Category:Spalato (subject)

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Spalato (Split)

The city of Spalato (Split) in Dalmatia became a place of refuge for many Jews from Yugoslavia or even Germany, Austria and Poland. Many of them ended up in mainland Italy. Among the refugees were numerous families with children.


When on April 6, 1941, the Italian Army occupied the town of Spalato (Split), there were 400 Jews living there, some being refugees from Austria, Czechoslovakia etc. Although Dalmatia nominally belonged to Pavelić's quisling Croatian state, the Italian army prevented his regime from persecuting the Jews, and some 3,000 refugees from Poland, Austria, and Czechoslovakia had passed through Split by 1943.

In June 1942 a mob devastated the synagogue, community offices, shops, and private houses. Under German pressure refugees were arrested and interned in Italian camps on the Dalmatian islands or in mainland Italy. When Italy capitulated in September 1943, and before the Germans entered the town, several hundred Jews crossed the Adriatic in small boats to Italy and to partisan-held islands, while others joined the partisan forces on the mainland. All remaining male Jews were made to register with the German authorities, and on October 13 were arrested and sent to the Sajmište camp near Belgrade where most of them perished. Around 150 Jews from Split died in the Holocaust. In 1947 only 163 Jews lived in Split.

The Holocaust Children

The 34 Nonantola Children

A group of 34 children (mostly orphans) came from Spalato to Nonantola in April 1943. After September 1943 they were all but one smuggled safely to Switzerland.

Interned in mainland Italy

Many children were interned with their families in various localities in mainland Italy, including Ferramonti.

  1. Misha Alkalay (M / Serbia, 1941), Holocaust survivor --- Treviso - [Hiding]
  2. Elisa Almuly (F / Serbia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding]
  3. Ena Almuly / Ena Lorant (F / Serbia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding]
  4. Belja Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  5. Dora Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  6. Lenka Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Bari
  7. Simka Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Bari?
  8. Moritz Altarac (M / Croatia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Lecce
  9. Iko Amar (M / Serbia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Milano
  10. Angelina Attias (F / Croatia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Lecce? (Angelina & Giuseppe)
  11. Giuseppe Attias (M / Croatia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Lecce
  12. Vittorio Attias (M / Bosnia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  13. Vlado Augenfled (M / Croatia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / ???
  14. Avram Avramovich (M / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  15. Ruth Bararon (F / Serbia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti / DP Lecce
  16. Ela Baruch (F / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  17. Jenny Baruch (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta / Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  18. Rica Baruch (M / Bosnia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / ???
  19. Vera Belich (F / Serbia, 1927), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti / ???
  20. Enrico Betler (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / DP Bari
  21. Stanislao Breuer (M / Croatia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / DP Bari
  22. Leonardo Danon (M / Croatia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / DP Bari Leonardo & Michele
  23. Michele Danon (M / Croatia, 1938), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / DP Bari
  24. Nicola Davicio (M / Croatia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Parma / Emigrated on 19 July 1943
  25. Greta Davidovic (F / Serbia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Parma / Emigrated on 4 February 1943
  26. Gabriele Deleon (M / Croatia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / DP Brindisi
  27. Vito Elias (M / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti - ???
  28. Marina Eskenazi (F / Serbia, 1941), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / ???
  29. Vivette Eskenazy (F / Serbia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Milano
  30. [[Verika Fargas
  31. Alberto Finzi (M / Bosnia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Switzerland
  32. [[Ascher Finzi
  33. [[Erna Finzi
  34. [[Ester Finzi
  35. [[Giuseppe Finzi
  36. [[Matilde Finzi
  37. [[Nina Finzi
  38. [[Renza Finzi
  39. [[Samuele Finzi
  40. [[Sida Finzi
  41. [[Tilda Finzi
  42. [[Vlatko Freundlich (M / Croazia, 1930)
  43. [[Anita Fried (F / Croatia, 1938)
  44. [[Ruben Fried (M / Croatia, 1933)
  45. [[Branka Friedmann (F / Croatia, 1940)
  46. Isaac Garti (M / Serbia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso (Possagno) -- Treviso - [Hiding]
  47. Moshe Garti (M / Serbia, 1933), Holocaust survivor Isaac & Moshe
  48. Dina Gross (F / Croatia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Asti / Switzerland -- Dina & Tamara
  49. Tamara Gross (F / Croatia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Asti / Switzerland
  50. Josef Hazan (M / Bosnia, 1934), Holocaust survivor = Giuseppe Hazan -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario
  51. Janko Herskovic (M / Croatia, 1938), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / ???
  52. Noemi Herskovic (M / Croatia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / ???
  53. Ratko Herskovic (M / Croatia, 1940), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / ???
  54. Lea Hirschl (F / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso / Switzerland
  55. Milan Hirschl (F / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  56. Zelico Hirschel (M / Croatia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  57. Branko Hichwald (M / Croatia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  58. Yeoshua Jagoda (M / Poland, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Bari
  59. Alessandro Jesua (M / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  60. Carlotta Jesua (M / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  61. Lilli Kohn (F / Serbia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding]
  62. Milan Kon (M / Croatia, 1927), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Lecce
  63. Maia Kresich (F / Serbia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Parma / Switzerland
  64. Neva Kresich (F / Serbia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Parma / Switzerland
  65. Zdenko Kresich (M / Croatia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta / Switzerland
  66. Lina Lederer (F / Croatia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Asti / Switzerland
  67. Alessandro Levi (M / Serbia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  68. Davide Levi (M / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Bari
  69. Davide Levi (M / Serbia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Parma / Switzerland
  70. Erna Levi (M / Bosnia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta / Switzerland
  71. Isidor Levi (M / Croatia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Lecce
  72. Menahem Levi (M / Bosnia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta / Switzerland
  73. Menahem Levi (M / Bosnia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza / Switzerland
  74. Misha Levi (M / Serbia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti / Lecce
  75. Rafael Levi (M / Bosnia, 1993), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza / Switzerland
  76. [[Sara Levi (F / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust victim? Parma, deported
  77. Sceli Levi (M / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor Parma - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  78. Leone Levic (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti -- Fort Ontario
  79. Miriam Levic (F / Serbia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  80. Stella Levic (F / Serbia, 1927), Holocaust victim -- Parma, arrested (30/11/43), deported (05/04/44), perished Auschwitz (30/09/44) -- Stella Levic, figlia di Misha Levic e Maria Domaic è nata in Jugoslavia a Belgrado il 7 agosto 1927. Arrestata a Bedonia (Parma). Deportata nel campo di sterminio di Auschwitz. Non è sopravvissuta alla Shoah. <CDEC>
  81. Lucia Lustig (F / Croatia, 1927), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  82. Sonia Macoro (F / Serbia, 1940), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  83. Ella Maestro (F / Bosnia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti -- Lecce (Ella & Giacomo)
  84. Giacomo Maestro (F / Bosnia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti -- Lecce (Ella & Giacomo)
  85. Albino Maltz (M / Bosnia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  86. Beniamino Mandil (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Roma
  87. Marcello Mandil (M / Serbia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Roma
  88. Renata Markovic (F / Croatia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Belluno, Como - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  89. Ruben Marton (M / Croatia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso, Pugliano (Marche) [Hiding] -- Bari
  90. Fritz Maurer (M / Austria, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza [Hiding] -- DP Lecce
  91. Dzamilla Mayer (F / Serbia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding]
  92. Silvia Mazliach (F / Serbia, 1938), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] - Fort Ontario
  93. Iko Medina (M / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti
  94. Miriam Medina (F / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] - DP Lecce
  95. Vittorio Montias (M / Serbia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] - DP Bari
  96. Ivan Nadasi (M / Croatia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - Pugliano (Marche) [Hiding] - DP Bari
  97. Elisa Najmann (F / Serbia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] - DP Lecce
  98. Roberto Najmann (M / Serbia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Parma - [Hiding] - Switzerland
  99. Renato Nessel (M / Germany, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  100. Dina Neumann (F / Croatia, 1941), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] - SS Palestine (July 1944)
  101. Nada Papo (F / Austria, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  102. Rena Papo (F / Bosnia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] - Switzerland
  103. Haim Perera (M / Bosnia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] - ???
  104. Sadika Perera (F / Bosnia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] - ???
  105. Zeljko Pichler (M / Croatia, 1938), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] - ???
  106. Xenia Pick (M / Croatia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] - DP Bari
  107. Bernardo Pinto (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Asti / Switzerland
  108. Pietro Polak (M / Serbia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] - ???
  109. Marko Poljokan (M / Croatia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Venezia
  110. Carlotta Reknitzer (F / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Parma, arrested (30/11/43), deported (02/08/44, Ravenbruck), survived -- Carlotta Reknitzer, figlia di Bernardo Reknitzer e Melania Bermann è nata in Jugoslavia a Zagabria il 6 maggio 1930. Arrestata a Calestano (Parma). Deportata a Fossoli e quindi nel campo di concentramento di Ravensbrueck. E' sopravvissuto alla Shoah. <CDEC>
  111. Pietro Rendi (M / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] - Switzerland.
  112. Regina Romano (F / Bosnia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  113. Zaharja Romano (M / Bosnia, 1927), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario
  114. Henny Rosenbauch (M / Serbia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / ???
  115. Nita Rosenbauch (F / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / ???
  116. Branko Rosenfeld (M / Croatia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Asti (Calamandata)
  117. Dana Rosenfeld (F / Croatia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Asti
  118. Miriam Rosenfeld (F / Croatia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Taranto
  119. Zlata Rosenfeld (F / Croatia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Asti
  120. Elli Rothmuller (F / Croatia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] Pugliano Vecchio / Bari
  121. Ruza Rothmuller (F / Croatia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] Pugliano Vecchio / Bari
  122. Mirella Russo (F / Serbia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Magenta (Milano)
  123. Lea Sarkò (F / Bosnia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Parma [Hiding] / ???
  124. Moreno Sarkò (M / Bosnia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  125. Mladen Schlesinger (M / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti - L'Aquila - [Hiding] / Bari 44
  126. Zlata Schnitlinger (F / Croatia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / ???
  127. Branko Schrenger (M / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Bari 44
  128. Lavoslav Schwarz (M / Serbia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] Pugliano Vecchio / Bari 44
  129. Mia Schwarz (F / Serbia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] Pugliano Vecchio / Bari 44
  130. Slavko Schwarzenberg (M / Yugoslavia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario
  131. Irma Seidler (F / Czechia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  132. Branko Selan (M / Croatia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario
  133. Alfredo Sidon (M / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / ???
  134. Velimir Sorger (M / Croatia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  135. Vladimiro Sperber (M / Croatia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Curetta di Servigliano (AP)
  136. Nada Spicer (M / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???
  137. Raul Spicer (M / Croatia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???
  138. Bruno Spiegel (M / Croatia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Vicenza 45
  139. Felice Spiegel (M / Serbia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Vicenza 45
  140. Rachele Sprung (F / Bosnia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???
  141. Ruth Sprung (F / Bosnia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???
  142. Boris Steiner (M / Croatia, 1938), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  143. Fedor Steiner (M / Croatia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] / Switzerland
  144. Henri Steiner (M / Serbia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / ???

Persecution & Liberation

Left Italy before the summer of 1943

  1. Nicola Davicio (M / Croatia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Parma / Emigrated on 19 July 1943
  2. Greta Davidovic (F / Serbia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Parma / Emigrated on 4 February 1943

Liberated at Ferramonti (Sept 1943) [18 children]

  1. Belja Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  2. Dora Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  3. Ruth Bararon (F / Serbia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti / DP Lecce
  4. Jenny Baruch (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta / Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  5. Vera Belich (F / Serbia, 1927), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti / ???
  6. Vito Elias (M / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti - ???
  7. Branko Hichwald (M / Croatia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  8. Alessandro Levi (M / Serbia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  9. Misha Levi (M / Serbia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti / Lecce
  10. Leone Levic (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti -- Fort Ontario
  11. Ella Maestro (F / Bosnia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti -- Lecce (Ella & Giacomo)
  12. Giacomo Maestro (F / Bosnia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti -- Lecce (Ella & Giacomo)
  13. Iko Medina (M / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - Ferramonti
  14. Regina Romano (F / Bosnia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  15. Nada Spicer (M / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???
  16. Raul Spicer (M / Croatia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???
  17. Rachele Sprung (F / Bosnia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???
  18. Ruth Sprung (F / Bosnia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / ???

Were arrested and deported (1943-44)

  1. [[Sara Levi (F / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust victim? Parma, deported, perished?
  2. Stella Levic (F / Serbia, 1927), Holocaust victim -- Parma, arrested (30/11/43), deported (05/04/44, Auschwitz), perished Auschwitz (30/09/44)
  3. Carlotta Reknitzer (F / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Parma, arrested (30/11/43), deported (02/08/44, Ravenbruck), survived

Fled to Switzerland (1943-45)

  1. Alberto Finzi (M / Bosnia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta to Switzerland
  2. Dina Gross (F / Croatia, 1934), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland -- Dina & Tamara
  3. Tamara Gross (F / Croatia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland
  4. Lea Hirschl (F / Serbia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso to Switzerland
  5. Maia Kresich (F / Serbia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Parma to Switzerland
  6. Neva Kresich (F / Serbia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Parma to Switzerland
  7. Zdenko Kresich (M / Croatia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta to Switzerland
  8. Lina Lederer (F / Croatia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland
  9. Davide Levi (M / Serbia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Parma to Switzerland
  10. Erna Levi (M / Bosnia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta to Switzerland
  11. Menahem Levi (M / Bosnia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta to Switzerland
  12. Menahem Levi (M / Bosnia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza to Switzerland
  13. Rafael Levi (M / Bosnia, 1993), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza to Switzerland
  14. Sceli Levi (M / Serbia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Parma to Switzerland
  15. Lucia Lustig (F / Croatia, 1927), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta to Switzerland
  16. Sonia Macoro (F / Serbia, 1940), Holocaust survivor -- Parma to Switzerland
  17. Albino Maltz (M / Bosnia, 1931), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta to Switzerland
  18. Renata Markovic (F / Croatia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Belluno & Como to Switzerland
  19. Roberto Najmann (M / Serbia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta & Parma toSwitzerland
  20. Renato Nessel (M / Germany, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland
  21. Nada Papo (F / Austria, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland
  22. Rena Papo (F / Bosnia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Parma to Switzerland
  23. Bernardo Pinto (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland
  24. Pietro Rendi (M / Croatia, 1930), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland
  25. Irma Seidler (F / Czechia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso to Switzerland
  26. Boris Steiner (M / Croatia, 1938), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland
  27. Fedor Steiner (M / Croatia, 1937), Holocaust survivor -- Asti to Switzerland

+ The 72 Nonantola Children -- Nonantola to Switzerland

Survived in hiding in Central (until Summer 1944) and Northern Italy (untile April 1945)

Went to Palestine (May 1944) [5 children]

  1. Milan Hirschl (F / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  2. Zelico Hirschel (M / Croatia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  3. Alessandro Levi (M / Serbia, 1933), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti / SS Palestine (May 1944)
  4. Dina Neumann (F / Croatia, 1941), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] - SS Palestine (July 1944)
  5. Velimir Sorger (M / Croatia, 1929), Holocaust survivor -- Treviso - [Hiding] / SS Palestine (May 1944)

Went to Fort Ontario, US (July 1944) [11 children]

Those who went to Fort Ontario had been liberated at Ferramonti (Sept 1943 or in various locations in Central Italy (Jun-Jul 1944).

  1. Belja Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  2. Dora Altarac (F / Bosnia, 1936), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  3. Jenny Baruch (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta / Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  4. Josef Hazan (M / Bosnia, 1934), Holocaust survivor = Giuseppe Hazan -- Treviso - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario
  5. Branko Hichwald (M / Croatia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Asti, Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  6. Leone Levic (M / Serbia, 1928), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta, Ferramonti -- Fort Ontario
  7. Silvia Mazliach (F / Serbia, 1938), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - [Hiding] - Fort Ontario
  8. Regina Romano (F / Bosnia, 1935), Holocaust survivor -- Asti - Ferramonti / Fort Ontario
  9. Zaharja Romano (M / Bosnia, 1927), Holocaust survivor -- Parma - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario
  10. Slavko Schwarzenberg (M / Yugoslavia, 1932), Holocaust survivor -- Vicenza - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario
  11. Branko Selan (M / Croatia, 1939), Holocaust survivor -- Aosta - [Hiding] / Fort Ontario

Were in DP Bari (Nov 1944)

Those who were at DP Bari in the Winter 1944 had been liberated at Ferramonti (Sept 1943) or in various locations in Central Italy (Summer 1944).

Were in DP Lecce (Summer 1945)

External links