Betulia liberata (The Liberation of Bethulia / 1777 Pio / @1734 Metastasio), oratorio

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Betulia liberata <Italian> / The Liberation of Bethulia (1777) is an oratorio by Antonio Pio (mus.) and Pietro Metastasio (libr.); see La Betulia liberata (The Liberation of Bethulia / 1734 Metastasio), libretto. Based on the Book of Judith.


"Componimento sagro per musica cantato in Longiano, in occasione della solita annua festa, che si celebra in onore del Miracoloso Ss. Crocifisso."

"Program for an oratorio performed in the Chiesa de' Molto RR. Padri di San Francesco, by the company "Detta della Buona Morte", to music by Antonio Pio, in 1777."

The personages are Ozia, Chabri, Amital, Judith, Charmi, Achior, and Coro.

Editions, performances

Premiered in Longiano, Italy: Church of San Francesco, 1777.

Published in Faenza, Italy: Gioseffantonio Archi, 1777.

External links