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Pages in category "Fiction--1920s"
The following 130 pages are in this category, out of 130 total.
- Four Hitherto Unpublished Gospels (1920 Barton), novel
- Giuditta e Oloferne (1920 Damerini), play
- Die Judastragödie (1920 Friedell), play
- La Samaritana (1920 Furlotti / Guazzi), opera
- La Sacra Bibbia (After Six Days / 1920 Garlazzo, Vey), feature film
- Giuditta e Oloferne (Judith and Holophernes / 1920 Molinari), feature film
- Salomé, vierge folle (Salome, Mad Virgin / 1920 Raphaël), opera
- Judas Iskariot (1920 Schwarzkopf), novel
- The Autobiography of Judas Iscariot (1920 Sheppard), novel
- The Wandering Jew (1920 Thurston), play
- Mose (1920 Weissmann), novel
- Messias: drei Dichtungen (1920 Wiener), poetry
- St Mark Passion (1920 Wood), cantata
- The Coming of the King (1921 Babcock), novel
- Der Galiläer (The Galilean / 1921 Buchowetzki), feature film
- Revelation (1921 Deamer), novel
- 創作新約 (Creative New Testament / 1921 Ebara), novel
- The Queen of Sheba (1921 Edwards), feature film
- Le roi David (King David / 1921 Honegger / Morax), oratorio
- Princess Salome (1921 Jenkins, Hoskins), novel
- Theodor Herzl, der Bannerträger des jüdischen Volkes (The Wandering Jew: The Life of Theodore Herzl / 1921 Kreisler), feature film
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1921 Gaubert / @1881 Massenet), Paris production (opera)
- The Twice Born Woman (1921 Strauss), short film
- Der ewige Jude (1921 Vermeylen / Kippenberg / Masereel), novel & art (German ed.)
- Yerusholaim un Roym: historisher roman oys der tsayt fon bais-sheni = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1921 @1880 Wallace / Rejzen), novel (Yiddish ed.)
- Judith (1922 Bernstein), play
- Salome (1922 Bryant), feature film
- Samson and Delilah (1922 Collins), film
- Sodom und Gomorrha (1922 Curtiz), film
- The Street of the Gazelle (1922 Deamer), novel
- Nero (1922 Edwards), feature film
- Samson und Delila (1922 Korda), film
- Judith (1922 Le Borne), music
- Berenice (1922 Masefield), play
- Dèbora e Jaéle (1922 Pizzetti), opera
- Christus Rex (1922 Ryelandt), oratorio
- Onesimus (1922 Tupper), play
- Une repentie (1922 Vioux), novel
- Salome, English ed. (1922 @1893 Wilde / Eric), Broadway production (play)
- The Dream of the Magi (1923 Cunninghame Graham), novel
- Friends of Jesus (1923 Deseo), play
- The Shepherd King (1923 Edwards), film
- The Wandering Jew (1923 Elvey), feature film
- Paul, son of Kish (1923 Henry), novel
- Júdith (1923 Hofmeister), novel
- Judas (1923 Moore), poetry
- La passione di Cristo (1923 Pea), play
- Giuda (1923 Ratti), play
- Simon of Cyrene (1923 Shastid), novel
- Salome (1923 Strauss), film
- Judas Iscariot (1923 Thurston), play
- Salome, English ed. (1923 @1893 Wilde), Broadway production (play)
- Rex amoris--The King of Love (1923 Wind), novel
- Theatre Music to Roche's Belshazzar (1924 Achron), music
- Salome (1924 Coates, Ljungberg / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- La passione di Cristo (1924 Colantuoni), play
- Pilate’s Wife (1924 Doolittle), novel
- La femme de Judas (1924 Malaurie), novel
- Kristuksen historia = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1924 @1921 Papini / Hedman), non-fiction (Finnish ed.)
- Maria di Magdala (1924 Pedrollo), opera
- David (1924 Southwell), feature film
- Belsazar, das Ende Babylons (1924 Welten), novel
- Nebukadnezar, der König der Könige (1924 Welten), novel
- Men Who Met Jesus (1924 Williams), novel
- Judas Iscariot (1925 Cullen), poetry
- Judith (1925 Honegger / Morax), opera
- The Man Nobody Knows (1925 Kenepp), film
- The Trial of Jesus (1925 Masefield), play
- Androcles and the Lion (1925 Moeller / @1912 Shaw), New York (Broadway) production (play)
- Jonah (1925 Nathan), novel
- Krisztus története = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1925 @1921 Papini / Fülep), non-fiction (Hungarian ed.)
- Through Human Eyes (1925 Williams), novel
- The Master and His friends (1925 Wilson), novel
- Titus and Berenice (1926 Boyle), play
- Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (The Last Days of Pompeii / 1926 Gallone), feature film
- Le berceau de dieu (The Cradle of God / 1926 Granville), feature film
- Judas; or, The Betrayal (1926, Pepler), play
- In the Palace of Amuhia (1926 Pickard), novel
- Bible Dramas in the Pulpit (1926 Stackhouse), play
- The Tragedy of Judas Iscariot (1926 Tavani), play
- Vecný zid (1926 Vermeylen / Fischer / Konupek), novel & art (Czech ed.)
- Les Judas de Jésus (1927 Barbusse), novel
- John (1927 Barry), play
- Metzadah (1927 Lamdan), poetry
- Paolo di Tarso (1927 Manacorda), play
- Samson and Delilah (1927 Parkinson), film
- Paul the Jew (1927 Phillimore), novel
- Ol' Man Adam an' His Chillun (1928 Bradford), novel
- Ponce-Pilate (Pontius Pilate / 1928 Bretagne & Mercier), opera
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1928 Cloëz / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
- Jesus of Nazareth (1928 Conover), feature film
- A Gift from the East (1928 Correll), novel
- The Promise Everlasting (1928 Correll), novel
- Noah's Ark (1928 Curtiz), film
- Giant Killer (1928 Davis), novel
- Barabbas (1928 Ghelderode), play
- (++) Jesus, the Son of Man (1928 Gibran), poetry
- Belshazzar (1928 Haggard), novel
- The Coming of Christ (1928 Holst), theatre music
- The Rich Young Man (1928 Knox), novel
- (+) The Escaped Cock (1928 Lawrence), novel
- The Coming of Christ (1928 Masefield), play
- Die Doper; of, Die Herodes-Treurspel (The Baptist; or, The Herod-Tragedy / 1928 Müller), play (Afrikaans)
- En idealist (1928 Munk), play
- Androclo e il leone = Androcles and the Lion (1928 @1912 Shaw / Agresti), play (Italian ed.)
- Jesus Barabbas (1928 Söderberg), novel
- The Wife of Pontius Pilate (1928 Turnbull), novel
- Moses (1928 Untermeyer), novel
- My First Two Thousand Years (1928 Viereck/Eldridge), novel
- Paul among the Jews = Paulus unter den Juden (1928 Werfel / Levertoff), play (English ed.)
- The Gospel According to Judas Iscariot (1929 Bates), novel
- Yehudah ish-Kerayot (1929 Bistritzky), play
- The Flaming Hand (1929 Correll), novel
- The Black Christ (1929 Cullen), poetry
- The Five Books of Mr. Moses (1929 Goller), novel
- Judith (1929 Goossens / @1919 Bennett), opera (music & libretto)
- Queen Mariamne and King Herod (1929 Kranzthor), play
- Spartacus (1929 Kranzthor), play
- Juda de Kérioth (1929 Maeterlinck), play
- Barter (1929 Nagle), play
- Giuditta e Oloferne (Judith and Holophernes / 1929 Negroni), feature film
- حياة المسيح = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1929 @1921 Papini), non-fiction (Arabic ed.)
- Iscariot: The Story of Judas (1929 Roth), novel
- Slings and Sandals (1929 Whitehead), novel
Media in category "Fiction--1920s"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
- 1920 Dreyer (film) 2.jpg 192 × 256; 12 KB
- 1921 * Papini (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 1921 Bennet (film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1923 DeMille (film).jpg 244 × 399; 69 KB
- 1923 Wiene (film).jpg 300 × 426; 25 KB
- 1924 D'Annunzio & Jacoby (film).jpg 230 × 345; 46 KB
- 1925 Dwan (film).jpg 183 × 275; 9 KB
- 1925 * Niblo (film).jpg 406 × 599; 81 KB
- 1926 * Byrne (novel).jpg 297 × 474; 16 KB
- 1926 Luitz-Morat (film).jpg 148 × 216; 13 KB
- 1926 * Werfel (play).jpg 377 × 499; 22 KB
- 1927 DeMille (film).jpg 348 × 490; 76 KB
- 1927 Duvivier (film).jpg 235 × 300; 28 KB
- 1928 Curtiz (film).jpg 440 × 688; 134 KB