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Pages in category "Literature--1700s"
The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total.
- Judae Machabei gloriosa in Deum fiducia (1702 Adolph), play
- La mort de Néron (The Death of Nero / 1703 Péchantrès), play
- La caduta di Simon Mago (The Fall of Simon Magus / 1706 Ciccioni / Grappelli), oratorio (music & libretto), Rome premiere
- Die unglückselige Princessin Michal und der verfolgte David (1707 Lehms), novel
- La resurrezione (The Resurrection / 1708 Haendel / Capece), oratorio (music & libretto), Rome premiere (cast)
- Hérode (1709 Nadal), play
- Des israelitischen Printzens Absolons und seiner Prinzcessin Schwester Thamar (1710 Lehms), novel
- Der für die Sünde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus (The Story of Jesus, Suffering and Dying for the Sins of the World / 1712 Brockes), libretto
- Der weise König Salomo (1712 Lehms), novel
- Der schönen Esther Lebensgeschichte (1713 Lehms), novel
- Tito e Berenice (Titus and Berenice / 1714 Caldara / Capece), opera (music & libretto), Rome premiere (cast)
- Herodes (Herod the Great / 1718 Schürmann / Müller), opera (music & libretto), Brunswick premiere
- Les Machabées (1721 La Motte), play
- Antiochus; ou, Les Machabées (1722 Nadal), play
- Judas Iscariote (1722 Zamora), play
- (+) Mariamne (1723 Fenton), play
- Jonathas le Machabée (1723 Père de la Sante), play
- Mariamne (1724 Voltaire), play
- Mariamne (1725 Nadal), play
- Berenice (1725 Orlandini / Pasqualigo), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere (cast)
- Spartaco (Spartacus / 1726 Porsile / Pasquini), opera (music & libretto)
- Per la festività del santo natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1727 Metastasio), libretto (oratorio)
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (The Passion of Jesus Christ / 1730 Metastasio), libretto (oratorio)
- Daniello (Daniel / 1731 Zeno), libretto
- La morte d'Abel (The Death of Abel / 1732 Metastasio), libretto (oratorio)
- L'Ester (1733 Manzoni Giusti), play
- La Gerusalemme convertita (1733 Zeno), libretto
- San Pietro in Cesarea (1734 Caldara / Zeno), oratorio
- La clemenza di Tito (The Clemency of Titus / 1734 Metastasio), libretto (opera)
- Israel in Egypt (1739 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio (music & libretto), London premiere
- The Holy Disciple; or, The History of Joseph of Arimathea (1740 Anonymous), fiction
- El Portentoso Moysès (The Portentous Moses / 1740 Figuera), oratorio (music & libretto), Barcelona premiere
- Herod the Great (1740 Peck), poetry
- (++) Le fanatisme; ou, Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1741 Voltaire), play
- La passione di Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo (1745 Brunassi), play
- Il naufragio di San Paolo in Malta (1748 Gristi), play
- Der Messias (The Messiah / 1748-73 Klopstock), poetry
- Giovanni di Giscala (John of Giscala / 1754 Varano), play
- (+) Der Tod Jesu (The Death of Jesus / 1755 Ramler), libretto
- Der Tod Adams (The Death of Adam / 1757 Klopstock), play
- Der Tod Abels (The Death of Abel / 1758 Gessner), poetry
- Spartacus (1760 Saurin), play
- The Death of Abel = Der Tod Abels (1762 @1758 Gessner / Collyer), poetry (English ed.)
- Ghiella e Shën Mëriis Virghiër (The Life of the Virgin Mary / 1762 Variboba), poetry
- The Siege of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian (1763 Latter), play
- La madre de' Maccabei (1764 Barbieri), libretto
- Colección de varias historias (1767-1768 Santos Alonso), novel
- The Messiah (1768 Cameron), novel
- The Siege of Jerusalem (1769 Bowes Strathmore), play
- Berenice (1770 Platania / Durandi), opera (music & libretto), Turin premiere (cast)
- The Fall of Egypt (1774 Stanley / Hawkesworth), oratorio (music & libretto), London premiere
- Tito e Berenice (Titus & Berenice / 1776 Mei / Lanfranchi-Rossi), opera (music & libretto), Pisa premiere
- Saul (1782 Alfieri), play
- Ottavia (Octavia / 1783 Alfieri), play
- Abele (1786 Alfieri), play
- Berenice (1786 Rust / @1770 Durandi), opera (music), Parma premiere
- Maometto (Muhammad / 1791 Baccanti), poetry (Italian)
- (++) La clemenza di Tito (The Clemency of Titus / 1791 Mozart / Mazzolà, @1734 Metastasio), opera (music & libretto), Prague premiere (cast)
- Spartakus (Spartacus / 1793 Meissner), novel
- Tito e Berenice (Titus and Berenice / 1793 Nasolini / Foppa), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere (cast)
- Épicharis et Néron; ou, Conspiration pour la liberté (Epicharis and Nero / 1794 Legouvé), play
- Ester (1795 Avelloni), play
- The Wandering Jew; or, Love's Masquerade (1797 Franklin), play