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*[[El Jesús de Galilea: aportaciones desde la arqueología (2006 Reed), book (Spanish ed.)]] | *[[El Jesús de Galilea: aportaciones desde la arqueología (2006 Reed), book (Spanish ed.)]] | ||
*[[Esplendor en la diáspora: La historia de José (Gn 37-50) y sus relecturas en la literatura bíblica y parabíblica (2006 Guevara Llaguno), book]] | *[[Esplendor en la diáspora: La historia de José (Gn 37-50) y sus relecturas en la literatura bíblica y parabíblica (2006 Guevara Llaguno), book]] | ||
*[[Jesús el Nazareno y los primeros cristianos | *[[Jesús el Nazareno y los primeros cristianos (2006 García Bazán), book]] | ||
*[[La | *[[La "Regla de la Comunidad" de Qumrán (2006 Vázquez Allegue), book]] | ||
*[[El movimiento de Jesús: Historia social de una revolución de los valores (2005 Theissen), book (Spanish ed.)]] | *[[El movimiento de Jesús: Historia social de una revolución de los valores (2005 Theissen), book (Spanish ed.)]] | ||
*[[Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine (2005 Bloom), book]] | *[[Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine (2005 Bloom), book]] |
Revision as of 10:49, 7 December 2009
Scholarship and Fiction on Second Temple Judaism have developed since the XVI century. Below is a list of some of the most influential works.
Scholarship and Fiction (2000s)
- De los hijos de Herodes a la segunda guerra judía (2009 Tassin), book (Spanish ed.)
- Filón de Alejandría: Obras completas (2009- Martín), edited volume
- Jesús, un galileo judío: Una nueva lectura de la historia de Jesús (2009 Freyne), book (Spanish ed.)
- Año I: Israel y su mundo cuando nació Jesús (2008 Piñero Sáenz), book
- ¿Existió Jesús realmente?: el Jesús de la historia a debate (2008 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Jesús: Aproximación histórica (2008 Pagola), book
- La Biblia griega: Septuaginta: I. Pentateuco (2008 Fernández Marcos/Spottorno), book
- Señor Jesucristo: la devoción a Jesús en el cristianismo primitivo (2008 Hurtado), book (Spanish ed.)
- De los macabeos a Herodes el Grande (2007 Tassin), book (Spanish ed.)
- La Biblia antes de la Biblia: La gran revelación de los manuscritos del mar Muerto (2007 Paul), book (Spanish ed.)
- Las Tumbas de Jesús (2007 García Bazán), book
- Los Apocalipsis: 45 textos apocalípticos apócrifos judíos, cristianos y gnósticos (2007 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Los orígenes históricos del cristianismo (2007 García Pérez), book
- Partidos político-religiosos que conformaron el Antiguo Testamento (2007 Smith), book (Spanish ed.)
- Redescubrir a Jesús de Nazaret: lo que la investigación sobre el Jesús histórico ha olvidado (2007 Dunn), book (Spanish ed.)
- Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations (2007 Goodman), book
- El Jesús de Galilea: aportaciones desde la arqueología (2006 Reed), book (Spanish ed.)
- Esplendor en la diáspora: La historia de José (Gn 37-50) y sus relecturas en la literatura bíblica y parabíblica (2006 Guevara Llaguno), book
- Jesús el Nazareno y los primeros cristianos (2006 García Bazán), book
- La "Regla de la Comunidad" de Qumrán (2006 Vázquez Allegue), book
- El movimiento de Jesús: Historia social de una revolución de los valores (2005 Theissen), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesus and Yahweh: The Names Divine (2005 Bloom), book
- Enoch and Qumran Origins (2005 Boccaccini), edited volume
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto (2005 Shanks), edited volume (Spanish ed.)
- A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period (2004- Grabbe), book
- El Jesús histórico: un recorrido por la investigación moderna (2004 Vargas-Machuca), book
- El Mesías antes de Jesús: El Siervo Sufriente en los manuscritos del Mar Muerto (2004 Knohl), book (Spanish ed.)
- From Joshua to Caiaphas (2004 VanderKam), book
- Historia del judaísmo en la época del Segundo Templo (2004 Sacchi), book (Spanish ed.)
- Para comprender los manuscritos de Qumrán (2004 Vázquez Allegue), edited volume
- Targum de Ezequiel: introducción, traducción crítica y notas (2004 Ribera Florit), book
- Traducciones arameas de la Biblia: los Targumim del Pentateuco: I. Génesis (2004 Martínez Sáiz), book
- Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas (2003 Pagels), book
- El misterio del rollo de cobre de Qumrán (2002 Jiménez Bedman), book
- Roots of Rabbinic Judaism (2002 Boccaccini), book
- 1 Enoch: A Commentary (2001 Nickelsburg), book
- El Nuevo Testamento en su entorno histórico (2001 Stambaugh), book (Spanish ed.)
- El Nuevo Testamento en su entorno literario (2001 Aune), book (Spanish ed.)
- Historia social del cristianismo primitivo: Los inicios en el judaísmo y las comunidades cristianas (2001 Stegemann/Stegemann), book (Spanish ed.)
- La figura histórica de Jesús (2001 Sanders), book (Spanish ed.)
- La religión judía: Historia y Teología (2001 Rodríguez Carmona), book
- El Jesús de la historia: vida de un campesino mediterráneo judío (2000 Crossan), book (Spanish ed.)
- Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (2000 Schiffman/VanderKam), edited volume
- Filósofos griegos, videntes judíos (2000 Gómez de Liaño), book
- Flavius Josephus, translation and commentary (2000- Mason), edited volume
- Hijos de la Luz y los hijos de las Tinieblas: El prólogo de la Regla de la Comunidad de Qumrán (2000 Vázquez Allegue), book
- Reinventing Paul (2000 Gager), book
- John's Story (2006 LaHaye/Jenkins), novel
- The Handmaid and the Carpenter (2006 Berg), novel
- Color of the Cross (2006 LaMarre), film
- Christ the Lord. Vol. 1: Out of Egypt (2005 Rice), novel
- The Passion of the Christ (2004 Gibson), film
- The Da Vinci Code (2003 Brown), novel
- Paul (2000 Wangerin), novel
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (2000s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (2000s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (2000s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (2000s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1990s)
- El Jesús histórico: manual (1999 Theissen/Merz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Flavio Josefo: La guerra de los judíos: Libros IV-VII (1999 Nieto Ibáñez), book
- Paganos, judíos y cristianos en los textos de Qumrán (1999 Trebolle Barrera), edited volume
- Un judío marginal: Nueva visión del Jesús histórico (1998-2009 Meier), book (Spanish ed.)
- Beyond the Essene Hypothesis (1998 Boccaccini), book
- Interpretations of the Flood (1998 García Martínez/Luttikhuizen), edited volume
- Liber Ezrae Quartus (1998 Nápole), book
- Perspectives on the Study of the Old Testament and Early Judaism: A Symposium in Honour of Adam S. van der Woude on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday (1998 García Martínez/Noort), edited volume
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition (1997-1998 García Martínez/Tigchelaar), book
- A Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah 1970-95 (1997 García Martínez/Parry), book
- Filón de Alejandría: Sobre los Sueños. Sobre José (1997 Torallas Tovar), book
- Flavio Josefo: La guerra de los judíos: Libros I-III (1997 Nieto Ibáñez), book
- The Flourishing of Jewish Sects in the Maccabean Era (1997 Baumgarten), book
- Des historische Jesus: Ein Lehrbuch (1996 Theissen/Merz), book
- Entre los dos Testamentos: Historia y religión en la época del Segundo Templo (1996 Maier), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gli uomini di Qumran (1996 García Martínez/Trebolle Barrera), book (Italian ed.)
- Literatura judía intertestamentaria (1996 Aranda Pérez/Pérez Fernández/García Martínez), book
- Los esenios, Qumrán, Juan Bautista y Jesús (1996 Stegemann), book (Spanish ed.)
- Testi di Qumran (1996 García Martínez), book (Italian ed.)
- De David al Mesías: Textos básicos de la esperanza mesiánica (1995 Sicre), book
- El cristianismo, una religión judía (1995 Flusser), book (Spanish ed.)
- El judeo-cristianismo palestino en el siglo I (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Los esenios de Qumrán (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Los manuscritos del mar Muerto (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Orígenes del cristianismo (1995 Trevijano Etcheverría), book
- Textos de Qumran (1995 García Martínez), book (Portuguese ed.)
- The Origin of Satan (1995 Pagels), book
- The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1995 García Martínez/Trebolle Barrera), book (English ed.)
- The Scepter and the Star (1995 Collins), book
- Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? (1995 Golb), book
- A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity (1994 Boyarin), book
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto: balance de hallazgos y de cuarenta años de estudios (1994 Piñero Sáenz/Fernández Galiano), edited volume
- Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls (1994 Schiffman), book
- Storia del Secondo Tempio (1994 Sacchi), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1994 VanderKam), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated (1994 García Martínez), book (English ed.)
- Los esenios y los rollos del mar Muerto (1993 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Los hombres de Qumrán (1993 García Martínez/Trebolle Barrera), book
- Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1992 Charlesworth), edited volume
- Judaism: Practice and Belief (1992 Sanders), book
- Qumran and Apocalyptic: Studies on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran (1992 García Martínez), book
- Textos de Qumrán (1992 García Martínez), book
- The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism (1992 Mendels), book
- The Scripture and the Scrolls: Studies in Honor of A. S. van der Woude on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (1992 García Martínez/Hilhorst/Labuschagne), edited volume
- Traducción del Targum de Jeremías (1992 Ribera Florit), book
- A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus (1991-2001 Meier), book
- Evangelio y tradición de Israel (1991 Collin/Lenhardt), book (Spanish ed.)
- From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism (1991 Schiffman), book
- Middle Judaism (1991 Boccaccini), book
- Moral y conducta en Qumrán: Estudio lexicográfico y semántico de los verbos de "movimiento" en la literatura de Qumrán (1991 Ausín Olmos), book
- Orígenes del cristianismo (1991 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Pharisäer, Sadduzäer, Essener (1991 Stemberger), book
- Qumrán (1991 Pouilly), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paul the Convert (1990 Segal), book
- La llama eterna (1997 Ripley), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Gospel According to the Son (1997 Mailer), novel
- El hijo del carpintero (1996 Capo), novel
- Qumran (1996 Abécassis), novel
- Requiem (1995 Joyce), novel
- Tú eres piedra (1994 Capo), novel
- Live from Golgotha (1992 Vidal), novel
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1991 Baigent), arch-fi
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1990s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1990s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1990s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1990s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1980s)
- ¿El manuscrito más antiguo de los Evangelios?: El fragmento de Marcos en Qumrán y los comienzos de la tradición escrita del Nuevo Testamento (1989 Thiede), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesús de Nazaret: su vida, su época, sus enseñanzas (1989 Klausner), book (Spanish ed.)
- La sinagoga cristiana (1989 Montserrat Torrents), book
- El judaísmo: desde el destierro hasta el tiempo de Jesús (1988 Tassin), book (Spanish ed.)
- El Targum de Isaías: la versión aramea del profeta Isaías (1988 Ribera Florit), book
- Jesus within Judaism (1988 Charlesworth), book
- Del movimiento de Jesús a la Iglesia cristiana (1987 Aguirre), book
- Judaisms and their Messiahs (1987 Neusner), edited volume
- From the Maccabees to the Mishnah (1987 Cohen), book
- Los caminos y sentidos de la Palabra divina en la Escritura: Derás targúmico y Derás neotestamentario (1987 Muñoz León), book
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto (1987 Vermès), book (Spanish ed.)
- Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters (1986 Kraft/Nickelsburg), edited volume
- Filón de Alejandría y la génesis de la cultura occidental (1986 Martín), book
- Rebecca's Children: Judaism and Christianity in the Roman World (1986 Segal), book
- Salvación en la Palabra: Targum, Derash, Berith (1986 Muñoz León), edited volume
- The Historical Method of Flavius Josephus (1986 Villalba i Varneda), book
- Ambiente político del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Guevara), book
- Historia del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Schürer), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jerusalén en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Jeremias), book (Spanish ed.)
- La Septuaginta en la investigación contemporánea (1985 Fernández Marcos), edited volume
- Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento (1984-2009 Díez Macho/Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Historia de Israel y de Judá: Desde los orígenes hasta el siglo II d.C. (1984 Castel), book (Spanish ed.)
- Historia política de Israel: desde los orígenes a Alejandro Magno (1984 Cazelles), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period (1984 Stone), edited volume
- Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity (1984 Neusner), book
- The Apocalyptic Imagination (1984 Collins), book
- The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (1983-1985 Charlesworth), edited volume
- Palabra y Gloria: Excursus en la Biblia y en la literatura intertestamentaria (1983 Muñoz León), book
- Qumrán y el Nuevo Testamento (1982 Casciaro Rodríguez), book
- Introducción a la literatura esenia de Qumrán (1982 Delcor/García Martínez), book
- Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah (1981 Nickelsburg), book
- Tradiciones mesiánicas en el Targum Palestinense (1981 Pérez Fernández), book
- Biblia del mar Muerto: Profetas menores (1980 Vegas Montaner), book
- Galilee, from Alexander the Great to Hadrian (1980 Freyne), book
- Judaísmo y Cristianismo: Raíces de un gran conflicto histórico (1980 Mitre), book
- Jésus de Montréal (1989 Arcand), film
- El reino de los réprobos (1988 Burgess), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Last Temptation of Christ (1988 Scorsese), film
- Salome’s Last Dance (1988 Russell), film
- El signo del pez (1987 Espinosa), novel
- San Juan Bautista (1984 Cárdenas), novel
- Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982 Baigent), arch-fi
- Masada (1981 Sagal), film
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1980s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1980s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1980s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1980s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1970s)
- Introducción a las versiones griegas de la Biblia (1979 Fernández Marcos), book
- Sociología del movimiento de Jesús (1979 Theissen), book (Spanish ed.)
- The God of the Maccabees (1979 Bickerman), book (English ed.)
- Judaism and Christian Beginnings (1978 Sandmel), book
- A Hidden Revolution (1978 Rivkin), book
- Gloria de la Shekiná en los targumín del Pentateuco (1977 Muñoz León), book
- Mito y tradición en la literatura apocalíptica (1977 Delcor), book
- Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977 Sanders), book
- Los documentos de Qumrán (1976 Jiménez F. Bonhome), book
- Los discursos de adiós de Gn 49 a Jn 13-17: Pistas para la historia de un género literario en la antigua literatura judía (1976 Cortès), book
- The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 (1976 Milik), book
- Filón de Alejandría: Obras completas (1975-1976 Triviño), book
- Arqueología bíblica (1975 Wright), book (Spanish ed.)
- El que ha de venir (1975 Mowinckel), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Jewish People in the First Century (1974-1976 Safrai/Stern), edited volume
- Los papiros griegos de la cueva 7 de Qumrán (1974 O'Callaghan), book
- Jesus the Jew (1973 Vermès), book
- The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (1973-1987 Schürer/Vermès), book
- From Politics to Piety: The Emergence of Pharisaic Judaism (1973 Neusner), book
- El Targum (1972 Díez Macho), book
- Notas críticas al texto griego del Génesis (1972 Fernández Marcos/Sáenz Badillos), book
- Bar-Kokhba (1971 Yadin), book (English ed.)
- Los descubrimientos del mar Muerto (1971 González Lamadrid), book
- Palestinian Parties and Politics That Shaped the Old Testament (1971 Smith), book
- The Shaping of Jewish History: A Radical New Interpretation (1971 Rivkin), book
- Journal for the Study of Judaism (1970-), journal
- The Life of Brian (1979 Jones), film
- Salomé (1978 Almodóvar), film
- Jesus of Nazareth (1977 Zeffirelli), film
- I, Judas (1977 Caldwell/Stearn), novel
- Judas (1975 Tosi), novel
- Jesus Christ Superstar (1973 Jewison), film
- Godspell (1973 Greene), film
- Two from Galilee (1972 Holmes), novel
- Jesus Christ Superstar (1971 Webber), opera
- Godspell (1971 Schwartz), musical
- The Antagonists (1970 Gann), novel
- Tito y Berenice (1970 Marqués), play
- Great Lion of God (1970 Caldwell), novel
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1970s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1970s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1970s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1970s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1960s)
- The Crucible of Christianity: Judaism, Hellenism and the Historical Background to the Christian Faith (1969 Toynbee/Schalit), edited volume
- Neophyti I: Targum Palestinense Ms de la Biblioteca Vaticana (1968-1979 Díez Macho), book
- Jesus and the Zealots (1967 Brandon), book
- The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic (1964 Russell), book
- Los manuscritos del mar Muerto (1964 Laperrousaz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Old Testament Theology (1962-1965 Rad), book (English ed.)
- The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (1962 Buttrick), edited volume
- From Ezra to the Last of the Maccabees (1962 Bickerman), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (1962 Vermes), book
- The Foundations of Judaism and Christianity (1960 Parkes), book
- El Comentario de Habacuc de Qumrán (1960 Cantera Ortiz de Urbina), book
- Les sectes juives au temps de Jésus (1960 Simon), book
- Behold the Man (1969 Moorcock), novel
- El Proceso de Cristo (1966 Bracho), film
- Himnos de los neófitos de Qumrán (1965-1975 Rodrigo), music
- The Passover Plot (1965 Schonfield), arch-fi
- Il vangelo secondo Matteo (1964 Pasolini), film
- The Bronze Bow (1961 Speare), children's novel
- King of Kings (1961 Ray), film
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1960s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1960s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1960s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1960s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1950s)
- L'Évangile selon Thomas (1959 Guillaumont), book
- Ancient Judaism and the New Testament (1959 Grant), book
- El mundo judío hacia los tiempos de Jesús (1959 Guignebert), book (Spanish ed.)
- Estructura y sentido de la historia, según la literatura apocalíptica (1959 Leisersohn Baendel), book
- The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies (1958 Cross), book
- More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1958 Burrows), book
- The Scrolls and the New Testament (1957 Stendahl), edited volume
- Dix ans de découvertes dans le Désert de Juda (1957 Milik), book
- An Introduction to the Apocrypha (1957 Metzger), book
- Los descubrimientos de Qumrán (1956 González Lamadrid), book
- Maccabees, Zealots, and Josephus (1956 Farmer), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls (1955 Burrows), book
- He That Cometh (1954 Mowinckel), book (English ed.)
- Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period (1953-1968 Goodenough), book
- A Social and Religious History of the Jews (1952-1983 Baron), book
- Aperçus préliminaire sur les manuscrits de la mer Morte (1950 Dupont-Sommer), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery (1950 Burrows), book
- Le judaïsme palestinien au temps de Jésus-Christ (1950 Bonsirven), book
- El Redentor (1959 Breen), film
- Ben-Hur (1959 Wyler), film
- Dear and Glorious Physician (1959 Caldwell), novel
- Judas Macabeo (1958 Aguirre), play
- The Day Christ Died (1957 Bishop), novel
- Mis gloriosos hermanos (1954 Fast), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Silver Chalice (1952 Costain), novel
- Amahl and the Night Visitors (1951 Menotti), opera
- Quo Vadis (1951 LeRoy), film
- O teleutaios peirasmos (1951 Kazantzakis), novel
- Die Meister (1951 Brod), novel
- Barabbas (1950 Lagerkvist), novel
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1950s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1950s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1950s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1950s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1940s)
- History of New Testament Times (1949 Pfeiffer), book
- Paul and Rabbinic Judaism (1948 Davies), book
- Historia de Israel. 2: Desde el exilio hasta el año 135 después de Cristo (1947 Ricciotti), book (Spanish ed.)
- Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy (1947 Wolfson), book
- The Relevance of Apocalyptic (1942 Rowley), book
- The Jews and Judaism during the Greek Period (1941 Oesterley), book
- Mary (1949 Asch), novel
- My Glorious Brothers (1948 Fast), novel
- The Big Fisherman (1948 Douglas), novel
- King Jesus (1946 Graves), novel
- The Apostle (1943 Asch), novel
- The Robe (1942 Douglas), novel
- The Man Born to Be King (1941 Sayers), play
- Der ewige Jude (1940 Hippler), film
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1940s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1940s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1940s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1940s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1930s)
- The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of Their Faith (1938 Finkelstein), book
- Der Gott der Makkabäer (1937 Bickerman), book
- An introduction to the Books of the Apocrypha (1935 Oesterley), book
- By Light, Light: The Mystic Gospel of Hellenistic Judaism (1935 Goodenough), book
- Historia de la religión de Israel según la Biblia, la ortodoxia y la ciencia (1935 Nin y Silva), book
- Le monde juif vers le temps de Jésus (1935 Guignebert), book
- New Testament Times in Palestine (1933 Mathews), book (3rd ed.)
- Storia d’Israele. 2: Dall'esilio al 135 dopo Cristo (1932 Ricciotti), book
- A History of Israel. Vol. 2: From the Fall of Jerusalem, 586 BC, to the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, AD 135 (1932 Oesterley), book
- Le judaïsme avant Jésus-Christ (1931 Lagrange), book
- The Nazarene (1939 Asch), novel
- White Crucifixion (1938 Chagall), art
- The Last Days of Pompeii (1935 Schoedsack), film
- Die jüdische Krieg (1932 Feuchtwanger), novel
- The Sign of the Cross (1932 DeMille), film
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1930s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1930s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1930s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1930s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1920s)
- The Origins of the Synagogue and the Church (1929 Kohler/Enelow), book
- Altjudisches Schriftum ausserhalb der Bibel (1928 Riessler), book
- Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era (1927-1930 Moore), book
- Josephus (1926-1981 Thackeray), book
- Die Religion des Judentums im späthellenistichen Zeitalter (1926 Bousset/Gressmann), book
- Helenismo y Judaísmo (1926 Monzó), book
- Jesus of Nazareth (1925 Klausner), book (English ed.)
- The Pharisees (1924 Herford), book
- Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch (1922-1928 Strack/Billerbeck), book
- The Escaped Cock (1928 Lawrence), novel
- Jesus, the Son of Man (1928 Gibran), poetry
- The King of Kings (1927 DeMille), film
- Ben-Hur (1925 Niblo), film
- La storia di Cristo (1921 Papini), novel
- The Wandering Jew (1920 Thurston), play
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1920s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1920s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1920s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1920s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1910s)
- Los Hebreos (1916 Bazán), book
- Religious Development between the Old and the New Testaments (1914 Charles), book
- The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (1913 Charles), book
- The Parting of the Roads (1912 Foakes-Jackson), edited volume
- Some Elements in the Religious Teaching of Jesus (1910 Montefiore), book
- The Brook Kerith (1916 Moore), novel
- Intolerance (1916 Griffith), film
- Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ (1913 Hitler), art
- From the Manger to the Cross (1912 Olcott), film
- Quo Vadis? (1912 Guazzoni), film
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1910s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1910s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1910s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1910s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1900s)
- From Reimarus zu Wrede (Schweitzer 1906), book
- Jerusalem under the High Priests (1904 Bevan), book
- Die Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (1903 Bousset), book
- Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments (1900 Kautzsch), edited volume
- Israel’s Messianic Hope to the Time of Jesus (1900 Goodspeed), book
- Marie-Magdeleine (1909 Maeterlinck), play
- Quo Vadis? (1908 Nouguès), opera
- Salome (1905 Strauss), opera
- Kristuslegender (1904 Lagerlöf), novel
- La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (1903-1905 Zecca/Nonguet), film
- Cristo en la fiesta de Purim (1902 Bovio), play (Spanish ed.)
- Jesús Nazareno (1902 García Velloso), play
- Herod (1900 Phillips), play
See also
- French Scholarship and Fiction (1900s)
- German Scholarship and Fiction (1900s)
- Italian Scholarship and Fiction (1900s)
- Spanish Scholarship and Fiction (1900s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1890s)
- Judea from Cyrus to Titus (1899 Latimer), book
- A History of the Jewish people during the Babylonian, Persian and Greek Periods (1899 Kent), book
- The Age of the Maccabees (1898 Streane), book
- A History of New Testament Times in Palestine (1899 Mathews), book
- Jewish religious life after the exile (1898 Cheyne), book
- Judaism and Christianity: A Sketch of the Progress of Thought from Old Testament to New Testament (1890 Toy), book
- The Jews under Roman Rule (1890 Morrison), book
Scholarship and Fiction (1880s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1870s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1860s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1850s)
Scholarship and Fiction (1800-1849)
- Storia degli Ebrei e delle loro sette e dottrine religiose durante il secondo tempio (1844 Bianchi-Giovini), book
- Das Leben Jesu: kritisch bearbeitet (1835 Strauss), book
- Histoire philosophique des Juifs depuis la décadence de la race des Macchabées jusqu'à la fin du VIe siècle (1833 Capefigue), book
- Annals of the Jewish Nation during the Period of the Second Temple (1832 Alexander), book
- The History of the Jews: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time (1829-1830, Milman), book
- Geschichte der Israeliten seit den Zeit der Maccabäer bis auf Unsere Tage (1820-1829 Jost), book
- Geschichte der Juden, von der Rückkehr aus der babylonischen Gefangenschaft bis zur Zerstörung des zweiten Tempels (1808 Beer), book
Scholarship and Fiction (XVIII century)
- Einleitung in die apokryphischen Schriften des Altes Testaments (1795 Eichhorn), book
- Historia cronológica del pueblo de Dios desde Adan hasta Jesu-Christo (1793 Peñalver), book
- Historia cronológica del pueblo hebreo, de su religion y gobierno político (1779 Rigüál), book
- Von dem Zwecke Jesu und seiner Jünger (1778 Reimarus/Lessing), book
- The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus (1737 Whiston), book
- The Credibility of the Gospel History (1727-1755 Lardner), book
- Histoire de l’Ancient et du Nouveau Testament et des Juifs (1719 Calmet), book
- Miscellaneous Discourses (1718 Wotton), book
- The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews, and Neighbouring Nations (1716-1718 Prideaux), book
- Matteh Dan; or, Kuzari Heleq Sheni (1714 Nieto), book
- Codes Pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti (1713-1733 Fabricius), book
- Colección de varias historias (1767-1768 Santos Alonso), novel
- The Messiah (1742 Haendel), oratorio
- La clemenza di Tito (1734 Metastasio), play
- La Gerusalemme convertita (1733 Zeno), play
- Judas Iscariote (1722 Zamora), play
Scholarship and Fiction (XVII century)
- Respuesta de Josepho contra Apion Alexandrino (1687 Arias), book
- Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (1670 Spinoza), book
- Flavius Joseph, Histoire des Juifs (1667 Arnauld), book
- Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae (1658-1674 Lightfoot), book
- Los siete libros de Flavio Iosefo (1657 Cordero), book
- Mellificium Hebraicum (1649 Cartwright), book
- Historia apostolica illustrata (1634 Cappel), book
- Rerum Iudaicarum memorabiliorum, ab exitu ex Aegypto ad ultimum usque Hierosilymitanum excidium (1632 Ross), book
- The Famous and Memorable Workes of Iosephus (1602 Lodge), book
- Bérénice (1670 Racine), play
- Herodes Ascalonita y la hermosa Mariana (1658 Lozano), play
- Lettres de Bérénice à Titus (1642 Scudéry), novel
- Judas Macabeo (1641 Calderón de la Barca), play
- Los desagravios de Christo (1640 Cubillo de Aragón), play
- La vida y muerte de Herodes (1636 Molina), play
- El mayor monstruo, los celos (1635 Calderón de la Barca), play
- La gitana melancólica (1608 Aguilar), play
Scholarship and Fiction (XVI century)
- Tsemah David (1592 Gans), book
- Me'or Enayim (1573-1575 Rossi), book
- Consolaçam ás tribulaçoens de Israel (1553 Usque), book
- Contexta populi Iudaici historia (1548 Eber), book
- Josephus teütsch (1531 Hedio), book
- Dass Jesus Christus ein geborner Jude sei (1523 Luther), book