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*[[(+) Aurélia; ou, Les juifs de la porte Capène (1866 Quinton), novel]] | *[[(+) Aurélia; ou, Les juifs de la porte Capène (1866 Quinton), novel]] | ||
*[[(++) Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1880 Wallace), novel]] | *[[(++) Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1880 Wallace), novel]] | ||
*[[(+) Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1887 Bovio), play]] | |||
*[[(+) Nero (1889 Eckstein), novel]] | *[[(+) Nero (1889 Eckstein), novel]] | ||
*[[(+) Le procurateur de Judée (The Procurator of Judea / 1892 France), novel]] | |||
*[[(+) Barabbas (1893 Corelli), novel]] | *[[(+) Barabbas (1893 Corelli), novel]] | ||
*[[(++) Quo Vadis? (1895 Sienkiewicz), novel]] | *[[(++) Quo Vadis? (1895 Sienkiewicz), novel]] | ||
*[[(+) The Story of the Other Wise Man (1895 Van Dyke), novel]] | *[[(+) The Story of the Other Wise Man (1895 Van Dyke), novel]] | ||
*[[(+) Lucius Flavus (1898 Spillmann), novel]] | |||
}} | }} | ||
Revision as of 07:26, 27 April 2016
Pages in category "Literature--1850s"
The following 189 pages are in this category, out of 189 total.
- Mohammed, the Arabian Prophet (1850 Miles), play
- Isaac Laquedem (1851 Dumas), novel
- Die Makkabäer (1852 Ludwig), play
- Herodes der Grosse (Herod the Great / 1853 Neumeister), play
- Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord (1854 Charles), novel
- Pontius Pilatus (Pontius Pilate / 1854 Pyl), play
- Titus; oder, Die Zerstörung Jerusalems (1855 Kossarski), play
- Giovanni Giscala (John of Giscala / 1855 Rossi / Cavagnari), opera (music & libretto), Parma premiere
- The Life and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century before Christ (1855 Wheeler), novel
- The First of the Maccabees (1855 Wise), novel
- La légende du juif errant (The Legend of the Wandering Jew / 1856 Dupont / Doré), poetry & art (French)
- Mariamne; or, The Queen's Fate (1856 Mair), novel
- Die Hasmonäer (1856 Michaël), play
- Adonijah (1856 Strickland), novel
- Spartaco (1857 Carcano), play
- Paolo (1857 Gazzoletti), play
- Giuditta (1857 Giacometti), play
- Bar-Cochba, der letzte Judenkönig (Bar-Kokhba, the Last King of the Jews / 1857 Heigel), poetry
- The Martyr of the Catacombs (1858 De Mille), novel
- La distruzione di Gerusalemme (The Destruction of Jerusalem / 1858 Pacini / Fioretti), oratorio (music & libretto), Florence premiere (cast)
- Jone; ossia, L'ultimo giorno di Pompei (Jone; or, The Last Day of Pompeii / 1858 Petrella / Peruzzini), opera (music & libretto), Milan premiere (cast)
- The Combat of the People; or, Hillel and Herod (1858 Wise), novel
- Die Hasmonäer (1859 Stein), play
- The Captive Orphan: Esther, the Queen of Persia (1859 Tyng), novel
- The Cripple of Antioch (1860 Charles), novel
- The False Christ (1860 Charles), novel
- Titus et Bérénice (Titus and Berenice / 1860 Gastinel / Fournier), opera (music & libretto), Paris premiere
- The Throne of David (1860 Ingraham), novel
- Belshazzar's Feast (1860 Root / Edmands), oratorio & libretto
- Sabina (1861 Magon), novel
- Herodes (1862 Franquelo), play
- Salome, the Daughter of Herodias (1862 Heywood), play
- The Shepherd of Bethlehem, King of Israel (1862 Tucker), novel
- Sipure Hordus (1863 Dick), novel
- El mártir del Gólgota (1863-64 Pérez Escrich), novel
- Traditions of Palestine; or, Scenes in the Holy Land in the Days of Christ (1863 Sargent), novel
- Stories from Jewish History (1863 Tucker), children's novel
- The Gladiators (1863 Whyte-Melville), novel
- Exiles in Babylon; or, Children of Light (1864 Tucker), children's novel
- Judas Makkabäus (1865 Bolander), novel
- Jesus der Christ (1865 Dulk), play
- Hanani l’essénien (1865 Guénot), novel
- La vengeance d'un juif (1865 Guénot), novel
- Yeshu ha-notsri (1866 Goldstein), novel
- Esra der Schriffgelehrte (1866 Philippson), novel
- Nerón (1866 Rubí, Alba y Peña), play
- Rescued from Egypt (1866 Tucker), novel
- Antonius (1867 Heywood), play
- Salome (1867 Heywood), play
- (+) Les mémoires de Judas (The Memoirs of Judas / 1867 Petruccelli della Gattina), novel
- Calvary (1868 Osborn), play
- Der Messias (1869 Gensichen), play
- The Idumean (1869 Leavitt), play
- The Prodigal (1869 Osborn), play
- Hebrew Heroes (1869 Tucker), children's novel
- Nero, the Parricide (1870 Anderson), play
- In Both Worlds (1870 Holcombe), novel
- Le memorie di Giuda (1870 Petruccelli della Gattina), novel (Italian ed.)
- The Victory of the Vanquished (1871 Charles), novel
- The Divine Tragedy (1871 Longfellow), poem
- Nerone (Nero / 1872 Cossa), play
- Ein Tag in Capernaum (1872 Delitzsch), novel
- Judas Maccabaeus (1872 Longfellow), play
- Spartaco (1873 Giovagnoli), novel
- Marie-Magdeleine (Mary Magdalene / 1873 Massenet / Gallet), oratorio (music & libretto), Paris premiere
- Mariamne (1873 Osborn), play
- The Coming of the Messiah (1873 Winkley), play
- Mayse Hordos (1873 Wohlman), play
- Alexander the Great (1874 De Vere), play
- Nero (1875 Story), play
- Zipporah, the Jewish Maiden (1876 Bewsher), novel
- Hérodias (1877 Flaubert), novel
- Hérodiade (Salome / 1887 Mallarmé), poetry
- Pilatos (Pilate / 1877 Zorrilla), play
- Philochristus (1878 Abbott), novel
- Nero (1880 Comfort), play
- The Legend of Thomas Didymus (1881 Clarke), novel
- Der Kaiser (1881 Ebers), novel
- Die Claudier (1881 Eckstein), novel
- Antinous (1881 Hausrath), novel
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1881 Massenet / Milliet, Grémont), opera & libretto
- Onesimus, Christ's Freedman (1882 Abbott), novel
- Maria di Magdala (1882 Calvi), play
- Marta y Maria (1883 Palacio Valdés), novel
- Rufus; oder, Der Judenaufstand unter Hadrian (1884 Friedländer), play
- The Autobiography of Judas Iscariot (1884 Hart), novel
- A rebours (Against Nature / 1884 Huysmans), novel
- Herod (1884 Iliowizi), play
- Bar Kokhba (1884 Landau), play
- Les captifs (1884 Walch), play
- The Feast of Light (1885 Bien), play
- Torald der Hohenzollern (1885 Gutsche), novel
- The Destruction of Jerusalem (1885 Landau), play
- Marius the Epicurean (1885 Pater), novel
- Pictures of St. Paul (1885 Tucker), children's novel
- Judas (1886 Hedberg), novel
- Сказание о Флоре, Агриппе и Менахеме, сыне Иегуды (1886 Korolenko), novel
- Sérénus (1886 Lamaître), novel
- By the King and the Queen (1886 Mercier), novel
- Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1887 Bovio), play (Italian)
- Raphael Ben Isaac (1887 Bradshaw), novel
- Herod, King of the Jews (1887 Landau), play
- Jeschua von Nazara (1888 Ador), novel
- For the Temple (1888 Henty), novel
- The Son of a Star (1888 Richardson), novel
- Herod and Mariamne (1888 Rives), play
- Der letster Yudisher kenig (The Last Jewish King / 1888 Shaikewitz), novel
- To the Lions (1889 Church), children's novel
- Emmanuel (1889 Cooley), novel
- (+) Nero (1889 Eckstein), novel
- Balthasar (1889 France), novel
- Rebekah (1889 Jones), novel
- Hanike (1889 Lerner), play
- Fun Kleyn tsu der Kroyn (1889 Shaikewitz), novel
- Leah of Jerusalem (1890 Berry), novel
- A Son of Issachar (1890 Brooks), novel
- A Young Macedonian in the Army of Alexander the Great (1890 Church), children's novel
- The Hammer (1890 Church), children's novel
- Josua (1890 Ebers), novel
- The Heart of Sheba (1890 Hewitt), novel
- Come Forth! (1890 Phelps/Ward), novel
- The Master of the Magicians (1890 Phelps / Ward), novel
- Saulus af Tarsus (Paul of Tarsus / 1890 Roos), novel
- Berenike (1890 Schumacher), novel
- Acte (1890 Westbury), novel
- The Slaves of Sabinus, Jew and Gentile (1890 Yonge), novel
- The Light of the World; or, The Great Consummation (1891 Arnold), poem
- Ben-Beor: A Story of the Anti-Messiah (1891 Bien), novel
- Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth (1891 Bird), juvenile novel
- Aleph the Chaldean (1891 Burr), novel
- Mary of Magdala (1891 Saltus), novel
- Herodes (1891 Stilgebauer), novel
- Sketches of Jewish Life in the First Century: Nicodemus; Gamaliel (1891 Strong), novel
- The Rabbi's Sons (1891 Weaver), novel
- The Burning of Rome (1892 Church), children's novel
- (+) Le procurateur de Judée (The Procurator of Judea / 1892 France), novel
- Judas Maccabaeus (1892 Goldfaden), play
- Beric the Briton (1892 Henty), children's novel
- Alphée de Nazareth (1892 Joseph), novel
- Sulamith (1892 Osmond), novel
- Pójdzmy za nim (Let's Follow Him / 1892 Sienkiewicz), novel
- Tsar Irod i tsaritsa Mariamna (1893 Aleksandrov), play
- The Wandering Jew (1893 Buchanan), poem
- The Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople Fell (1893 Wallace), novel
- (++) Salomé (Salome / 1893 Wilde), play
- Jesús de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1894 Guimerá), play
- Titus: A Comrade of the Cross (1894 Kingsley), juvenile novel
- San Paolo (1895 Bovio), play
- Moses (1895 Bruch / Spitta), oratorio (music & libretto), Barmen premiere
- Judas (1895 Hedberg), play
- As Others Saw Him (1895 Jacobs), novel
- The Cross Triumphant (1895 Kingsley), novel
- In the Wilderness; or, The Soul's Life (1895 Naylor / Metcalfe), oratorio
- Jesus of Nazareth (1896 Barlow), play
- Σαλώμη (Salome / 1896 Cavafy), poetry
- Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross (1896 Kingsley), novel
- The Quiet King (1896 Mason), novel
- Ezekiel of Bethlehem; or, From Bethlehem to Calvary (1896 Shugert), novel
- Herod the Great (1896 Solly), play
- The Swordmaker's Son (1896 Stoddard), children's novel
- John: A Tale of King Messiah (1896 Woods), novel
- The Sign of the Cross (1897 Barrett), novel
- Three Children of Galilee (1897 Gordon), juvenile novel
- Paul: A Herald of the Cross (1897 Kingsley), novel
- Alexander Jannaeus (1897 Landau), play
- La passione di Cristo secondo S. Marco (1897 Perosi), oratorio
- La Samaritaine (The Samaritan Woman / 1897 Rostand), play
- Johannes (1897 Sudermann), play
- The Days of Mohammed (1897 Wilson), novel
- The Son of Ingar (1897 Woods), novel
- Children of Gospel Day (1897 Worcester), children's novel
- Domitia (1898 Baring-Gould), novel
- Di Koningin fan Skeba; of, Salomo syn oue goudfelde in Sambesia (The Queen of Sheba / 1898 Du Toit), novel (Afrikaans)
- Judas Maccabaeus (1898 Mendes), children's play
- Nero (1898 Panizza), play
- The Day Breaketh (1898 Shugert), novel
- Lucius Flavus (1898 Spillmann), novel (German)
- Aleksander Yanai, der fershtosener prints (1898 Ter), play
- The Patriots of Palestine (1898 Yonge), novel
- Maria von Magdala (Mary of Magdala / 1899 Heyse), play
- Spartacus (1899 Kalischer), play
- Ben-Hur (1899 Young), play
Media in category "Literature--1850s"
The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.
- 1855 * Ingraham (novel).jpg 339 × 498; 28 KB
- 1866 * Quinton (novel).jpg 630 × 1,000; 78 KB
- 1869-T * Quinton (novel) en.jpg 492 × 842; 43 KB
- 1880 * Wallace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 1893 * Corelli (novel).jpg 570 × 859; 202 KB
- 1895 * Barrett (play).jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 1895 * Sienkiewicz (novel).jpg 674 × 1,100; 138 KB
- 1895 * Van Dyke (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 42 KB