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I. Translations, with commentary, in Latin, by Silvestre de Sacy, in Magasin encyclopedique (Paris 1800, Chaps. i xvi. xxii, xxxi) ; GfrOrer, A. F., in 'Prophets: Veteres Pseudepigraphi) (Stuttgart 1840) ; and [[Bibliotheca apocrypha (1913 Székely), book]] (extensive excerpts) ; in English, by Richard Laurence (Oxford 1821; later edi tions 1833, 1838, 1883) ; Schodde, G. H. (An dover 1882) ; Charles, R. H. (Oxford 1893; 2d ed., 1912) ; in German, by Hoffmann, A. G. (Jena 1833-38) ; Clemens, Richard (Stuttgart 1850) ; Dillmann, A. (Leipzig 1853) ; Beer, G. (Tubingen 1900) ; Flemming, J., and Rader macher, L. (Leipzig 1901) ; in French, by Bru net, G., in Migne Wictionnaire des Apocryphes' (Paris 1856) ; Lods, A., of the Greek text (lb. 1892) ; and Martin, Francois (ib. 1906) ; in Russian, by Smirnov, A. (Kasan 1888) ; and in Hebrew, by Goldschmidt, L. (Berlin 1892).
I. Translations, with commentary, in Latin, by Silvestre de Sacy, in Magasin encyclopedique (Paris 1800, Chaps. i xvi. xxii, xxxi) ; GfrOrer, A. F., in 'Prophets: Veteres Pseudepigraphi) (Stuttgart 1840) ; and [[Bibliotheca apocrypha (1913 Székely), book]] (extensive excerpts) ; in English, by Richard Laurence (Oxford 1821; later edi tions 1833, 1838, 1883) ; Schodde, G. H. (An dover 1882) ; Charles, R. H. (Oxford 1893; 2d ed., 1912) ; in German, by Hoffmann, A. G. (Jena 1833-38) ; Clemens, Richard (Stuttgart 1850) ; Dillmann, A. (Leipzig 1853) ; Beer, G. (Tubingen 1900) ; Flemming, J., and Rader macher, L. (Leipzig 1901) ; in French, by Bru net, G., in Migne Wictionnaire des Apocryphes' (Paris 1856) ; Lods, A., of the Greek text (lb. 1892) ; and Martin, Francois (ib. 1906) ; in Russian, by Smirnov, A. (Kasan 1888) ; and in Hebrew, by Goldschmidt, L. (Berlin 1892).
Introductions by Zockler (1891) ; KOnig (1893) ; Comely (1894) ; Cornill (1896) ; Snack (1898) ; Bertholet (1906) ; Steuernagel (1912) ; Sellin (1914) ; Mirandola, Pico della, 'Opera Omnia' (Basel 1572) ; Reuchlin, J., (De arte cabalistica'
(Hagenau 1517; appended to Galatin, 'De arcanis catholic veritatis,) Ortona 1518, and to Mirandola, op. cit.) ; Poste], G., 'De originibus' (Basel 1553) ; Scaliger, 'Thesaurus temporum' (Geneva 1609) ; Drusius, J., 'De patriarcha Henoch' (Frankfort 1615) ; Gassendi, P., 'De vita Peirescii> (Paris 1641) ; Ludolf, J., 'His toria wthiopica' (Frankfort 1681) ; Fabricius, J. A., 'Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testa mentP (Hamburg 1713) ; Calmet, A., 'Dis sertation sur le livre d'Henoch) (Paris 1720); Whiston, W., 'A Collection of Authentick Records) (London 1727) ; Bruce, J., 'Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile' (London 1790) ; Sacy, S. de, in Journal des Savans (Paris 1822) ; Murray, E., 'Enoch Restitutus' (London 1836); Bauer, Bruno. 'Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte' (Leipzig 1841) ; Krieger, E., (Beitrige zur Kritik> (Nurnberg 1845) ; Lucke, F., (Einleitung in die Offenbarung Johannes' (2d ed., Bonn 1852) ; Ewald, H., 'Abhandlung fiber des iithiopischen Bullies Henokh (Gottingen 1855) ; Hilgen feld, A., 'Die jiidische Apokalyptik) (Jena 1857) ; Sieffert, F., 'De apocryphi libri Henochi ori?ine et arg.umento) (Konigsberg 1867) ; Philippi, F., 'Das Buch Henoch' (Stuttgart 1868) ; Halevy, J., in Journal Asiatique (Paris 1867) ; Vernes, M., des idees mes sianiques> (Paris 1874) ; Tideman, A. in Theo logisch Tijdschrift (Leiden 1875) ; Drummond, J., The Jewish Messiah) (London 1877) ; Deane, W. J., 'The Pseudepigrapha) (London 1891) ; Bousset, W., 'Die Religion des Juden tums> (Berlin 1903); Appel, H., Kom position des ithiopischen Henochbuches' (Gfitersloh 1906); Burkitt, J. C., in Journal for Theological Studies (Cambridge 1907) ; Schmidt, N., 'The Original Language of the Parables of Enoch) (Chicago 1908) ; Gry, L., in Le Muslon (Louvain 1908-10) ; Lagrange, T., 'Le messianisme' (Paris 1909) ; Schfirer, E., des jildischen Volkes) (4th ed., Leipzig 1909) ; Charles, R. H., in 'Old Testa ment Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha) (Oxford 1913). II. Morfill, W. R., and Charles, R. H., 'The Book of the Secrets of Enoch' (Oxford 1896) ; Bonwetsch, N., 'Das slavische Henoch buch> (Berlin 1896) ; Schfirer, (Geschichte des jiidischen Volkes' (Leipzig 1909) ; Forbes, N., and Charles, R. H., in 'Old Testament Apocry pha and Pseudepigrapha) (Oxford 1913) ; Szekely, S., in Apocrypha' (Frei burg 1913) ; Schmidt, N., 'The Two Recensions of Slavonic (in Journal of American Oriental Society, New Haven 1918). III. Tel-. linek, A., 'Beth ha Midrasch' (Vienna 1853 78) ; Buttenwieser, M., 'Apocalyptic Literature' (in 'Jewish Encyclopedia,) New York 1901); Charles, R. H., 'The Book of Enoch' (Oxford 1912).

==1 Enoch in Fiction==
==1 Enoch in Fiction==

Revision as of 15:50, 30 April 2014

The First Book of Enoch (see Online Text) is a Second Temple Jewish document, now included in collections of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

< Categories: 1 Enoch Editions -- 1 Enoch Translations -- Enochic Studies >


Manuscript tradition


1 Enoch in Scholarship (History of research)

The Book of Enoch, "lost" in the West, has been preserved by the Ethiopian Church.

The traditional Ethiopian Commentary by Magābē Mesṭir Gērāwarq), so far preserved only in manuscripts, has been published in 2011 by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tawāhedo Church. The book is printed in Addis Abeba by Tensaē Printing press. Reference is made to Magābē Mesṭir Gērāwarq, specialist of Ethiopic Poetry and the Old Testament through his picture right before the beginning of the verse by verse commentary. The text is in Ge’ez and the commentary in Amharic. Instead of 108 chapters, 1 Enoch is divided into 42 chapters.

Only in 1776 the book of Enoch was "rediscovered" by Western scholars.

Hungarian translations of 1 Enoch are:

  • István Baán (1980)

I. Translations, with commentary, in Latin, by Silvestre de Sacy, in Magasin encyclopedique (Paris 1800, Chaps. i xvi. xxii, xxxi) ; GfrOrer, A. F., in 'Prophets: Veteres Pseudepigraphi) (Stuttgart 1840) ; and Bibliotheca apocrypha (1913 Székely), book (extensive excerpts) ; in English, by Richard Laurence (Oxford 1821; later edi tions 1833, 1838, 1883) ; Schodde, G. H. (An dover 1882) ; Charles, R. H. (Oxford 1893; 2d ed., 1912) ; in German, by Hoffmann, A. G. (Jena 1833-38) ; Clemens, Richard (Stuttgart 1850) ; Dillmann, A. (Leipzig 1853) ; Beer, G. (Tubingen 1900) ; Flemming, J., and Rader macher, L. (Leipzig 1901) ; in French, by Bru net, G., in Migne Wictionnaire des Apocryphes' (Paris 1856) ; Lods, A., of the Greek text (lb. 1892) ; and Martin, Francois (ib. 1906) ; in Russian, by Smirnov, A. (Kasan 1888) ; and in Hebrew, by Goldschmidt, L. (Berlin 1892).

Introductions by Zockler (1891) ; KOnig (1893) ; Comely (1894) ; Cornill (1896) ; Snack (1898) ; Bertholet (1906) ; Steuernagel (1912) ; Sellin (1914) ; Mirandola, Pico della, 'Opera Omnia' (Basel 1572) ; Reuchlin, J., (De arte cabalistica'

(Hagenau 1517; appended to Galatin, 'De arcanis catholic veritatis,) Ortona 1518, and to Mirandola, op. cit.) ; Poste], G., 'De originibus' (Basel 1553) ; Scaliger, 'Thesaurus temporum' (Geneva 1609) ; Drusius, J., 'De patriarcha Henoch' (Frankfort 1615) ; Gassendi, P., 'De vita Peirescii> (Paris 1641) ; Ludolf, J., 'His toria wthiopica' (Frankfort 1681) ; Fabricius, J. A., 'Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testa mentP (Hamburg 1713) ; Calmet, A., 'Dis sertation sur le livre d'Henoch) (Paris 1720); Whiston, W., 'A Collection of Authentick Records) (London 1727) ; Bruce, J., 'Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile' (London 1790) ; Sacy, S. de, in Journal des Savans (Paris 1822) ; Murray, E., 'Enoch Restitutus' (London 1836); Bauer, Bruno. 'Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte' (Leipzig 1841) ; Krieger, E., (Beitrige zur Kritik> (Nurnberg 1845) ; Lucke, F., (Einleitung in die Offenbarung Johannes' (2d ed., Bonn 1852) ; Ewald, H., 'Abhandlung fiber des iithiopischen Bullies Henokh (Gottingen 1855) ; Hilgen feld, A., 'Die jiidische Apokalyptik) (Jena 1857) ; Sieffert, F., 'De apocryphi libri Henochi ori?ine et arg.umento) (Konigsberg 1867) ; Philippi, F., 'Das Buch Henoch' (Stuttgart 1868) ; Halevy, J., in Journal Asiatique (Paris 1867) ; Vernes, M., des idees mes sianiques> (Paris 1874) ; Tideman, A. in Theo logisch Tijdschrift (Leiden 1875) ; Drummond, J., The Jewish Messiah) (London 1877) ; Deane, W. J., 'The Pseudepigrapha) (London 1891) ; Bousset, W., 'Die Religion des Juden tums> (Berlin 1903); Appel, H., Kom position des ithiopischen Henochbuches' (Gfitersloh 1906); Burkitt, J. C., in Journal for Theological Studies (Cambridge 1907) ; Schmidt, N., 'The Original Language of the Parables of Enoch) (Chicago 1908) ; Gry, L., in Le Muslon (Louvain 1908-10) ; Lagrange, T., 'Le messianisme' (Paris 1909) ; Schfirer, E., des jildischen Volkes) (4th ed., Leipzig 1909) ; Charles, R. H., in 'Old Testa ment Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha) (Oxford 1913). II. Morfill, W. R., and Charles, R. H., 'The Book of the Secrets of Enoch' (Oxford 1896) ; Bonwetsch, N., 'Das slavische Henoch buch> (Berlin 1896) ; Schfirer, (Geschichte des jiidischen Volkes' (Leipzig 1909) ; Forbes, N., and Charles, R. H., in 'Old Testament Apocry pha and Pseudepigrapha) (Oxford 1913) ; Szekely, S., in Apocrypha' (Frei burg 1913) ; Schmidt, N., 'The Two Recensions of Slavonic (in Journal of American Oriental Society, New Haven 1918). III. Tel-. linek, A., 'Beth ha Midrasch' (Vienna 1853 78) ; Buttenwieser, M., 'Apocalyptic Literature' (in 'Jewish Encyclopedia,) New York 1901); Charles, R. H., 'The Book of Enoch' (Oxford 1912).

1 Enoch in Fiction

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