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Pages in category "Christian Origins Studies--1600s"
The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
- Flavia (1600 Stefonio), play
- La vita di S. Longino martire cavalier mantoano (1605 Magagnati), poetry
- Missus est Gabriel Angelus (Annunciation to Mary / 1609 Bonini), sacred dialogue
- La Maddalena (Magdalene / 1617 Andreini), play
- La Maddalena (Magdalene / 1617 Monteverdi, Rossi, Effrem, Ghivizzani), theatre music
- Domine, si fuisses hic (Raising of Lazarus / 1618 Donati), sacred dialogue
- Dialogo del Figliuol Prodigo (The Prodigal Son / 1619 Anerio), sacred dialogue
- Santa Maria Maddalena (1621 Cicognini), play
- In omnes Catholicas Epistolas explanationes (1621 Giustiniani), book
- Herodiados (1622 Bidermann), play
- Herodes infanticida (1632 Heinsius), play
- La strage degl'innocenti (The Slaughter of the Innocents / 1632 Marino), poetry (Italian)
- Historia apostolica illustrata (1634 Cappel), book
- Maria Maddalena peccatrice e convertita (1636 Brignole-Sale), novel
- Moord der onnozelen = Herodes infanticida (1639 @1632 Heinsius), play (Dutch ed.)
- A Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles (1645 Lightfoot), book
- Die sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz (The Seven Last Words of Christ / 1645 Schütz), oratorio
- Historiae ecclesiasticae Novi Testamenti (1651-67 Hootinger), book
- A Practical Commentary; or, An Exposition with Notes upon the Epistle of James (1651 Manton), book
- An Exposition of the Epistle of Jude (1652 Jenkyn), book
- La strage degli innocenti (1665 Bertali), oratorio
- Weihnachtshistorie (Christmas Story / 1665 Schütz), oratorio
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1666 Biancolelli), play
- The Famous Epistles of Saint Polycarp and Saint Ignatius... with the Epistle of St. Barnabas (1668 Elborow), book
- Mística Ciudad de Dios: Vida de la Virgen Madre de Dios (1670 Maria de Agreda), vision
- A Catalogue of Virtuous Women Recorded in the Old & New Testament (1671 Barton), poetry
- S. Andrea Apostolo (1672 Benevoli / Benigni), oratorio
- The Apostolical History (1672 Cradock), book
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1675 Boccaccio), play
- Herodes der Kindermörder (Herod the Child Murderer / 1675 Heinlein / Faber), oratorio
- San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist / 1675 Stradella / Ansaldi), oratorio
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1677 Liberati / Ficieno), oratorio (music & libretto)
- Les moeurs des Chrestiens (1682 Fleury), book
- In circumcisione Domini (1683 Charpentier), oratorio
- Acta Sanctorum Apostolorum ad literam explicata (A Literal Explanation of the Acts of the Holy Apostles / 1684 Veil), book
- Sancti Barnabæ Apostoli Epistola Catholica (1685 Fell, Bernard), book
- A Literal Explanation of the Acts of the Holy Apostles = Acta Sanctorum Apostolorum ad literam explicata (1685 @1684 Veil), book (English ed.)
- Judas der Ertz-Schelm (1686 Abraham a Sancta Clara), novel
- La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo (Magdalene at the Feet of Christ / 1690 Bononcini / Forni), oratorio (music & libretto), Modena premiere
- Il figliuol prodigo (The Prodigal Son / 1697 Biffi / Ciallis), oratorio
- La fuga in Egitto (1697 Casini), oratorio
- La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo (Magdalene at the Feet of Christ / 1698 Caldara / Sandrinelli, @1690 Forni), oratorio (music & libretto), Venice premiere
- Unparteyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historie (1699-1700 Arnold), book
- La decollazione di S. Giovanni Battista (1699 Ingegneri), oratorio