Historia ecclesiastica... de la Etiopia (1610 Urreta), book

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<bibexternal title="Historia ecclesiastica de la Etiopia" author="Urreta"/>

Historia eclesiastica, politica, natvral, y moral, de los grandes y remotos reynos de la Etiopia, monarchia del emperador, llamado Preste Iuan de las Indias <Latin> (1610) is a book by Luis de Urreta.


After Guillaume Postel, Urreta also affirmed the existence of the Book of Enoch in Ethiopia, claiming to have found the title in a list made by two friers, named Antonio Greco and Lorenzo Cremonese. According to his report, in the second half of the sixteenth century they had been sent to Ethiopia by Pope Gregory XIII and by the librarian of the Vatican Library, Card. Guglielmo Sirleto.


Published in Valencia, Spain: P.P. Mey, 1610.

Table of contents

External links

  • [ Google Books]