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  |title= [[Second Temple Studies]] (STS) -> [[Italian language]]
  |title= [[Second Temple Studies]] ([[Italian language]])
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |logo= history.png
  |logo= history.png
  |px= 38
  |px= 38
  |content= [[File:Second Temple.jpg|600px]]   
  |content= [[File:Second Temple.jpg|500px]]   

The category: '''Second Temple Studies--Italian''', includes scholarly and fictional works in [[Italian language]] dealing with [[Second Temple Studies]].
The category: '''Second Temple Studies--Italian''', includes scholarly and fictional works in [[Italian language]] dealing with [[Second Temple Studies]].
[[File:Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]]]]
[[File:Samuel David Luzzatto.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Samuel David Luzzatto]]]]
[[FIle:Giuseppe Ricciotti.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Giuseppe Ricciotti]]]]
[[File:Paolo Sacchi.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Paolo Sacchi]]]]
[[File:Boccaccini.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Gabriele Boccaccini]]]]
  |title= STS (Italian) -- History of research -- Overview
  |title= Highlights (Italian language)
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |logo= contents.png
  |logo= contents.png
  |px= 38
  |px= 38
[[File:Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]]]]
* [[La Gerusalemme convertita (1733 Zeno), libretto]]
[[File:Samuel David Luzzatto.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Samuel David Luzzatto]]]]
* [[La Betulia liberata (The Liberation of Bethulia / 1734 Metastasio), libretto]]
[[FIle:Giuseppe Ricciotti.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Giuseppe Ricciotti]]]]
* [[Ester d'Engaddi (1821 Pellico), play]]
[[File:Paolo Sacchi.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Paolo Sacchi]]]]
* [[Storia degli Ebrei e delle loro sette e dottrine religiose durante il secondo tempio (1844 Bianchi-Giovini), book]]
[[File:Boccaccini.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Gabriele Boccaccini]]]]
* [[Il giudaismo illustrato nella sua teorica, nella sua storia e nella sua letteratura (1848-1852 Luzzatto), book]]
* [[Storia degli esseni (1865 Benamozegh), book]]  
* [[La storia del popolo ebraico dal 500 prima dell’e.v. al 500 dopo l’e.v. (1924 Zolli), book]]
* [[Storia d’Israele. 2: Dall'esilio al 135 dopo Cristo (1932 Ricciotti), book]]
* [[L'ebraismo postbiblico (1958 Ravenna), book]]
* [[Il mondo del Nuovo Testamento (1966 Tourn), book]]
* [[Storia del mondo giudaico (1976 Sacchi), book]]
* [[L’ambiente storico-culturale delle origini cristiane (1984 Penna), book]]
* [[Il giudaismo intertestamentario (1991 Cavalletti), book]]
* [[La letteratura intertestamentaria (1992 Cimosa), book]]
* [[Il medio giudaismo = Middle Judaism (1993 @1991 Boccaccini), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Storia del Secondo Tempio (1994 Sacchi), book]]
* [[I gruppi giudaici al tempo di Gesù (2001 Jossa), book]]  
* [[Introduzione alla letteratura mediogiudaica precristiana (2004 Noffke), book]]
* [[Haireseis: gruppi, movimenti e fazioni del giudaismo antico e del cristianesimo (2008 Perrotta), book]]
* [[I giudaismi del Secondo Tempio (2008 Boccaccini, Bardi) = Roots of Rabbinic Judaism (2002 Boccaccini), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Dallo stesso grembo. Le origini del cristianesimo e del giudaismo rabbinico (2012 Boccaccini, Stefani), book]]
* [[Il male: storia di un'idea nell'ebraismo dalla Bibbia alla Qabbalah (The Concept of Evil in Judaism, from the Bible to the Qabbalah / 2012 Capelli), book]]
* [[Lettere di Bar Kokhba (2013 Martone), book]]
* [[Storia del Secondo Tempio, 2nd ed. (2019 @1994 Sacchi / Mazzinghi), book]]

* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1400s|Second Temple Studies 1400s]]
'''''Translated into Italian''''' :

The knowledge of Second Temple Judaism was fostered by the "rediscovery" of Flavius Josephus, whose ''Bellum Iudaicum'' was translated into Italian already at the end of the 15th century.
* [[Storia filosofica degli Ebrei: dalla declinazione de' Maccabei fino ai tempi presenti (1841 Capefigue / Marchi), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Storia degli ebrei dall'edificazione del secondo tempio fino ai giorni nostri (1870 Schwab / Pugliese), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Ben-Hur; ossia, I giorni del messia = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1895 @1880 Wallace / Galea), novel (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Storia dei tempi del Nuovo Testamento = Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1913-15 Felten / Bongioanni), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Il giudaismo palestinese al tempo di Gesù = Le judaïsme palestinien au temps de Jésus-Christ (Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Jesus / 1950 @1950 Bonsirven / Marigliano), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Il giudaismo nell’epoca neotestamentaria (1951 Pfeiffer) = History of New Testament Times (1949 Pfeiffer), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[I partiti religiosi ebrei del tempo neotestamentario (1976 Schubert), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Che cos'è l'intertestamento (1978 Paul / Comunità di Bose), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[L'ambiente del Nuovo Testamento = Umwelt des Neuen Testament (The New Testament Environment / 1980 Lohse / Redana), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Il mondo ebraico al tempo di Gesù (1983 Paul) = Le mond des Juifs a l’heure de Jésus (The Jewish World at the Time of Jesus / 1981 Paul), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Gli uomini del ritorno = Palestinian Parties and Politics That Shaped the Old Testament (1984 @1971 Smith / Xella), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Storia del popolo giudaico al tempo di Gesù Cristo = The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (1985-98 Schürer, Vermès / Soffritti, Chiesa, Gianotto), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[La vita quotidiana in Palestina al tempo di Gesù = Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1986 Daniel-Rops / Lo Buono), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Testi giudaici per lo studio del Nuovo Testamento = Textbuch zur neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte (1987 Kippenberg, Wewers / Firpo), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Gli esseni secondo la loro testimonianza diretta (1988 Laperrousaz / Tosatti), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Il giudaismo nei primi secoli del cristianesimo = Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity (1989 Neusner / Servi), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Il giudaismo del secondo tempio (1991 Maier / Chiesa) = Zwischen den Testamenten (Between the Testaments / 1990 Maier), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Dal primo giudaismo alla chiesa delle origini = From Early Judaism to Early Church (1991 Russell / Montagnini), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Farisei, sadducei, esseni = Pharisäer, Sadduzäer, Essener (Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus / 1993 @1991 Stemberger / Pontoglio), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Il giudaismo e le origini del cristianesimo (1995 Flusser / Ventura) = Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (1988 Flusser), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Letteratura giudaica intertestamentaria (1998 Aranda Pérez/Pérez Fernández/García Martínez), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Morire per Dio: il martirio e la formazione di cristianesimo e giudaismo (2008 Boyarin / Ursino), book (Italian ed.)]]
* [[Il giudaismo: fede e prassi = Judaism: Practice and Belief (1999 Sanders / Capelli), book (Italian ed.)]]

* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1500s|Second Temple Studies 1500s]]
|title= [[Interpreters]] (Italian language)
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1600s|Second Temple Studies 1600s]]
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= contents.png
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1700s|Second Temple Studies 1700s]]
|px= 38
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1800s|Second Temple Studies 1800s]]
The contemporary study of Second Temple Judaism began in Italy with the works of [[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]] and [[Samuel David Luzzatto]]. These are two works of great quality that well bear comparison with the analogue works produced in Europe at the time.
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1850s|Second Temple Studies 1850s]]
In the second half of the 19th century, some important works were translated into Italian, by Schwab, Schurer as well as the novel Ben-Hur by [[Lew Wallace]]. Among the original products of Italian scholarship are the history of the Essenes by and [[Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana (1888-1897 Manfrin), book]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1900s|Second Temple Studies 1900s]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1910s|Second Temple Studies 1910s]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1920s|Second Temple Studies 1920s]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1930s|Second Temple Studies 1930s]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1940s|Second Temple Studies 1940s]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1950s|Second Temple Studies 1950s]]
After the war the knowledge of Second Temple Judaism came from the translation of the works of [[Joseph Bonsirven]] and [[Robert Henry Pfeiffer]].  
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1960s|Second Temple Studies 1960s]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1970s|Second Temple Studies 1970s]]
The [[Storia del mondo giudaico (1976 Sacchi), book]] was the first attempt at an original synthesis made by an Italian Author after [[Giuseppe Ricciotti]].
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1980s|Second Temple Studies 1980s]]
* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1990s|Second Temple Studies 1990s]]
In 1994 [[Paolo Sacchi]] published his [[Storia del Secondo Tempio (1994 Sacchi), book]]

* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--2000s|Second Temple Studies 2000s]]
* '''[[Scholarship]]''' : [[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]] -- [[Samuel David Luzzatto]] -- [[Giuseppe Ricciotti]] -- [[Paolo Sacchi]] -- [[Gabriele Boccaccini]] -/- see also [[Italian language]]

* See [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--2010s|Second Temple Studies 2010s]]
* '''[[Fiction]]''' : [[Apostolo Zeno]] -- [[Pietro Metastasio]] -- [[Giuseppe Verdi]] -- [[Giovanni Pacini]] -/- see also [[Fiction (Italian language)]]

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  |title= STS [[Languages]] -> [[Italian language|Italian]]
  |title= [[Italian language]]
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |logo= contents.png
  |logo= contents.png
  |px= 38
  |px= 38
  |content= [[File:Italian dictionary.jpg|135px]] [[File:Italian dictionary2.jpg|140px]]
  |content= [[File:Italian language.jpg|thumb|left|250px]]

'''''[[Italian language]]''''' : [[:Category:Italian language--2020s|2020s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--2010s|2010s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--2000s|2000s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1990s|1990s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1980s|1980s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1970s|1970s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1960s|1960s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1950s|1950s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1940s|1940s]] --  [[:Category:Italian language--1930s|1930s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1920s|1920s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1910s|1910s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1900s|1900s]] --  [[:Category:Italian language--1850s|1850s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1800s|1800s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1700s|1700s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1600s|1600s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1500s|1500s]] -- [[:Category:Italian language--1400s|1450s]]

'''''[[Timeline]]''''' : [[2020s]] -- [[2010s]] -- [[2000s]] -- [[1990s]] -- [[1980s]] -- [[1970s]] -- [[1960s]] -- [[1950s]] -- [[1940s]] -- [[1930s]] -- [[1920s]] -- [[1910s]] -- [[1900s]] -- [[1850s]] -- [[1800s]] -- [[1700s]] -- [[1600s]] -- [[1500s]] -- [[1450s]] -- [[Medieval]] -- [[Timeline|Home]]

  |title= STS [[Timeline]]  
  |title= [[Languages]]  
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |logo= history.png
  |logo= contents.png
  |px= 38
  |px= 38
  |content= [[File:Timeline.jpg|280px]]
  |content= [[File:Languages.jpg|thumb|left|250px]]

'''[[Second Temple Studies]]''' : [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--English|English]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--French|French]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--German|German]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Italian|Italian]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Spanish|Spanish]] -//- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Arabic|Arabic]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Croatian|Croatian]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Czech|Czech]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Danish|Danish]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Dutch|Dutch]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Estonian|Estonian]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Greek|Greek]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Hebrew|Hebrew]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Hungarian|Hungarian]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Japanese|Japanese]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Latin|Latin]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Maltese|Maltese]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Persian|Persian]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Polish|Polish]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Russian|Russian]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Serbian|Serbian]] -- [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Slovenian|Slovenian]]

  |title= Cognate Fields (Italian)
  |title= [[Fields of Research]]
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
  |logo= contents.png
  |logo= contents.png
  |px= 38
  |px= 38
  |content= [[File:Fields research.jpg|250px]]
  |content= [[File:Fields research.jpg|thumb|left|250px]]

[[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Italian|Second Temple Studies]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Italian|Enochic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Apocalyptic Studies--Italian|Apocalyptic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Italian|Qumran Studies]] -- [[:Category:OT Apocrypha Studies--Italian|OT Apocrypha Studies]] -- [[:Category:Wisdom Studies--Italian|Wisdom Studies]] -- [[:Category:OT Pseudepigrapha Studies--Italian|OT Pseudepigrapha Studies]] -- [[:Category:Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--Italian|Hellenistic-Jewish Studies]] -- [[:Category:Philo Studies--Italian|Philo Studies]] -- [[:Category:Josephus Studies--Italian|Josephus Studies]] -- [[:Category:Historical Jesus Studies--Italian|Historical Jesus Studies]] -- [[:Category:Pauline Studies--Italian|Pauline Studies]] -- [[:Category:Johannine Studies--Italian|Johannine Studies]] -- [[:Category:Petrine Studies--Italian|Petrine Studies]] -- [[:Category:Gospels Studies--Italian|Gospels Studies]] -- [[:Category:Christian Origins Studies--Italian|Christian Origins Studies]] -- [[:Category:New Testament Studies--Italian|New Testament Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Christian Studies--Italian|Early Christian Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Jewish Studies--Italian|Early Jewish Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Islamic Studies--Italian|Early Islamic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Samaritan Studies--Italian|Early Samaritan Studies]] -- [[:Category:Hebrew Bible Studies--Italian|Hebrew Bible Studies]]  
'''''[[Italian language]]''''' : [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Italian|Second Temple Studies]] -/- [[:Category:Apocalyptic Studies--Italian|Apocalyptic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Archaeology--Italian|Archaeology]] -- [[:Category:Bible Studies--Italian|Bible Studies]] -- [[:Category:Christian Origins Studies--Italian|Christian Origins Studies]] --  [[:Category:Early Christian Studies--Italian|Early Christian Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Islamic Studies--Italian|Early Islamic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Jewish Studies--Italian|Early Jewish Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Samaritan Studies--Italian|Early Samaritan Studies]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Italian|Enochic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Gospels Studies--Italian|Gospels Studies]] -- [[:Category:Hebrew Bible Studies--Italian|Hebrew Bible Studies]] -- [[:Category:Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--Italian|Hellenistic-Jewish Studies]] -- [[:Category:Historical Jesus Studies--Italian|Historical Jesus Studies]] -- [[:Category:Johannine Studies--Italian|Johannine Studies]] -- [[:Category:Josephus Studies--Italian|Josephus Studies]] -- [[:Category:New Testament Studies--Italian|New Testament Studies]] -- [[:Category:NT Apocrypha Studies--Italian|NT Apocrypha Studies]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Italian|Qumran Studies]] -- [[:Category:OT Apocrypha Studies--Italian|OT Apocrypha Studies]] -- [[:Category:OT Pseudepigrapha Studies--Italian|OT Pseudepigrapha Studies]] -- [[:Category:Pauline Studies--Italian|Pauline Studies]] -- [[:Category:Petrine Studies--Italian|Petrine Studies]] -- [[:Category:Philo Studies--Italian|Philo Studies]] -- [[:Category:Reception History--Italian|Reception History]] -- [[:Category:Septuagint Studies--Italian|Septuagint Studies]] -- [[:Category:Wisdom Studies--Italian|Wisdom Studies]] -- [[:Category:Women's Studies--Italian|Women's Studies]] -/- [[:Category:Fiction--Italian|Fiction]] -- [[:Category:Varia--Italian|Varia]]  

== History of Research (Italian language) -- Notes ==
The knowledge of Second Temple Judaism was fostered by the "rediscovery" of Flavius Josephus, whose ''Bellum Iudaicum'' was translated into Italian already at the end of the 15th century.
The contemporary study of Second Temple Judaism began in Italy with the works of [[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]] and [[Samuel David Luzzatto]]. These are two works of great quality that well bear comparison with the analogue works produced in Europe at the time.
In the second half of the 19th century, some important works were translated into Italian, by Schwab, Schurer as well as the novel Ben-Hur by [[Lew Wallace]]. Among the original products of Italian scholarship are the history of the Essenes by and [[Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana (1888-1897 Manfrin), book]]
After the war the knowledge of Second Temple Judaism came from the translation of the works of [[Joseph Bonsirven]] and [[Robert Henry Pfeiffer]].
The [[Storia del mondo giudaico (1976 Sacchi), book]] was the first attempt at an original synthesis made by an Italian Author after [[Giuseppe Ricciotti]].
In 1994 [[Paolo Sacchi]] published his [[Storia del Secondo Tempio (1994 Sacchi), book]]
== [[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]] (1799-1862) ==
== [[Samuel David Luzzatto]] (1800-1865) ==
== [[Giuseppe Ricciotti]] (1890-1964) ==
== [[Paolo Sacchi]] (1930-) ==

Latest revision as of 06:23, 1 November 2020

Second Temple.jpg

The category: Second Temple Studies--Italian, includes scholarly and fictional works in Italian language dealing with Second Temple Studies.

Highlights (Italian language)
Highlights (Italian language)

Translated into Italian :

Interpreters (Italian language)
Interpreters (Italian language)

Italian language.jpg

Italian language : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s

Timeline : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home

History of Research (Italian language) -- Notes

The knowledge of Second Temple Judaism was fostered by the "rediscovery" of Flavius Josephus, whose Bellum Iudaicum was translated into Italian already at the end of the 15th century.

The contemporary study of Second Temple Judaism began in Italy with the works of Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini and Samuel David Luzzatto. These are two works of great quality that well bear comparison with the analogue works produced in Europe at the time.

In the second half of the 19th century, some important works were translated into Italian, by Schwab, Schurer as well as the novel Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace. Among the original products of Italian scholarship are the history of the Essenes by and Gli Ebrei sotto la dominazione romana (1888-1897 Manfrin), book

After the war the knowledge of Second Temple Judaism came from the translation of the works of Joseph Bonsirven and Robert Henry Pfeiffer.

The Storia del mondo giudaico (1976 Sacchi), book was the first attempt at an original synthesis made by an Italian Author after Giuseppe Ricciotti.

In 1994 Paolo Sacchi published his Storia del Secondo Tempio (1994 Sacchi), book

Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini (1799-1862)

Samuel David Luzzatto (1800-1865)

Giuseppe Ricciotti (1890-1964)

Paolo Sacchi (1930-)

Pages in category "Second Temple Studies--Italian"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 521 total.

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Media in category "Second Temple Studies--Italian"

The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total.