Category:OT Apocrypha Studies--2010s
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Pages in category "OT Apocrypha Studies--2010s"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- ~~ ~~ 2010 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Like an Everlasting Signet Ring: Generosity in the Book of Sirach (2010 Gregory), book
- Deuterocanonical Additions of the Old Testament Books (2010 Xeravits, Zsengellér), edited volume
- Studies in the Book of Wisdom (2010 Xeravits, Zsengellér), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2011 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Ben Sira on Family, Gender, and Sexuality (2011 Balla), book
- Rewriting Biblical History: Essays on Chronicles and Ben Sira (2011 Corley, Grol), edited volume
- Il culto che Dio gradisce: studio del "trattato sulle offerte" di SirGr 34,21-35,20 (2011 De Zan), book
- La Sagesse de Salomon / The Wisdom of Solomon (2011 Gilbert), book
- Wisdom of Solomon 10 (2011 Glicksman), book
- The Expanded Text of Ecclesiasticus (2011 Kearns / Beentjes), book (new edition)
- The Wisdom Instructions in the Book of Tobit (2011 Macatangay), book
- Marriage in the Book of Tobit (2011 Miller), book
- "Die Vollendung der Gottesfurcht ist Weisheit" (Sir 21,11) (2011 Reiterer), book
- The Texts and Versions of the Book of Ben Sira (2011 Rey, Joosten), book
- Textus és kontextus (Text and Context. Understanding the Old Testament / 2011 Zsengellér), book
- ~~ ~~ 2012 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Jewish Teachers of Jesus, James, and Jude (2012 DeSilva), book
- The Canon of the Bible and the Apocrypha in the Churches of the East (2012 Hovhanessian), edited volume
- The "Whole Truth": Rethinking Retribution in the Book of Tobit (2012 Kiel), book
- Foreign Nations in the Wisdom of Ben Sira (2012 Marttila), book
- ~~ ~~ 2013 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Judith of Bethulia (2013 Busch), play
- Aufsätze zu Ben Sira (2013 Sauer), book
- Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity (2013 Kalimi, Nicklas, Xeravits), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2014 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Torah in 1 Maccabees (2014 Borchardt), book
- Second Temple Songs of Zion (2014 Henderson), book
- Canonicity, Setting, Wisdom in the Deuterocanonicals (2014 Xeravits), edited volume
- Political Power and Ideology in Early Judaism (2014 Xeravits), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2015 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Construction, Coherence and Connotation in LXX, Apocryphal and Cognate Literature (2015), conference
- Various Aspects of Worship in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2015), conference
- "Take Courage, O Jerusalem…" Studies in the Psalms of Baruch 4–5 (2015 Xeravits), book
- Religion and Female Body in Ancient Judaism and Its Environments (2015 Xeravits), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2016 ~~ ~~ ~~
- A Bölcsesség útja. Tanulmányok a Bölcsesség könyvéről (The Way of Wisdom: Studies in the Book of Wisdom / 2016 Mazzinghi / Szatmári, Szabó), book (Hungarian)
- Einleitung in die hellenistisch-jüdische Literatur (Introduction to Hellenistic-Jewish Literature / 2016 Siegert), book
- ~~ ~~ 2017 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Various Aspects of Worship in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2017 Xeravits, Zsengellér, Balla), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2018 ~~ ~~ ~~
- ~~ ~~ 2019 ~~ ~~ ~~
Media in category "OT Apocrypha Studies--2010s"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
- 2010-E Brine.jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 2010-E * Page.jpg 410 × 500; 33 KB
- 2012 Doran.jpg 421 × 500; 18 KB
- 2012-E * Newsom Ringe Lapsley.jpg 334 × 499; 31 KB
- 2012-E Xeravits.jpg 339 × 499; 18 KB
- 2019 Sigvartsen.jpg 333 × 499; 15 KB
- 2019 Wills.jpg 440 × 500; 24 KB