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Pages in category "OT Apocrypha Studies--1980s"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- Hikre ha-tekufah ha-Hashmonait (1980 Efron), book
- Siracide (1980 Minissale), book
- Wisdom as a Hermeneutical Construct: A Study in the Sapientializing of the Old Testament (1980 Sheppard), book
- Zhi hui pian shi yi (1981 Han), book
- Esther, Judith, Tobit, Jonah, Ruth (1982 Craghan), book
- Das Buch Tobit: Studien zu seiner Entstehung, Komposition und Theologie (1982 Deselaers), book
- Ben Sira's View of Women (1982 Trenchard), book
- Gute Nachricht Bibel (1982 United Bible Societies), book
- 1-2 Maccabei: lotta e martirio per la fede (1982 Vallauri), book
- Tobit (1983 Hanhart), book
- Le livre de la sagesse; ou, La sagesse de Salomon (1983-1985 Larcher), book
- Sirach (1983 MacKenzie), book
- The Book of Wisdom, Song of Songs (1983 Reese), book
- Ben Sira and Demotic Wisdom (1983 Sanders), book
- Il libro della Sapienza: struttura e genere letterario (1984 Bizzeti), book
- Text und Textgeschichte des Buches Tobit (1984 Hanhart), book
- Judith (1984 Hochhuth), play
- Wisdom and the Hebrew Epic: Ben Sira's Hymn in Praise of the Fathers (1985 Mack), book
- Judith (1985 Matthus / Hebbel), opera
- Jonah, Tobit, Judith (1986 Nowell), book
- Das Buch der Weisheit (1986 Schmitt), book
- Wijsheid van Salomo (1987 Beentjes), book
- Tobit, Judit (1987 Gross), book
- Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd, yn cynnwys yr Apocryffa (The New Welsh Bible, including the Apocrypha / 1988 British and Foreign Bible Society), book (Welsh)
- Harper's Bible Commentary (1988 Mays), edited volume
- Biblija (The Bible / 1988 Vėlius), book (Lithuanian)
- Dispetti divini (1989 Alberti), novel
- A história de Tobias (1989 Rovisco), play
- Libro della Sapienza (1989-96 Scarpat), book
Media in category "OT Apocrypha Studies--1980s"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
- 1981 * Nickelsburg.jpg 324 × 499; 34 KB
- 1983 Goldstein.jpg 317 × 474; 42 KB
- 1984-E * Stone.jpg 333 × 499; 21 KB
- 1985 Moore.jpg 312 × 474; 28 KB
- 1987 Skehan.jpg 333 × 499; 36 KB