(++) Lettres de Bérénice à Titus (Letters of Berenice to Titus / 1642 Scudéry), novel

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Lettres de Bérénice à Titus <French> (1642) is a novel by Madeleine de Scudéry.


The beginning of the tradition depicting Berenice as a self-sacrificing heroine. According to Scudéry, Titus and Berenice had legally married in Judaea and were happily living in Rome when Vespasian died and left the throne to his son. At that juncture the hidden hatred of the Roman people for a foreign queen broke out with violence... Realizing that Titus had to choose between his love for her and his future as emperor of Rome, Berenice went out of Titus’ life of her own accord, preferring to sacrifice her love rather than the man she loved


Published in France (1642).

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