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Revision as of 20:04, 3 May 2013
The category: Translated from German, includes scholarly and fictional works translated from English.
This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Pages in category "Translated from German"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 318 total.
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- == == 1500s == == ==
- == == 1600s == == ==
- De Arabische Alkoran = Alcoranus Mahometicus (The Alquran of Muhammad / 1641 @1616 Schweigger / ???), book (Dutch ed.)
- == == 1700s == == ==
- Heiligdommen, godsdiensten, en gewoontens der oude Jooden = Die alten jüdischen Heiligthümer, Gottesdienste und Gewohnheiten (The Ancient Jewish Shrines, Worship and Habits / 1726 @1701 Lund, Muhle / Long, Outhof), book (Dutch ed.)
- The Death of Abel = Der Tod Abels (1762 @1758 Gessner / Collyer), poetry (English ed.)
- Vita e dottrina di Gesù Cristo (1822 Stolberg / Antici), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- Helon’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem (1825 @1820 Strauss / Kenrich), novel (English ed.)
- Vie de Jésus; ou, Examen critique de son histoire (1839-40 Littré) = Das Leben Jesu: kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus: Critically Examined / 1835-36 Strauss), book (French ed.)
- Justin Martyr = Justin der Märtyrer (1843 @1840-42 Semisch / Ryland), book (English ed.)
- The Life of Jesus: Critically Examined (1846 Strauss), book (English ed.)
- The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ = Heidenthum und Judenthum (1862 @1857 Döllinger / Darnell), book (English ed.)
- La vita di Gesù; o, Esame critico della sua storia = Das Leben Jesu: kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus: Critically Examined / 1863 @1835 Strauss), book (Italian ed.)
- Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ = Paulus der Apostel Jesu Christi, 2nd ed. (1873-75 Baur, Zeller / Menzies), book (English ed.)
- Paulinism (Der Paulinismus / 1877 Pfleiderer / Peters), book (English ed.)
- Fragments from Reimarus (1879 Reimarus/Lessing), book (English ed.)
- The Life of Jesus (1883-84 Weiss / Hope), book (English ed.)
- Helon of Alexandria: A Tale of Israel in the Time of the Maccabees (1884 @1820 Strauss / Saphir), novel (English ed.)
- A History of the Hebrews = Geschichte der Hebräer (1895 Kittel / Taylor, Hogg, Speirs), book (english ed.)
- Storia del popolo d'Israele = Geschichte des Volkes Israel (History of the People of Israel / 1896-97 @1887 Stade, Holtzmann / Valbusa), book (Italian ed.)
- History of the People of Israel, from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans = Geschichte des Volkes Israel von den ältesten Zeiten bis zur Zerstörung Jerusalems durch die Römer (1898 Cornill / Carruth), book (English ed.)
- Bible Studies (1901 Deissmann), book
- (+) The Beginnings of Christianity = Die Anfänge unserer Religion (1903-04 Wernle / Bienemann, Morrison), book (English ed.)
- An Introduction to the New Testament = Einleitung in das Neue Testament (1904 Jülicher / Ward), book (English ed.)
- The History of Early Christian Literature: The Writings of the New Testament (1906 Soden / Morrison), book (English ed.)
- Lucius Flavus (1906 Spillmann), novel (Italian ed.)
- St. Paul, the Man and His Work = Paulus: der Mensch und sein Werk (1906 Weinel / Bienemann, Morrison), book (English ed.)
- The Sources of Our Knowledge of the Life of Jesus (1907 Wernle), book (English ed.)
- Paul = Paulus (1907 Wrede / Lummis), book (English ed.)
- The Jewish Religion in the Time of Jesus = Welche Religion hatten die Juden, als Jesus auftrat? (1909 @1905 Hollmann / Lummis), book (English ed.)
- Light from the Ancient East (1910 Deissmann), book (English ed.)
- (++) The Quest of the Historical Jesus = Von Reimarus zu Wrede (1910 @1906 Schweitzer / Montgomery, Burkitt), book (English ed.)
- Paul: A Study in Social and Religious History (1912 Deissmann), book (English ed.)
- (+) Paul and His Interpreters: A Critical History = Geschichte der Paulinischen Forschung (1912 Schweitzer / Montgomery), book (English ed.)
- Storia dei tempi del Nuovo Testamento = Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte (History of New Testament Times / 1913-15 Felten / Bongioanni), book (Italian ed.)
- Pochodzenie chrzescijanstwa = Der Ursprung des Christentums (Foundations of Christianity / 1923 @1908 Kautsky / Hempel), book (Polish ed.)
- Foundations of Christianity = Der Ursprung des Christentums (1925 @1908 Kautsky / Mins), book (English ed.)
- The Son of Man: The Story of Jesus = Der Menschensohn: Geschichte eines Propheten (1928 Ludwig / Paul), non-fiction (English ed.)
- Paul among the Jews = Paulus unter den Juden (1928 Werfel / Levertoff), play (English ed.)
- Jesus-Jeshua (1929 Dalman / Levertoff), book (English ed.)
- (++) The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle = Die Mystik des Apostels Paulus (1931 Schweitzer / Montgomery), book (English ed.)
- Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash = Einleitung in Talmud und Midras / 1931 Strack), book (English ed.)
- The Epistle to the Romans (1933 Barth / Hoskyns), book (English ed.)
- Maometto: la sua vita e la sua fede = Mohammed: sein Leben und sein Glaube (Mohammed: The Man and His Faith / 1934 Andræ / Gabrieli), book (Italian ed.)
- De Zonen = The Jew of Rome (1935 Feuchtwanger / Rost), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Sönerna = The Jew of Rome (1935 Feuchtwanger / Fägersten), novel (Swedish ed.)
- La vita di Gesù nel paese e nel popolo d'Israele = Das Leben Jesu im Lande und Volke Israel (1935 @1933 Willam / Pastore), book (Italian ed.)
- (++) Mohammed: The Man and His Faith = Mohammed: sein Leben und sein Glaube (1936 Andræ / Menzel), book (English ed.)
- The History of Primitive Christianity (1937 Weiss, Knopf / Grant), book (English ed.)
- The Kingdom of God and the Son of Man (1938 Otto / Filson & Lee Woolf), book (English ed.)
- The Hour of Barabbas (1943 Knab), novel (English ed.)
- Mahomet: sa vie et sa doctrine = Mohammed: sein Leben und sein Glaube (Mohammed: The Man and His Faith / 1945 Andræ / Gaudefroy-Demombynes), book (French ed.)
- Les Macchabées (1945 Ludwig / Mis), play (French ed.)
- The Tablets of the Law (1945 Mann / Lowe-Porter), novel (English ed.)
- Jézus élete, tanítása és korának viszonyai a zsidó, görög és római források alapján = Yeshu ha-Notsri (1946 Klausner), book (Hungarian ed.)
- (+) Jesus = Jesus (1949 Dibelius / Hedrick, Grant), book (English ed.)
- The Tentmaker (1951 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- Ancient Judaism = Das antike Judentum (1952 Weber / Gerth, Martindale), book (English ed.)
- (+) Peter: Disciple, Apostle, Martyr = Petrus: Jünger, Apostel, Märtyrer (1953 @1952 Cullmann / Filson), book (English ed.)
- (+) Paul = Paulus (1953 @1951 Dibelius, Kümmel / Clarke), book (English ed.)
- The Cross and the Eagle (1954 Berstl / Graves), novel (English ed.)
- Fisher of Men (1954 Frieberger), novel (English ed.)
- L'histoire d'Israël = Geschichte Israels (The History of Israel / 1954 Noth), book (French ed.)
- Primitive Christianity in Its Contemporary Setting = Das Urchristentum im Rahmen der antiken Religionen (1956 Bultmann / Fuller), book (English ed.)
- The Bible as History = Und die Bibel hat doch recht (1956 @1955 Keller / Neil), book (English ed.)
- A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature = Griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch..., 4th ed. (1957 @1952 Bauer / Arndt, Gingrich), book (English ed.)
- (+) Paul: A Study in Social and Religious History = Paulus: eine Kultur- und religionsgeschichtliche Skizze (1957 @1911 Deissmann / Wilson), book (American ed.)
- Unknown Sayings of Jesus = Unbekannte Jesusworte, 2nd ed. (1957 @1951 @1948 Jeremias / Fuller), book (English ed.)
- The Wife of Pilate (1957 Le Fort / Buehrle), novel (English ed.)
- New Testament Introduction = Einleitung in das Neue Testament (1958 Wikenhauser / Cunningham), book (English ed.)
- The Tombs of St Peter & St Paul = Die Gräber der Apostelfürsten (1959 Kirschbaum / Murray), book (English ed.)
- (+) Paul and the Salvation of Mankind = Paulus und die Heilsgeschichte (1959 @1954 Munck / Clarke), book (English ed.)
- The Dead Sea Community = Die Gemeinde vom Toten Meer (1959 Schubert / Doberstein), book (English ed.)
- La comunidad del Mar Muerto = Die Gemeinde vom Toten Meer (1961 @1958 Schubert / Lang), book (Spanish ed.)
- Introduction to the Old Testament (1961 Weiser / Barton), book (British ed.)
- Old Testament Theology (1962-1965 Rad), book (English ed.)
- Nazare no Iesu (1963 Bornkamm), book (Japanese ed.)
- The History of the Synoptic Tradition = Die Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition (1963 Bultmann / Marsh), book (English ed.)
- David of Jerusalem (1963 De Wohl / Abbott), novel
- The Historical Jesus (1963 Zahrnt / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- (++) From the Exile to Christ: A Historical Introduction to Palestinian Judaism = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (American ed.)
- Palestinian Judaism in New Testament Times = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (British ed.)
- Studies of the Historical Jesus = Zur Frage nach dem historischen Jesus (1964 @1960 Fuchs / Scobie), book (English ed.)
- Il problema del Gesù storico = Das Problem des historischen Jesus (The Problem of the Historical Jesus / 1964 Jeremias / Pellizzari), book (Italian ed.)
- The Problem of the Historical Jesus (1964 Jeremias / Perrin), book (English ed.)
- Unknown Sayings of Jesus, 2nd ed. = Unbekannte Jesusworte, 3rd ed. (1964 @1963 @1948 Jeremias / Fuller), book (English ed.)
- The So-Called Historical Jesus and the Historic, Biblical Christ = Der sogenannte historische Jesus und der geschichtliche, biblische Christus (1964 @1892 Kähler / Braaten), book (English ed.)
- Theological Dictionary of the New Testament = Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament (1964-1976 @1933-1979 Kittel, Friedrich / Bromiley), edited volumes (English ed.)
- Jesus and the Wilderness Community at Qumran = Jesus und die Wüstengemeinde am Toten Meer (1964 @1957 Stauffer / Spaltholz), book (English ed.)
- (++) The Old Testament: An Introduction, Including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha = Einleitung in das Alte Testament unter Einschluss der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, 3rd ed. (1965 @1964 Eissfeldt / Ackroyd), book (English ed.)
- Gli Agrapha di Gesù = Unbekannte Jesusworte, 3rd ed. (Unknown Sayings of Jesus / 1965 @1963 @1948 Jeremias / Soffritti), book (Italian ed.)
- Daniel: A Commentary (1965 Porteous), book (English ed.)
- Paul and James = Paulus und Jakobus (1965 @1963 Schmithals / Barton), book (English ed.)
- El testimonio moral del Nuevo Testamento (1965 Schnackenburg), book (Spanish ed.)
- El Estado en el Nuevo Testamento (1966 Cullmann / Gimbernat), book (Spanish ed.)
- Cristo y el tiempo (1967 Cullmann / Mínguez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jérusalem au temps de Jésus = Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu (Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus / 1967 Jeremias / Le Moyne), book (French ed.)
- Kristendomens historiska bakgrund (1967 Reicke), book (Swedish ed.)
- Reino y reinado de Dios en el Nuevo Testamento (1967 Schnackenburg / Cosyaga), book (Spanish ed.)
- A holt-tengeri barlangok rejtélye = Die Höhle am Toten Meer (1967 Stoll / Nyilas), non-fiction (Hungarian ed.)
- What Do We Know about Jesus? (1968 Betz / Kohl), book (English ed.)
- Gesù di Nazareth = Jesus of Nazareth (1968 Bornkamm / Paschetto), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus fra Nazaret = Jesus of Nazareth (1968 Bornkamm / Graabæk), book (Danish ed.)
- Jesús (1968 Bultmann), book (Spanish ed.)
- Introduction to the Old Testament = Einleitung in das Alte Testament (1968 @1965 Fohrer / Green), book (English ed.)
- Theocracy and Eschatology = Theokratie und Eschatologie (1968 @1959 Plöger / Rudman), book (English ed.)
- The New Testament Era (1968 Reicke / Green), book (English ed.)
- An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament = Grundriss der Theologie des Neuen Testaments (1969 @1967 Conzelmann / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- History of Primitive Christianity = Geschichte des Urchristentums (1973 Conzelmann / Steely), book (English ed.)
- Jesus (1969 Flusser), book (English ed.)
- The Beginnings of Christology = Anfangsprobleme der Christologie (1969 Marxsen / Achtemeier), book (English ed.)
- Il maestro (1970 Brod / Bonfatti), novel (Italian ed.)
- Cristologia del Nuovo Testamento = Christology of the New Testament (1970 Cullmann / Rava), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus and the Revolutionaries (1970 Cullmann / Putnam), book (English ed.)
- Jesus och hans tids revolutionärer (1970 Cullmann / Lindhagen), book (Swedish ed.)
- Jésus et les révolutionnaires de son temps (1970 Cullmann), book (French ed.)
- Ezekiel (1970 Eichrodt / Quin), book (English ed.)
- Las parábolas de Jesús (1970 Jeremias / Calvo), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paroles inconnues de Jésus = Unbekannte Jesusworte, 3rd ed. (Unknown Sayings of Jesus / 1970 @1963 @1948 Jeremias / Henning), book (French ed.)
- Mahomet = Mohammed (Muhammad / 1970 Klabund / Klos-Gwizdalska, Naganowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- The Good News according to Mark = Das Evangelium nach Markus (1970 @1967 Schweizer / Madvig), book (English ed.)
- Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity (1971 Bauer / Strecker), book (English ed.)
- Paul: apôtre de Jésus-Christ = Paulus (Paul / 1971 Bornkamm / Jeanneret), book (French ed.)
- The Gospel of John = Das Evangelium des Johannes (1971 @1941 Bultmann / Beasley-Murray), book (English ed.)
- Jesús y los revolucionarios de su tiempo (1971 @1970 Cullmann / Requena), book (Spanish ed.)
- Perspectives on Paul = Paulinische Perspektiven (1971 Käsemann / Kohl), book (English ed.)
- (+) Colossians and Philemon (1971 Lohse / Poehlmann & Karris), book (English ed.)
- Gnosticism in Corinth: An Investigation of the Letters to the Corinthians = Die Gnosis in Korinth: eine Untersuchung zu den Korintherbriefen (1971 @1956 Schmithals / Steely), book (English ed.)
- (+) Jesus = Jesus Christus (1971 @1968 Schweizer / Green), book (English ed.)
- Le judaïsme antique = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1971 Weber / Raphaël), book (French ed.)
- The Pastoral Epistles: A Commentary (1972 Dibelius, Conzelmann), book (English ed.)
- The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic = Ratlos vor der Apokalytik (1972 Koch / Kohl), book (English ed.)
- Paul & the Gnostics = Paulus und die Gnostiker (1972 @1965 Schmithals / Steely), book (English ed.)
- Cominciò con Gesù di Nazareth: il problema del Gesù storico = The Historical Jesus (1972 Zahrnt / Bonora), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesús de Nazaret: historia y mensaje (1973 Blank / Fierro), book (Spanish ed.)
- Qui est Jésus de Nazareth? = Jesus of Nazareth (1973 Bornkamm / Barth, Bussy), book (French ed.)
- The King David Report (1973 Heym), novel (English ed.)
- Historia y escatología (1974 Bultmann), book (Spanish ed.)
- Judaism and Hellenism = Judentum und Hellenismus (1974 Hengel / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Property and Riches in the Early Church (1974 Hengel / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Teología del Nuevo Testamento (1974 Jeremias / Ruiz-Garrido), book (Spanish ed.)
- El Nuevo Testamento y la historia del cristianismo primitivo (1975 Bornkamm / Leita), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesús de Nazaret = Jesus von Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1975 @1968 @1956 Bornkamm / Pablos), book (Spanish ed.)
- Ježíš Nazaretský = Jesus von Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1975 @1956 Bornkamm / Bašus), book (Czech ed.)
- The Samaritan Problem: Studies in the Relationships of Samaritanism, Judaism, and Early Christianity = Samaritanische Probleme: Studien zum Verhältnis von Samaritanertum, Judentum und Urchristentum (1975 Bowman / Johnson), book (English ed.)
- 1 Corinthians: A Commentary (1975 Conzelmann / Leitch), book (English ed.)
- Jesús en sus palabras y en su tiempo (1975 Flusser / Corell), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Life of Jesus (1975 Schleiermacher / Verheyden, Gilmour), book (English ed.)
- La Carta a los Gálatas = Der Brief and die Galater (The Letter to the Galatians / 1975 @1971 @1949 Schlier / Talavero Tovar), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Apocalyptic Movement = Die Apokalyptik (1975 @1973 Schmithals / Steely), book (English ed.)
- (+) The Good News according to Matthew = Das Evangelium nach Matthäus (1975 @1973 Schweizer / Green), book (English ed.)
- James: A Commentary (1976 Dibelius, Greeven / Williams), book (English ed.)
- Jesus (1976 Flusser), book (Italian ed.)
- An Unknown Jewish Sect (1976 Ginzberg), book (English ed.)
- Palabras desconocidas de Jesús = Unbekannte Jesusworte, 3rd ed. (Unknown Sayings of Jesus / 1976 @1963 @1948 Jeremias / Vevia Romero), book (Spanish ed.)
- The New Testament Environment (1976 Lohse), book (English ed.)
- Judaism outside the Hebrew Canon = Einleitung in die alttestamentlichen Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen (1976 Rost / Green), book (English ed.)
- L'apocalittica = Die Apokalyptik (The Apocalyptic Movement / 1976 @1973 Schmithals / Bonora), book (Italian ed.)
- I partiti religiosi ebrei del tempo neotestamentario (1976 Schubert), book (Italian ed.)
- Paolo: apostolo di Gesù Cristo = Paulus (Paul / 1977 Bornkamm / Comba), book (Italian ed.)
- Paulus = Paulus (Paul / 1977 Bornkamm / Rønnow), book (Norwegian ed.)
- El evangelio de Pablo: Esbozo de teología paulina (1977 Eichholz), book (Spanish ed.)
- 신구약중간사 : 포로시대부터그리스도까지 = From the Exile to Christ (1977 Foerster / Mun), book (Korean ed.)
- Jerusalén en tiempos de Jesús (1977 Jeremias / Ballines), book (Spanish ed.)
- Difficoltà dell'apocalittica = Ratlos vor der Apokalytik (The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic / 1977 @1970 Koch / Bazzano, Sottili), book (Italian ed.)
- Kerygma e Gesù storico = Kerygma und historischer Jesus (A New Quest of the Historical Jesus / 1977 @1960 Robinson / Torti), book (Italian ed.)
- The Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History (1977 Strauss / Keck), book (English ed.)
- Pablo de Tarso = Paulus (Paul / 1978 @1969 Bornkamm / Sala, Vigil), book (Spanish ed.)
- Ensayos exegéticos (1978 Käsemann), book (Spanish ed.)
- Hellenistic Mystery-Religions = Die hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen (1978 Reitzenstein / Steely), book (English ed.)
- A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 2nd ed. = Griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch..., 5th ed. (1979 @1958 Bauer / Arndt, Gingrich, Danker), book (English ed.)
- The Influence of the Holy Spirit (1979 Gunkel / Harrisville & Quanbeck), book (English ed.)
- Ezekiel: A Commentary (1979-83 Zimmerli / Clements, Martin), book (English ed.)
- Messianic Expectation in the Old Testament = Messiaserwartung im Alten Testament (1980 @1977 Becker), book (English ed.)
- Diccionario teológico del Nuevo Testamento (1980-1983 Coenen), edited volume (Spanish ed.)
- L'ambiente del Nuovo Testamento = Umwelt des Neuen Testament (The New Testament Environment / 1980 Lohse / Redana), book (Italian ed.)
- Introduzione agli apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento = Einleitung in die alttestamentlichen Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen (Judaism outside the Hebrew Canon / 1980 Rost / Rosso Ubigli), book (Italian ed.)
- The Holy Spirit (1980 Schweizer), book (English ed.)
- Militia Christi: The Christian Religion and the Military in the First Three Centuries = Militia Christi: die christliche Religion und der Soldatenstand in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten (1981 Harnack / Gracie), book (English ed.)
- Ebrei, Greci e Barbari = Juden, Griechen und Barbaren (Jews, Greeks and Barbarians / 1981 @1976 Hengel / Forza), book (Italian ed.)
- Seguimiento y carisma (1981 Hengel), book (Spanish ed.)
- Abba: El mensaje central del Nuevo Testamento (1981 Jeremias / Ortiz/Vevia/Ruiz-Garrido/Bernáldez/Rey/Martínez), book (Spanish ed.)
- 예수운동의사회학 = Sociology of the Jesus Movement (1981 Theissen / Cho), book (Korean ed.)
- Introduzione al Nuovo Testamento = Einleitung in das Neue Testament (New Testament Introduction / 1981 @1973 Wikenhauser, Schmid / Montagnini), book (Italian ed.)
- 耶穌基督 : 史實與宣道 = Jesus Christus (Jesus Christ / 1981 @1953 Zimmermann / Yue), book (Chinese ed.)
- Esther-sŏ yŏnʼgu (1982 Gerleman / Chon), book (Korean ed.)
- Yŏksajŏk Yesu yŏnʼgu (1982 Käsemann / Kang), book (Korean ed.)
- The Women around Jesus = Ein eigener Mensch werden: Frauen um Jesus (1982 @1980 Moltman-Wendel / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Ιστορια της Ερευνας του Βίου του Ιησού (1982 Schweitzer / Agouridis), book (Greek ed.)
- ¿Cómo entendió y vivió Jesús su muerte (1982 Schürmann / Martínez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Mon frère Jésus: perspectives juives sur le Nazaréen (1983 Ben-Chorin), book (French ed.)
- Estudios sobre el Nuevo Testamento (1983 Bornkamm / Sauras/Martínez), book (Spanish ed.)
- ユダヤ教とヘレニズム = Judentum und Hellenismus (Judaism and Hellenism / 1983 Hengel / Nagakubo), book (Japanese ed.)
- Gnosis: The Nature and History of an Ancient Religion (1983 Rudolph / Wilson), book (English ed.)
- La historia de las formas evangélicas (1984 Dibelius), book (Spanish ed.)
- Law in Paul's Thought = Das Gesetz bei Paulus (1984 Hübner / Greig, Riches), book (English ed.)
- The Gospel and the Poor = Das Evangelium und die Armen (1984 Stegemann / Elliott), book (English ed.)
- Fratello Gesù: un punto di vista ebraico sul Nazareno (1985 Ben-Chorin), book (Italian ed.)
- Teologia del Nuovo Testamento = Theologie des Neuen Testaments (Theology of the New Testament / 1985 Bultmann / Rizzi), book (Italian ed.)
- The Truth of the Gospel: An Exposition of Galatians = Die Wahrheit des Evangeliums: eine Lesehilfe zum Galaterbrief (1985 Ebeling / Green), book (English ed.)
Media in category "Translated from German"
The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total.
- 1951-T * Bultmann en.jpg 738 × 1,000; 56 KB
- 1958-T * Noth en.jpg 1,004 × 1,500; 165 KB
- 1959-T * Cullmann en.jpg 907 × 1,360; 76 KB
- 1960-T * Bornkamm en.jpg 354 × 499; 33 KB
- 1961-T * Schoeps en.jpg 1,059 × 1,529; 235 KB
- 1963-T * Hennecke Wilson.jpg 335 × 499; 26 KB
- 1969-T * Jeremias en.jpg 312 × 499; 30 KB
- 1970-T * Bousset en.jpg 667 × 1,000; 50 KB
- 1971-T * Bornkamm en.jpg 900 × 1,387; 229 KB
- 1979-T * Bickerman en.jpg 658 × 1,000; 33 KB
- 1980 * Hengel.jpg 375 × 499; 31 KB
- 1980-T Kasemann (en).jpg 330 × 500; 32 KB
- 1984-T Haenchen Busse.jpg 400 × 451; 120 KB
- 1984 Lapide - Stuhlmacher en.jpg 342 × 500; 39 KB
- 1989-T * Hengel en.jpg 400 × 625; 14 KB
- 1989-T * Hengel.jpg 880 × 1,360; 152 KB
- 1995 * Stemberger.jpg 307 × 475; 32 KB
- 1998 Niederwimmer.jpg 413 × 475; 19 KB
- 1998-T * Theissen en.jpg 353 × 499; 28 KB
- 2001 Ben-Chorin.jpg 306 × 475; 20 KB
- 2007-T * Ratzinger en.jpg 992 × 1,500; 133 KB
- 2011-T * Ratzinger.jpg 968 × 1,500; 94 KB