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Pages in category "Christian Origins Studies--1850s"
The following 131 pages are in this category, out of 131 total.
- Die Apostelgeschichte (1850 Bauer), book
- Die Entstehung der altkatholischen Kirche (1850 Ritschl), book
- The Christian Doctrine of Forgiveness of Sin (1852 Clarke), book
- A Commentary on the Original Text of the Acts of the Apostles (1852 Hackett), book
- Histoire de la théologie chrétienne au siècle apostolique (1852 Reuss), book
- Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord (1854 Charles), novel
- Pontius Pilatus (Pontius Pilate / 1854 Pyl), play
- Die Apostelgeschichte nach ihrem Inhalt und Ursprung (1854 Zeller), book
- Adonijah (1856 Strickland), novel
- The Acts of the Apostles (1857 Alexander), book
- Heidenthum und Judenthum (1857 Döllinger), book
- Der Ursprung des Christenthums (1857 Noack), book
- Rome et la Judée au temps de la chute de Néron (1858 Champagny), book
- The Martyr of the Catacombs (1858 De Mille), novel
- Jone; ossia, L'ultimo giorno di Pompei (Jone; or, The Last Day of Pompeii / 1858 Petrella / Peruzzini), opera (music & libretto), Milan premiere (cast)
- Oratorio de Noël (1858 Saint-Saëns), oratorio
- The Cripple of Antioch (1860 Charles), novel
- Sabina (1861 Magon), novel
- The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ = Heidenthum und Judenthum (1862 @1857 Döllinger / Darnell), book (English ed.)
- Traditions of Palestine; or, Scenes in the Holy Land in the Days of Christ (1863 Sargent), novel
- The Gladiators (1863 Whyte-Melville), novel
- Philo, Strauss und Renan und das Urchristentum (1864 Bauer), book
- La femme biblique (Women in the Bible / 1866 Bader), book
- Barnabae Epistula (1866 Hilgenfeld), book
- Nerón (1866 Rubí, Alba y Peña), play
- The New Testament History (1866 Smith), book
- (+) Les mémoires de Judas (The Memoirs of Judas / 1867 Petruccelli della Gattina), novel
- Aurelia; oder, Die Juden der Porta Capena (1867 Quinton), novel (German ed.)
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (1868-70 Hausrath), book
- Aurelia; of, De Joden van de Porta Capenda (1868 Quinton), novel (Dutch ed.)
- The Origin of Christianity, and a Commentary on the Acts of Apostles (1868 Wise), book
- Der Hirt des Hermas (1868 Zahn), book
- Der Messias (1869 Gensichen), play
- The Prodigal (1869 Osborn), play
- In Both Worlds (1870 Holcombe), novel
- Le memorie di Giuda (1870 Petruccelli della Gattina), novel (Italian ed.)
- The Victory of the Vanquished (1871 Charles), novel
- A History of God's Church from its Origin to the Present Time (1871 Pond), book
- Nerone (Nero / 1872 Cossa), play
- History of Christian Theology in the Apostolic Age (1872-74 Reuss / Holmden, Dale), book (English ed.)
- Geschichte des römischen Kaiserreichs unter der Regierung des Nero (History of the Roman Empire under the Government of Nero / 1872 Schiller), book
- St John the Baptist (1873 Macfarren / Monk), oratorio
- Marie-Magdeleine (Mary Magdalene / 1873 Massenet / Gallet), oratorio (music & libretto), Paris premiere
- Aurelia; ó, Los judíos de la Puerta Capena (1873 Quinton / Godoy), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Coming of the Messiah (1873 Winkley), play
- Nero (1875 Story), play
- A Dissertation on the Epistle of S. Barnabas (1877 Cunningham), book
- The Beginnings of Christianity (1877 Fisher), book
- Pilatos (Pilate / 1877 Zorrilla), play
- Philochristus (1878 Abbott), novel
- The General Epistle of St. James (1878 Plumptre), book
- La Vierge (The Virgin / 1880 Massenet / Grandmougin), oratorio
- Il figliuol prodigo (The Prodigal Son / 1880 Ponchielli), opera
- Johannes der Täufer (1880 Schlatter), book
- The Legend of Thomas Didymus (1881 Clarke), novel
- Die Claudier (1881 Eckstein), novel
- Antinous (1881 Hausrath), novel
- The Acts of the Apostles (1881-82 Lumby), book
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1881 Massenet / Milliet, Grémont), opera & libretto
- Onesimus, Christ's Freedman (1882 Abbott), novel
- Maria di Magdala (1882 Calvi), play
- Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (1882 Hackett / Hovey), book
- Pilato: saggio istorico (Pilate: Historical Essay / 1883 Maddaloni), non-fiction
- Marta y Maria (1883 Palacio Valdés), novel
- St. Mary Magdalen (1883 Stainer / Sparrow-Simpson), oratorio
- Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (1884 Bryennios, Hitchcock, Brown), book
- The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (1884 De Romestin), book
- Lehre der zwölf Apostel (1884 Harnack), book
- The Acts of the Apostles (1884-1885 Lindsay), book
- Torald der Hohenzollern (1885 Gutsche), novel
- The Teaching of the Apostles and the Sibylline Books (1885 Harris), book
- The Acts of Apostles (Greek Text) (1885 Lumby), book
- Marius the Epicurean (1885 Pater), novel
- La Didachè ou l'enseignement des douze apôtres
- The Oldest Church Manual; called, The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (1885 Schaff), book
- (+) Saint Pierre et les premières années du Christianisme (Saint Peter and the First Years of Christianity / 1886 Fouard), book
- Judas (1886 Hedberg), novel
- Sérénus (1886 Lamaître), novel
- The Women Friends of Jesus (1886 McCook), book
- By the King and the Queen (1886 Mercier), novel
- Raphael Ben Isaac (1887 Bradshaw), novel
- St John the Baptist (1887 Peace), oratorio
- Commentary on the Epistle of Jude (1888 Williams), book
- Commentary on the Epistle of James (1888 Winkler), book
- Die Lehre der zwölf Apostel (1888 Wohlenberg), book
- To the Lions (1889 Church), children's novel
- (+) Nero (1889 Eckstein), novel
- Balthasar (1889 France), novel
- John the Baptist, the Forerunner of Our Lord (1889 Houghton), book
- Leah of Jerusalem (1890 Berry), novel
- A Son of Issachar (1890 Brooks), novel
- Come Forth! (1890 Phelps/Ward), novel
- The Slaves of Sabinus, Jew and Gentile (1890 Yonge), novel
- Ben-Beor: A Story of the Anti-Messiah (1891 Bien), novel
- Aleph the Chaldean (1891 Burr), novel
- La Doctrine des douze Apôtres et ses enseignements (1891 Jacquier), thesis
- Mary of Magdala (1891 Saltus), novel
- Sketches of Jewish Life in the First Century: Nicodemus; Gamaliel (1891 Strong), novel
- The Burning of Rome (1892 Church), children's novel
- Saint Peter and the First Years of Christianity (1892 Fouard), book (English ed.)
- (+) Le procurateur de Judée (The Procurator of Judea / 1892 France), novel
- Beric the Briton (1892 Henty), children's novel
- The Epistle of St. James: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes and Comments (1892 Mayor), book
- Simon Magus (1892 Mead), book
- An Introduction to the Study of the Acts of the Apostles (1892 Stifler), book
- The Church in the Roman Empire before AD 170 (1893 Ramsay), book
- Die Apostelgeschichte (1893 Weiss), book
- Histoire de l'Église: depuis la mort de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ jusqu'à nos jours (1894 Beurlier), book
- Titus: A Comrade of the Cross (1894 Kingsley), juvenile novel
- Bethlehem (1894 Mackenzie), oratorio
- The Historical Geography of the Holy Land (1894 Smith), book
- Judas (1895 Hedberg), play
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte = History of New Testament Times (1895 Holtzmann), book
- The Cross Triumphant (1895 Kingsley), novel
- The Two St Johns of the New Testament (1895 Stalker), book
- The General Epistle of St. James (Greek Text) (1896 Carr), book
- Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross (1896 Kingsley), novel
- Ezekiel of Bethlehem; or, From Bethlehem to Calvary (1896 Shugert), novel
- The Swordmaker's Son (1896 Stoddard), children's novel
- John: A Tale of King Messiah (1896 Woods), novel
- The Sign of the Cross (1897 Barrett), novel
- La Samaritaine (The Samaritan Woman / 1897 Rostand), play
- The Son of Ingar (1897 Woods), novel
- Children of Gospel Day (1897 Worcester), children's novel
- Domitia (1898 Baring-Gould), novel
- Outlines of New Testament History (1898 Gigot), book
- La risurrezione di Lazzaro (1898 Perosi), oratorio
- The Day Breaketh (1898 Shugert), novel
- Maria von Magdala (Mary of Magdala / 1899 Heyse), play
- Commentarius in Actus Apostolorum (1899 Knabenbauer), book
Media in category "Christian Origins Studies--1850s"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
- 1866 * Quinton (novel).jpg 630 × 1,000; 78 KB
- 1869-T * Quinton (novel) en.jpg 492 × 842; 43 KB
- 1893 * Corelli (novel).jpg 570 × 859; 202 KB
- 1895 * Barrett (play).jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 1895 * Sienkiewicz (novel).jpg 674 × 1,100; 138 KB
- 1895 * Van Dyke (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 42 KB
- 1899 * Charles.jpg 331 × 500; 29 KB