Category:Spanish language--1980s
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History of Research (1980s) -- Notes
In the 1980s Spanish scholarship on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins increased considerably if compared to the earlier decades.
Spanish scholars paid some attention to Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, though less than in the 1970s and not as much as in the 1990s. Books by Luis Vegas Montaner on the Qumran Biblical scrolls and José María Casciaro Rodríguez on the literature from Qumran and the New Testament were published in 1980 and 1982, respectively. In 1982 Mathias Delcor’s and Florentino García Martínez’s introduction to the Essene literature from Qumran was also published. And in 1985 a new, updated edition of Antonio González Lamadrid's Los manuscritos del mar Muerto (first published in 1971) saw the light. In addition, in 1987 and 1989, respectively, Geza Vermès’s The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective, and Carsten Peter Thiede’s 1986 study on the hypothetical Markan fragments from Qumran Cave 7 identified by José O'Callaghan Martínez in 1972, were published as well.
Spanish scholarly production on the Targum was clearly prominent through the entire decade, with studies and translations by Miguel Pérez Fernández (1981), Domingo Muñoz León (1986, 1987), Josep Ribera Florit (1987, 1988), and Emiliano Martínez Borobio (1987, 1989). In his 1987 critically acclaimed book on targumic hermeneutics, Muñoz León also addressed several issues dealing with Scriptural interpretation in the New Testament.
In the 1980s Natalio Fernández Marcos continued working on the Greek versions of the Bible and published in 1985 an edited volume on the Septuagint. In 1987, María Victoria Spottorno Díaz-Caro and José Ramón Busto Sáiz translated into Spanish Josephus' Autobiography and Contra Apionem. A year later, Josep Montserrat Torrents translated into Catalan Philo's De Opificio Mundi. In turn, Jean Cazeaux’s 1983 study on Philo’s philosophy of language and mysticism was translated into Spanish and published in 1984.
The historical Jesus and his background, Paul's theology, and the partings of the ways between Judaism and Christianity were thoroughly explored in the 1980s by Rafael Aguirre Monasterio, Juan Huarte Osacar, José Ignacio González Faus, Hernando Guevara, Marcelino Legido López, Jesús Emilio Menéndez Menéndez, Emilio Mitre Fernández, Josep Montserrat Torrents, José Antonio Pagola, Xabier Pikaza, and Senén Vidal García. And several books dealing with these and other related subjects (including the New Testament) by Joseph Auneau, Giuseppe Barbaglio, Gerhard Barth, Günter Bornkamm, Raymond E. Brown, Amédée Brunot, Lothar Coenen, Martin Dibelius, John Drane, Rinaldo Fabris, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Joachim Gnilka, Martin Hengel, Joachim Jeremias, Joseph Klausner, Helmut Köster, Xavier Léon-Dufour, Gerhard Lohfink, Wayne A. Meeks, Charles Perrot, Rudolf Schnackenburg, Wolfgang Schrage, Emil Schürer, Heinz Schürmann, Eduard Schweizer, Gerd Theissen, Albert Vanhoye, and Ulrich Wilckens, were also translated into Spanish.
Moreover, Spanish translations of Hugues Cousin's Vies d'Adam et Eve, des patriarches et des prophètes, François Castel’s 1983 general history of Israel and Judah, Henry Cazelles’ 1982 historical overview of the early Second Temple period, Christiane Saulnier's 1982 monograph on the Maccabean crisis, and Claude Tassin’s 1986 history of Second Temple Judaism were published between 1981 and 1988.
Yet perhaps the most relevant events were, on the one hand, Carlos de Valle Rodríguez's Spanish edition of the Mishnah, and, on the other hand, Alejandro Díez Macho’s and Antonio Piñero Sáenz’s edition of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha in Spanish version, of which vols. 1-4 appeared in 1984 and vol. 5 in 1987; vol. 6 was published in 2009, and a 7th vol. is forthcoming. Contributors were recruited by the editors amongst Spanish scholars on Biblical and Targumic literature and Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Coptic and Arabic studies. A volume on intertestamental literature published by Domingo Muñoz León in 1983 must also be mentioned here, as well as a noteworthy study on the historical method of Flavius Josephus published in English by Pere Villalba i Varneda in 1986.
Pages in category "Spanish language--1980s"
The following 62 pages are in this category, out of 62 total.
- Diccionario teológico del Nuevo Testamento (1980-1983 Coenen), edited volume (Spanish ed.)
- Un judío lee el Nuevo Testamento (1980 Levine), book
- Judaísmo y Cristianismo: Raíces de un gran conflicto histórico (1980 Mitre Fernández), book
- Biblia del mar Muerto: Profetas menores (1980 Vegas Montaner), book
- The Life of Jesus Christ / La vida de nuestro senor Jesucristo (1980 Zacarias), TV film (es) MEX
- Vidas de Adán y Eva, de los patriarcas y de los profetas (1981 Cousin), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los especiales de ATC: Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1981 Flores), TV episode
- La resistencia judía contra Roma en la época de Jesús (1981 Guevara), book
- Jesús de Nazaret: El hombre y su mensaje (1981 Pagola), book
- Tradiciones mesiánicas en el Targum Palestinense (1981 Pérez Fernández), book
- Los escritos de san Pablo: Cartas a las jóvenes comunidades (1982 Brunot), book (Spanish ed.)
- Qumrán y el Nuevo Testamento (Qumran and the New Testament / 1982 Casciaro Rodríguez), book
- Introducción a la literatura esenia de Qumrán (Introduction to the Essene Literature from Qumran / 1982 Delcor, García Martínez), book
- Fraternidad en el mundo: Un estudio de eclesiología paulina (1982 Legido López), book
- Qué sabemos del Jesús histórico (1982 Pagola), book
- El mundo judío en tiempos de Jesús: historia política (1982 Paul), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesús y la historia (1982 Perrot / Larriba), book (Spanish ed.)
- Evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los apóstoles (1983 Auneau / Sierra), book (Spanish ed.)
- La comunidad del discípulo amado = The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1983 @1979 Brown / Martínez Goñi), book (Spanish ed.)
- Problemas y perspectivas de las ciencias biblicas = Problemi e prospettive di scienze bibliche (1983 @1981 Fabris), edited volume (Spanish ed.)
- Evangelio y comunidad: Estudio de teología paulina (1983 Huarte Osacar), book
- Palabra y Gloria: Excursus en la Biblia y en la literatura intertestamentaria (1983 Muñoz León), book
- La crisis macabea (1983 Saulnier / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesucristo Superstar = Jesus Christ Superstar, Spanish ed. (1984 Azpilicueta / @1970 Webber), Spanish production, sound recording (opera)
- Caballo de Troya (1984- Benítez), novel
- San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist / 1984 Cárdenas), novel
- Historia de Israel y de Judá: Desde los orígenes hasta el siglo II d.C. (1984 Castel / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Filón de Alejandría: De la gramática a la mística (1984 Cazeaux), book (Spanish ed.)
- La historia de las formas evangélicas (1984 Dibelius), book (Spanish ed.)
- Pablo: Su vida y su obra (1984 Drane), book (Spanish ed.)
- Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento (1984-2009 Díez Macho/Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- Jesus Christ Superstar, Spanish ed. (1984 Julissa / @1970 Webber), Mexican production, sound recording (opera)
- Jesús de Nazaret: Historia e interpretación = Gesú di Nazareth: Storia e interpretazione (Jesus: History and Interpretation / 1985 @1983 Fabris), book (Spanish ed.)
- La Septuaginta en la investigación contemporánea (1985 Fernández Marcos), edited volume
- Acceso a Jesús: Ensayo de teología narrativa (1985 González Faus), book
- Ambiente político del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Guevara), book
- Historia del pueblo judío en tiempos de Jesús (1985 Schürer / de la Fuente/Adánez), book (Spanish ed.)
- El bautismo en el tiempo del cristianismo primitivo (1986 Barth / Ruíz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Filón de Alejandría y la génesis de la cultura occidental (1986 Martín), book
- Salvación en la Palabra: Targum, Derash, Berith (1986 Muñoz León), edited volume
- El signo del pez (1987 Espinosa), novel
- Targum Jonatán de los Profetas Primeros en tradición babilónica, 2: I-II Samuel (1987 Martínez Borobio), book
- Los caminos y sentidos de la Palabra divina en la Escritura: Derás targúmico y Derás neotestamentario (1987 Muñoz León), book
- Targum Jonatán de los Profetas Posteriores en tradición babilónica: Isaías (1987 Ribera Florit), book
- La Carta a los colosenses (1987 Schweizer), book (Spanish ed.)
- Flavio Josefo: Autobiografía. Sobre la antigüedad de los judíos (1987 Spottorno Díaz-Caro/Busto Sáiz), book
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto (1987 Vermes), book (Spanish ed.)
- El reino de los réprobos (1988 Burgess / Buenaventura) = The Kingdom of the Wicked (1985 Burgess), novel (Argentine ed.)
- Introducción al Nuevo Testamento (1988 Koester), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los primeros cristianos urbanos: El mundo social del apóstol Pablo = The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (1988 Meeks), book (Spanish ed.)
- El judaísmo: desde el destierro hasta el tiempo de Jesús (1988 Tassin / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- La iglesia de Jerusalén: Orígenes de la iglesia y sus primeros desarrollos (1989 Aguirre Monasterio), book
- Pablo de Tarso y los orígenes cristianos = Paolo di Tarso e le origini cristiane (Paul of Tarsus and Christian Origins / 1989 @1985 Barbaglio), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesucristo Superstar = Jesus Christ Superstar, Spanish ed. (1989 Elena / @1970 Webber), Argentine production (opera)
- Yo, Mahoma (I, Muhammad / 1989 Gironella), novel
- Jesús de Nazaret: su vida, su época, sus enseñanzas (1989 Klausner / Piatigorsky), book (Spanish ed.)
- El sermón de la montaña, ¿para quién? (1989 Lohfink), book (Spanish ed.)
- Targum Jonatán de los Profetas Primeros en tradición babilónica, 1: Josué-Jueces (1989 Martínez Borobio), book
- ¿El manuscrito más antiguo de los Evangelios?: El fragmento de Marcos en Qumrán y los comienzos de la tradición escrita del Nuevo Testamento (1989 Thiede / Fornari), book (Spanish ed.)
- La Carta a los romanos (1989-1992 Wilckens), book (Spanish ed.)
Media in category "Spanish language--1980s"
The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.
- 1981 Valle-Rodriguez.jpg 300 × 461; 20 KB
- 1982 Vidal Garcia.jpg 287 × 454; 20 KB
- 1988-T Strack Stemberger es.jpg 324 × 499; 29 KB