Category:Salome (subject)

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Salome (Home Page)
Salome (Home Page)

Salome Caracciolo.jpg

Salome (1st century CE) was the daughter of Herodias and Herod II, and the step-daughter of Herod Antipas.

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Salome -- Overview
Salome -- Overview

The character of Salome has been subjected in fiction to a dramatic metamorphosis, from innocent child or indifferent teenager to powerful icon of morbid female seductiveness (and anti-Semitism). Salome is one of the most successful and recognizable characters from Second Temple Judaism in modern culture.

In medieval Christian iconography, Salome is portrayed as an innocent child, the passive instrument of her mother's revenge. By the 16th century, the character has matured into a teenager, now more indifferent than innocent to the drama in which she has been involved. The turning point is the second half of the 19th century when Salome is transformed into an Oriental beauty, fully self-conscious of her power of seduction. In the works of Oscar Wilde and Richard Strauss she becomes the epitome of the femme fatale, a sensual, morbid and sadistic character who destroys the men she loves.

  • Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan



From the historical point of view, Salome is part of the scion of powerful and politically engaged women that characterized the House of Hasmoneus (and the House of Herod), from Queen Salome Alexandra to Alexandra the Hasmonean, Mariamne, Herodias, Berenice, Drusilla, and others.

Josephus introduces Salome as the daughter of Herod II and Herodias. Her paternal grandparents were Herod the Great and Mariamne II, while another son of Herod the Great, Aristobulus IV and his wife Berenice I were her maternal grandparents. She was thus related to both the House of Herod and the House of Hasmoneus.

After her mother's divorce and remarriage, Salome grew up as the step-daughter of her uncle Herod Antipas. Some legendary Christian accounts narrate of her involvement in the death of John the Baptist.

Still an adolescent, Salome was given as wife to her uncle Herod Philip, son of Herod the Great. A young widow, she remarried with Aristobulus of Chalcis, from whom she had three sons named Herod, Agrippa and Aristobulus (see Ant XVIII 136-137).

Nothing else is known about her life and death.

Research on Salome however is limited by the paucity of historical sources and the legendary nature of the Gospel account. Scholars have rather focused on the study of the Salome legend and its ramifications in literature and the arts.

Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan

Salome, in ancient sources

The character of Salome is mentioned both in Josephus and in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew.

The Gospels of Mark and Matthew (which do not mention her name or any other incidents in her life) suggest her (involuntary) involvement in the death of John the Baptist. They tell us that as a girl she danced before her uncle (and now step-father) Herod Antipas. At the instigation of her mother Herodias, she requested and obtained the head of John the Baptist as her reward from the king.

Josephus (who does not mention Salome in his account of the death of John the Baptist), in a genealogical list of the descendants of Herod the Great, talks briefly of her life as the daughter of Herod II and Herodias, and the step-daughter of Herod Antipas after her mother's divorce and remarriage. Salome was given as wife to her uncle Herod Philip, son of Herod the Great. A young widow, she remarried with Aristobulus of Chalcis, from whom she had three sons named Herod, Agrippa and Aristobulus (see Ant XVIII 136-137).

The story of Salome and her involvement in the death of John the Baptist is repeated also in Islamic traditions.

Salome, in visual arts

The image of Salome in visual arts changes dramatically over the centuries. In the earliest representations she is a pretty, innocent girl. Then gradually she becomes a young woman (now more indifferent than innocent before the events, which are still determined by her mother, Herodias). At the end of the 19th century she takes central stage. She is now an Oriental beauty and the villain of the story, fully self-conscious of her power of seduction.

Salome, in music

Salome first emerged as a "singing" character in the tradition of the oratorios since the end of the 17th century. The first oratorio to be recorded as having Salome among its characters is San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist / 1675 Stradella / Ansaldi), oratorio. As in all "biblical oratorios," the protagonist is John the Baptist and the plot closely follows the biblical narrative.

Among the most celebrated oratorios dealing with the death of John the Baptist is also Il Batista (1727 Caldara / Zeno), oratorio, which premiered in Vienna in 1727. It is the first of which the name of the interpreter of Salome is recorded--"Signora Helvertin."

The season of the "biblical" oratorios ended with St John the Baptist (1873 Macfarren / Monk), oratorio. The transition to the opera came with Hérodiade (1881). In Jules Massenet's opera the character of Salome takes central stage and a life of her own but still preserves her "biblical" innocence. In the 1880s Hérodiade" was performed in Belgium, Italy, France, Germany and in 1892 reached New Orleans.

Everything changed in 1896 with the premiere in Paris of Salomé (Salome / 1893 Wilde), play. Salome lost her innocence and became the embodiment of the femme fatale who seduces and destroys her lovers. The "Salomania" spread in every corner of Europe and America.

Based on Wilde's play, Richard Strauss's Salome premiered in Dresden on 9 December 1905 (starring Marie Wittich in the title role). It was an immediate success. In 1906 the opera was performed in a dozen theaters, including Graz, Cologne, Berlin (starring Emmy Destinn), Turin, and Milan (under the direction of Arturo Toscanini). In spite of the composer's invitation to look at the opera as nothing more than "a scherzo with a fatal conclusion," many regarded it as a gruesome middlebrow entertainment. When the opera opened at the New York Metropolitan Opera on 22 January 1907, accusations of vulgarity and indecency led to the cancellation of the show and the opera would not be performed again at the Met until 1934. In Austria, Russia and other countries the opera was banned even before being performed.

And yet, Strauss's Salome was an unstoppable success. In March 1907 the French version of the opera premiered in Brussels, of which a scaled-down rendition was also given in Paris a few days before the German version opened there at the Théâtre du Châtelet on 8 May 1907 under the direction of the composer. Aino Ackté played Salome in the 1907 Leipzig premiere as well as in the 1910 London premiere. In spite of the Met's boycott, the Salomania hit New York again at the Manhattan Opera House in 1909 with Mary Garden.

Among the early interpreters of Strauss's Salome are Göta Ljungberg, Maria Jeritza, Maria Cebotari, and Christle Goltz, Probably the most famous of all was the Bulgarian soprano Ljuba Welitsch, who sang it in the presence of the composer at a performance given to mark his 80th birthday in Vienna in 1944.

Strauss's Salome is regularly staged in the major opera theaters and is now available also in numerous sound and video recordings, featuring interpreters such as Birgitt Nilsson, Leonie Rysanek, Hildegard Behrens, Montserrat Caballé, Josephine Barstow, Catherine Malfitano, Maria Ewing, Nadja Michael, Karita Mattila and Angela Denoke.

Although overshadowed by Strauss's Salome, Massenet's Hérodiade has not ceased to be performed and recorded, offering the soprano the intriguing possibility to play the same role in two different operas.

@2017 Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan

Performing Salome (opera & oratorio)

Salome has been a singing character in oratorios since the 17th century. The first recorded interpreter of Salome is "Signora Helvertin," who sang the role at the Vienna premiere of Il Batista (1727 Caldara / Zeno), oratorio.

Thanks to Massenet, Strauss and Mariotte, Salome has become a leading character also in the opera, interpreted by the most celebrated sopranos.

Marthe Duvivier and Emma Calvé was the first interpreter of Massenet's Hérodiade.

In 1905 Marie Wittich created the character of Salome in Strauss's opera. Among the early interpreters of Strauss's Salome are Göta Ljungberg, Maria Jeritza, Maria Cebotari, and Christle Goltz, Probably the most famous of all was the Bulgarian soprano Ljuba Welitsch, who sang it in the presence of the composer at a performance given to mark his 80th birthday in Vienna in 1944.

1850s Salome Opera Notes
1881 Marthe Duvivier Hérodiade (Herodias / 1881 Massenet / Dupont), Brussels premiere (opera) Premiere
1882 Medea Borelli Erodiade, Italian ed. (Herodias / 1882 @1881 Massenet / Faccio), Milan production (opera) Milan (and Italian) premiere
1884 Fidès Devriès Erodiade, Italian ed. (Herodias / 1884 @1881 Massenet / Gialdini), Paris production (opera) Premiere of the revised version
1886 Elisa Frandin Erodiade, Italian ed. (Herodias / 1886 @1881 Massenet / Mascheroni), Bologna production (opera) Italian premiere of the Revised version
1892 Marthe Duvivier Hérodiade (Herodias / 1892 @ 1881 Massenet), New Orleans production (opera) American premiere.

1900s Salome Opera Notes
1903 Emma Calvé Hérodiade (Herodias / 1903 @1881 Massenet / Luigini), Paris production (opera) Paris premiere of the revised version in French
1904 Emma Calvé Salomé = Hérodiade (Herodias / 1904 @1881 Massenet / Lohse), London production (opera) London premiere
1905 Marie Wittich Salome (1905 Schuch, Wittich / @1905 Strauss), Dresden production, world premiere (opera) Dresden premiere (9 December 1905)
1906 Fanchette Verhunk Salome (1906 Prüwer, Verhunk / @1905 Strauss), Breslau production (opera) Breslau premiere (1906) and Vienna premiere (15 May 1907)
1906 Jenny Korb Salome (1906 Strauss, Korb / @1905 Strauss), Graz production (opera) Graz premiere (16 May 1906)
1906 Paula Doenges Salome (1906 Hagel, Doenges / @1905 Strauss), Leipzig production (opera) Leipzig premiere (25 May 1906)
1906 Alice Guszalewicz Salome (1906 Strauss, Guszalewicz / @1905 Strauss), Cologne production (opera) Cologne premiere
1906 Emmy Destinn Salome (1906 Strauss, Destinn / @1905 Strauss), Berlin production (opera) Berlin premiere (5 December 1906)
1906 Gemma Bellincioni Salomè, Italian ed. (Salome / 1906 Strauss, Bellincioni / @1905 Strauss), Turin production (opera) Turin premiere (23 December 1906)
1906 Solomiya Krushelnytska Salomè, Italian ed. (Salome / 1906 Toscanini, Krushelnytska / @1905 Strauss), Milan production (opera) Milan premiere (26 December 1906)
1907 Olive Fremstad Salome (1907 Hertz, Fremstad / @1905 Strauss), New York (Met) premiere New York premiere (22 January 1907)
1907 ??? Salomé, French ed. (1907 / @1905 Strauss), Brussels production (opera) Brussels (25 March 1907) & Paris (29 April 1907) premiere
1907 Emmy Destinn Salome (1907 Strauss, Destinn / @1905 Strauss), Paris production (opera) Paris premiere (8 May 1907)
1907 Emmy Destinn Salome (1907 Strauss, Destinn / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera) Excerpts of the opera.
1908 Mlle. De Wailly Salomé (1908 Mariotte / Wilde), opera Lucienne Bréval was Salome in the Paris performances in 1910 and 1919.
1909 Mary Garden Salomé, French ed. (Salome / 1909 Garden / @1905 Strauss), New York (Manhattan) production Manhattan Opera House
1909 Lina Cavalieri Hérodiade (Herodias / 1909 Fuente / @1881 Massenet), New York production (opera) New York premiere (Manhattan Opera House)

1910s Salome Opera Notes
1910 Mary Garden Salomé, French ed. (Salome / 1910 Garden / @1905 Strauss), Paris production Paris premiere of the French version of the opera. Garden performed g=herself the Dance of the Seven Veils.
1910 Lucienne Bréval Salomé (1910 @1908 Mariotte), Paris production (opera) Natalia Trouhanova performed the Dance of Seven Veils
1910 Aino Ackté Salome (1910 Beecham, Ackté / @1905 Strauss), London production (opera) London premiere
1911 Zina Brozia Hérodiade (Herodias / 1911 Amalou / @1881 Massenet), Paris production (opera) Paris production
1919 Lucienne Bréval Salomé (1919 @1908 Mariotte), Paris production (opera)

1920s Salome Opera Notes
1920 [[]] Salomé, vierge folle (Salome, Mad Virgin / 1920 Raphaël), opera Premiere
1921 Fanny Heldy Hérodiade (Herodias / 1921 Gaubert / @1881 Massenet), Paris production (opera) Paris production (revival)
1924 Göta Ljungberg Salome (1924 Coates, Ljungberg / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera) First sound recording
1924 ??? Salome (1924 / @1905 Strauss), Leningrad production (opera) Russian premiere 6 June 1924, State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre (Mariinsky Theatre), Leningrad
1928 Ninon Vallin Hérodiade (Herodias / 1928 Cloëz / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera) Paris production

1930s Salome Opera Notes
1934 Göta Ljungberg Salome (1934 Bodanzky, Ljungberg / @1905 Strauss), New York production, sound recording (opera)

1940s Salome Opera Notes
1942 Else Schulz Salome (1942 Strauss, Schulz / @1905 Strauss), Vienna production, sound recording (opera)
1945 Lily Djanel Salome (1945 Sébastian, Djanel / @1905 Strauss), San Francisco production, sound recording (opera)
1947 Maria Cebotari Salome (1947 Krauss, Cebotari / @1905 Strauss), London production, sound recording (opera)
1948 Christel Goltz Salome (1948 Keilberth, Goltz / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
1948 Lilly Djanel Salome (1948 Perlea, Djanel / @1905 Strauss), Florence production (opera) Italy
1949 Ljuba Welitsch Salome (1949 Reiner, Welitsch / @1905 Strauss), New York production, sound recording (opera) USA
1949 Ljuba Welitsch Salome, English ed. (1949 Rankl, Welitsch / @1905 Strauss), London production (opera) UK
1949 Maria Callas San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist / 1949 Santini / @1675 Stradella), Perugia production (oratorio) Italy

1950s Performer Opera Notes
1957 Helga Pilarczyk Salome (1957 Goehr, Pilarczyk / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera)

1960s Performer Opera Notes
1960 Inge Borkh Salome (1960 Kempe, Borkh / @1905 Strauss), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
1961 Michèle Le Bris Hérodiade (Herodias / 1961 Etcheverry / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
1961 Margaret Tynes Salome (1961 Schippers, Tynes / @1905 Strauss), Spoleto production, sound recording (opera)
1961 Birgit Nilsson Salome (1961 Solti, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
1963 Suzanne Sarroca Hérodiade (Herodias / 1963 Dervaux / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
1963 Régine Crespin Hérodiade (Herodias / 1963 Lombard / @1881 Massenet), New York production, sound recording (opera)
1963 Régine Crespin Hérodiade (Herodias / 1963 Prêtre / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
1963 Christel Goltz Salome (1963 Suitner, Goltz / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
1965 Birgit Nilsson Salome (1965 Böhm, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), New York production, sound recording (opera)
1965 Felicia Weathers Salome (1965 Keilberth, Weathers / @1905 Strauss), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
1965 Anja Silja Salome (1965 Kosler, Silja / @1905 Strauss), Vienna production, sound recording (opera)
1965 Birgit Nilsson Salome (1965 Sébastian, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), Buenos Aires production, sound recording (opera)
1965 Helga Pilarczyk Salome (1965 Varviso, Pilarczyk / @1905 Strauss), Philadelphia production, sound recording (opera)
1967 Birgit Nilsson Salome (1967 Klobucar, Nilsson / @1905 Strauss), Milan production, sound recording (opera)
1967 Anja Silja Salome (1967 Sebastian, Silja / @1905 Strauss), Geneva production, sound recording (opera)
1968 Anja Silja Salome (1968 Krombholc, Silja / @1905 Strauss), Amsterdam production, sound recording (opera)
1968 Montserrat Caballé Salome (1968 Leinsdorf, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
1969 Paula Bukovac Salome (1969 Wallberg, Bukovac / @1905 Strauss), Venice production, sound recording (opera)

1970s Salome Opera / Ballet Notes
1971 Leonie Rysanek Salome (1971 Leitner, Rysanek / @1905 Strauss), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
1971 Montserrat Caballé Salome (1971 Mehta, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), Orange production, sound recording (opera)
1972 Leonie Rysanek Salome (1972 Böhm, Rysanek / @1905 Strauss), New York production, sound recording (opera)
1972 Leonie Rysanek Salome (1972 Böhm, Rysanek / @1905 Strauss), Vienna production, sound recording (opera)
1974 Teresa Stratas Salome (1974 Böhm, Stratas / Friedrich / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera), by Richard Strauss (mus.)
1974 Leonie Rysanek Salome (1974 Kempe, Rysanek / @1905 Strauss), Orange production, sound recording (opera)
1974 Muriel de Channes Hérodiade (Herodias / 1974 Lloyd-Jones / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
1975 Marisa Galvany Hérodiade (Herodias / 1975 Andersson / @1881 Massenet), New Orleans production, sound recording (opera)
1977 Hildegard Behrens Salome (1977 Karajan, Behrens / @1905 Strauss), Salzburg production, sound recording (opera)
1977 [[]] Salome, Daughter of Herodias (1977 Sams / Janer), opera
1977 Eilene Hannan Hérodiade (Herodias / 1977 Stapleton / @1881 Massenet), Wexford production, sound recording (opera)
1978 Vivi Flindt (dancer) Salome (1978 Davies / Flindt), ballet
1979 Montserrat Caballé Salome (1979 Rudel, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), Madrid production, video recording (opera)

1980s Salome Opera Notes
1984 Montserrat Caballé Hérodiade (Herodias / 1984 Delacôte / @1881 Massenet), Barcelona production, video recording (opera)
1987 Leona Mitchell Hérodiade (Herodias / 1987 Prêtre / @1881 Massenet), Nice production, sound recording (opera)

1990s Salome Opera Notes
1990 Jessye Norman Salome (1990 Ozawa, Norman / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
1990 Cheryl Studer Salome (1990 Sinopoli, Studer / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
1991 Catherine Malfitano Salome (1991 Sinopoli, Malfitano / Weigl, Large / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera)
1991 Karen Huffstodt Salome, French ed. (1991 Nagano, Huffstodt / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
1992 Maria Ewing Salome (1992 Downes, Ewing / Bailey / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera)
1994 Renée Fleming Hérodiade (Herodias / 1994 Gergiev / @1881 Massenet), San Francisco production, sound recording (opera)
1994 Cheryl Studer Hérodiade (Herodias / 1994 Plasson / @1881 Massenet), Toulouse production, sound recording (opera)
1995 Renée Fleming Hérodiade (Herodias / 1995 Queler / @1881 Massenet), New York production, sound recording (opera)
1995 Nancy Gustafson Hérodiade (Herodias / 1995 Viotti / @1881 Massenet), Vienna production, sound recording (opera)
1997 Catherine Malfitano Salome (1997 Dohnányi, Malfitano / Bondy, Hulscher / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera)

2000s Salome Opera Notes
2001 Alexia Cousin Hérodiade (Herodias / 2001 Fournillier / @1881 Massenet), Saint-Étienne production, video recording (opera)
2002 Barbara Haveman Hérodiade (Herodias / 2002 Lacombe / @1881 Massenet), Liege production, sound recording (opera)
2005 Kate Aldrich Salomé (2005 Layer / @1908 Mariotte), Montpellier production, sound recording (opera) Wiki]
2008 Nadja Michael Salome (2008 Jordan, Michael / McVicar / @1905 Strauss), London production, video recording (opera) Wiki.en
2008 Karita Mattila Salome (2008 Summers, Mattila / Sweete / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera), , by Richard Strauss (mus.) Wiki.en

2010s Salome Opera Notes
2010 ??? Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre Presents: Salome (2010 Johnson / @1905 Strauss), TV film (opera) [ Wiki.en]
2010 Erika Sunnegårdh Salome (2010 Luisotti, Sunnegårdh / Lavia, Bevilacqua / @1905 Strauss), Bologna production, video recording (opera)
2012 Angela Denoke (s.) Salome (2012 Soltesz, Denoke / Lehnhoff / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera), by Richard Strauss (mus.) Wiki.en
2014 Anna Maria Thoma Salomé (2014 Kovalik / @1908 Mariotte), Munich production, sound recording (opera)
2014 Na’ama Goldman Salomé (2014 Angus / @1908 Mariotte), Wexford production (opera)

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