![]() History of Research--Middle Ages (Home Page)
It also includes scholars, authors and artists born between 1400 and 1449. Timeline : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home Biographies : Medieval -- {1400s} -- {1450s} -- 1450-59 ...
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Pages in category "Medieval"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- Εκλογή Χρονογραφίας (Chronography / ca.810 Syncellus), ms
- Dialogus inter philosophum, Judaeum, et Christianum (Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian / 1139 Abelard), ms.
- Kuzari (1140 Yehuda Halevi), ms.
- Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete (Law of Muhammad the False Prophet / 1143 Robert of Ketton), ms.
- Alcoran (The Qur'an / 1200c Mark of Toledo), ms.
- Testamenta duodecim patriarcharum filiorum Jacob (1242 Grosseteste), ms.
- Liber de gentili et tribus sapientibus (Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men / 1276 Llull), ms.
- Pugio fidei adversus Mauros et Judaeos (The Dagger of Faith against Muslims and Jews / 1280 Martí), ms.
- Mammotrectus super Bibliam (Nourisher on the Bible / 1290c Marchesini), ms.
- Confutatio Alcorani (Confutation of the Qur'an / 1300 Riccoldo da Monte di Croce), ms.
- Victoria adversos impios Hebraeos (Victory against Impious Jews / 1303 Porchetus Salvagus), ms.
- De mulieribus claris (Concerning Famous Women / 1374 Boccaccio), book (ms.)
- The Legend of Good Women (1380s Chaucer), poetry (ms.)
- Le livre de la cité des dames (The Book of the City of Ladies / 1405 Christine de Pizan), book (ms.)
- George Syncellus (d. after 811), scholar
- Peter Abelard (F / France / 1079-1142), scholar
- Yehuda Halevi (M / Spain, 1075/85-1141), scholar
- Robert of Ketton (M / Britain, Spain, 1110? – 1160?), scholar
- Mark of Toledo (M / Spain, d.1216), scholar
- Robert Grosseteste (M / Britain, 1175c-1253), scholar
- Ramon Martí (M / Spain, 1215c-1285c), scholar
- Ramon Llull (M / Spain, 1232c-1315), scholar
- Giovanni Marchesini (M / Italy, 1250c-1325c), scholar
- Menahem Recanati (M / Italy, 1250-1310), scholar
- Duccio (M / Italy, 1255-1318/9), artist
- Giotto (M / Italy, 1266-1337), artist
- Ludolph of Saxony (M / Germany, c.1295-1378), scholar
- Paolo Veneziano (M / Italy, c1300-c1365), artist
- Giovanni Boccaccio (M / Italy, 1313-1375), novelist
- Geoffrey Chaucer (M / Britain, 1340c-1400), poet
- Christine de Pizan (F / Italy, France, 1364-1430c), poet, author
- Poggio Bracciolini (M / Italy, 1380-1459), scholar
- Donatello (M / Italy, 1386-1466), artist
- Giannozzo Manetti (M / Italy, 1396-1459), scholar