1900s]] -- [[1850s]] -- [[1800s]] -- [[1700s]] -- [[1600s]] -- [[1500s]] -- [[1450s]] -- [[Medieval]] -- [[Timeline|Home]]
[[File:Gioachino Rossini.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[Gioachino Rossini]]]]
== Works on Second Temple Judaism ==
* [http://imslp.org/ IMSLP Petrucci Music Library]
* [http://www.carlomarinelli.it/ ODE (Opera Discography Encyclopedia), by Carlo Marinelli]
* [http://operabase.com/ Operabase]
==== 1600 ====
* [[L’ebrea famelica (The Famishing Jewess / 1640 Caputi / Vittori), oratorio (music & libretto)]]
==== 1650 ====
* [[Il Tito (Titus / 1666 Cesti / Beregani), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere]]
* [[Il Tito (1668 Binitti), opera]]
* [[Li Maccabei (The Maccabees / 1674 Bicilli / Mazzei), oratorio]]
* [[Gli sponsali d'Ester (The Nuptials of Esther / 1676 Legrenzi / Orsi), oratorio]]
* [[Ester liberatrice del popolo ebreo (Esther Liberating the Jewish People / 1677 Stradella / Orsini), oratorio]]
* [[Il Vespasiano (Vespasian / 1678 Pallavicino / Corradi), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere]]
* [[Die Makkabäische Mutter mit ihren sieben Sohnen (1679 Franck / Elmenhorst), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1685 Mercuriali / Gigli), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1688 Fabbrini / 1685 Gigli), oratorio]]
* [[Superbia depressa in fornace babilonica (1687 Foggia / Capistrelli), oratorio]]
* [[Gerusalemme destrutta da Tito (1691 Cattani / Fineschi), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1688 Fabbrini / 1685 Gigli), oratorio]]
* [[La fornace di Nabuc di Nasor (1688 Pagano), oratorio]]
* [[Il convito di Baldassarro (Belshazzar's Feast / 1691 Albergati / Cintoli), oratorio]]
* [[Gerusalemme destrutta da Tito (1691 Cattani / Fineschi), oratorio]]
* [[Die Zerstörung Jerusalems (The Destruction of Jerusalem / 1692 Conradi / Postel), opera (music & libretto), Hamburg premiere]]
* [[Judas Machabeus (1695 Cola), oratorio]]
* [[L'Esterre (Esther / 1695 Muratori-Scannabecchi / Bergamori), oratorio]]
* [[I fanciulli babilonesi (The Babylonian Children / 1696 Orlandini), oratorio]]
* [[La Mariamne (Mariamne / 1696 Ruggieri / Burlini), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere]]
* [[Juda Machabeus (1697 Pulci), oratorio]]
==== 1700 ====
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1704 Ariosti / 1685 Gigli), oratorio]]
* [[Mater Machabaeorum (1704 Arresti), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1705 Aldrovandini / 1685 Gigli), oratorio]]
* [[La regina Ester (1706 Saratelli), oratorio]]
* [[Esther (1708 Jacquet de La Guerre), oratorio]]
* [[Il martirio de' Maccabei (1709 Badia / Stampiglia), oratorio]]
* [[Daniele (Daniel / 1709 Rotondi / Grappelli), oratorio]]
* [[L'umiltà coronata in Esther (1712 Lotti / Pariati), oratorio]]
* [[Tito e Berenice (Titus and Berenice / 1714 Caldara / Capece), opera (music & libretto), Rome premiere (cast)]]
* [[La donna forte nella madre dei sette Maccabei (1714 Fux / Pariati), oratorio]]
* [[Herodes (Herod the Great / 1718 Schürmann / Müller), opera (music & libretto), Brunswick premiere]]
* [[La regina Ester (1719 Berti / Aceti), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de’ Maccabei (1719 Massarotti), oratorio]]
* [[L'incoronazione di Ester (1720 Ristori / Ginori), oratorio]]
* [[Gli eccessi della gelosia (1722 Albinoni), opera]]
* [[Esther; ovvero, L'umiltà coronata (1722 Clari), oratorio]]
* [[L'Ester (1723 Bellinzani / Ercolani), oratorio]]
* [[Ester (1723 Caldara / Fozio), oratorio]]
* [[L'Ester (1723 Orlandini / Melani), oratorio]]
* [[La Mariane (1724 Albinoni/Porta), opera]]
* [[Vespasiano (Vespasian / 1724 Ariosti / Hayim, @1678 Corradi), opera (music & libretto), London premiere]]
* [[L'Agrippa tetrarca di Gerusalemme (1724 Buini), opera]]
* [[Ester (1724 Sarro), oratorio]]
* [[Berenice (1725 Orlandini / Pasqualigo), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere (cast)]]
* [[Matatia in Modin (1727 Redi), oratorio]]
* [[Daniello (Daniel / 1731 Caldara / @1731 Zeno), oratorio]]
* [[Il Titto / Titus l'empereur (Titus / 1731 Haendel), opera (music)]]
* [[L'osservanza della divina legge martirio de' Maccabei (1732 Conti / Lucchini), oratorio]]
* [[Esther (1732 Haendel), oratorio]]
* [[La Gerusalemme convertita (1733 Caldara / Zeno), oratorio]]
* [[Il cantico de' tre fanciulli (1734 Hasse / Pallavicini), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de’ Maccabei (1737 Porsile / Manzoni), oratorio]]
* [[Ester (1740 Pampani / Cordara), oratorio]]
* [[Il profeta Daniele (Daniel the Prophet / 1744 Bigaglia / Giupponi), oratorio]]
* [[Belshazzar (1745 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (1745 Mazzoni / Belletti), oratorio]]
* [[Judas Maccabeus (1747 Haendel / Morell), oratorio]]
* [[Alexander Balus (1748 Haendel / Morell), oratorio]]
==== 1750s ====
* [[La Gerusalemme convertita (1751 Galuppi / Zeno), oratorio]]
* [[Daniel (1752 Werner), oratorio]]
* [[Il sogno di Nabucco (1755 Jommelli), oratorio]]
* [[La Gerusalemme convertita (1755 Jommelli / Zeno), oratorio]]
* [[Antiochus der wütente Tyrann, und Vorbild des künftigen Antichrist (Antiochus the Raging Tyrant and Figure of the Future Antichrist / 1762 Werner), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1763 Petrucci), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (1764 Guglielmi / Barbieri), oratorio]]
* [[Berenice (1764 Piccinni / @1725 Pasqualigo), opera (music), Naples premiere]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (1765 Anfossi / Barbieri), oratorio]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (1765 Garroni / Barbieri), oratorio]]
* [[Matatia (Matthatias / 1765 Nenci / Coltellini), oratorio]]
* [[Herodes und Mariamne (1765 Telemann), opera]]
* [[La madre de' Maccabei (1767 Bergamini / Barbieri), oratorio]]
* [[Daniello (Daniel / 1767 Felici / @1731 Zeno), oratorio]]
* [[Il popolo di Giuda liberato dalla morte per intercessione della regina Ester (1768 Sacchini / G.N.C.), oratorio]]
* [[Berenice (1770 Platania / Durandi), opera (music & libretto), Turin premiere (cast)]]
* [[Machabaeorum mater (The Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs / 1770 Sacchini / Chiari), oratorio]]
* [[Daniello (Daniel / 1772 Coccia / @1731 Zeno), oratorio]]
* [[Tres pueri hebraei in captivitate Babylonis (1774 Galuppi / Chiari), oratorio]]
* [[אסתר (Esther / 1774 Lidarti / Saraval), oratorio]]
*  [[La madre de' Maccabei (1775 Gatti / Barbieri), oratorio]]
* [[Tito e Berenice (Titus & Berenice / 1776 Mei / Lanfranchi-Rossi), opera (music & libretto), Pisa premiere]]
* [[Ester assunta al trono d'Assuero (1779 Cedronio / Recco), oratorio]]
* [[Tres pueri hebraei in camino ignis ardentis (1780 Bianchi), oratorio]]
* [[Les macchabées (The Maccabees / 1780 Deshayes), oratorio]]
* [[Daniele nel lago dei leoni (1781 Nicolini), oratorio]]
* [[Tito e Berenice (1782 Franchi), ballet]]
* [[Aurea statua a rege Nabucodonosor erecta; vel, Pueri Hebraei in fornace ardentis ignis (1783 Furlanetto), oratorio]]
* [[Salome, madre de' sette martiri Maccabei (1783 Silva / Martinelli), oratorio]]
* [[Berenice (1786 Rust / @1770 Durandi), opera (music), Parma premiere]]
* [[Antioco (Antiochus / 1787 Gabellone), oratorio]]
* [[Tito; o, La partenza di Berenice (1790 Angiolini), ballet]]
* [[Ester (1791 Schuster), oratorio]]
* [[Tito e Berenice (Titus and Berenice / 1793 Nasolini / Foppa), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere (cast)]]
* [[I tre fanciulli ebrei liberati dalla fornace (The Three Jewish Children Rescued from the Furnace / 1798 Bellini / Russo), oratorio]]
* [[Gionata Maccabeo (1798 Guglielmi), opera]]
==== 1800s ====
* [[Thirza und ihre sieben Söhne (Thirza and Her Seven Sons / 1806 Rieger / Niemeyer), oratorio]]
* [[Gerusalemme distrutta (1812 Dusik), oratorio]]
* [[Ciro in Babilonia (Cyrus in Babylon / 1812 Rossini / Aventi), opera (music & libretto)]]
* [[La distruzione di Gerusalemme (The Destruction of Jerusalem / 1812 Zingarelli / Sografi), opera (music & libretto), Milan premiere (cast)]]
* [[Die Makkabäer; oder, Salomomäa und ihre Söhne (1818 Seyfried), opera]]
* [[I sette Maccabei (1818 Trento / Tarducci), opera]]
* [[Giuda Maccabeo; ossia, La morte di Nicanore (1819 Crispi / Rasi), oratorio]]
* [[Ciro in Babilonia (Cyrus in Babylon / 1820 Raimondi / Bordese), opera (music & libretto)]]
* [[Giuda Maccabeo; ossia, La morte di Nicanore (1821 Basili), oratorio]]
* [[Berenice in Roma (Berenice in Rome / 1824 Raimondi / Bordese), opera (music & libretto), Naples premiere (cast)]]
* [[Erode; ossia, Marianna (Herod; or, Mariamne / 1825 Mercadante / Ricciuti), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere]]
* [[Erodiade (Herodias / 1838 Liberali / De Horatiis), oratorio]]
* [[Die Makabäer (The Maccabees / 1838 Stahlknecht), oratorio]]
* [[Nabucco (1842 Verdi / Solera), opera (music & libretto), Milan premiere]]
* [[Ester d'Engaddi (1843 Malipiero), opera]]
* [[Ester d'Engaddi (1843 Peri / Cammarano), opera]]
* [[L'ebrea (1844 Pacini / Sacchero), opera]]
* [[Ester d'Engaddi (1846 Graffigna / Cammarano), opera]]
* [[Eleazzaro; o, I Maccabei (1848 Biagi), opera]]
* [[Ester d'Engaddi (1848 Pacini / Guidi), opera]]
==== 1850 ====
* [[Matatia (Matthatias / 1853 Liberali / Vicoli), oratorio]]
* [[Giovanni Giscala (John of Giscala / 1855 Rossi / Cavagnari), opera (music & libretto), Parma premiere]]
* [[L'ultimo giorno di Gerusalemme (1858 Lucchesi), opera]]
* [[La distruzione di Gerusalemme (The Destruction of Jerusalem / 1858 Pacini / Fioretti), oratorio (music & libretto), Florence premiere (cast)]]
* [[Giuda Maccabeo (1859 Mariotti / Meini), oratorio]]
* [[Titus et Bérénice (Titus and Berenice / 1860 Gastinel / Fournier), opera (music & libretto), Paris premiere]]
* [[Matatia vincitore (Matthatias Triumphant / 1865 Coppola), oratorio]]
* [[Die Makkabäer (The Maccabees / 1873 Rubinstein / Mosenthal), opera]]
* [[Judas Maccabäus (1879 Zopff), opera]]
* [[Hérodiade (Herodias / 1881 Massenet / Milliet, Grémont), opera & libretto]]
* [[Bar Kokhba (1883 Goldfaden), opera]]
* [[Hérode (1885 Chaumet), opera]]
==== 1900s ====
* [[Bet David (1904 Perlmutter / Horowitz), opera]]
* [[Salome (1905 Strauss / Lachmann), opera]]
* [[Salomé (1908 Mariotte / Wilde), opera]]
* [[Bérénice (1909 Magnard / Magnard), opera (music & libretto)]]
* [[Juda Makkabäus (1919 Sandow), opera]]
* [[Salomé, vierge folle (Salome, Mad Virgin / 1920 Raphaël), opera]]
* [[Giuda Maccabeo (Judas Maccabee / 1931 Quercetti / Recanatesi), opera (music & libretto)]]
* [[I tre fanciulli nella fornace ardente (The Three Children in the Fiery Furnace / 1940 Maffeis / Palestra), opera]]
==== 1950 ====
* [[My Glorious Brothers (1953 Vale / Fast), oratorio]]
* [[Hanukkah of the Maccabees (1955 Binder), oratorio]]
* [[The Burning Fiery Furnace (1966 Britten / Plomer), opera (music & libretto)]]
* [[Masada (1970 Greenberg), oratorio]]
* [[Metsadah 967 (Masada 967 / 1973 Tal / Eliraz), opera (music & libretto)]]
* [[Salome, Daughter of Herodias (1977 Sams / Janer), opera (music & libretto)]]
* [[Not by Might (1979 Sargon), oratorio]]
* [[Masada (1987 Levy), oratorio]]
* [[The Trumpets of Freedom (1997 Berlinski), oratorio]]
==== 2000 ====
* [[The Fall of Jerusalem (2003 Muldowney / Fenton), oratorio]]

Latest revision as of 20:42, 29 August 2021

Music & Second Temple Judaism (Home Page)
Music & Second Temple Judaism (Home Page)


Music is a category of fictional works, that includes operas, oratorios, etc. The page currently lists (in chronological order) more than 400 works of Music on Second Temple Judaism (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Origins), from the 16th century to the present.

Highlights (Music)
Highlights (Music)

Overview (Music)
Overview (Music)

Second Temple Judaism offered Music a number of interesting subjects. Unlike other media, only very few works of music feature Jesus of Nazareth directly. Most deal with events of biblical history (from the Babylonian Exile, Esther and Judith to the Maccabees, Salome and the Jewish War). When Christian events are reported, it happens through the eyes of historical or fictional characters other than Jesus (such as Mary of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene, Amahl, Judas Iscariot, Caiaphas, Pilate, etc.).

Timeline (Music)
Timeline (Music)

Music : 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1400s -- Home

Fiction : 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Home

General : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home

Works on Second Temple Judaism













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Pages in category "Music"

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