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* [[:Category:Scholarship|BACK to the SCHOLARSHIP--INDEX]]
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'''Qumran Studies / Research in the Dead Sea Scrolls''' is a field of research in [[Second Temple Judaism]], that specializes in the study of the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]].  
'''Qumran Studies / Research in the Dead Sea Scrolls''' is a field of research in [[Second Temple Judaism]], that specializes in the study of the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]].  

< Major Categories: [[Dead Sea Scrolls]] -- [[Qumran]] -- [[Essenes]] -- [[Teacher of Righteousness]] -- [[Qumran & Christian Origins]] >
* '''[[Topics]]''' : [[Dead Sea Scrolls Editions]] -- [[Dead Sea Scrolls Translations]] -- [[Dead Sea Scrolls Studies]] -- [[Qumran]] -- [[Qumran & Bible]] -- [[Qumran & Christian Origins]] -- [[Qumran & Enoch]] -- [[Qumran & Jesus]] -- [[Qumran & New Testament]] -- [[Qumran & Paul]] -- [[Qumran & John]] -- [[Qumran Archaeology]] -- [[Qumran Community]]

< [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1950s|Top 1950s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1960s|Top 1960s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1970s|Top 1970s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1980s|Top 1980s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1990s|Top 1990s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 2000s|Top 2000s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 2010s|Top 2010s]] >
* '''[[Texts]]''' : [[Genesis Apocryphon]] -- [[Hodayot]] -- [[War Scroll]] -- [[Rule of the Community]] -- [[Copper Scroll]] -- [[Damascus Document]] -- [[Melchizedek Scroll]] -- [[Temple Scroll]] -- [[4QInstruction]] -- [[Habakkuk Commentary]] -- [[Halakhic Letter]] (4QMMT) -- [[Rule of the Congregation]] -- [[Isaiah Scroll]] -- [[New Jerusalem Scroll]] -- [[Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice]] -- [[Thanksgiving Hymns]] (Hodayot)

< Qumran Studies in: [[Qumran Studies in Argentina|Argentina]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Brazil|Brazil]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Bulgaria|Bulgaria]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Canada|Canada]] -- [[Qumran Studies in China|China]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Croatia|Croatia]] -- [[Qumran Studies in the Czech Republic|Czech Republic]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Denmark|Denmark]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Finland|Finland]] -- [[Qumran Studies in France|France]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Germany|Germany]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Greece|Greece]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Hungary|Hungary]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Israel|Israel]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Italy|Italy]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Japan|Japan]] -- [[Qumran Studies in the Netherlands|Netherlands]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Norway|Norway]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Poland|Poland]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Romania|Romania]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Russia|Russia]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Serbia|Serbia]] -- [[Qumran Studies in South Korea|South Korea]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Spain|Spain]] -- [[Qumran Studies in Sweden|Sweden]] -- [[Qumran Studies in the United Kingdom|United Kingdom]] -- [[Qumran Studies in the United States|United States]] >
* '''[[People]]''' : [[Essenes]] -- [[Teacher of Righteousness]]  

* See also [[Qumran Scholars]]
* '''[[Timeline]]''' : [[:Category:Qumran Studies--2010s|2010s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 2010s|Top]])-- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--2000s|2000s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 2000s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1990s|1990s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1990s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1980s|1980s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1980s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1970s|1970s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1970s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1960s|1960s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1960s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1950s|1950s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1950s|Top]]) -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1940s|1940s]] ([[:Category:Qumran Studies--Top 1940s|Top]])

* '''[[Languages]]''' : [[:Category:Qumran Studies--English|English]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--French|French]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--German|German]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Italian|Italian]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Spanish|Spanish]] -//- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Arabic‏‎|Arabic]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Bulgarian‏‎|Bulgarian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Chinese‏‎|Chinese‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Croatian‏‎|Croatian‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Czech‏‎|Czech]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Danish‏‎|Danish]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Dutch‏‎|Dutch]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Finnish‏‎|Finnish]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Greek‏‎|Greek]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Hebrew‏‎|Hebrew‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Hungarian|Hungarian‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Japanese|Japanese‏‎]]‏ -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Korean‏‎|Korean]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Latin‏‎|Latin]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Norwegian‏‎|Norwegian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Polish‏‎|Polish]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Portuguese‏‎|Portuguese]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Romanian‏‎|Romanian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Russian‏‎|Russian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Serbian‏‎|Serbian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Swedish‏‎|Swedish]]

==External links==
* '''[[Scholarship]]''' : [[Eleazar Sukenik]] -- [[Edmund Wilson]] -- [[André Dupont-Sommer]] -- [[Gerald Lankester Harding]] -- [[Roland de Vaux]] -- [[Jean Daniélou]] -- [[John C. Trever]] -- [[Yigael Yadin]] -- [[Frank Moore Cross]] -- [[Józef T. Milik]] -- [[John Marco Allegro]] -- [[Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz]] -- [[Géza Vermès]] -- [[Norman Golb]] -- [[John Strugnell]] -- [[Robert H. Eisenman]] -- [[Eugene C. Ulrich]] -- [[Devorah Dimant]] -- [[Emile Puech]] -- [[Emanuel Tov]] -- [[Florentino García Martínez]] -- [[Philip R. Davies]] -- [[John J. Collins]] -- [[Eileen M. Schuller]] -- [[James C. VanderKam]] -- [[Lawrence H. Schiffman]] -- [[Ida Fröhlich]] -- [[Peter W. Flint]] -- [[Esther G. Chazon]] --[[Jodi Magness]] -- [[Hanan Eshel]] -- [[Katell Berthelot]] -- [[George J. Brooke]] -- [[Charlotte Hempel]]
* '''[[Fiction]]''' : [[Qumran Fiction]] -- [[Jesus at Qumran]] -//- [[Eliette Abécassis]]
* '''[[Research Tools]]''' : [[International Organization for Qumran Studies]] -- [[Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls]] -- [[Séminaire Qumrân de Paris]] -/- [[Dead Sea Discoveries]] -- [[Revue de Qumrân]] -- [[Discoveries in the Judaean Desert]] -/- [[Shrine of the Book]]
* '''[[Cognate Fields]]''' : [[OT Pseudepigrapha Studies]] -- [[Second Temple Studies]]
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|title= [[Timeline]]
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'''[[Qumran Studies]]''' : [[:Category:Qumran Studies--2020s|2020s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--2010s|2010s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--2000s|2000s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1990s|1990s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1980s|1980s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1970s|1970s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1960s|1960s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1950s|1950s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--1940s|1940s]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies|Home]]
'''[[Timeline|General]]''' : [[2020s]] -- [[2010s]] -- [[2000s]] -- [[1990s]] -- [[1980s]] -- [[1970s]] -- [[1960s]] -- [[1950s]] -- [[1940s]] -- [[1930s]] -- [[1920s]] -- [[1910s]] -- [[1900s]] -- [[1850s]] -- [[1800s]] -- [[1700s]] -- [[1600s]] -- [[1500s]] -- [[1450s]] -- [[Medieval]] -- [[Timeline|Home]]
|title= [[Languages|Research Languages]]
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''[[Qumran Studies]]'' : [[:Category:Qumran Studies--English|English]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--French|French]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--German|German]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Italian|Italian]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Spanish|Spanish]] -//- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Arabic‏‎|Arabic]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Bulgarian‏‎|Bulgarian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Chinese‏‎|Chinese‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Croatian‏‎|Croatian‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Czech‏‎|Czech]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Danish‏‎|Danish]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Dutch‏‎|Dutch]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Finnish‏‎|Finnish]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Greek‏‎|Greek]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Hebrew‏‎|Hebrew‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Hungarian|Hungarian‏‎]] -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Japanese|Japanese‏‎]]‏ -- ‎[[:Category:Qumran Studies--Korean‏‎|Korean]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Latin‏‎|Latin]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Norwegian‏‎|Norwegian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Polish‏‎|Polish]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Portuguese‏‎|Portuguese]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Romanian‏‎|Romanian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Russian‏‎|Russian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Serbian‏‎|Serbian]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Swedish‏‎|Swedish]]
== Overview==
[[File:Eliezer Sukenik.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Eleazar Sukenik]]]]
*See [[Qumran Studies (1940s)]]
The initial discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls from Cave 1 took place between November 1946 and February 1947 by some bedouins. Realizing the antiquity of the scrolls and the importance of the discovery, [[John C. Trever]] on 21 February 1948 photographed, both on black-and-white and standard color film, three of the scrolls. On 11 April 1948, [[Millar Burrows]] announced to the scholarly community the discovery of the scrolls in a general press release; the announcement was followed on April 26 by an analogous press release by [[Eleazar Sukenik]]. A preliminary excavation of the Cave was conducted from 15 February to 5 March 1949 by the Jordanian Department of Antiquities in collaboration with the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique, under the direction of [[Gerald Lankester Harding]] and [[Roland de Vaux]]. The first scholarly reports were published in 1948-49 by [[Eleazar Sukenik]] and [[Gerald Lankester Harding]].
* See [[Qumran Studies (1950s)]]
In 1950 [[Millar Burrows]], with the assistance of [[John C. Trever]] and [[William H. Brownlee]], published "The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery", a first collection of scrolls, without revealing the exact origin and provenience of the manuscripts. Eventually the scrolls from Cave 1 were purchased by the Israeli government. In the meantime, in November 1951, [[Roland de Vaux]] and his team from the ASOR had begun a full excavation of Qumran and the surrounding area. New caves were found and excavated.
The Palestine Archaeological Museum (now commonly known as the Rockefeller Museum) in East Jerusalem became the center for the study of the manuscripts. A team of international scholars, including [[Józef T. Milik]], [[Frank Cross]], [[Patrick Skehan]], [[John Strugnell]], [[Dominique Barthelemy]], [[Jean Starcky]], [[Clause-Hunno Hunzinger]], and [[John Marco Allegro]], began the study of the fragments.
On May 25-27, 1955 the first international conference of Qumran Studies was held in Strasbourg, France. The first collections of Dead Sea Scrolls translated into modern languages appeared in the 1950s, together with numerous introductions and reports, including that published by American journalist [[Edmund Wilson]], that greatly contributed to popularize the importance o fthe discovery even among non-specialists.
In 1957-58, Józef T. Milik and Frank Cross offered the first general assessments of ten years of research on the scrolls. The Essene connection was firmly established and the scholarly interest focused on the theological features of the Qumran community and the implications on Christian Origins. 
* See [[Qumran Studies (1960s)]]
* See [[Qumran Studies (1970s)]]
* See [[Qumran Studies (1980s)]]
* See [[Qumran Studies (1990s)]]
* See [[Qumran Studies (2000s)]]
* See [[Qumran Studies (2010s)]]

Latest revision as of 18:58, 19 December 2019

Qumran Studies (Home Page)
Qumran Studies (Home Page)

Qumran caves.jpg

Qumran Studies / Research in the Dead Sea Scrolls is a field of research in Second Temple Judaism, that specializes in the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Qumran Studies : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- Home

General : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home


Qumran Studies : English -- French -- ‎German -- Italian -- ‎Spanish -//- Arabic -- ‎Bulgarian -- Chinese‏‎ -- ‎Croatian‏‎ -- ‎Czech -- ‎Danish -- ‎Dutch -- ‎Finnish -- ‎Greek -- ‎Hebrew‏‎ -- ‎Hungarian‏‎ -- ‎Japanese‏‎‏ -- ‎Korean -- Latin -- Norwegian -- Polish -- Portuguese -- Romanian -- Russian -- Serbian -- Swedish


The initial discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls from Cave 1 took place between November 1946 and February 1947 by some bedouins. Realizing the antiquity of the scrolls and the importance of the discovery, John C. Trever on 21 February 1948 photographed, both on black-and-white and standard color film, three of the scrolls. On 11 April 1948, Millar Burrows announced to the scholarly community the discovery of the scrolls in a general press release; the announcement was followed on April 26 by an analogous press release by Eleazar Sukenik. A preliminary excavation of the Cave was conducted from 15 February to 5 March 1949 by the Jordanian Department of Antiquities in collaboration with the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique, under the direction of Gerald Lankester Harding and Roland de Vaux. The first scholarly reports were published in 1948-49 by Eleazar Sukenik and Gerald Lankester Harding.

In 1950 Millar Burrows, with the assistance of John C. Trever and William H. Brownlee, published "The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery", a first collection of scrolls, without revealing the exact origin and provenience of the manuscripts. Eventually the scrolls from Cave 1 were purchased by the Israeli government. In the meantime, in November 1951, Roland de Vaux and his team from the ASOR had begun a full excavation of Qumran and the surrounding area. New caves were found and excavated.

The Palestine Archaeological Museum (now commonly known as the Rockefeller Museum) in East Jerusalem became the center for the study of the manuscripts. A team of international scholars, including Józef T. Milik, Frank Cross, Patrick Skehan, John Strugnell, Dominique Barthelemy, Jean Starcky, Clause-Hunno Hunzinger, and John Marco Allegro, began the study of the fragments.

On May 25-27, 1955 the first international conference of Qumran Studies was held in Strasbourg, France. The first collections of Dead Sea Scrolls translated into modern languages appeared in the 1950s, together with numerous introductions and reports, including that published by American journalist Edmund Wilson, that greatly contributed to popularize the importance o fthe discovery even among non-specialists.

In 1957-58, Józef T. Milik and Frank Cross offered the first general assessments of ten years of research on the scrolls. The Essene connection was firmly established and the scholarly interest focused on the theological features of the Qumran community and the implications on Christian Origins.

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