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Pages in category "Literature--1600s"
The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.
- Flavia (1600 Stefonio), play
- Judas Maccabaeus (1601 Haughton), play
- (+) Arabia sitiens (Mahomet and His Heaven / 1601 Percy), play
- Giudetta (1602 Lottini), play
- Nero (1603 Gwinne), play
- La vita di S. Longino martire cavalier mantoano (1605 Magagnati), poetry
- La gitana melancólica (1608 Aguilar), play
- Christus patient (Christ's Passion / 1608 Grotius), play
- La Reina Ester (1615 Cebà), poetry
- La Maddalena (Magdalene / 1617 Andreini), play
- Ester (1619 Modena), play
- Hierusalem Verwoest (Jerusalem Laid Desolate / 1620 Vondel), play (Dutch)
- Santa Maria Maddalena (1621 Cicognini), play
- Herodiados (1622 Bidermann), play
- Herod and Antipater, with the Death of Faire Mariam (1622 Markham/Sampson), play
- Mariamne (1624 Hardy), play
- The Jewes Tragedy (1626 Heminges), play
- La Giudea distrutta da Vespasiano e Tito (1627 Finella), play
- Esther (1628 Della Valle), play
- Iudit (1628 Della Valle), play
- Over-Ysselsche Sangen en Dichten (1630 Revius), poetry
- Herodes infanticida (1632 Heinsius), play
- La strage degl'innocenti (The Slaughter of the Innocents / 1632 Marino), poetry (Italian)
- Rerum Iudaicarum memorabiliorum, ab exitu ex Aegypto ad ultimum usque Hierosilymitanum excidium (1632 Ross), book
- La cena del rey Baltasar (1634 Calderón de la Barca), play
- El mayor monstruo, los celos (1635 Calderón de la Barca), play
- Maria Maddalena peccatrice e convertita (1636 Brignole-Sale), novel
- La vida y muerte de Herodes (1636 Molina), play
- La Mariane (1636 Tristan L'Hermite), play
- La mort des enfants d'Herode (1639 La Calprenède), play
- L’ebrea famelica (The Famishing Jewess / 1640 Caputi / Vittori), oratorio (music & libretto)
- Los desagravios de Christo (1640 Cubillo de Aragón), play
- L'Adam (Adam / 1640 Loredano), novel
- Judas Macabeo (1641 Calderón de la Barca), play
- (++) Lettres de Bérénice à Titus (Letters of Berenice to Titus / 1642 Scudéry), novel
- Herodes der Kindermörder (Herod the Child Murderer / 1645 Klaj), play
- Clêopâtre (1648 La Calprenède), play
- Bérénice (1648 Segrais), novel
- Mariamne (1650 Manuche), play
- Herodes Ascalonita y la hermosa Mariana (1658 Lozano), play
- Tite (1660 Magnon), play
- Herodes der Kindermörder (Herod the Child Murderer / 1663 Gryphius), play
- S. Pietro piangente (St. Peter Weeping / 1664 Ziani / Guadagni), oratorio (music & libretto), Vienna premiere
- Agrippina (1665 Lohenstein), play
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1666 Biancolelli), play
- Il Tito (Titus / 1666 Cesti / Beregani), opera (music & libretto), Venice premiere
- Passíusálmar (1666 Hallgrímur Pétursson), poetry
- La Pellegrina ingrandita; ovvero, La Regina Ester (1666 Torre), play
- Paradise Lost (1667 Milton), poetry
- Britannicus (1669 Racine), play
- Tite et Bérenice (1670 Corneille), play
- Mariamne (1670 Hallmann), play
- Sophia (1671 Hallmann), play
- Samson Agonistes (1671 Milton), play
- Herod the Great (1672 Boyle), play
- Tite et Titus; ou, Les deux Bérénices (1673 Anonymous), play
- Herod and Mariamne (1673 Pordage), play
- Il Nerone (Nero / 1675 Boccaccio), play
- The Tragedy of Nero, Emperor of Rome (1675 Lee), play
- Piso's Conspiracy (1676 Lee), play
- Titus and Berenice (1676 Otway), play
- The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian (1677 Crowne), play
- Epicharis (1685 Lohenstein), play
- Judas der Ertz-Schelm (1686 Abraham a Sancta Clara), novel
- Il Mosè legato di Dio e liberatore del popolo ebreo (Moses, Legate of God and Liberator of the Hebrew People / 1686 Colonna / Giardini), oratorio (music & libretto), Modena premiere
- The History of the Nine Worthies of the World (1687 Burton), novel
- Esther (1689 Racine), play
- La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo (Magdalene at the Feet of Christ / 1690 Bononcini / Forni), oratorio (music & libretto), Modena premiere
- Die Zerstörung Jerusalems (The Destruction of Jerusalem / 1692 Conradi / Postel), opera (music & libretto), Hamburg premiere
- La passione di Cristo (The Passion of Christ / 1693 Ariosti / Arnoaldi), oratorio (music & libretto), Modena premiere
- The Life of Our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ (1693 Wesley), poetry
- La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo (Magdalene at the Feet of Christ / 1698 Caldara / Sandrinelli, @1690 Forni), oratorio (music & libretto), Venice premiere
- Caligula (1698 Crowne), play
Media in category "Literature--1600s"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- 1602 * Anonymous.png 250 × 349; 122 KB
- 1604 * Cary (play).jpg 354 × 500; 59 KB
- 1670 * Racine (play).jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB