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Pages in category "Christian Origins Studies--1920s"
The following 61 pages are in this category, out of 61 total.
- Four Hitherto Unpublished Gospels (1920 Barton), novel
- San Pietro e i primi anni del cristianesimo (1920 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- Die Judastragödie (1920 Friedell), play
- La Samaritana (1920 Furlotti / Guazzi), opera
- Barnabas, Hermas and the Didache (1920 Robinson), book
- Judas Iskariot (1920 Schwarzkopf), novel
- The Autobiography of Judas Iscariot (1920 Sheppard), novel
- Hellenism and Christianity (1921 Bevan), book
- La Didachè; ou, L'enseignement des douze apôtres (1921 Bresson), book
- Revelation (1921 Deamer), novel
- Der Brief des Jakobus (1921 Dibelius), book
- S. Giovanni e la fine dell'età apostolica (1921 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- The Twice Born Woman (1921 Strauss), short film
- The Acts of the Apostles (1922 Blunt), book
- The Street of the Gazelle (1922 Deamer), novel
- Nero (1922 Edwards), feature film
- Pistis (1922 Gyllenberg), book
- Onesimus (1922 Tupper), play
- Une repentie (1922 Vioux), novel
- The Social Origins of Christianity (1923 Case), book
- Judas (1923 Moore), poetry
- Giuda (1923 Ratti), play
- Simon of Cyrene (1923 Shastid), novel
- Judas Iscariot (1923 Thurston), play
- Pilate’s Wife (1924 Doolittle), novel
- Jesus and the Greeks; or, Early Christianity in the Tideway of Hellenism (1924 Fairweather), book
- La femme de Judas (1924 Malaurie), novel
- Maria di Magdala (1924 Pedrollo), opera
- Judas Iscariot (1925 Cullen), poetry
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 2nd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1925 Felten), book
- Androcles and the Lion (1925 Moeller / @1912 Shaw), New York (Broadway) production (play)
- Dějiny novozákonní doby (History of New Testament Times / 1925 Žilka), book
- The New Testament World (1926 Dana), book
- Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (The Last Days of Pompeii / 1926 Gallone), feature film
- Le berceau de dieu (The Cradle of God / 1926 Granville), feature film
- Die Probleme des palästinischen Spätjudentums und das Urchristentum (1926 Kittel), book
- Judas; or, The Betrayal (1926, Pepler), play
- The Tragedy of Judas Iscariot (1926 Tavani), play
- John (1927 Barry), play
- The Rise of Gentile Christianity (1927 Foakes-Jackson), book
- The Epistle of St. James and Judaic Christianity (1927 Rendall), book
- Men & Manners in the Days of Christ (1928 Arendzen), non-fiction
- Ponce-Pilate (Pontius Pilate / 1928 Bretagne & Mercier), opera
- Studies in Early Christianity (1928 Case), edited volume
- The Promise Everlasting (1928 Correll), novel
- The Scripts of Cleophas (1928 Cummins), vision
- Barabbas (1928 Ghelderode), play
- Au seuil de l'évangile: Jean-Baptiste (1928 Goguel), book
- The Coming of Christ (1928 Holst), theatre music
- The Rich Young Man (1928 Knox), novel
- Die Doper; of, Die Herodes-Treurspel (The Baptist; or, The Herod-Tragedy / 1928 Müller), play (Afrikaans)
- Notes on St. Luke and the Acts (1928 Pallis), book
- Androclo e il leone = Androcles and the Lion (1928 @1912 Shaw / Agresti), play (Italian ed.)
- Jesus Barabbas (1928 Söderberg), novel
- The Wife of Pontius Pilate (1928 Turnbull), novel
- The Gospel According to Judas Iscariot (1929 Bates), novel
- Yehudah ish-Kerayot (1929 Bistritzky), play
- Juda de Kérioth (1929 Maeterlinck), play
- Barter (1929 Nagle), play
- Iscariot: The Story of Judas (1929 Roth), novel
Media in category "Christian Origins Studies--1920s"
The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
- 1920 Dreyer (film) 2.jpg 192 × 256; 12 KB
- 1924 D'Annunzio & Jacoby (film).jpg 230 × 345; 46 KB