Category:Early Christian Studies
![]() Overview Early Christian Studies is a field of research, that specializes in the study of the early developments of Christianity after New Testament Times. 4 Enoch focuses on Second Temple Judaism, i.e. the period from the Babylonian exile to the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, including the study of the New Testament and Christian Origins. Here the Encyclopedia offers a selection of the most influential scholarly and fictional works in the field of Early Christian Studies by international specialists and authors. Many of these works touch upon the "New Testament age" too. Even when they do not include it, they have however deeply affected the understanding of Second Temple Judaism and the development of scholarly research. The material can be sort out thematically or chronologically as well as by the languages and countries of origin. For biographical notes on the scholars and authors, see Early Christian Scholars
![]() History of Research
![]() Chronology Pre-Modern (Top) -- 1400s (Top) -- 1500s (Top) -- 1600s (Top) -- 1700s (Top) -- 1800s (Top) -- 1850s (Top) -- 1900s (Top) -- 1910s (Top) -- 1920s (Top) -- 1930s (Top) -- 1940s (Top) -- 1950s (Top) -- 1960s (Top) -- 1970s (Top) -- 1980s (Top) -- 1990s (Top) -- 2000s (Top) -- 2010s (Top) ...
![]() Languages
![]() Countries Argentina -- Brazil -- Canada -- China -- Croatia -- Czech Republic -- Denmark -- Finland -- France -- Germany -- Greece -- Hungary -- Israel -- Italy -- Japan -- Netherlands -- Norway -- Poland -- Romania -- Serbia -- South Korea -- Russia -- Spain -- Sweden -- United Kingdom -- United States |
![]() Categories
![]() People
![]() Ancient Texts
![]() Cognate Fields
![]() Fiction |
Pages in category "Early Christian Studies"
The following 90 pages are in this category, out of 90 total.
- Early Christian Studies (1450s)
- Early Christian Studies (1500s)
- Early Christian Studies (1600s)
- Early Christian Studies (1700s)
- Early Christian Studies (1800s)
- Early Christian Studies (1850s)
- Early Christian Studies (1900s)
- Early Christian Studies (1910s)
- Early Christian Studies (1920s)
- Early Christian Studies (1930s)
- Early Christian Studies (1940s)
- Early Christian Studies (1950s)
- Early Christian Studies (1960s)
- Early Christian Studies (1970s)
- Early Christian Studies (1980s)
- Early Christian Studies (1990s)
- Early Christian Studies (2000s)
- Early Christian Studies (2010s)
- Early Christian Studies (2020s)
- Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (1886–90 Harnack), book
- Saint Etienne et son sanctuaire à Jérusalem (St. Stephen and His Sanctuary in Jerusalem / 1894 Lagrange), book
- Die Mission und Ausbreitung des Christentums in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries / 1902 Harnack), book
- Militia Christi: die christliche Religion und der Soldatenstand in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (Militia Christi: The Christian Religion and the Military in the First Three Centuries / 1905 Harnack), book
- Doctrine des Apôtres et Épitre de Barnabé
- Christian Apologetics of the Second Century in Their Relation to Modern Thought (1921 Carrington), book
- The Burial Place of St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr and S.S. Nicodemus, Gamaliel, Abibo (1923 Gisler), book
- Eusebius als Historiker seiner Zeit (1929 Laqueur), book
- Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Ignatius-Briefen (1929 Schlier), book
- La naissance du christianisme (1946 Goguel), book
- A History of Early Christian Literature (1942 Goodspeed), book
- Le baptême chrétien au second siècle (1953 Benoît), book
- La persécution du christianisme dans l'Empire romain (The Persecution of Christianity in the Roman Empire / 1956 Moreau), book
- The Early Christian Church (1957 Carrington), book
- St Stephen and the Hellenists in the Primitive Church (1958 Simon), book
- Gnosticism and Early Christianity (1959 Grant), book
- A History of Early Christian Literature (1966 Goodspeed / Grant), book
- L'incarnation: Des origines au concile de Chalcédoine (1966 Liébaert), book
- Stephen: A Singular Saint (1968 Scharlemann), book
- Pre-Christian Gnosticism (1973 Yamauchi), book
- Militia Christi: The Christian Religion and the Military in the First Three Centuries = Militia Christi: die christliche Religion und der Soldatenstand in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (1981 Harnack / Gracie), book (English ed.)
- The Rise of Christianity (1984 Frend), book
- The Christians as the Romans Saw Them (1984 Wilken), book
- The Bauer Thesis Examined: The Geography of Heresy in the Early Christian Church (1988 Robinson), book
- Siblings: Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity at Their Beginnings (1989 Perelmuter), book
- Eusebius, Christianity, and Judaism (1992 Attridge, Hata), edited volume
- Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: A Parallel History of Their Origins and Early Development (1992 Shanks), edited volume
- Rethinking "Gnosticism": An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category (1996 Williams), book
- Ο Xριστιανισμός έναντι Iουδαϊσμού και Eλληνισμού κατά το Β ́ αι. μ.Χ (1997 Agouridis), book
- Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times (1998 Broek), edited volume
- The Imperial Cult and the Development of Church Order (1999 Brent), book
- The Gospel and Ignatius of Antioch (2000 Brown), book
- Tatian and the Jewish Scriptures: A Textual and Philological Analysis of the Old Testament Citations in Tatian's Diatessaron (2001 Shedinger), book
- Fair Play: Diversity and Conflicts in Early Christianity (2002 Dunderberg, Tuckett, Syreeni), edited volume
- Cristianismos perdidos (2004 Ehrman / Noriega), book (Spanish ed.)
- Conceptions de l'esclavage, d'Aristote à saint Augustin (2004 Garnsey / Hasnaoui), book (French ed.)
- God against the Gods: The History of the War between Monotheism and Polytheism (2004 Kirsch), non-fiction
- Early Christian Reader: Christians Text from the First and Second Centuries (2004 Mason / Robinson), book
- Simon Magus in Patristic, Medieval and Early Modern Traditions (2005 Ferreiro), book
- A Companion to Second-Century Christian "Heretics" (2005 Marjanen, Luomanen), edited volume
- Was There a Gnostic Religion? (2005 Marjanen), edited volume
- A csábítás teológiája. A kísértés fogalmának története az Ókorban (The Concept of Temptation in Antiquity / 2005 Pesthy), book
- Tuomaan teot: johdanto ja käännös (2006 Seppälä), book
- Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008 Dunderberg), book
- Baptism in the Early Church (2009 Ferguson), book
- A New History of Early Christianity (2009 Freeman), book
- The Crucible of Christianity: The Forging of a World Faith (2010 Hill), book
- Perfect Martyr: The Stoning of Stephen and the Construction of Christian Identity (2010 Matthews), book
- Stoicism in Early Christianity (2010 Rasimus, Engberg-Pedersen, Dunderberg), edited volume
- Apocrypha (2010 Voicu), book
- The Gnostics: Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Christianity (2011 Brakke), book
- Political Power and Ideology in Early Jewish and Early Christian Literature (2011), conference
- Angyalok az ókortól Szent Tamásig (Angels from the Antiquity to Saint Thomas of Aquin / 2011 Xeravits, Tamási, Szabó), edited volume
- Guillaume Postel (M / France, 1510-1581), scholar
- Onofrio Panvinio (M / Italy, 1530-1568), scholar
- Cesare Baronio (M / Italy, 1538-1607), scholar
- Antonio Bosio (M / Italy, 1575-1629), scholar
- Johann Heinrich Hottinger (1620-1667), scholar
- Claude Fleury (1640-1723), scholar
- Jacques-Paul Migne (1800-1875), scholar
- Orazio Marucchi (1852-1931), scholar
- James Parkes (1896-1981), scholar
- Jean Daniélou (1905-1974), scholar
- Josep Montserrat Torrents (1932-), scholar
- Elaine H. Pagels (F / United States, 1943), scholar
- Monika Pesthy (b.1954), scholar
- Guy G. Stroumsa
Media in category "Early Christian Studies"
The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
- 1958 * Danielou 2.jpg 300 × 437; 20 KB
- 1984 * Nash.jpg 1,008 × 1,500; 135 KB