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Pages in category "Christian Origins Studies--1500s"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- De Maria Magdalena, & tridvo Christi disceptatio (1517 Lefèvre), book
- Commedia della Conversione di Santa Maria Maddalena (1521 Alamanni), play
- Annotationes in Acta apostolorum (1524 Jonas), book
- Die ander Epistel S. Petri und eyne S. Judas (1524 Luther), book
- Commedia della vita e della morte di S. Giovanni Battista (1525 Ottonaio), play
- Commentarii in Epistolas catholicas (1527 Lefèvre), book
- In quattuor Euangelia et Acta apostolorum (Commentary on the Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles / 1530 De Vio), book
- In Acta apostolorum commentarius (1533 Bullinger), book
- Johan Baptystes Preachynge in the Wyldernesse (1538 Bale), play
- Baptistes (1540 Buchanan), play
- Archipropheta (1547 Grimald), play
- Johannes der Täufer (1549 Aal), play
- An Exposition vpon the Epistle of Jude ye Apostle of Christ (1549 Ridley), book
- Commentaria in omnes divi Pauli, et alias septem canonicas epistola (1551 Pellicanus), book
- Iudas Iscariotes (1552 Naogeorg), play
- The Life and Repentaunce of Marie Magdalene (1558 Wager), play
- Ecclesiastica Historia (1559-74 Flacius Illyricus), edited volume
- Neronis encomium (Praise of Nero / 1562 Cardano), book
- Von den heiligen Engeln (1565 Garcaeus), book
- Compendio historico del Vecchio, e del Nuovo Testamento (1586 Dionigi), book
- (++) Le vite delle donne illustri della Scrittura Sacra (1586 Garzoni), book
- Annales ecclesiastici (Ecclesiastical Annals / 1588-1607 Baronio), book (Latin)