La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo (Magdalene at the Feet of Christ / 1690 Bononcini / Forni), oratorio (music & libretto), Modena premiere

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La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo <Italian> (1690) is an oratorio, set to music by Antonio Maria Bononcini.

~ Original libretto by Lodovico Forni (libr.).



  • Maddalena / Mary Magdalene (soprano)
  • Amor celeste / Celestial Love (soprano)
  • Amor terreno / Earthly Love (alto)
  • Fariseo / Pharisee (tenor)
  • Cristo / Jesus of Nazareth (bass)


<Score>. The original ms. is preserved in the Biblioteca estense, Modena, Italy.


Performance history

Premiered in Modena, Italy: Quaresima 1690 e 1700.

Sound Recordings

External links