Category:Jewish Authorship--1850s
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Pages in category "Jewish Authorship--1850s"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- Jewish School and Family Bible (1851-56 Benisch), book
- Hebräische Quellen für das Buch Henoch (1853 Jellinek), essay
- תורה, נביאים וכתובים = The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures (1853 Leeser), book
- Ueber das Buch der Jubiläen und das Noah-Buch (1855 Jellinek), book
- Titus; oder, Die Zerstörung Jerusalems (1855 Kossarski), play
- Post-Biblical History of the Jews (1855 Raphall), book
- The First of the Maccabees (1855 Wise), novel
- Geschichte der Juden: 3. Bis zum Untergang des jüdischen Staates (1856 Graetz), book
- הריסות ביתר (Harisot Betar) (The Fall of Bethar / 1858 Schulman), book
- The Combat of the People; or, Hillel and Herod (1858 Wise), novel
- תולדות יוסף (Toledot Yosef) (Life of Josephus / 1859 Schulman), book
- Die Hasmonäer (1859 Stein), play
- Le Pentateuque; ou, Les Cinq livres de Moïse (1860-69 Wogue), book
- Sipure Hordus (1863 Dick), novel
- Das Judenthum und seine Gechichte (1864-71 Geiger), book
- Il libro del Cohelet volgarmente detto Ecclesiaste (Qoheleth / 1866 Castelli), book
- Ueber die jüdische Angelologie und Daemonologie in ihrer Abhängigkeit vom Parsismus (1866 Kohut), book
- Esra der Schriffgelehrte (1866 Philippson), novel
- The History of Antiochus Epiphanes; or, The Institution of the Feast of Dedication (1866 Rajpurkar), book
- Histoire des Israélites depuis l’édification du second temple jusqu’à nos jours (1866 Schwab), book
- Essai sur l'histoire et la géographie de la Palestine. 1: Histoire de la Palestine depuis Cyrus jusqu’à Adrien (1867 Derenbourg), book
- The Origin of Christianity, and a Commentary on the Acts of Apostles (1868 Wise), book
- ספר היובלים המכונה מדרש בראשית זוטרתא (The Book of Jubilees called Midrash Genesis Zutrata / 1870 Rubin), book
- Storia degli ebrei dall'edificazione del secondo tempio fino ai giorni nostri (1870 Schwab / Pugliese), book (Italian ed.)
- Kol kore (1870 Solovaitsik / Wogue), book (French ed.)
- Herodias (1872 Lévy), art
- תורה עם תרגום רוסי (The Torah in Russian Translation / 1872 Mandelstamm), book
- Die Makkabäer (The Maccabees / 1873 Rubinstein / Mosenthal), opera
- Mayse Hordos (1873 Wohlman), play
- Geschichte der Juden: 2.2. Bis zum Tode des Juda Makkabi (1876 Graetz), book
- Johann Hyrkan (1877 Werner), book
- A Chronological Outline of Ancient Jewish History (1880 Rajpurkar), book
- Bar Kokhba (1883 Goldfaden), opera
- Die jüdischen Proselyten im Römerreiche unter den Kaisern Domitian, Nerva, Trajan und Hadrian (1884 Graetz), book
- Herod (1884 Iliowizi), play
- Bar Kokhba (1884 Landau), play
- The Feast of Light (1885 Bien), play
- The Destruction of Jerusalem (1885 Landau), play
- Kenig Ahashverosh; oder, Kenigin Ester (1887 Goldfaden), opera
- Herod, King of the Jews (1887 Landau), play
- Der letster Yudisher kenig (The Last Jewish King / 1888 Shaikewitz), novel
- Muhammedanische Studien (Muslim Studies / 1889-1890 Goldziher), book
- Hanike (1889 Lerner), play
- Fun Kleyn tsu der Kroyn (1889 Shaikewitz), novel
- Ben-Beor: A Story of the Anti-Messiah (1891 Bien), novel
- Judas Maccabaeus (1892 Goldfaden), play
- Przewodnik judaistyczny: obejmujacy kurs literatury i religii (1893 Nussbaum), book
- Textes d'auteurs grecs et romains relatifs au judaïsme (1895 Reinach), book
- Alexander Jannaeus (1897 Landau), play
- Judas Maccabaeus (1898 Mendes), children's play
- Aleksander Yanai, der fershtosener prints (1898 Ter), play
- The Chronicles of Jerahmeel; or, The Hebrew Bible Historiale (1899 Gaster), book
- The Origin of the 'Original Hebrew' of Ecclesiasticus (1899 Margoliouth), book
Media in category "Jewish Authorship--1850s"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- 1861 Levi.jpg 768 × 1,000; 98 KB
- 1865 Benamozegh.jpg 184 × 274; 11 KB
- 1874 Wise.jpg 333 × 500; 27 KB
- 1880 * Wise.jpg 907 × 1,360; 213 KB