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Pages in category "Fiction--1910s"
The following 111 pages are in this category, out of 111 total.
- La samaritana (The Woman of Samaria / 1910), short film
- Salomé (1910 Amalou / @1908 Mariotte), Paris production (opera)
- Au temps des premiers chrétiens (In the Time of the First Christians / 1910 Calmettes), short film
- The Doomed City (1910 Carling), novel
- Dall'amore al martirio (From Love To Martyrdom / 1910 Cines), short film
- The Recall of Love (1910 Connor), novel
- Judas (1910 De Kay), play
- Salome (1910 Falena), short film
- Esther (The Marriage of Esther / 1910 Feuillade), short film
- Le Christ en croix (Christ on the Cross / 1910 Feuillade), short film
- Le festin de Balthazar (The Feast of Balthazar / 1910 Feuillade), short film
- Mater dolorosa (1910 Feuillade), short film
- The Dawn of Hope (1910 Gerard), novel
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1910 Jasset, Hatot), short film
- San Paolo, dramma biblico (The Life of St. Paul / 1910 Liguoro), short film
- Neither Do I (1910 Redford / Hudson), novel
- Judith (1910 Schütze), play
- Simon Peter, Shepherd (1910 Upham), novel
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1911 Amalou / @1881 Massenet), Paris production (opera)
- How They Came to Bethlehem (1911 Burrell), novel
- Jésus de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1911 Calmettes), short film
- Marja Magdalena (1911 Danilowski), novel
- Esther: A Biblical Episode (1911 Frenkel), short film
- Samson and Delilah (1911 Frenkel), short film
- Giuda (Judas / 1911 Frusta), short film
- I Maccabei (The Maccabees / 1911 Guazzoni), short film
- Die jüdische Witwe (The Jewish Widow / 1911 Kaiser), play
- Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet (1911 Kent), short film
- Titus und die Jüdin (1911 Kyser), play
- The Apostle (1911 Moore), play
- Bérénice (1911 Ruhlmann / @1909 Magnard), opera, Paris premiere (cast)
- Satana (Satan / 1912 Maggi), feature film
- The Holy City (1912 Arnaud), short film
- Kri Kri e il 'Quo vadis?' (Kri Kri and the 'Quo vadis?' / 1912 Cines), short film
- Androclès (Androcles and the Lion / 1912 Feuillade), short film
- Herod (1912 Frenkel), short film
- Judith (1912 Furlotti / Bettoli), oratorio
- The Illumination (1912 Gaskill), short film
- Erodiade (Herodias / 1912 Mentasti), short film
- The Diary of Judas Iscariot (1912 Page), novel
- Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (1912 Perosi), opera
- Daniel (1912 Reuchael / Brody), oratorio
- L'ebreo errante (The Wandering Jew / 1912 Roma Film), feature film
- Androcles and the Lion (1912 Shaw), play
- Androcles et le lion = Androcles and the Lion (1912 @1912 Shaw / Hamon, Hamon), play (French ed.)
- Esther (1913 Andréani), short film
- Lost Diaries: From the Diary of Emperor Titus (1913 Baring), novel
- The Three Wise Men (1913 Campbell), short film
- The Daughter of the Hills (1913 Dawley), short film
- Thus Saith the Lord (1913 Eclair), short film
- Judas (1913 Kemp), play
- The Shadow of Nazareth (1913 Maude), short film
- Le sette parole di N.S. Gesù Cristo sulla croce (1913 Perosi), oratorio
- Judasz z Kariothu (1913 Rostworowski), play
- Agnus Dei (1913 Ryelandt), oratorio
- Androklus und der Löwe = Androcles and the Lion (1913 @1912 Shaw / Trebitsch), play (German ed.)
- Jone; o, Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (The Last Days of Pompeii / 1913 Vidali), feature film
- Spartaco (Spartacus / 1913 Vidali), feature film
- Juda Makabé (Judas Maccabeus / 1914 Fishta), play
- The Last Supper (1914 Johnstone), short film
- Mary Magdalene (1914 Maude), short film
- La leggenda di Gesù = Kristuslegender (1914 @1904 Lagerlöf / Albertini), novel (Italian ed.)
- Samson (1914 MacDonald), feature film
- La Passion (The Life of Our Saviour; or, The Passion Play / 1914 Maître), feature film
- Joseph in the Land of Egypt (1914 Moore), feature film
- Onder het veldteeken der Makkabeërs (1914 Penning), novel
- Андрокл и лев = Androcles and the Lion (1914 @1912 Shaw / Vengerova, Lebedev), play (Russian ed.)
- Androcles and the Lion (1915 Barker / @1912 Shaw), New York (Broadway) production (play)
- Nerone (Nero / 1915 Boito), opera (music & libretto)
- Jesus (1915 Ehrmann), play
- Androcles y el león = Androcles and the Lion (1915 @1912 Shaw / Broutá), play (Spanish ed.)
- Jonathan (1916 Benrath), novel
- Il Golgota (Golgotha / 1916 Consalvi), feature film
- Esther (1916 Elvey), feature film
- La figlia d'Erodiade (The Daughter of Herodias / 1916 Falena), short film
- The Son of Man (1916 Herts), play
- The Brook Kerith (1916 Moore), novel
- L'ebreo errante (The Wandering Jew / 1916 Paradisi), feature film
- 星をめあてに = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1916 @1880 Wallace / Matsumoto), novel (Japanese ed.)
- The Romance of Rhoda (1917 Barton), novel
- Daniel in the Lion's Den (1917 Fisher / McCarthy), oratorio
- Mohammed (Muhammad / 1917 Klabund), novel
- The Chosen Prince; or, The Friendship of David and Jonathan (1917 Mong), feature film
- La sacra rappresentazione di Abramo e d'Isaac (1917 Pizzetti / Belcari, Castellino), oratorio
- Judasz (1917 Przerwa-Tetmajer), play
- Simon the Cyrenian (1917 Torrence), play
- Ο ανήφορος του Γολγοθά (The Uphill of Golgotha / 1917 Vratsanos), film
- Αριστόβουλος (1918 Cavafy), poetry
- The Maccabees (1918 Freed), play
- Restitution (1918 Gaye), feature film
- Krisztus és Barabbás (Jesus or Barabbas / 1918 Karinthy), novel
- The Poor Student (1918 Levinger), play
- Maria di Magdala (1918 Michetti), opera
- Maria di Magdala (Mary of Magdala / 1918 Molinari), feature film
- Giuda (1918 Pea), play
- By an Unknown Disciple (1918 Phillimore), novel
- Paulina (1918 Routhier), novel
- The Court of Belshazzar (1918 Williams), novel
- Judith (1919 Bennett), play
- Judas Iscariot (1919 Doroshevich), novel
- Bérénice, l'Hérodienne (1919 Du Bois), play
- Mary of Magdala (1919 Eisenhart), novel
- Das Buch Esther (The Book of Esther / 1919 Krafft, Reicher), feature film
- Salomé (1919 Ruhlmann / @1908 Mariotte), Paris production (opera)
- Juda Makkabäus (1919 Sandow), opera
Media in category "Fiction--1910s"
The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.
- 1912 Olcott (film).jpg 300 × 460; 49 KB
- 1913 Rodolfi & Caserini (film).jpg 200 × 273; 24 KB
- 1913 Guazzoni (film).jpg 330 × 475; 67 KB
- 1914 Griffith (film).jpg 312 × 445; 25 KB
- 1914 Thomson (film).jpg 300 × 441; 49 KB
- 1916 Antamoro (film).jpg 1,382 × 1,761; 278 KB
- 1916 Griffith (film).jpg 403 × 599; 80 KB
- 1918 Edwards (film).jpg 330 × 523; 93 KB
- 1919 Gallone (film).jpg 500 × 678; 127 KB