Category:Spanish language--1990s
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1990s : English (1990s) -- French (1990s) -- German (1990s) -- Italian (1990s) -//- Other
History of Research (1990s) -- Notes
The 1990s might be roughly defined as the “Qumran decade” in Spanish scholarship on Second Temple Judaism, in so far as nine volumes on the Dead Sea Scrolls were published in Spanish language between 1991 and 1996, including Florentino García Martínez’s 1992 Spanish edition of the significant manuscripts then available, which was translated into English, Dutch, Portuguese and Italian in 1994, 1994-95, 1995, and 1996, respectively. In 1991 Santiago Ausín Olmos published a philological study on the ethical language of the sectarian writings from Qumran. Then followed César Vidal Manzanares’ two consecutive, introductory essays on the Qumran community and its literature (1993, 1995); Florentino García Martínez’s and Julio Trebolle Barrera’s study on the men from Qumran (1993), which was translated into English and Italian in 1995 and 1996, respectively; and two edited volumes, one by Antonio Piñero Sáenz and Dimas Fernández Galiano (1994) and one by Julio Trebolle Barrera (1999), who had earlier published with Luis Vegas Montaner the proceedings of the Madrid Qumran Congress (1992). In addition, the Spanish translation of Jean Pouilly’s 1990 introduction to the Scrolls and Hartmut Stegemann’s 1993 study on the Essenes, Qumran, John the Baptist and Jesus (which was translated into English in 1998), were published in 1991 and 1996, respectively.
Other themes studied were the history of Messianic ideas in ancient Judaism and emerging Christianity (by José Luis Sicre Díaz [1995]), the development of intertestamental literature (by Gonzalo Aranda Pérez, Florentino García Martínez and Miguel Pérez Fernández [1996]), Philo (by Sofía Torallas Tovar [1997]), Ben Sira (by Nuria Calduch-Benages [1997], who also published in English and German on the Book of Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon in 1998 and 1999, respectively), and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (by Rosa M. Boixareu i Vilaplana [1999]). Several volumes on the study of the historical Jesus, the New Testament, and both the Jewish roots and the development of earliest Christianity, were also published in this decade by Rafael Aguirre Monasterio, Xavier Alegre Santamaría, María Ángeles Alonso Ávila, David Álvarez Cineira (in German), Carmen Bernabé Ubieta, Aurelio de Santos Otero, Juan Miguel Díaz Rodelas, Joaquín González Echegaray, Antonio Piñero Sáenz (whose 1993 book on the Life of Jesus according to the Apocryphal Gospels was translated into French, German, Italian, and Portuguese in 1996, 1997, and 2002, and must thus be regarded, together with Florentino García Martínez's 1992 Spanish translation of the Scrolls, as one of the two most ever translated Spanish volumes), Antonio Rodríguez Carmona, Ramón Trevijano Etcheverría, Josep Oriol Tuñi Vancells, Senén Vidal García, and César Vidal Manzanares.
A series of relevant translations of ancient texts into Spanish language also took place in the 1990s. Several Targumim were translated by Josep Ribera Florit (1992, 1997) and Emiliano Martínez Borobio (1998); Philo’s De somniis and De Josepho by Sofía Torallas Tovar (1997); Josephus’ Autobiography and Contra Apionem by Margarita Rodríguez de Sepúlveda; Josephus' Jewish War by Jesús María Nieto Ibáñez (1997, 1999); and the Latin version of 4 Ezra by Gabriel Marcelo Nápole (1998).
As earlier said, both Florentino García Martínez's Spanish edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Florentino García Martínez’s and Julio Trebolle Barrera's book on the Qumran community were translated into several European languages (including English) between 1994 and 1996. No other books dealing with the study of the Second Temple period originally published in Spanish had been translated into other languages prior to that date. Moreover, Florentino García Martínez published in 1992 a most remarkable study in English language on Qumran and apocalyptic; he also co-edited two collective volumes, one on the Bible and the Scrolls (with Anthony Hilshort and Casper J. Labuschagne, and one on the halakhah from Qumran (with Ed Noort), in 1992 and 1997, respectively, as well as a volume and one on the study of early Judaism and the Hebrew Bible (with Moshe J. Bernstein and John Kampen) and one on the Noah traditions (with Gerard P. Luttikhuizen) in 1998; a complete bibliography of the Dead Sea Scrolls covering the years 1970-1975 (with Donald W. Parry) in 1997, The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition (with Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar) between 1997 and 1998, and vol. XXIII of the Discoveries in the Judean Desert series (with Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar and Adam S. van der Woude) in 1998. Meanwhile, Natalio Fernández Marcos published in 1994 an Engish volume on the Septuagint and the Old Latin versions of the Books of Kings. In addition, Gonzálo Aranda Perez's, Florentino García Martínez's and Miguel Pérez Fernández's study on intertestamental literature was translated into Italian in 1998.
As for the Spanish edition of contemporary studies, one must mention Johann Maier’s Zwishen den Testamenten: Geschichte und Religion in der Zeit des zweiten Tempels, Walter Schmithals' Die Apokalyptik, and a rather large number of volumes dealing with the study of the historical Jesus, the New Testament and Christian Origins which include several studies by David L. Balch, François Bovon, Raymond E. Brown, Matthieu Collin, Oscar Cullmann, Alfred Edersheim, David Flusser, Pierre Lenhardt, Ulrich Luz, John P. Meier, Romano Penna, Jacques Schlosser, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, John E. Stambaugh, Gerd Theissen, and Karen Jo Torjesen.
Pages in category "Spanish language--1990s"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- Pedro en la iglesia primitiva (1991 Aguirre Monasterio), book
- Moral y conducta en Qumrán: Estudio lexicográfico y semántico de los verbos de "movimiento" en la literatura de Qumrán (1991 Ausín Olmos), book
- Orígenes del cristianismo (1991 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Qumrán (1991 Pouilly / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- El Bautista (1991 Sicilia), novel
- ~~ ~~ 1992 ~~ ~~ ~~
- El escándalo de los rollos del mar Muerto = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1992 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Casas), arch-fi (Spanish ed.)
- Textos de Qumrán (Texts from Qumran / 1992 García Martínez), book
- Sobre esta roca (Upon This Rock / 1992 Murphy / Perea), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Targum Jonatán de los Profetas Posteriores en tradición babilónica: Jeremías (1992 Ribera Florit), book
- Traducción del Targum de Jeremías (1992 Ribera Florit), book
- ~~ ~~ 1993 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Saul, ¿por qué me persigues? (1993 Capo), novel
- Usos y costumbres de los judíos en los tiempos de Cristo (1993 Edersheim), book (Spanish ed.)
- El otro Jesús: Vida de Jesús según los evangelios apócrifos (1993 Piñero Sáenz), book
- La Biblia judía y la Biblia cristiana (The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible / 1993 Trebolle Barrera), book
- Los esenios y los rollos del mar Muerto (1993 Vidal Manzanares), book
- ~~ ~~ 1994 ~~ ~~ ~~
- María Magdalena: Tradiciones en el cristianismo antiguo (1994 Bernabé Ubieta), book
- Jesús, Qumrán y el Vaticano = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner), book (Spanish ed.)
- Tú eres piedra (1994 Capo), novel
- Pablo y la Ley (1994 Díaz Rodelas), book
- Arqueología y Evangelios (1994 González Echegaray), book
- Flavio Josefo (1994 Hadas-Lebel), book (Spanish ed.)
- Ambiente histórico-cultural de los orígenes del cristianismo = L’ambiente storico-culturale delle origini cristiane (1994 @1984 Penna), book (Spanish ed.)
- Breve introducción al estudio del Nuevo Testamento (1994 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Fuentes del cristianismo (1994 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto: balance de hallazgos y de cuarenta años de estudios (1994 Piñero Sáenz/Fernández Galiano), edited volume
- Flavio Josefo: Autobiografía. Contra Apión (1994 Rodríguez de Sepúlveda), book
- La apocalíptica = Die Apokalyptik (The Apocalyptic Movement / 1994 @1973 Schmithals / Morla), book (Spanish ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1995 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Escritos joánicos y cartas católicas (1995 Alegre Santamaría/Tuñi Vancells), book
- El Evangelio según san Lucas (1995-2010 Bovon / Ortiz/Piñero), book (Spanish ed.)
- Mahoma = Mohammed (Muhammad / 1995 Klabund / Strunk), novel (Spanish ed.)
- El Nuevo Testamento: Introducción al estudio de los primeros escritos cristianos (1995 Piñero Sáenz), book
- El Dios de Jesús: Estudio exegético (1995 Schlosser), book (Spanish ed.)
- De David al Mesías: Textos básicos de la esperanza mesiánica (1995 Sicre Díaz), book
- Los esenios de Qumrán (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Los manuscritos del mar Muerto (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Sabiduría y sabios en Israel (Wisdom and the Wise in Israel / 1995 Vílchez), book
- ~~ ~~ 1996 ~~ ~~ ~~
- La investigación de los Evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los Apóstoles en el siglo XX (1996 Aguirre Monasterio/Rodríguez Carmona), edited volume
- Qumrán y Jesús: La verdad oculta? (1996 Berger / Brüger) = Qumran und Jesus: Wahrheit unter Verschluss? (Qumran and Jesus: The Truth under Lock and Key? / 1992 Berger), book (Argentine ed.)
- Introducción a la cristología del Nuevo Testamento = An Introduction to New Testament Christology (1996 @1994 Brown / Iglesias González), book (Spanish ed.)
- El hijo del carpintero (1996 Capo), novel
- Jesús: biografía revolucionaria = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1996 Crossan / Lozaya), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los evangelios apócrifos (1996 de Santos Otero), book
- Entre los dos Testamentos: Historia y religión en la época del Segundo Templo (1996 Maier), book (Spanish ed.)
- El mundo de Jesús: el judaísmo del siglo I, en crisis (1996 Riches), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los esenios, Qumrán, Juan Bautista y Jesús (1996 Stegemann / Godoy), book (Spanish ed.)
- La religión de Jesús el judío = The Religion of Jesus the Jew (1996 Vermès / Alvarez Flórez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los judíos: la memoria y el presente = Juifs: la mémoire et le présent (The Jews: History, Memory and the Present / 1996 @1981-95 Vidal-Naquet / Schmucler, Zadunaisky), book (Argentine ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1997 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Qumrán = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Serrat Crespo), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Flavio Josefo: La guerra de los judíos: Libros I-III (1997 Nieto Ibáñez), book
- En la frontera de lo imposible: Magia, medicina y milagro en el Mediterráneo Antiguo en tiempos del Nuevo Testamento (1997 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Textos gnósticos. Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi, I: Tratados filosóficos y cosmológicos (1997 Piñero Sáenz/García Bazán/Montserrat Torrents), edited volume
- Apocalipsis: Visión de un mundo justo (2010 Schüssler Fiorenza), book (Spanish ed.)
- Colorido local y contexto histórico en los Evangelios (1997 Theissen), book (Spanish ed.)
- Filón de Alejandría: Sobre los Sueños. Sobre José (1997 Torallas Tovar), book
- Los escritos originales de la comunidad del discípulo "amigo" de Jesús (1997 Vidal García), book
- ~~ ~~ 1998 ~~ ~~ ~~
- El texto morisco del evangelio de San Bernabé (The Spanish Text of the Gospel of Barnabas / 1998 Bernabé Pons), book
- El Corán Sagrado y la traducción de su sentido en lengua española (The Quran and the Translation of Its Meaning in Spanish Language / 1998 Hallak), book
- Un judío marginal: Nueva visión del Jesús histórico (1998-2010 Meier), book (Spanish ed.)
- Liber Ezrae Quartus (1998 Nápole), book
- ~~ ~~ 1999 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Amor, muerte y más allá en el judaísmo y cristianismo antiguos (1999 Alonso Ávila), edited volume
- Juan (John / 1999 Blank), book
- Flavio Josefo: La guerra de los judíos: Libros IV-VII (1999 Nieto Ibáñez), book
- La Puerta de Damasco (1999 Piñero Sáenz), novel
- Textos gnósticos. Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi, II: Evangelios, Hechos, Cartas (1999 Piñero Sáenz/García Bazán/Montserrat Torrents), edited volume
- El Jesús histórico = Der historische Jesus (The Historical Jesus / 1999 @1996 Theissen, Merz / Olasagasti), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paganos, judíos y cristianos en los textos de Qumrán (1999 Trebolle Barrera), edited volume
Media in category "Spanish language--1990s"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
- 1993 Garcia Martinez.jpg 316 × 499; 18 KB
- 1995-T * Garcia Martinez en.jpg 326 × 499; 25 KB
- 1995 Bernabe-Pons.jpg 355 × 499; 12 KB
- 1996 * Aranda Garcia Perez.jpg 340 × 500; 26 KB
- 1998 Bernabe-Pons.jpg 934 × 1,404; 270 KB