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Pages in category "Translations--1980s"
The following 122 pages are in this category, out of 122 total.
- Messianic Expectation in the Old Testament = Messiaserwartung im Alten Testament (1980 @1977 Becker), book (English ed.)
- Diccionario teológico del Nuevo Testamento (1980-1983 Coenen), edited volume (Spanish ed.)
- L'ambiente del Nuovo Testamento = Umwelt des Neuen Testament (The New Testament Environment / 1980 Lohse / Redana), book (Italian ed.)
- Introduzione agli apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento = Einleitung in die alttestamentlichen Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen (Judaism outside the Hebrew Canon / 1980 Rost / Rosso Ubigli), book (Italian ed.)
- Yesu ŭi sasang kwa yŏksajŏk paegyŏng (1980 Simkhovitch / Hŏ), book (Korean ed.)
- Il buon uso del tradimento: Flavio Giuseppe e la guerra giudaica (1980 Vidal-Naquet / Ambrosino) = Flavius Josèphe; ou, Du bon usage de la trahison (1977 Vidal-Naquet), book (Italian ed.)
- Vidas de Adán y Eva, de los patriarcas y de los profetas (1981 Cousin), book (Spanish ed.)
- La speranza giudaica al tempo di Gesù = L’espérance juive à l’heure de Jésus (1981 @1978 Grelot / Bacchiarello), book (Italian ed.)
- Ebrei, Greci e Barbari = Juden, Griechen und Barbaren (Jews, Greeks and Barbarians / 1981 @1976 Hengel / Forza), book (Italian ed.)
- Gesù e la storia (1981 Perrot) = Jésus et l'histoire (1979 Perrot), book (Italian ed.)
- 예수운동의사회학 = Sociology of the Jesus Movement (1981 Theissen / Cho), book (Korean ed.)
- 古經之風俗及典章制度 = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions / 1981 Vaux / Yang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Introduzione al Nuovo Testamento = Einleitung in das Neue Testament (New Testament Introduction / 1981 @1973 Wikenhauser, Schmid / Montagnini), book (Italian ed.)
- 耶穌基督 : 史實與宣道 = Jesus Christus (Jesus Christ / 1981 @1953 Zimmermann / Yue), book (Chinese ed.)
- Il Santo Graal = Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982 @1982 Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln / Rambelli), arch-fi (Italian ed.)
- Sahae sabon (1982 Bruce / Shin), book (Korean ed.)
- Los escritos de san Pablo: Cartas a las jóvenes comunidades (1982 Brunot), book (Spanish ed.)
- Storie di Adamo e Eva, di patriarchi e di profeti (1982 Cousin), book (Italian ed.)
- Esther-sŏ yŏnʼgu (1982 Gerleman / Chon), book (Korean ed.)
- Introduction to the New Testament (1982 Koester), book (English ed.)
- Yŏksajŏk Yesu yŏnʼgu (1982 Käsemann / Kang), book (Korean ed.)
- The Women around Jesus = Ein eigener Mensch werden: Frauen um Jesus (1982 @1980 Moltman-Wendel / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Jesús y la historia (1982 Perrot / Larriba), book (Spanish ed.)
- Die Apokalypse Abrahams (1982 Philonenko-Sayar / Philonenko), book (German ed.)
- Ιστορια της Ερευνας του Βίου του Ιησού (1982 Schweitzer / Agouridis), book (Greek ed.)
- The Four Wise Men (1982 Tournier / Manheim), novel (English ed.)
- Saramdoem ŭi kiwŏn kwa unmyŏng: Mat'ae pogŭm yŏn'gu (1982 Waetjen / Kang), book (Korean ed.)
- Mon frère Jésus: perspectives juives sur le Nazaréen (1983 Ben-Chorin), book (French ed.)
- La communauté du disciple bien-aimé = The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1983 Brown / Godefroid), book (French ed.)
- La comunidad del discípulo amado = The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1983 @1979 Brown / Martínez Goñi), book (Spanish ed.)
- 耶穌 = Jesus (1983 @1980 Carpenter / Tian), book (Chinese ed.)
- The Apocalypse: The Perennial Revelation of Jesus Christ = Apocalisse prima e dopo (1983 @1980 Corsini / Moloney), book (English ed.)
- Maometto e la tradizione islamica = Mahomet et la tradition islamique (Muhammad and the Islamic Tradition / 1983 Dermenghem / ???), book (Italian ed.)
- ユダヤ教とヘレニズム = Judentum und Hellenismus (Judaism and Hellenism / 1983 Hengel / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- Eucharistia in Philo (1983 Laporte), book (English ed.)
- Il mondo ebraico al tempo di Gesù (1983 Paul) = Le mond des Juifs a l’heure de Jésus (The Jewish World at the Time of Jesus / 1981 Paul), book (Italian ed.)
- Masada (1983 @1981 Sagal), TV mini-series (Italian ed.)
- Evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los apóstoles (1983 Auneau / Sierra), book (Spanish ed.)
- La crisis macabea (1983 Saulnier / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gesù l'ebreo = Jesus the Jew (1983 @1973 Vermès / Grossi, Peretto), book (Italian ed.)
- Filón de Alejandría: De la gramática a la mística (1984 Cazeaux), book (Spanish ed.)
- L'Apocalypse maintenant = Apocalisse prima e dopo (1984 @1980 Corsini / Arrighi, Léon-Dufour), book (French ed.)
- La historia de las formas evangélicas (1984 Dibelius), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il figlio di Dio = Der Sohn Gottes (The Son of God / 1984 Hengel / Cessi, Soffritti), book (Italian ed.)
- Law in Paul's Thought = Das Gesetz bei Paulus (1984 Hübner / Greig, Riches), book (English ed.)
- Paulus og Jesus = Paulus en Jezus (Paul and Jesus / 1984 @1952 Ridderbos / Jacobsen), book (Danish ed.)
- Gli uomini del ritorno = Palestinian Parties and Politics That Shaped the Old Testament (1984 @1971 Smith / Xella), book (Italian ed.)
- The Gospel and the Poor = Das Evangelium und die Armen (1984 Stegemann / Elliott), book (English ed.)
- Sin-Kuyak chunggansa (1984 Surburg / Kim), book (Korean ed.)
- Le tombeau de Saint Pierre = The Bones of St. Peter (1984 Walsh / Roux), non-fiction (French ed.)
- Fratello Gesù: un punto di vista ebraico sul Nazareno (1985 Ben-Chorin), book (Italian ed.)
- Teologia del Nuovo Testamento = Theologie des Neuen Testaments (Theology of the New Testament / 1985 Bultmann / Rizzi), book (Italian ed.)
- Das Reich der Verderbnis (1985 Burgess), novel (German ed.)
- La nascita dei Vangeli sinottici (1985 Carmignac), book (Italian ed.)
- The History of Israel and Judah in Old Testament Times (1985 Castel), book (English ed.)
- Storia politica d'Israele: dalle origini ad Alessandro Magno (1985 Cazelles), book (Italian ed.)
- The Truth of the Gospel: An Exposition of Galatians = Die Wahrheit des Evangeliums: eine Lesehilfe zum Galaterbrief (1985 Ebeling / Green), book (English ed.)
- Jesús de Nazaret: Historia e interpretación = Gesú di Nazareth: Storia e interpretazione (Jesus: History and Interpretation / 1985 @1983 Fabris), book (Spanish ed.)
- San Paolo = Saint Paul (1985 Grant / Rossi), book (Italian ed.)
- (+) The Temple Scroll = Die Tempelrolle vom Toten Meer (1985 @1978 Maier / White), book (English ed.)
- Paulus und das palästinische Judentum (1985 Sanders), book (German ed.)
- Storia del popolo giudaico al tempo di Gesù Cristo = The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (1985-98 Schürer, Vermès / Soffritti, Chiesa, Gianotto), book (Italian ed.)
- 新約背景 = New Testament Times (1985 Tenney / Liang, Li), book (Chinese ed.)
- Le contexte du Nouveau Testament (1985 Viertel / Clarke), book (French ed.)
- 古代ユダヤ教 = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1985 Weber / Uchida), book (Japanese ed.)
- La cultura ellenistico-romana nei suoi rapporti con giudaismo e cristianesimo (1985 Wendland), book (Italian ed.)
- Die Tempelrolle: die verborgene Thora vom Totem Meer (1985 Yadin), book (German ed.)
- A holt-tengeri tekercsek és a qumráni közösség (1986 Amusin), book (Hungarian ed.)
- El bautismo en el tiempo del cristianismo primitivo (1986 Barth / Ruíz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Le royaume des mécréants (1986 Burgess), novel (French ed.)
- Storia d'Israele e di Giuda: dalle origini al 2. secolo d.C. (1986 Castel), book (Italian ed.)
- Amahl et les visiteurs de la nuit (1986 Chapouton, Lemieux) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1986 Frost, Lemieux / @1951 Menotti), children's book (French ed.)
- La vita quotidiana in Palestina al tempo di Gesù = Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1986 Daniel-Rops / Lo Buono), book (Italian ed.)
- Gesù (1986 Grant / Osimo), book (Italian ed.)
- Amahl und die Könige aus dem Morgenland (1986 Krahé, Lemieux) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1986 Frost, Lemieux / @1951 Menotti), children's book (German ed.)
- Le judaïsm à l'aube du christianisme (1986 Neusner / Bagot), book (French ed.)
- Yohanpokŭm e natʻanan Kŭrisŭdo ŭi sinsŏng (1986 Robertson / Choe), book (Korean ed.)
- Paolo e il giudaismo palestinese (1986 Sanders), book (Italian ed.)
- 黙示文学入門 = Die Apokalyptik (The Apocalyptic Movement / 1986 @1973 Schmithals / Toki), book (Japanese ed.)
- Storia della ricerca sulla vita di Gesù (1986 Schweitzer / Coppellotti), book (Italian ed.)
- Il battesimo in epoca protocristiana (1987 Barth / Panini), book (Italian ed.)
- Studi sull'apocalittica (Studies on Apocalypticism / 1987 Delcor / Zani), book (Italian ed.)
- Studies on the Hasmonean Period (1987 Efron), book (English ed.)
- L'ultima tentazione = The Last Temptation (1987 Kazantzakis / Aboaf), novel (Italian ed.)
- Maga ŭi Yesu iyagi (1987 Kelber / Suh), book (Korean ed.)
- Testi giudaici per lo studio del Nuovo Testamento = Textbuch zur neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte (1987 Kippenberg, Wewers / Firpo), book (Italian ed.)
- Saulo (1987 Mészöly / D'Alessandro), novel (Italian ed.)
- La Carta a los colosenses (1987 Schweizer), book (Spanish ed.)
- Psychological Aspects of Pauline Theology = Psychologische Aspekte paulinischer Theologie (1987 Theissen / Galvin), book (English ed.)
- Amahl e gli ospiti notturni (1987 Tron, Lemieux) = Amahl and the Night Visitors (1986 Frost, Lemieux / @1951 Menotti), children's book (Italian ed.)
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto (1987 Vermes), book (Spanish ed.)
- Lazarus (1988 Absire / Bray), novel (English ed.)
- The Work of Betrayal = L'opera del tradimento (1988 @1975 Brelich / Rosenthal), novel (English ed.)
- El reino de los réprobos (1988 Burgess / Buenaventura) = The Kingdom of the Wicked (1985 Burgess), novel (Argentine ed.)
- 歴史の中のイエス = The Historical Jesus (1988 Cornfeld / Kishida), book (Japanese ed.)
- History and Ideology in Ancient Judaism = Storia ed ideologia nell'Israele antico (1988 @1986 Garbini / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Religião e formação de classes na antiga Judéia (1988 Kippenberg / Ferreira / Sobral), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Gli esseni secondo la loro testimonianza diretta (1988 Laperrousaz / Tosatti), book (Italian ed.)
- Bathsheba (1988 Lindgren / Geddes), novel (English ed.)
- Il profeta Maometto: la sua vita secondo le fonti più antiche = Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources (1988 Lings / Volpe), book (Italian ed.)
- 我信歷史上的耶穌 = I Believe in the Historical Jesus (1988 @1977 Marshall / Huang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Los primeros cristianos urbanos: El mundo social del apóstol Pablo = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1988 Meeks), book (Spanish ed.)
- パリサイ派とは何か : 政治から敬虔へ = From Politics to Piety: The Emergence of Pharisaic Judaism (1988 Neusner / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- 욥기 = Job (1988 @1965 Pope / Yi), book (Korean ed.)
- El judaísmo: desde el destierro hasta el tiempo de Jesús (1988 Tassin / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- Le royaume de la Torah (1989 Baram), novel (French ed.)
- Pablo de Tarso y los orígenes cristianos = Paolo di Tarso e le origini cristiane (Paul of Tarsus and Christian Origins / 1989 @1985 Barbaglio), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gesù visto dai contemporanei = Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament (1989 Bruce / Corsani, Tomasetto), book (Italian ed.)
- 死海卷軸 = The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, 2nd ed. (1989 @1961 Cross / Wu), book (Chinese ed.)
- Judas Maccabaeus: The Jewish Struggle against the Seleucids (1989 @1980 Bar-Kochva), book (English ed.) = מלחמות החשמונאים
- Jesús de Nazaret: su vida, su época, sus enseñanzas (1989 Klausner / Piatigorsky), book (Spanish ed.)
- El sermón de la montaña, ¿para quién? (1989 Lohfink), book (Spanish ed.)
- Opposition to Paul in Jewish Christianity (1989 Lüdemann), book (English ed.)
- 古代都市のキリスト教 : パウロ伝道圈の社会学的研究 = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1989 Meeks / Kayama), book (Japanese ed.)
- Il giudaismo nei primi secoli del cristianesimo = Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity (1989 Neusner / Servi), book (Italian ed.)
- 兩約之間 = Between the Testaments (1989 Russell / Xuan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 総說・ユダヤ人の歴史 = The Jewish People in the First Century (1989-1992 Safrai, Stern / Sakine, Nagakubo, Tsuchido, Kawashima), edited volume (Japanese ed.)
- Paolo, la legge e il popolo giudaico = Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (1989 @1983 Sanders / Borbone), book (Italian ed.)
- Introduction to the Old Testament, 3rd ed. = Introduzione all'Antico Testamento, 4th ed. (1989 @1987 Soggin / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- ¿El manuscrito más antiguo de los Evangelios?: El fragmento de Marcos en Qumrán y los comienzos de la tradición escrita del Nuevo Testamento (1989 Thiede / Fornari), book (Spanish ed.)
- La Carta a los romanos (1989-1992 Wilckens), book (Spanish ed.)
Media in category "Translations--1980s"
The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.
- 1980 * Hengel.jpg 375 × 499; 31 KB
- 1980-T Kasemann (en).jpg 330 × 500; 32 KB
- 1983-T Neusner it.jpg 200 × 266; 6 KB
- 1984-T Haenchen Busse.jpg 400 × 451; 120 KB
- 1984 Lapide - Stuhlmacher en.jpg 342 × 500; 39 KB
- 1987-T Manns it.jpg 315 × 499; 27 KB
- 1987-T Steinsaltz fr.jpg 400 × 669; 34 KB
- 1989 Flusser.jpg 306 × 474; 25 KB
- 1989-T * Hengel en.jpg 400 × 625; 14 KB
- 1989-T * Hengel.jpg 880 × 1,360; 152 KB