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Pages in category "Early Christian Studies--2000s"
The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total.
- ~~ ~~ 2000 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Islamic Christianity: An Account of References to Christianity in the Quran (2000 Gohari), book
- L'antipaulinisme sectaire au temps des pères de l'Eglise (2000 Légasse), book
- L'antipaulinisme sertaire au temps des Pères de l'Église (2000 Legasse), book
- Die Syro-Aramäische Lesart des Koran (2000 Luxenberg), book
- Textos gnósticos. Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi, III: Apocalipsis y otros escritos (2000 Piñero Sáenz/García Bazán/Montserrat Torrents), edited volume
- Justin apologiste chrétien: Travaux sur le Dialogue avec Tryphon de Justin Martyr (2000 Sanchez), book
- 四福音與經外平行經文合參 (Synopsis of the Four Gospels / 2000 Wong), book
- The Early History of Heaven (2000 Wright), book
- ~~ ~~ 2001 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Genesis of Perfection: Adam and Eve in Jewish and Christian Imagination (2001 Anderson), book
- Verus Israel: nuove prospettive sul giudeocristianesimo (2001 Filoramo, Gianotto), edited volume
- Listening to Trypho: Justin Martyr's Dialogue Reconsidered (2001 Horner), book
- The Lost Bible (2001 Porter), book
- D'Alexandre à Zénobie: histoire du Levant antique (2001 Sartre), book
- Syrian Christians under Islam: The First Thousand Years (2001 Thomas), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2002 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Revelation, Truth, Canon, and Interpretation: Studies in Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho (2002 Allert), book
- Versammlung, Gemeinde, Synagoge: Das hellenistisch-jüdische Umfeld der frühchristlichen Gemeinden (2002 Claussen), book
- Early Christian Authors on Samaritans and Samaritanism (2002 Pummer), book
- Justin Martyr and the Jews (2002 Rokeah), book (English ed.)
- Az egyházatyák Bibliája (The Bible of the Church Fathers / 2002 Vanyó), book (Hungarian)
- ~~ ~~ 2003 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Ways That Never Parted (2003 Becker/Reed), edited volume
- The Apocalypse of Peter (2003 Bremmer, Czachesz), edited volume
- Épitres et lettres - Ier - IIe siècle. De Paul de Tarse à Polycarpe de Smyrne (2003 Burnet), book
- Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament as Part of Christian Literature (2003 Jonge), book
- Il giudeo-cristianesimo nel I e II sec. d.C. (2003 Pitta), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2004 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Kodi da Vinçi = The Da Vinci Code (2004 @2003 Brown / Jorgoni), novel (Albanian ed.)
- 達文西密碼 = The Da Vinci Code (2004 Brown / You), novel (Chinese ed.)
- Militia Christi: la religione cristiana e il ceto militare nei primi tre secoli = Militia Christi: die christliche Religion und der Soldatenstand in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (2004 Harnack / Tanzarella), book (Italian ed.)
- Die verworfenen Schriften = The Lost Bible (2004 Porter), book (German ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 2005 ~~ ~~ ~~
- When Children Became People: The Birth of Childhood in Early Christianity (2005 Bakke), book
- 密碼在說謊 : 揭開達文西密碼的眞相 = Breaking the Da Vinci Code (2005 Bock / Zhang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Das vollkommene Pascha: Gnostische Bibelexegese und gnostische Ethik (2005 Grypeou), book
- (+) The Gnostic Discoveries: The Impact of the Nag Hammadi Library (2005 Meyer), book
- (+) The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus (2005 Meyer), book
- 達文西密碼大揭祕 = The Real History behind the Da Vinci Code (2005 Newman / Pan), book (Chinese ed.)
- The Saint's Saints: Hagiography and Geography in Jerome (2005 Weingarten), book
- ~~ ~~ 2006 ~~ ~~ ~~
- 聖血與聖杯之謎 : 公審達文西密碼 = Secrets of the Code (2006 Burstein / Wang, Zhou), book (Chinese ed.)
- The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam (2006 Grypeou, Swanson, Thomas), edited volume
- The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins (2006 Hurtado), book
- Eusebius and the Jewish Authors (2006 Inowlocki), book
- 破解達文西密碼 (Cracking the Da Vinci Code / 2006 Jiang), non-fiction
- Defending the People of Truth in the Early Islamic Times: The Apologies of Abu Ra'itah (2006 Keating), book
- A History of the End of the World (2006 Kirsch), non-fiction
- A Feminist Companion to the New Testament Apocrypha (2006 Levine, Robbins), edited volume
- Juudaksen evankeliumi: johdanto, käännos ja tulkinta (The Gospel of Judas: Introduction, Translation and Interpretation / 2006 Marjanen, Dunderberg), book (Finnish)
- Justin. Apologie pour les chrétiens ~ Sources chrétiennes (2006 Munier), book
- A Woman's Place: House Churches in Earliest Christianity (2006 Osiek / MacDonald / Tulloch), book
- Gnostilaiset evankeliumit (2006 Pagels / Lehtipuu), book (Finnish ed.)
- Τά ἀπόκρυφα εὐαγγέλια καί ὁ σχηματισμός τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης (2006 Riginiotis), book
- Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives (2006 Trible, Russell), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2007 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Visio Pauli and the Gnostic Apocalypse of Paul (2007 Bremmer, Czachesz), edited volume
- Ignatius of Antioch: A Martyr Bishop and the Origin of Episcopacy (2007 Brent), book
- Justin Martyr on Baptism and Eucharist (2007 Buchanan), book
- By the Same Word: Creation and Salvation in Hellenistic Judaism and Early Christianity (2007 Cox), book
- Commission Narratives: A Comparative Study of the Canonical and Apocryphal Acts (2007 Czachesz), book
- Die Nazarener und der Koran (The Nazareans and the Qur'an / 2007 Gnilka), book
- Tradición órfica y cristianismo antiguo (2007 Herrero), book
- Die ersten Christen (Christian Origins / 2007 @2005 Horsley / Bock), edited volume (German ed.)
- El lugar de la mujer en la iglesia primitiva (2007 Osiek/MacDonald/Tulloch), book (Spanish ed.)
- Justin Martyr and His Worlds (2007 Parvis, Foster), edited volume
- Los Apocalipsis: 45 textos apocalípticos apócrifos judíos, cristianos y gnósticos (2007 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2008 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Antiquity in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian Pasts in the Greco-Roman World (2008 Gardner, Osterloh), edited volume
- Beloved Disciple: The Misunderstood Legacy of Mary Magdalene (2008 Griffith-Jones), non-fiction
- A Feminist Companion to Patristic Literature (2008 Levine, Robbins), edited volume
- 摩尼教与古代西域史研究 (Manichaeism and Ancient Western History / 2008 Ma), book
- San Longino nella tradizione greca e latina di età tardoantica (2008 Orsola), book
- Haireseis: gruppi, movimenti e fazioni del giudaismo antico e del cristianesimo (2008 Perrotta), book
- Los cristianismos derrotados: ¿Cuál fue el pensamiento de los primeros cristianos, heréticos y heterodoxos? (2008 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Los evangelios apócrifos (2008 Puig i Tàrrech), book
- Christian Doctrines in Islamic Theology (2008 Thomas), book
- ~~ ~~ 2009 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Agora (2009 Amenábar), feature film
- Children and Childhood in World Religions: Primary Sources and Texts (2009 Browning, Bunge), edited volume
- Abraham in Judentum, Christentum und Islam (Abraham in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam / 2009 Böttrich, Ego, Eissler), edited volume
- Apocalyptic Thought in Early Christianity (2009 Daly), edited volume
- El gnosticismo: esencia, origen y trayectoria (2009 García Bazán), book
- The Exegetical Encounter Between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009 Grypeou, Spurling), edited volume
- Pontius Pilate, Anti-Semitism, and the Passion in Medieval Art (2009 Hourihane), book
- Christian Memories of the Maccabean Martyrs (2009 Joslyn-Siemiatkoski), book
- The Exposure of Infants among Jews and Christians in Antiquity (2009 Koskenniemi), book
- Justin. Apologies (2009 Minns, Parvis), book
- Lingua e teologia in Origene: il Commento a Giovanni (2009 Pazzini), book
- Todos los evangelios, canónicos y apócrifos (2009 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- The Legend of Sergius Bahira: Eastern Christian Apologetics and Apocalyptic in Response to Islam (2009 Roggema), book
- Making Myths: Jews in Early Christian Identity Formation (2009 Rutgers), book
- Gog and Magog in Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources (2009 van Donzel, Schmidt), book
- La expansión del cristianismo: Un estudio sociológico = The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (2009 Stark), book (Spanish ed.)
- Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History 1, 600-900 (2009 Thomas, Roggema), edited volume
Media in category "Early Christian Studies--2000s"
The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.
- 2001 * Carroll.jpg 328 × 499; 39 KB
- 2002 Geljon.jpg 665 × 1,000; 26 KB
- 2003 * Ehrman 2.jpg 262 × 400; 37 KB
- 2003 * Ehrman.jpg 990 × 1,500; 121 KB
- 2004 * White.jpg 333 × 500; 55 KB
- 2005 * Reed.jpg 375 × 500; 40 KB
- 2006 * Ehrman.jpg 329 × 499; 39 KB
- 2006 * Kasser Meyer Wurst.jpg 351 × 499; 34 KB
- 2006 Krosney.jpg 348 × 499; 38 KB
- 2006 Noffke.jpg 201 × 332; 10 KB
- 2006 Pinero Torallas.jpg 706 × 1,000; 76 KB
- 2006 Robinson.jpg 232 × 346; 27 KB
- 2007 De Conick.jpg 320 × 500; 61 KB
- 2007 Gathercole.jpg 324 × 499; 34 KB
- 2007 Hamblin Seely.jpg 400 × 500; 72 KB
- 2007 Meyer.jpg 323 × 500; 36 KB
- 2007 * Pagels King.jpg 323 × 500; 39 KB
- 2008-T Boyarin it.jpg 298 × 499; 22 KB
- 2022 * Brakke.jpg 400 × 608; 141 KB