Category:Essenes (subject)
The Essenes were one of the religious parties of Second Temple Judaism.
- See also Qumran & Christian Origins
During the late Second Temple period, the Essenes became with the Pharisees the most popular opposition party against the leadership of the ruling party of the Sadducees. The Essenes seems to have represented the interests of "lower-class" Jews, who felt oppressed in this "evil" world.
Religiously, the Essenes were a reform movement. Contrary to the Sadducees and stronger than the Pharisees, they stressed the power of evil, which they saw as a result of superhuman causes--a disease that affects the capability of human beings to be good and do good. They believed that the Devil had become the ruler of this world and expected the restoration of the Kingdom of God at the end of time and the coming of an heavenly Messiah--an eschatological judge (the Son of Man), or an eschatological high priest (Melchizedek). They considered normative not only the five books of Moses and the Prophets, but also had "writings of their own", to which they attributed the same authority.
The Essenes denied any authority to the leaders of the Temple and the priesthood, which they considered irremediably corrupted. As a competing reform movement, they also criticized the theological positions of the Pharisees. Especially under the Hasmoneans the Essenes were subjected to persecution, but their strength proved to be greater of any attempt to suppress them.
The Essenes lived as separated groups within the people of Israel, forming strict communities which shared their goods and gathering for their own rituals (communal meals). Ancient sources and the Dead Sea Scrolls show that the Essenes were a very diverse movement. The Yahad, centered at Qumran, seemed to have been the most radical group, living a celibate life in the wilderness with little contacts with the rest of the population, waiting for the final battle in which the Children of Light would prevail against the Children of Darkness. The majority of Essenes however lived in urban communities, in villages and towns, including Jerusalem, practicing a less radical life.
The teachings of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth, as recorded in the Gospels, present some striking similarities with the theology of the Essenes. The life of Early Christians was strongly influenced by the model of the Essene urban communities.
The Essenes apparently shared a role of leadership at the beginning of the Jewish War, when Ananus ben Ananus succeeded in creating a government of national unity with the Sadducees, the Pharisees and the Essenes. It is not clear what happened to the Essenes during and after the Jewish War, especially which role was played by the larger Essene community of Jerusalem. Their military leader John the Essene died in battle at an early stage in the War and Qumran was distroyed by the advancing Roman troops. With the destruction of the Temple, the Essenes vanished from history, even though many elements of their theology survived in Christianity.
The Essenes and Women
- See Women (subject)
The Essenes in ancient sources
Our knowledge about the Essenes depends mainly on the writings of Flavius Josephus, Philo of Alexandria, and Pliny the Elder. Accepting, with the majority of scholarship today, the existence of some kind of connection between the Essenes and the group that lived in the site of Khirbet Qumran and between the latter and the Dead Sea Scrolls, these texts too can be accounted among the primary source available on the Essene movement.
Philo, Quod Omnis Probus liber sit, 75-91
Philo, Hypothetica, in Paeparatio Evangelica 8,11
Josephus, Jewish War, 2,119-161
Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, 18,18-22
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 5,15[73] (5,29)
The Essenes, in literature & the arts
The fictionalization of the Essenes started with two semi-scholarly works by Bahrdt (1784-1792) and Venturini (1800-02). They claimed that Jesus was a member of the Essenes and that the Essenes "directed" his preaching and even helped him survive the crucifixion. What was initially a scholarly hypothesis became the content of newly discovered "secret text", a modern apocryphon, in an anonymous publication in 1849 and a visionary Gospel in 1898-1901. The Essenes became a familiar presence in Second Temple Fiction where they were also connected to other characters, like Paul of Tarsus (Moore 1916) or Spartacus (Koestler 1939).
With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the identification of Qumran as an Essene community, the emphasis shifted on the "initiation" of Jesus and John the Baptist at Qumran and their relationship with the sect.
The Essenes, history of research
- Essenes (research) -- survey of scholarly works
Related categories
- Sadducees / Pharisees / Christians / Zealots / Tannaim
- Essenes / B. Capper / In: T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism (2020 Stuckenbruck, Gurtner), edited volumes
- Essenes / Jörg Frey / In: The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism (2010 Collins / Harlow), edited volume, 599-602
External links
Pages in category "Essenes (subject)"
The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.
- Trihæresium, seu de celeberrimis tribus, apud Judaeos, Pharisaeorum, Sadducaeorum, et Esseniorum sectis (1604 Serarius), book
- Dissertatio historico-philologica de Essenes (1669 Roht), book
- Dissertatio philologica de Essenis (1680 Willemer), book
- Disquisitio ex historia ecclesiastica et philosophica (1720 Colberg), book
- De Essaeis et Therapeutis (1755 Bielke), book
- Ausfuhrung des Plans und Zwecks Jesu (1784-1792 Bahrdt), book
- Natürliche Geschichte des grossen Propheten von Nazareth (Natural History of the Great Prophet of Nazareth / 1800-02 Venturini), book
- Geschichtliche Nachrichten aus dem Alterthume über Essäer und Therapeuten (1821 Bellermann), book
- De essenis et therapeutis disquisitio (1829 Sauer), book
- Wichtige, historische Enthüllungen über die wirkliche Todesart Jesu (1849 Venturini), arch-fi book
- Historical and Critical Essays (1853 De Quincey), book
- Der jüdische Apokalyptic in ihre geschichtlichen Entwicklung (1857 Hilgenfeld), book
- Hanani l’essénien (1865 Guénot), novel
- De Essenorum moribus et institutis (1867 Clemens), book
- Het Essenisme (1868 Tideman), book
- De Apocalypse van Henoch en het Essenisme (1875 Tideman), essay
- The Angel-Messiah of Buddhists, Essenes, and Christians (1880 Bunsen), book
- Der Essenismus in seinem Verhaeltniss zum Judenthum (1881 Lucius), book
- The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (1898-1901 Ouseley), vision
- The Brook Kerith (1916 Moore), novel
- Essæismen et bidrag senjødedommens religionshistorie (1916 Mosbech), book
- The Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus, by an Eyewitness (1919 Venturini / Austin), arch-fi book (American ed.)
- (+) The Gladiators (1939 Koestler / Simon), novel
- L'eschatologie des Esséniens et le livre d'Hénoch (1958 Grelot), essay
- The Novice of Qumran (1959 Brogan), novel
- Οι Εσσηνοί (The Essenes / 1959 Feidas), book
- Hebräer, Essener, Christen (1959 Kosmala), book
- Les esséniens (The Essenes / 1959 Sérouya), book
- I figli della luce (1971 Penna), book
- Comunione e condivisione dei beni (1977 Del Verme), book
- Qumran! (1982 Brogan), novel
- Masada (1983 Brogan), novel
- Naomi (1983 Brogan), novel
- (+) Megilot Midbar Yehudah veha-Isiyim (The Spiritual History of the Dead Sea Sect / 1985 Flusser), book
- Gli esseni secondo la loro testimonianza diretta (1988 Laperrousaz / Tosatti), book (Italian ed.)
- The Essenes According to the Classical Sources (1989 Vermès), book
- The Man of Masada (1990 Brogan), novel
- Les essèniens de Qumrân: des èsotèristes? (1990 Duhaime), book
- Farisei, sadducei, esseni = Pharisäer, Sadduzäer, Essener (Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus / 1993 @1991 Stemberger / Pontoglio), book (Italian ed.)
- Los esenios y los rollos del mar Muerto (1993 Vidal Manzanares), book
- (+) The Judas Testament (1994 Easterman), novel
- Das essenische Abenteuer (1994 Flusser), book (German ed.)
- Dødehavsteksterne, essæeerne og det Nye Testamente (1994 Müller), book
- Los esenios de Qumrán (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Los esenios, Qumrán, Juan Bautista y Jesús (1996 Stegemann / Godoy), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gli esseni di Qumran (1997 Duhaime), book (Italian ed.)
- Yom be-Kumran: ha-hayim be-kat Midbar Yehudah (1997 Roitman), book
- La setta di Qumran: alla scoperta degli Esseni (1998 Flusser / De Francesco), book (Italian ed.)
- The Library of Qumran, on the Essenes, Qumran, John the Baptist, and Jesus (1998 Stegemann), book (English ed.)
- Esejské dobrodruzství = The Essene Adventure (1999 Flusser / Sláma), book (Czech ed.)
- Filósofos griegos, videntes judíos (2000 Gómez de Liaño), book
- Sectarios de Qumrán: Vida cotidiana de los esenios (2000 Roitman), book (Spanish ed.)
- Return to Masada (2001 Makin), novel
- Oltre l'ipotesi essenica = Beyond the Essene Hypothesis (2003 Boccaccini / Bardi), book (Italian ed.)
- The Essenes: Children of the Light (2005 Wilson, Prentis), vision
- Enochians, Urban Essenes, Qumranites: Three Social Groups, One Intellectual Movement (2007 Boccaccini), essay
- Masada (2007 Siliato), novel
- Além da Hipótese Essênia = Beyond the Essene Hypothesis (2010 @1998 Boccaccini / Soares), book (Portuguese ed.)
- L'Écrit de Damas: le manifeste essénien (2011 Hamidovič), book
- Qumran: le rovine della luna (2011 Paganini), book
Media in category "Essenes (subject)"
The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total.
- 1865 Benamozegh.jpg 184 × 274; 11 KB
- 1982 Laperrousaz.jpg 335 × 499; 20 KB
- 1987 Davies.jpg 333 × 499; 15 KB
- 1988 Beall.jpg 287 × 499; 18 KB
- 1989 Flusser.jpg 306 × 474; 25 KB
- 1991 * Stemberger.jpg 1,125 × 1,500; 123 KB
- 1993 Bergmeier.jpg 324 × 500; 22 KB
- 1993 Garcia Martinez.jpg 316 × 499; 18 KB
- 1993 Puech.jpg 307 × 475; 23 KB
- 1995 * Stemberger.jpg 307 × 475; 32 KB
- 1998 * Boccaccini.jpg 336 × 499; 49 KB
- 2003 Gusella.jpg 202 × 307; 6 KB
- 2005-E * Boccaccini.jpg 333 × 499; 39 KB
- 2006b Newman.jpg 320 × 499; 20 KB
- 2007-E * Boccaccini Collins.jpg 333 × 499; 13 KB
- 2008 Paul.jpg 316 × 500; 36 KB
- 2009-E * Boccaccini Ibba.jpg 333 × 499; 39 KB
- 2010 * Collins.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 2012 Taylor.jpg 703 × 1,024; 147 KB
- 2013 Bergmeier.jpg 732 × 1,200; 40 KB
- 2018 Stone.jpg 331 × 499; 35 KB