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Pages in category "Early Christian Studies--1990s"
The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.
- Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (1990 Ferguson, McHugh, Norris), edited volume
- Ancient Christian Gospels (1990 Koester), book
- Deyaniya Iudy Fomy (kul'turno-istoricheskaya obuslovlennost' rannesirijskoj legendy)/ Acts of Thomas: Cultural-historical conditionality of the Early Syriac Legend (1990 Meshcherskaya), book
- Jewish Eschatology, Early Christian Christology, and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (1991 Jonge), book
- Qur'anic Christians: An Analysis of Classical and Modern Exegesis (1991 McAuliffe), book
- ~~ ~~ 1992 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Il corpo e la società: Uomini, Donne e Astinenza Sessuale nei Primi Secoli Cristiani = The Body and Society (1992 @1988 Brown / Legati), book (Italian ed.)
- The Crucified Jew: Twenty Centuries of Christian Anti-Semitism (1992 Cohn-Sherbok), book
- The Complete Gospels (1992 Miller), book
- Anti-Christian Polemic in Early Islam: Abu 'Isa Al-Warraq's 'Against the Trinity' (1992 Thomas), book
- ~~ ~~ 1993 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Women in Late Antiquity: Pagan and Christian Lifestyles (1993 Clark), book
- The Apocryphal New Testament (1993 Elliott), book
- The Emperor Constantine / Constantine the Great (1993 Grant), book
- The Early Church: An Annotated Bibliography of Literature in English (1993 Robinson), book
- Philo in Early Christian Literature (1993 Runia), book
- When Women Were Priests (1993 Torjesen), book
- La Biblia judía y la Biblia cristiana (The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible / 1993 Trebolle Barrera), book
- ~~ ~~ 1994 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Tracing the Threads: Studies in the Vitality of Jewish Pseudepigrapha (1994 Reeves), edited volume
- Hozsánna Dávid fiának: a zsidó-keresztény kultúra Ábrahámtól Nicaeáig (1994 Tímár), book
- ~~ ~~ 1995 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Melchizedekian Priesthood (1995 Balla), book
- Apocalittica e gnosticismo (Apocalypticism and Gnosticism / 1995 Cerutti), edited volume
- Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly Journeys (1995 Collins/Fishbane), edited volume
- Lucio Flavio Silva Nonio Basso e la città di Urbisaglia (1995 Fenati), book
- Philo and the Church Fathers: A Collection of Papers (1995 Runia), book
- Diverbium salutis (1995 Schoenborn), book
- The Jewish Apocalyptic Heritage in Early Christianity (1995 VanderKam/Adler), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 1996 ~~ ~~ ~~
- (+) Early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism (1996 Borgen), book
- Los evangelios apócrifos (1996 de Santos Otero), book
- The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch (3 Baruch) in Hellenistic Judaism and Early Christianity (1996 Harlow), book
- The Woman Jesus Loved: Mary Magdalene in the Nag Hammadi Library and Related Documents (1996 Marjanen), book
- Women and Religion in the First Christian Centuries (1996 Sawyer), book
- The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (1996 Stark), book
- ~~ ~~ 1997 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Arabs and Others in Early Islam (1997 Bashear), book
- Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam (1997 Hoyland), book
- Apokrificheskiye deyaniya apostolov. Novozavetnye apokrify v sirijskoj literature/ Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles: New Testament Apocrypha in Syriac Literature (1997 Meshcherskaya), book
- Textos gnósticos. Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi, I: Tratados filosóficos y cosmológicos (1997 Piñero Sáenz/García Bazán/Montserrat Torrents), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 1998 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times (1998 Broek), edited volume
- Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism (1998 Brooten), book
- Yustinus Martir veha-Yehudim (1998 Rokeah), book
- Women and Redemption: A Theological History (1998 Ruether), book
- The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible = La Biblia judía y la Biblia cristiana (1998 Trebolle Barrera / Watson), book (Spanish ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1999 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Women in the Hebrew Bible: A Reader (1999 Bach), edited volume
- Schabbat: Sabbathalacha und -praxis im antiken Judentum und Urchristentum (1999 Doering), book
- Apologetics in the Roman Empire: Pagans, Jews, and Christians (1999 Edwards, Goodman, Price), edited volume
- Women & Christian Origins (1999 Kraemer / D'Angelo), edited volume
- Eve & Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender (1999 Kvam, Schearing, Ziegler), edited volume
- Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender (1999 Kvam, Schearing, Ziegler), book
- Textos gnósticos. Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi, II: Evangelios, Hechos, Cartas (1999 Piñero Sáenz/García Bazán/Montserrat Torrents), edited volume
- Filone di Alessandria nella prima letteratura cristiana = Philo in Early Christian Literature (1999 Runia / Radice), book (Italian ed.)
- Il perdono cristiano e altri studi sul cristianesimo delle origini (1999 Troiani), book
- Apocalypses: Prophecies, Cults, and Millennial Beliefs through the Ages (1999 Weber), book
Media in category "Early Christian Studies--1990s"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
- 1990 * Witherington.jpg 324 × 499; 18 KB
- 1993 Corley.jpg 304 × 474; 32 KB
- 1993-E Evans Hagner.jpg 329 × 499; 29 KB
- 1995 VanderKam Adler.jpg 333 × 500; 14 KB
- 1999 * Boyarin.jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 1999 Osiek.jpg 443 × 500; 19 KB