Revision as of 09:31, 8 October 2015 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
Pages in category "Fiction--English"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,645 total.
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- == == 1450s == == ==
- == == 1500s == == ==
- Johan Baptystes Preachynge in the Wyldernesse (1538 Bale), play
- The Temptation of Our Lord (1538 Bale), play
- The Life and Repentaunce of Marie Magdalene (1558 Wager), play
- The Destruction of Jerusalem (1584 Smythe), play
- Love's Labour's Lost (1594 Shakespeare), play
- == == 1600s == == ==
- Judas Maccabaeus (1601 Haughton), play
- (+) Arabia sitiens (Mahomet and His Heaven / 1601 Percy), play
- Herod and Antipater, with the Death of Faire Mariam (1622 Markham/Sampson), play
- The Jewes Tragedy (1626 Heminges), play
- Mariamne (1650 Manuche), play
- Paradise Lost (1667 Milton), poetry
- Samson Agonistes (1671 Milton), play
- Herod the Great (1672 Boyle), play
- Herod and Mariamne (1673 Pordage), play
- The Tragedy of Nero, Emperor of Rome (1675 Lee), play
- Piso's Conspiracy (1676 Lee), play
- Titus and Berenice (1676 Otway), play
- The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian (1677 Crowne), play
- The History of the Nine Worthies of the World (1687 Burton), novel
- The Life of Our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ (1693 Wesley), poetry
- Caligula (1698 Crowne), play
- == == 1700s == == ==
- (+) Mariamne (1723 Fenton), play
- (+) Esther (1732 Haendel), oratorio
- Judith (1733 Fesch / Huggins), oratorio
- Deborah (1733 Haendel / Humphreys), oratorio
- Jephtha (1737 Greene / Hoadly), oratorio
- Israel in Egypt (1739 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio (music & libretto), London premiere
- Saul (1739 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio
- The Holy Disciple; or, The History of Joseph of Arimathea (1740 Anonymous), fiction
- Herod the Great (1740 Peck), poetry
- (++) The Messiah (1742 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio
- Samson (1743 Haendel / Hamilton), oratorio
- Joseph and his Brethren (1744 Haendel / Miller), oratorio
- Mahomet the Imposter = Mahomet le prophete (1744 Voltaire / Miller, Hoadly), play (English ed.)
- Joseph (1745 Fesch), oratorio
- Belshazzar (1745 / @1745 Haendel), London production, world premiere (oratorio)
- (++) Judas Maccabeus (1747 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Alexander Balus (1748 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Joshua (1748 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Solomon (1749 Haendel), oratorio
- Susanna (1749 Haendel), oratorio
- Jephtha (1752 Haendel / Morell), oratorio
- Paradise Lost (1760 Smith / Stillingfleet), oratorio
- Judith (1761 Arne / Bickerstaffe), oratorio
- The Death of Abel = Der Tod Abels (1762 @1758 Gessner / Collyer), poetry (English ed.)
- The Siege of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian (1763 Latter), play
- The Messiah (1768 Cameron), novel
- The Siege of Jerusalem (1769 Bowes Strathmore), play
- The Fall of Egypt (1774 Stanley / Hawkesworth), oratorio (music & libretto), London premiere
- Jonah (1775 Felsted), oratorio
- The Song of Moses (1777 Linley / Hoadly), oratorio
- The Wandering Jew; or, Love's Masquerade (1797 Franklin), play
- == == 1800s == == ==
- Gerusalemme distrutta (1812 Dusik), oratorio
- Jonah (1815 Bellamy), poetry
- Belshazzar's Feast (1818 Hughes), poetry
- The Wandering Jew (1820 Galt), novel
- The Fall of Jerusalem (1820 Milman), play
- Valerius (1821 Lockhart), novel
- Les Machabées (1822 Guiraud), play
- Spartacus (1822 Moodie), juvenile novel
- The Wars of the Jews (1823 Johnstone / Brooke), juvenile novel & art
- Mariamne: The Last of the Asmonean Princesses (1825 Ogle), novel
- Helon’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem (1825 @1820 Strauss / Kenrich), novel (English ed.)
- Salathiel (1827 Croly), novel
- Zillah (1828 Smith), novel
- Jerusalem in Affliction (1828 Trajetta), oratorio
- Traditions of Palestine (1830 Martineau), novel
- The Daughter of Herodias (1831 Rich), play
- Daniel the Prophet (1833 Horncastle), oratorio
- Sadoc and Miriam (1833 Short), novel
- Belshazzar's Feast (1834 Griesbach), oratorio
- The Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul (1834 Burgess), poetry
- Lydia; or, Conversion (1835 Pace), play
- Spartacus; or, The Roman Gladiator (1837 Jones), play
- Zerah, the Believing Jew (1837 Smith), novel
- Freemen and Slaves (1838 Ball), play
- Mariamme; or, The Court of Herod the Great (1839 Waller), play
- Iddo (1841 Anonymous), children's novel
- Julian; or, Scenes in Judea (1841 Ware), novel
- Julia of Baiae; or, The Days of Nero (1843 brown), novel
- Judas (1843 Starkey), play
- The Leonard Family (1844 Anomymous), children's novel
- Zenon, the Martyr (1847 Cobbold), novel
- Elijah (1847 Mendelssohn / Klingemann, Bartholomew), oratorio
- Judas Iscariot (1848 Horne), play
- Herod the Great (1849 James), novel
- == == 1850s == == ==
- Mohammed, the Arabian Prophet (1850 Miles), play
- Daniel (1852 Lake), oratorio
- Daniel (1853 Root/Bradbury), oratorio
- Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord (1854 Charles), novel
- Enoch's Prophecy (1854 Greatheed / Montgomery), oratorio
- The Life and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century before Christ (1855 Wheeler), novel
- The First of the Maccabees (1855 Wise), novel
- Esther, the Beautiful Queen (1856 Bradbury), oratorio
- Mariamne; or, The Queen's Fate (1856 Mair), novel
- Adonijah (1856 Strickland), novel
- The Martyr of the Catacombs (1858 De Mille), novel
- The Combat of the People; or, Hillel and Herod (1858 Wise), novel
- The Captive Orphan: Esther, the Queen of Persia (1859 Tyng), novel
- The Cripple of Antioch (1860 Charles), novel
- The False Christ (1860 Charles), novel
- The Throne of David (1860 Ingraham), novel
- Belshazzar's Feast (1860 Root / Edmands), oratorio & libretto
- Salome, the Daughter of Herodias (1862 Heywood), play
- The Shepherd of Bethlehem, King of Israel (1862 Tucker), novel
- Traditions of Palestine; or, Scenes in the Holy Land in the Days of Christ (1863 Sargent), novel
- Stories from Jewish History (1863 Tucker), children's novel
- The Gladiators (1863 Whyte-Melville), novel
- Exiles in Babylon; or, Children of Light (1864 Tucker), children's novel
- Daniel (1866 Bristow / Hardenbrook), oratorio
- Yeshu ha-notsri (1866 Goldstein), novel
- Rescued from Egypt (1866 Tucker), novel
- Antonius (1867 Heywood), play
- Salome (1867 Heywood), play
- Calvary (1868 Osborn), play
- The Idumean (1869 Leavitt), play
- The Prodigal (1869 Osborn), play
- Hebrew Heroes (1869 Tucker), children's novel
- Nero, the Parricide (1870 Anderson), play
- In Both Worlds (1870 Holcombe), novel
- The Victory of the Vanquished (1871 Charles), novel
- The Divine Tragedy (1871 Longfellow), poem
- Judas Maccabaeus (1872 Longfellow), play
- St. Peter (1872 Paine), oratorio
- St John the Baptist (1873 Macfarren / Monk), oratorio
- Mariamne (1873 Osborn), play
- The Coming of the Messiah (1873 Winkley), play
- Alexander the Great (1874 De Vere), play
- Nero (1875 Story), play
- Zipporah, the Jewish Maiden (1876 Bewsher), novel
- Philochristus (1878 Abbott), novel
- Nero (1880 Comfort), play
- The Legend of Thomas Didymus (1881 Clarke), novel
- Onesimus, Christ's Freedman (1882 Abbott), novel
- Jeremiah (1883 Naylor / Ellerton), oratorio
- St. Mary Magdalen (1883 Stainer / Sparrow-Simpson), oratorio
- The Autobiography of Judas Iscariot (1884 Hart), novel
- Herod (1884 Iliowizi), play
- Helon of Alexandria: A Tale of Israel in the Time of the Maccabees (1884 @1820 Strauss / Saphir), novel (English ed.)
- The Feast of Light (1885 Bien), play
- Judith (1885 Bradford), oratorio
- Daniel (1885 Bridge), oratorio
- Marius the Epicurean (1885 Pater), novel
- The Three Holy Children (1885 Stanford), oratorio
- Pictures of St. Paul (1885 Tucker), children's novel
- By the King and the Queen (1886 Mercier), novel
- The Martyr of Golgotha (1886 Pérez Escrich / Godoy), novel (English ed.)
- Raphael Ben Isaac (1887 Bradshaw), novel
- St John the Baptist (1887 Peace), oratorio
- The Crucifixion (1887 Stainer), oratorio
- For the Temple (1888 Henty), novel
- Judith; or, The Regeneration of Manasseh (1888 Parry), oratorio
- The Son of a Star (1888 Richardson), novel
- Herod and Mariamne (1888 Rives), play
- To the Lions (1889 Church), children's novel
- Emmanuel (1889 Cooley), novel
- Rebekah (1889 Jones), novel
- Leah of Jerusalem (1890 Berry), novel
- A Son of Issachar (1890 Brooks), novel
- A Young Macedonian in the Army of Alexander the Great (1890 Church), children's novel
- The Hammer (1890 Church), children's novel
- The Heart of Sheba (1890 Hewitt), novel
- Come Forth! (1890 Phelps/Ward), novel
- The Master of the Magicians (1890 Phelps / Ward), novel
- Acte (1890 Westbury), novel
- The Slaves of Sabinus, Jew and Gentile (1890 Yonge), novel
- The Light of the World; or, The Great Consummation (1891 Arnold), poem
- Ben-Beor: A Story of the Anti-Messiah (1891 Bien), novel
- Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth (1891 Bird), juvenile novel
- Aleph the Chaldean (1891 Burr), novel
- Mary of Magdala (1891 Saltus), novel
- Sketches of Jewish Life in the First Century: Nicodemus; Gamaliel (1891 Strong), novel
- The Rabbi's Sons (1891 Weaver), novel
- The Burning of Rome (1892 Church), children's novel
- Beric the Briton (1892 Henty), children's novel
- Sulamith (1892 Osmond), novel
- Job (1892 Parry), oratorio
- The Wandering Jew (1893 Buchanan), poem
- Chariot Race; or, Ben Hur March (1893 Paull), music
- The Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople Fell (1893 Wallace), novel
- Christ at the Feast of Purim = Cristo alla festa di Purim (1894 @1887 Bovio / Scott-Uda), play (English ed.)
- Titus: A Comrade of the Cross (1894 Kingsley), juvenile novel
- Bethlehem (1894 Mackenzie), oratorio
- As Others Saw Him (1895 Jacobs), novel
- The Cross Triumphant (1895 Kingsley), novel
- In the Wilderness; or, The Soul's Life (1895 Naylor / Metcalfe), oratorio
- Jesus of Nazareth (1896 Barlow), play
- Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross (1896 Kingsley), novel
- The Quiet King (1896 Mason), novel
- Ezekiel of Bethlehem; or, From Bethlehem to Calvary (1896 Shugert), novel
- Herod the Great (1896 Solly), play
- The Swordmaker's Son (1896 Stoddard), children's novel
Media in category "Fiction--English"
The following 141 files are in this category, out of 141 total.
- 1604 * Cary (play).jpg 354 × 500; 59 KB
- 1834 * Lytton (novel).jpg 395 × 499; 47 KB
- 1840 * Peploe (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 25 KB
- 1855 * Ingraham (novel).jpg 339 × 498; 28 KB
- 1869-T * Quinton (novel) en.jpg 492 × 842; 43 KB
- 1880 * Wallace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 1893 * Corelli (novel).jpg 570 × 859; 202 KB
- 1895 * Barrett (play).jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 1895 * Van Dyke (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 42 KB
- 1912 Olcott (film).jpg 300 × 460; 49 KB
- 1914 Griffith (film).jpg 312 × 445; 25 KB
- 1914 Thomson (film).jpg 300 × 441; 49 KB
- 1916 Griffith (film).jpg 403 × 599; 80 KB
- 1918 Edwards (film).jpg 330 × 523; 93 KB
- 1921 Bennet (film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1923 DeMille (film).jpg 244 × 399; 69 KB
- 1925 Dwan (film).jpg 183 × 275; 9 KB
- 1925 * Niblo (film).jpg 406 × 599; 81 KB
- 1926 * Byrne (novel).jpg 297 × 474; 16 KB
- 1927 DeMille (film).jpg 348 × 490; 76 KB
- 1928 Curtiz (film).jpg 440 × 688; 134 KB
- 1931 * Walton (oratorio).jpg 340 × 499; 25 KB
- 1932 * DeMille (film).jpg 288 × 436; 197 KB
- 1933 Elvey (film).jpg 343 × 541; 119 KB
- 1934 DeMille (film).jpg 234 × 350; 53 KB
- 1935 * Schoedsack (film).jpg 330 × 469; 68 KB
- 1936 Connelly (film).jpg 200 × 284; 17 KB
- 1938 Walker (film).jpg 340 × 481; 213 KB
- 1939 * Asch (novel).jpg 290 × 500; 36 KB
- 1939 Hurston (novel).jpg 332 × 499; 40 KB
- 1939 Pichel (film).jpg 214 × 317; 17 KB
- 1942 * Douglas (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 35 KB
- 1943 * Asch (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 32 KB
- 1945 Lamont (film).jpg 182 × 268; 23 KB
- 1946 * Graves (novel).jpg 328 × 499; 32 KB
- 1947 Davis (novel).jpg 350 × 474; 31 KB
- 1948 * Douglas (novel).jpg 345 × 499; 32 KB
- 1948 * Fast (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 35 KB
- 1949 * Asch (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 25 KB
- 1949 Beaudine (film).jpg 323 × 482; 38 KB
- 1949 DeMille (film).jpg 330 × 498; 52 KB
- 1949 * Ousler (novel).jpg 560 × 843; 111 KB
- 1950 Wilder (film).jpg 209 × 299; 23 KB
- 1951 Coyle (film series).jpg 214 × 317; 20 KB
- 1951-T * Lagerkvist (novel).jpg 771 × 1,200; 208 KB
- 1951 * LeRoy (film).jpg 338 × 517; 79 KB
- 1951 * Menotti (opera).jpg 251 × 352; 36 KB
- 1951 Pierson (TV film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1952 * Costain (novel).jpg 357 × 499; 26 KB
- 1952 Erskine (film).jpg 182 × 268; 22 KB
- 1953 Coyle (TV film).jpg 214 × 317; 23 KB
- 1953 * Dieterle (film).jpg 214 × 387; 27 KB
- 1953 * Koster (film).jpg 325 × 496; 85 KB
- 1954 Daves (film).jpg 285 × 395; 37 KB
- 1954 Saville (film).jpg 323 × 495; 79 KB
- 1955 Menotti (TV film).jpg 214 × 317; 19 KB
- 1956 DeMille (film).jpg 440 × 674; 97 KB
- 1957 Allen (film).jpg 256 × 389; 41 KB
- 1958 Schuster (film).jpg 230 × 345; 36 KB
- 1959 * Caldwell (novel).jpg 301 × 499; 30 KB
- 1959 Borzage (film).jpg 265 × 400; 29 KB
- 1959 Slaughter (novel).jpg 411 × 600; 32 KB
- 1959 Vidor (film).jpg 200 × 298; 39 KB
- 1959 Wyler (film).jpg 394 × 599; 53 KB
- 1960 * Bishop (novel).jpg 295 × 399; 36 KB
- 1960 Koster (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1960 Walsh (film).jpg 200 × 295; 16 KB
- 1961 * Speare (novel).jpg 332 × 499; 41 KB
- 1961 Ray N (film).jpg 327 × 475; 46 KB
- 1961-T * Waltari (novel) en.jpg 353 × 500; 43 KB
- 1962 Steedman (novel).jpg 345 × 499; 48 KB
- 1965 * Lofts (novel).jpg 324 × 499; 36 KB
- 1965 Stevens (film).jpg 288 × 416; 179 KB
- 1967 * Slaughter (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 30 KB
- 1968 * Yerby (novel).jpg 310 × 499; 37 KB
- 1970 * Caldwell (novel).jpg 328 × 500; 37 KB
- 1970 * Gann (novel).jpg 300 × 436; 22 KB
- 1972 * Wallace (novel).jpg 299 × 499; 30 KB
- 1973 Barker (film).jpg 314 × 463; 35 KB
- 1973 Friedkin (film).jpg 252 × 378; 31 KB
- 1973 * Greene (film).jpg 200 × 303; 22 KB
- 1973 * Jewison (film).jpg 200 × 302; 29 KB
- 1976 Campus (film).jpg 280 × 280; 17 KB
- 1976 Donner (film).jpg 256 × 389; 18 KB
- 1977 * Caldwell Stearn (novel).jpg 1,063 × 1,500; 189 KB
- 1977 Maiden (novel).jpg 1,125 × 1,500; 206 KB
- 1977 * Zeffirelli (TV miniseries).jpg 263 × 475; 43 KB
- 1978 Kowalski (TV film).jpg 266 × 475; 25 KB
- 1979 Henderson (novel).jpg 300 × 300; 13 KB
- 1979 * Jones (film).jpg 280 × 411; 46 KB
- 1979 Sykes (film).jpg 277 × 500; 53 KB
- 1979 Till (film).jpg 300 × 548; 37 KB
- 1979 Traylor (novel).jpg 290 × 500; 26 KB
- 1980 Arbusto (short).jpg 200 × 281; 19 KB
- 1980 Cellan-Jones (film).jpg 230 × 345; 29 KB
- 1980 Weis (film).jpg 330 × 507; 51 KB
- 1981 Brooks (film).jpg 400 × 613; 79 KB
- 1981 Day (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 19 KB
- 1981 * Sagal (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 12 KB
- 1981 Spielberg (film).jpg 257 × 389; 191 KB
- 1985 Beresford (film).jpg 290 × 434; 54 KB
- 1985 * Burgess (novel).jpg 322 × 499; 37 KB
- 1985 * Holmes (novel).jpg 1,125 × 1,500; 197 KB
- 1988 Russell (film).jpg 330 × 464; 47 KB
- 1988 * Scorsese (film).png 300 × 459; 57 KB
- 1992 * Vidal (novel).jpg 343 × 499; 37 KB
- 1993 Bergh (film).jpg 300 × 420; 20 KB
- 1993 * Rivers (novel).jpg 999 × 1,500; 133 KB
- 1995 Young (miniseries).jpg 233 × 425; 26 KB
- 1996 * Ripley (novel).jpg 273 × 445; 23 KB
- 1997 * Crace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 1997 * Mailer (novel).jpg 323 × 499; 42 KB
- 1999 Young (miniseries).jpg 200 × 279; 12 KB
- 2000 * Wangerin (novel).jpg 323 × 499; 38 KB
- 2000 Boardman (novel).jpg 320 × 500; 38 KB
- 2000 Tribbe (novel).jpg 296 × 445; 36 KB
- 2001 * Rivers (novel).jpg 255 × 375; 9 KB
- 2003 * Brown (novel).jpg 279 × 498; 39 KB
- 2004 * Gibson (film).jpg 300 × 450; 45 KB
- 2005 * Rice (novel).jpg 324 × 499; 26 KB
- 2006 * Dornford-May (film).jpg 300 × 429; 40 KB
- 2006 * Fletcher (novel).jpg 300 × 500; 48 KB
- 2007 Anastasio (short).jpg 182 × 268; 13 KB
- 2010 Billups (film).jpg 214 × 317; 12 KB
- 2010 Shill (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 2011 Harrison (novel).jpg 970 × 1,500; 196 KB
- 2011 * Hoffman (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 29 KB
- 2012 Mellor (novel).jpg 880 × 1,360; 200 KB
- 2013 Downey (TV miniseries).jpg 349 × 500; 67 KB
- 2013 * Jenkins.jpg 400 × 593; 38 KB
- 2013 * Lee (novel).jpg 400 × 613; 48 KB
- 2014 Aronofsky (film).jpg 260 × 385; 33 KB
- 2014 Spencer (film).jpg 486 × 720; 94 KB
- 2015 Batty (film) 2.jpg 707 × 1,000; 97 KB
- 2015 Batty (film).jpg 230 × 345; 38 KB
- 2015 Garcia (film).jpg 259 × 383; 19 KB
- 2015 Menaul (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 20 KB
- 2016 Bekmambetov (film).png 249 × 389; 261 KB
- 2016 Bristow (film).jpg 474 × 672; 137 KB
- 2016 Nowrasteh (film).jpg 214 × 317; 14 KB
- 2016 Reynolds (film).jpg 214 × 317; 22 KB