(+) Paul and the Salvation of Mankind = Paulus und die Heilsgeschichte (1959 @1954 Munck / Clarke), book (English ed.)

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Paul and the Salvation of Mankind (1959) is the English edition of Paulus und die Heilsgeschichte (1954 Munck), book.



Published in London [England]: SCM Press; and Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1959; translated from the German by Frank Clarke.

Table of contents

The call -- The apostle to the gentiles -- The Tübingen School and Paul -- The Judaizing gentile Christians: studies in Galatians -- The church without factions: studies in I Corinthians 1-4 -- The true and the false apostle: studies in II Corinthians -- The manifesto of faith: comments on Romans -- Jewish Christianity according to the Acts of the apostles -- Israel and the gentiles -- Paul and Jerusalem -- Paul before the emperor

External links