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Pages in category "Christian Origins Studies--1990s"
The following 137 pages are in this category, out of 137 total.
- Le mouvement baptiste en Palestine et Syrie, 150 av.J.C. – 300 ap.J.C. (1935 Thomas), book
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto e le origini del cristianesimo (1990 Daniélou / Palamidessi), book (Italian ed.)
- Acts of the Apostates (1990 Farrington), novel
- Revealed Histories: Techniques for Ancient Jewish and Christian Historiography (1990 Hall), book
- Mary of Magdala (1990 Williman), novel
- Mara: The Woman at the Well (1991 Bremkamp), novel
- Martha and Mary of Bethany (1991 Bremkamp), novel
- The Woman Called Magdalene (1991 Bremkamp), novel
- (+) From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God (1991 Casey), book
- The Prisoner in the Third Cell (1991 Edwards), novel
- The Journal of St. Mark (1991 Mann), novel
- Orígenes del cristianismo (1991 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- What Are They Saying about Acts? (1991 Powell), book
- Maria di Magdala e le molte altre (Mary Magdalene and Many Others / 1991 Ricci), book
- Dal primo giudaismo alla chiesa delle origini = From Early Judaism to Early Church (1991 Russell / Montagnini), book (Italian ed.)
- El Bautista (1991 Sicilia), novel
- In the Days of Paul: The Social World and Teaching of the Apostle (1991 Tambasco), book
- ~~ ~~ 1992 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Phoebe (1992 Bremkamp), novel
- Il cristianesimo, una religione ebraica (1992 Flusser), book (Italian ed.)
- L'unité du Pasteur d'Hermas (1992 Henne) book
- Monotheismus und Christologie: zur Gottesfrage im hellenistischen Judentum und im Urchristentum (1992 Klauck), edited volume
- Stephanos. Histoire et discours d'Étienne dans les Actes des Apôtres (1992 Légasse), book
- Josephus and the New Testament (1992 Mason), book
- 바울의 목회와 도시사회 : 1세기의 기독교인들 = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1992 Meeks / Hwang), book (Korean ed.)
- Frauen in der Apostelgeschichte des Lukas: eine feministisch-theologische Exegese (1992 Richter Reimer), book
- The Problem of the Text of Acts (1992 Strange), book
- Testvérem, Júdás (1992 Yerby / Tamás) = Judas, My Brother (1968 Yerby), novel (Hungarian ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1993 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Mary Magdalene in the New Testament Gospels and Early Tradition (1993 Atwood), book
- Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor (1993 Haskins), book
- Ascent to Heaven in Jewish and Christian Apocalypses (1993 Himmelfarb), book
- Luke's Portrait of Paul (1993 Lentz), book
- Josephus and Faith (1993 Lindsay), book
- (+) The Christmas Star (1993 Pfister), chidren's novel (English ed.)
- Judas Iscariote (1993 Reznikoff), novel
- Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer: die Essener von Qumran und das Urchristentum (The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Qumran Essenes and Christian Origins / 1993 Schmithals), book
- The Plan of God in Luke-Acts (1993 Squires), book
- Concordantia in Didachen (1993 Urbán), book
- The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting (1993 Winter/Clarke), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 1994 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Visual Bible: Acts (1994 Bergh), feature film
- María Magdalena: Tradiciones en el cristianismo antiguo (1994 Bernabé Ubieta), book
- (+) An Introduction to New Testament Christology (1994 Brown), book
- Ponzio Pilato: storia e leggenda (Pontius Pilate: History and Legend / 1994 Centini), non-fiction
- The Lost Testament of Judas Iscariot (1994 Dickinson), novel
- The Road to Masada (1994 Elwood), novel
- Hellenization Revisited: Shaping a Christian Response within the Greco-Roman World (1994 Helleman), edited volume
- Omelie e catechesi cristiane nel I secolo (1994 Marconi), book
- Dødehavsteksterne, essæeerne og det Nye Testamente (1994 Müller), book
- Ambiente histórico-cultural de los orígenes del cristianismo = L’ambiente storico-culturale delle origini cristiane (1994 @1984 Penna), book (Spanish ed.)
- Fuentes del cristianismo (1994 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Mary Magdalene and Many Others = Maria di Magdala e le molte altre (1994 @1991 Ricci / Burns), book (English ed.)
- An Echo in Darkness (1994 Rivers), novel
- ~~ ~~ 1995 ~~ ~~ ~~
- What is Postmodern Biblical Criticism? (1995 Adam), book
- The Magdalene Gospel (1995 Ashcroft), novel
- On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Temple Symbolism in the New Testament (1995 Barker), book
- The Book of Acts in Its Palestinian Setting (1995 Bauckham), edited volume
- The Story Keepers, AD 64 (1995 Clay), animation
- Marie de Nazareth (Mary of Nazareth / 1995 Delannoy), feature film
- Antropologia delle origini cristiane (1995 Destro, Pesce), book
- El cristianismo, una religión judía (1995 Flusser / Kowarik), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il giudaismo e le origini del cristianesimo (1995 Flusser / Ventura) = Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (1988 Flusser), book (Italian ed.)
- The Ladies and the Cities (1995 Humphrey), book
- The Didache in Context: Essays on Its Text, History, and Transmission (1995 Jefford), edited volume
- (+) The Letter of James (1995 Johnson), book
- Requiem (1995 Joyce), novel
- Apocalittica e origini cristiane (Apocalypticism and Christian Origins / 1995 Penna), edited volume
- First and Second Peter, James, and Jude (1995 Perkins), book
- Women in the Acts of the Apostles: A Feminist Liberation Perspective (1995 Richter Reimer / Maloney), book (English ed.)
- As Sure as the Dawn (1995 Rivers), novel
- Ancient Rage (1995 Wile), novel
- ~~ ~~ 1996 ~~ ~~ ~~
- La investigación de los Evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los Apóstoles en el siglo XX (1996 Aguirre Monasterio/Rodríguez Carmona), edited volume
- Early Christian Thought in Its Jewish Context (1996 Barclay/Sweet), edited volume
- Introducción a la cristología del Nuevo Testamento = An Introduction to New Testament Christology (1996 @1994 Brown / Iglesias González), book (Spanish ed.)
- Cosmology and Eschatology in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism (1996 Yarbro Collins), book
- The Didache in Modern Research (1996 Draper), edited volume
- Hebrews and James (1996 Gench), book
- The Theology of the Acts of the Apostles (1996 Jervell), book
- The Rebel (1996 Johnson), novel
- Judas: Betrayer or Friend of Jesus? (1996 Klassen), book
- Baraba = Barabbas (Barabbas / 1996 Lagerkvist / Samuelsson), novel (Romanian ed.)
- The Book of Acts in Its Diaspora Setting (1996 Levinskaya), book
- Two Thousand Years Later (1996 Longley), novel
- The Social World of Jesus and the Gospels (1996 Malina), book
- The Antecedents of Antichrist (1996 Peerbolte), book
- A Critical Concordance to the Didache; or, Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (1996 Thompson, Baird), book
- ~~ ~~ 1997 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Il Vangelo secondo Maria Maddalena (1997 Ashcroft / Bianchi Oddera), novel (Italian ed.)
- Eschatology in the Making: Mark, Matthew, and the Didache (1997 Balabanski), book
- Nicodème (1997 Chevalley), novel
- Enligt Maria Magdalena (1997 Fredriksson), novel
- Le prime comunità cristiane (1997 Fusco), book
- Barabasz = The Rebel (1997 Zukowski / @1996 Johnson), novel (Polish ed.)
- Families in the New Testament World (1997 Osiek, Balch), book
- Qumran e le origini cristiane (1997 Penna), edited volume
- Dødehavsskrifterne og Det ny Testamente (Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament / 1997 Pilgaard), book
- En la frontera de lo imposible: Magia, medicina y milagro en el Mediterráneo Antiguo en tiempos del Nuevo Testamento (1997 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Il quarto re (The Fourth King / 1997 Reali), TV film
- La llama eterna (1997 Ripley / Gallart), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Nero (1997 Shotter), book
- Le texte alexandrin et le texte occidental des Actes des Apôtres (1997 Tavardon), book
- Moi Salomé, épouse de Jésus (1997 Trévoux), novel
- The Trial of Stephen: The First Christian Martyr (1997 Watson), book
- The Book of Deborah (1997 Whitehouse), novel
- ~~ ~~ 1998 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Fate of the Dead: Studies on the Jewish and Christian Apocalypses (1998 Bauckham), book
- The Acts of the Apostles (1998 Fitzmyer), book
- Angelomorphic Christology (1998 Gieschen), book
- Christliche Existenz nach dem Jakobusbrief (1998 Konradt), book
- Carnet secret de Judas Iscariote (1998 Makey), novel
- Milosc od Boga = A Love Divine (1998 @1996 Ripley / Kolodziej), novel (Polish ed.)
- The Devil, Disease and Deliverance: Origins of Illness in New Testament Thought (1998 Thomas), book
- Women in the New Testament (1998 Thurston), book
- La notte del lupo (1998 Vassalli), novel
- Acts (1998 Walaskay), book
- Stephen’s Test of Faith (1998 Yake), short film
- ~~ ~~ 1999 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Amor, muerte y más allá en el judaísmo y cristianismo antiguos (1999 Alonso Ávila), edited volume
- God Crucified: Monotheism and Christology in the New Testament (1999 Bauckham), book
- Desire of the Everlasting Hills: The World before and after Jesus (1999 Cahill), non-fiction
- Mary, Mother of Jesus (1999 Connor), TV film
- Hände in Unschuld: Pontius Pilatus in der Geschichte (Innocent Hands: Pontius Pilate in History / 1999 Demandt), book
- Apologetics in the Roman Empire: Pagans, Jews, and Christians (1999 Edwards, Goodman, Price), edited volume
- Jésus et Jean Baptiste. Enquête historique sur une rencontre légendaire (1999 Guyénot), book
- Barabbas: Felon/Friend (1999 Harris), novel
- Daughter of Jerusalem (1999 Lemmons), novel
- Judas the Gentile (1999 Lliteras), novel
- La première histoire du christianisme: les Actes des Apôtres (1999 Marguerat), book
- The Jewish Roots of Christological Monotheism (1999 Newman/Davila/Lewis), edited volume
- Zwischen Hoffnung und Gericht: Untersuchungen zur Rezeption der Apokalyptik im frühen Christentum und Judentum (1999 Oegema), book
- Sens et enjeux d'un conflit textuel (1999 Tavardon), book
- Pontius Pilate (1999 Wroe), non-fiction
Media in category "Christian Origins Studies--1990s"
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.
- 1992 Smiga.jpg 322 × 499; 23 KB
- 1993-E Evans Hagner.jpg 329 × 499; 29 KB
- 1993 * Ferguson.jpg 400 × 590; 60 KB
- 1993 Hall.jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 1993 * Rivers (novel).jpg 999 × 1,500; 133 KB
- 1994 Freudmann.jpg 324 × 499; 22 KB
- 1994 Setzer.jpg 324 × 499; 38 KB
- 1995 * Pagels.jpg 324 × 499; 48 KB
- 1995 Taylor.jpg 180 × 284; 7 KB
- 1996 * Ripley (novel).jpg 273 × 445; 23 KB
- 1997 * Taylor.jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 1998 * Bond.jpg 298 × 499; 16 KB
- 1998 * Crossan.jpg 991 × 1,500; 120 KB
- 1998 Niederwimmer.jpg 413 × 475; 19 KB
- 1999-E Farmer.jpg 333 × 499; 36 KB