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Pages in category "Translations--1990s"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 209 total.
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- Kallillaea saram ŭi kŭrimja (1988 Theissen / Cha), novel (Korean ed.)
- The Triumph of God: The Essence of Paul's Thought (1990 Beker / Stuckenbruck), book (English ed.)
- Gli pseudepigrafi dell'Antico Testamento e il Nuovo Testamento (1990 Charlesworth / Boccaccini) = The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament (1985 Charlesworth), book (Italian ed.)
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto e le origini del cristianesimo (1990 Daniélou / Palamidessi), book (Italian ed.)
- 死海写本, 3rd ed. = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1990 Laperrousaz / Nozawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Agrippa I: The Last King of Judaea (1990 Schwartz), book (English ed.)
- The Story of Susanna (1990 Weinstock / Szasz), novel (English ed.)
- Verschlußsache Jesus = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1991 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Dachs, Neumeister-Taroni), arch-fi (German ed.)
- Gli ebrei in età greca = The Jews in the Greek Age (1991 @1988 Bickerman / Troiani), book (Italian ed.)
- Navigator of the Flood = Il navigatore del diluvio (1991 @1979 Brelich / Shepley), novel (English ed.)
- ヨセフス : その人と時代 = Josephus in Galilee and Rome (1991 Cohen / Hata, Ōshima), book (Japanese ed.)
- Filone d'Alessandria (1991 Daniélou), book (Italian ed.)
- The Pre-Christian Paul = Der vorchristliche Paulus (1991 Hengel, Deines / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Giustificazione in Paolo = Rechtfertigung bei Paulus (Justification in Paul / 1991 Kertelge / Chiavarino), book (Italian ed.)
- Il giudaismo del secondo tempio (1991 Maier / Chiesa) = Zwischen den Testamenten (Between the Testaments / 1990 Maier), book (Italian ed.)
- Il giudaismo antico e la Bibbia (1991 Paul), book (Italian ed.)
- Qumrán (1991 Pouilly / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1991 Rodinson / Michalska-Novák), book (Polish ed.)
- Dal primo giudaismo alla chiesa delle origini = From Early Judaism to Early Church (1991 Russell / Montagnini), book (Italian ed.)
- L'apocalittica giudaica = The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic (1991 @1964 Russell / Borbone), book (Italian ed.)
- Il vangelo secondo Gesù Cristo (1991 Saramago / Desti), novel (Italian ed.)
- Yosep`usu (1991 Thackeray/et al.), book (Korean ed.)
- The Gospels in Context (1991 Theissen), book (English ed.)
- The Bride Price (1991 Weil / Barrett), novel (English ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1992 ~~ ~~ ~~
- El escándalo de los rollos del mar Muerto = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1992 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Casas), arch-fi (Spanish ed.)
- La Bible consfisquée = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1992 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Mezamat), arch-fi (French ed.)
- 死海文書の謎 = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1992 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Takao), arch-fi (Japanese ed.)
- Paulo: vida e obra = Paulus (Paul / 1992 Bornkamm / Brod), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Isurael kwa Yuda ui yoksa (1992 Castel / Ho), book (Korean ed.)
- Il cristianesimo, una religione ebraica (1992 Flusser), book (Italian ed.)
- Flavio Giuseppe = Flavius Josephus (1992 Hadas-Lebel / Tuniz), book (Italian ed.)
- Il Paolo precristiano = Der vorchristliche Paulus (The Pre-Christian Paul / 1992 Hengel, Deines / Pontoglio), book (Italian ed.)
- Il cosiddetto Gesù storico e l'autentico Cristo biblico = Der sogenannte historische Jesus und der geschichtliche, biblische Christus (The So-Called Historical Jesus and the Historic, Biblical Christ / 1992 @1892 Kähler / Sorrentino), book (Italian ed.)
- Galatians = Der Brief an die Galater (1992 Lührmann / Dean), book (English ed.)
- Storia del giudaismo nell'antichità = Geschichte des Judentums im Altertum (1992 Maier / Proch), book (Italian ed.)
- I cristiani dei primi secoli: il mondo sociale dell'apostolo Paolo = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1992 Meeks), book (Italian ed.)
- 바울의 목회와 도시사회 : 1세기의 기독교인들 = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1992 Meeks / Hwang), book (Korean ed.)
- Sobre esta roca (Upon This Rock / 1992 Murphy / Perea), novel (Spanish ed.)
- イエス時代のユダヤ敎 = Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity (1992 Neusner / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- Johanneksen evankeliumi (1992 Schulz / Dunderberg), book (Finnish ed.)
- Testvérem, Júdás (1992 Yerby / Tamás) = Judas, My Brother (1968 Yerby), novel (Hungarian ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1993 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Bedrageriet med Dødehavsrullerne = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1993 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Jørgensen), arch-fi (Danish ed.)
- Il medio giudaismo = Middle Judaism (1993 @1991 Boccaccini), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus-der neue Mensch = Jesus: A New Vision (1993 Borg / Hegemann), book (German ed.)
- 구약지혜문학의이해 = Old Testament Wisdom (1993 Crenshaw / Kang), book (Korean ed.)
- Maometto = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1993 Delcambre / Zaccarini), book (Italian ed.)
- Qumran, die Antwort = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1993 Fitzmyer / Berzbach), book (German ed.)
- Gesù di Nazaret: annuncio e storia = Jesus von Nazaret: Botschaft und Geschichte (Jesus of Nazareth: Message and History / 1993 @1990 Gnilka / Tomasoni), book (Italian ed.)
- (++) Flavius Josephus = Flavius Josèphe (1993 @1989 Hadas-Lebel / Miller), book (English ed.)
- L'ellenizzazione della Giudea nel I secolo d.C. (1993 Hengel / Firpo), book (Italian ed.)
- Urchristentum und Stadtkultur: die soziale Welt der paulinischen Gemeinden = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1993 Meeks / Denzel, Naumann), book (German ed.)
- (+) The Christmas Star (1993 Pfister), chidren's novel (English ed.)
- 猶太百科全書 = Encyclopedia Judaica (1993 Roth / Xu, Ling), book (Chinese ed.)
- Farisei, sadducei, esseni = Pharisäer, Sadduzäer, Essener (Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus / 1993 @1991 Stemberger / Pontoglio), book (Italian ed.)
- La predicazione di Gesù sul regno di Dio = Die Predigt Jesu vom Reiche Gottes (Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God / 1993 @1892 Weiss), book (Italian ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1994 ~~ ~~ ~~
- De Dode-Zeerollen en de verzwegen waarheid = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1994 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Smit, Michon), arch-fi (Dutch ed.)
- Jesús, Qumrán y el Vaticano = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jezus, Qumran i Watykan = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner / Kielbasinska, Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne (1994 Bohrmann), book (English ed.)
- The Holy Embrace = Il sacro amplesso (1994 @1972 Brelich / Shepley), novel (English ed.)
- Dödahavsrullarna 101 frågor och svar = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1994 Fitzmyer / Hörnlund), book (Swedish ed.)
- Gesù nel giudaismo del suo tempo = Jesus within Judaism (1994 @1988 Charlesworth / Tomasetto), book (Italian ed.)
- Gesù: una biografia rivoluzionaria = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1994 Crossan / Casalini), book (Italian ed.)
- Manoscritti segreti di Qumran = The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered (1994 @1992 Eisenman, Wise / Jucci), book (Italian ed.)
- Qumran: le domande e le risposte essenziali sui manoscritti del Mar Morto (1994 Fitzmyer), book (Italian ed.)
- Das essenische Abenteuer (1994 Flusser), book (German ed.)
- (++) The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated = Textos de Qumrán (1994 @1992 García Martínez / Watson), book (English ed.)
- アレクサンドリアのフィロン入門 = An Introduction to Philo Judaeus, 2nd ed. (1994 @1962 Goodenough / Nomachi), book (Japanese ed.)
- Flavio Josefo (1994 Hadas-Lebel), book (Spanish ed.)
- They Followed a Bright Star (1994 Heuck & Wensell), children's novel (English ed.)
- Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry = תפילת קומראן ושירתה (Nitzan 1994 / Chapman), book (English ed.)
- A zsidó Jézus. Zsidó tézisek, keresztény válaszok = Der Jude Jesus. Thesen eines Juden, Antwortes eines Christen (1994 Lapide, Luz), book (Hungarian ed.)
- L'evangelista Marco = Der Evangelist Markus (Mark the Evangelist / 1994 Marxsen / Gatti), book (Italian ed.)
- Opinie o Jezusie = Ipotesi su Gesù (Jesus Hypotheses / 1994 @1976 Messori), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- En Rabbi samtalar med Jesus = A Rabbi Talks with Jesus (1994 Neusner / Hörnlund), book (Swedish ed.)
- Um rabino conversa com Jesus = A Rabbi Talks with Jesus (1994 Neusner / Alcides), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Mary Magdalene and Many Others = Maria di Magdala e le molte altre (1994 @1991 Ricci / Burns), book (English ed.)
- 바울, 율법, 유대인 = Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (1994 Sanders / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- The Gospel According to Jesus Christ (1994 Saramago / Pontiero), novel (English ed.)
- La apocalíptica = Die Apokalyptik (The Apocalyptic Movement / 1994 @1973 Schmithals / Morla), book (Spanish ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1995 ~~ ~~ ~~
- I salmi di Qumran = Psalmen aus Qumran (Qumran Psalms / 1995 Bergen / Bianchi, Bacchetta), book (Italian ed.
- Qumran and Jesus: The Truth under Lock and Key? (1995 Berger), book (English ed.)
- Qumran e Jesus: uma verdade escondida? (1995 Berger), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Gesù, Qumran e il Vaticano = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (Jesus, Qumran and the Vatican / 1995 Betz, Riesner), book (Italian ed.)
- El Evangelio según san Lucas (1995-2010 Bovon / Ortiz/Piñero), book (Spanish ed.)
- L'uomo del libro = L'homme du livre (Muhammad / 1995 Chraïbi / Colace), novel (Italian ed.)
- 死海写本の謎を解く = Solving the Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1995 Cook / Ōta, Yukawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Il giudaismo e le origini del cristianesimo (1995 Flusser / Ventura) = Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (1988 Flusser), book (Italian ed.)
- Jézus az ókori zsidó történelem és irodalom tükrében (1995 Flusser), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Textos de Qumran (1995 García Martínez), book (Portuguese ed.)
- The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls = Los hombres de Qumrán (1995 García Martínez, Trebolle Barrera), book (English ed.)
- 死海古卷 = The Dead Sea Scriptures (1995 @1976 Gaster / Wang, Cao, Mo), book (Chinese ed.)
- Banditi, profeti e messia = Bandits, Prophets, & Messiahs (1995 @1985 Horsley / Pisi), book (Italian ed.)
- La legge in Paolo = Das Gesetz bei Paulus (Law in Paul's Thought / 1995 Hübner / Favero), book (Italian ed.)
- Mahoma = Mohammed (Muhammad / 1995 Klabund / Strunk), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Women in the Acts of the Apostles: A Feminist Liberation Perspective (1995 Richter Reimer / Maloney), book (English ed.)
- The Faith of Qumran: Theology of the Dead Sea Scrolls = Tro och liv enligt Döda-havsrullarna (1995 @1963 Ringgren / Sander / Charlesworth), book (new rev. English ed.)
- Sin-Kuyak chunggan sidae (1995 Russell / Im), book (Korean ed.)
- Gesù: la verità storica = The Historical Figure of Jesus (1995 Sanders / Sampaolo), book (Italian ed.)
- El Dios de Jesús: Estudio exegético (1995 Schlosser), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paolo fra ebrei e pagani = Paul among Jews and Gentiles (1995 @1978 Stendahl / Tomasetto, Ribet), book (Italian ed.)
- Dødehavsrullerne = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1995 VanderKam / Jordt), book (Danish ed.)
- Manoscritti del Mar Morto = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1995 VanderKam / Prato), book (Italian ed.)
- A Religião de Jesus, o judeu = The Religion of Jesus the Jew (1995 Vermès / Spira), book (Portuguese ed.)
- A zsidó Jézus = Jesus the Jew (1995 Vermès), book (Hungarian ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1996 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Qumrán y Jesús: La verdad oculta? (1996 Berger / Brüger) = Qumran und Jesus: Wahrheit unter Verschluss? (Qumran and Jesus: The Truth under Lock and Key? / 1992 Berger), book (Argentine ed.)
- Yesu nŭn nugu yŏnnŭnka: Yŏksajŏk Yesu wa Konggwan pogŭmsŏ (1996 Boers / Pak), book (Korean ed.)
- Introducción a la cristología del Nuevo Testamento = An Introduction to New Testament Christology (1996 @1994 Brown / Iglesias González), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesus: ein revolutionäres Leben = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1996 Crossan / Hahlbrock), book (German ed.)
- Jesús: biografía revolucionaria = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1996 Crossan / Lozaya), book (Spanish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1996 Delcambre / Lukaszewicz), book (Polish ed.)
- Testi di Qumran = Textos de Qumrán (Texts from Qumran / 1996 @1992 García Martínez / Martone), book (Italian ed.)
- Gli uomini di Qumran = Los hombres de Qumrán (The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls / 1996 García Martínez, Trebolle Barrera / Catastini), book (Italian ed.)
- Quem escreveu os manuscritos do Mar Morto? (1996 Golb / Sousa Moreira), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Baraba = Barabbas (Barabbas / 1996 Lagerkvist / Samuelsson), novel (Romanian ed.)
- Entre los dos Testamentos: Historia y religión en la época del Segundo Templo (1996 Maier), book (Spanish ed.)
- Disputa immaginaria tra un rabbino e Gesù = A Rabbi Talks with Jesus (1996 Neusner / Bianchi), book (Italian ed.)
- Paul the Apostle = L'apostolo Paolo (1996 @1991 Penna / Wahl), book (English ed.)
- El mundo de Jesús: el judaísmo del siglo I, en crisis (1996 Riches), book (Spanish ed.)
- イエスが生きた世界 : 危機に立つ1世紀のユダヤ教 = The World of Jesus: First-Century Judaism in Crisis (1996 Riches), book (Japanese ed.)
- Sohn Gottes: eine historische Biographie Jesu = The Historical Figure of Jesus (1996 Sanders / Enderwitz), book (German ed.)
- L'aventure des manuscrits de la mer Morte = Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls (1996 @1992 Shanks / Carteron), edited volume (French ed.)
- Gli Esseni, Qumran, Giovanni Battista e Gesù (1996 Stegemann), book (Italian ed.)
- Los esenios, Qumrán, Juan Bautista y Jesús (1996 Stegemann / Godoy), book (Spanish ed.)
- Manuskrypty znad Morza Martwego = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1996 @1994 VanderKam / Gromacka), book (Polish ed.)
- La religión de Jesús el judío = The Religion of Jesus the Jew (1996 Vermès / Alvarez Flórez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los judíos: la memoria y el presente = Juifs: la mémoire et le présent (The Jews: History, Memory and the Present / 1996 @1981-95 Vidal-Naquet / Schmucler, Zadunaisky), book (Argentine ed.)
- Il secreto messianico nei vangeli = Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (The Messianic Secret / 1996 @1901 Wrede), book (Italian ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1997 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Die Jesus-Verschwörung = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Grosse), novel (German ed.)
- Het Qumran-mysterie = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Abeling), novel (Dutch ed.)
- O enigma dos manuscritos do Mar Morto = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Liba Mucznik), novel (Portuguese ed.)
- Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Caviglione), novel (italian ed.)
- Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Hernàndez), novel (Catalan ed.)
- Qumrán = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Serrat Crespo), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Qumran Mystery = Qumran (1997 @1996 Abécassis / Read), novel (English ed.)
- クムラン = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Suzuki), novel (Japanese ed.)
- Il Vangelo secondo Maria Maddalena (1997 Ashcroft / Bianchi Oddera), novel (Italian ed.)
- イエス・ルネサンス : 現代アメリカのイエス研究 = Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship (1997 Borg / Ogawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Gesù e la comunità di Qumran = Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 @1992 Charlesworth / Franzosi), edited volume (Italian ed.)
- 耶稣传 : 一部革命性的传记 = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1997 Crossan / Gao, Duan), book (Chinese ed.)
- Gli esseni di Qumran (1997 Duhaime), book (Italian ed.)
- 101 perguntas sobre os manuscritos do mar Morto = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Fitzmyer / Bagno), book (Portuguese ed.)
- 101 pytan sobre o Qumran = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Fitzmyer / Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- According to Mary Magdalene (1997 Fredriksson), novel (English ed.)
- Barabasz = The Rebel (1997 Zukowski / @1996 Johnson), novel (Polish ed.)
- Il vangelo secondo il figlio = The Gospel According to the Son (1997 Mailer / Marenco), novel (Italian ed.)
- La llama eterna (1997 Ripley / Gallart), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Un amour divin (1997 Ripley / Langer), novel (French ed.)
- Apocalipsis: Visión de un mundo justo (2010 Schüssler Fiorenza), book (Spanish ed.)
- Η Περιπέτεια των Χειρογράφων της Νεκρής Θάλασσας (1997 Shanks / Lappa, Kekropoulou), edited volume (Greek ed.)
- Colorido local y contexto histórico en los Evangelios (1997 Theissen), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jézus és a judaizmus világa = Jesus and the World of Judaism (1997 Vermès), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Gesù: l'uomo, la fede = Jesus: A Life (1997 Wilson / Béguin), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- Jesus: um retrato do homem = Jesus: A Life (1997 Wilson / Jungmann), non-fiction (Portuguese ed.)
- Paolo: l'uomo che inventò il cristianesimo = Paul: The Mind of the Apostle (1997 Wilson / Finelli), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1998 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Kumrán avagy ki ölte meg Jézust? = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1998 @1996 Abécassis / Kiss Zsuzsa), novel (Hungarian ed.)
- Letteratura giudaica intertestamentaria (1998 Aranda Pérez/Pérez Fernández/García Martínez), book (Italian ed.)
- Koranens budskap = The Message of the Qur'an (1998 @1980 Asad / Bernström), book (Swedish ed.)
- Apoštol Pavel = Paulus (Paul / 1998 Bornkamm / Hájek), book (Czech ed.)
- Muhammad = L'homme du livre (1998 Chraïbi / Benabid), novel (English ed.)
- The Fifth Mountain (1998 Coelho / Landers), novel (English ed.)
- Die Versuchung in der Wüste = Quarantine (1998 @1997 Crace / Ahlers), novel (German ed.)
- Il diavolo nel deserto = Quarantine (1998 Crace / Noulian), novel (Italian ed.)
- Quarantaine = Quarantine (1998 @1997 Crace / Leynaud), novel (French ed.)
- Kto zabił Jezusa = Who Killed Jesus? (1998 Crossan / Stopa), book (Polish ed.)
- Yesu nŭn nugu inʼga?: Yŏksajŏk Yesu e kwanhan chilmundul e taehan haedap (1998 Crossan / Han), book (Korean ed.)
- イエス : あるユダヤ人貧農の革命的生涯 = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1998 Crossan / Ōta), book (Japanese ed.)
- La setta di Qumran: alla scoperta degli Esseni (1998 Flusser / De Francesco), book (Italian ed.)
- 死海文書は誰が書いたか? (Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? / 1998 Golb / Maeda), book (Japanese ed.)
- 黙示文学の探求 = Ratlos vor der Apokalytik (The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic / 1998 Koch / Kita), book (Japanese ed.)
- Un judío marginal: Nueva visión del Jesús histórico (1998-2010 Meier), book (Spanish ed.)
- Homoeroticism in the Biblical World (1998 Nissinen / Stjerna), book (English ed.)
- The Anointed and His People (1998 Oegema), book (English ed.)
- Milosc od Boga = A Love Divine (1998 @1996 Ripley / Kolodziej), novel (Polish ed.)
- 예수와유대교 = Jesus and Judaism (1998 Sanders / Hwang), book (Korean ed.)
- The Library of Qumran, on the Essenes, Qumran, John the Baptist, and Jesus (1998 Stegemann), book (English ed.)
- A qumráni közösség és a holt-tengeri tekercsek története = The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective (1998 Vermès), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1998 @1880 Wallace / Appel), novel (Polish ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1999 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Rhetorical Argumentation in Philo of Alexandria (1999 Alexandre Júnior), book (English ed.)
- Paul: un regard juif sur l'apôtre des Gentils (1999 Ben-Chorin), book (French ed.)
- Запретный образ Интеллектуальная история иконоборчества (1999 Besançon / Rozanov), book (Russian ed.)
- La morte del Messia = The Death of the Messiah (1999 Brown / Nepi, Venturini), book (Italian ed.)
- L'apocalittica nei rotoli del Mar Morto = Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (1999 @1997 Collins / Ferrario, Scarabelli), book (Italian ed.)
- Mahomet = Muhammad (1999 Cook / Zagórski), book (Polish ed.)
- Kluizenaars = Quarantine (1999 @1997 Crace / Willemse), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Quarentena = Quarantine (1999 @1997 Crace / Straus), novel (Portuguese ed.)
- Jesus: en revolutionær biografi = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1999 Crossan / Have), book (Danish ed.)
- Wer tötete Jesus? = Who Killed Jesus? (1999 Crossan / Hahlbrock), book (German ed.)
- La teologia dell'apostolo Paolo = The Theology of Paul the Apostle (1999 Dunn), book (Italian ed.)
- Esejské dobrodruzství = The Essene Adventure (1999 Flusser / Sláma), book (Czech ed.)
- Irŏbŏrin pogŭmsŏ: Q pogŭm kwa Kidokkyo ŭi kiwŏn (1999 Mack / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
Media in category "Translations--1990s"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
- 1995-T Neusner it.jpg 201 × 326; 11 KB
- 1995 * Stemberger.jpg 307 × 475; 32 KB
- 1996-T * Sacchi en.jpg 313 × 499; 17 KB
- 1998 Niederwimmer.jpg 413 × 475; 19 KB
- 1998-T * Theissen en.jpg 353 × 499; 28 KB