A Relation of a Journey Begun An. Dom. 1610 (1615 Sandys), book

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A Relation of a Journey Begun An. Dom. 1610 (1615) is a book by George Sandys.


"Abissens or Aethipians ... have the goodliest Librarie of the world: where many books that are lost with us, or but merely mentioned, are kept entire: as hath bin lately reported by a Spanish Frier that hath seen them, if we may believe him: amongst which, they say, are the oracles of Enoch (with other mysteries that escaped the Flood, ingraven by him upon pillars) and written in their vulgar language." (p.171 of the 1681 ed.).

Sandys was one of the first authors to report the existence of the Book of Enoch in Ethiopia. The "Spanish Frier" was the Dominican Luis de Urreta, who in 1610 had made the claim, but the direct source for this piece of information is likely the popular Purchas His Pilgrimage (1613). The reading of Purchas and Sandys fostered John Milton's interest in Enochic traditions.

@2014 Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan


Published in London, England: Printed [by Richard Field] for W: Barrett, 1615. Often reprinted.

Table of contents

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