Category:Jesus of Nazareth--cinema (subject)

Work of cinema related to Jesus of Nazareth
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Since the beginnings of cinema at the end of the 19th century, Jesus of Nazareth has been one of the favorite subjects. The first movies were filmizations of traditional Passion plays, or brief sketches in which famous religious paintings were animated and reenacted by actors.
The movie From the Manger to the Cross (1912) marked a first important turning point. Filmed on locations, for the first time the movie treated the life of Jesus as a continuous cinematic narrative. The example was followed by other ambitious productions, such as Christus (1916), and I.N.R.I (1923).
The silent era came to an end with the movie The King of Kings (1927). Director Cecil B. DeMille offered the first attempt to offer a product that could not only be well-received by church-goers but also reach out to the larger audience of movie-goers. He accomplished his goal by giving more room to "minor" characters, adding to the plot, and giving a more "human" dimension to Jesus himself.
Then came the historical movies of the 1950s and 1960s:
- The Gospel According to Saint Matthew (English Subtitled) (1:35:30 to 1:42:30)
- [Approaching Jerusalem]
- [Entrance in Jerusalem]
- the Last Temptation of the Christ -- 1988 -- Golghota Scene
- Paul & Jesus
- Barabbas The Passion of the Christ
- What is the Truth
- The Most Honest Scene In Film History! [Part 1-The Da Vinci Code. (60fps,10-BitC,Full-HD)] <5m>
- W. Barnes Tatum, Jesus at the Movies: A Guide to the First Hundred Years and Beyond (3rd ed., Salem: Polebridge, 2013)
- Peter Malone, Screen Jesus: Portrayals of Christ in Television and Film (Lanham: Scarecrow, 2012)
- Adele Reinhartz, Jesus of Hollywood' '(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)
- Jeffrey Lloyd Staley and Richard G. Walsh, Jesus, the Gospels, and Cinematic Imagination: A Handbook to Jesus on DVD (Louisville, Ky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007)
- Richard G. Walsh, Reading the Gospels in the Dark: Portrayals of Jesus in Film (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2003)
- Richard C. Stern, Clayton N. Jefford, and Guerric DeBona, Savior on the Silver Screen (New York: Paulist, 1999)
Performing Jesus (cinema & television)
Among the most famous actors who played Jesus are Henry Byron Warner (1927), Jeffrey Hunter (1961), Max Von Sydow (1965), Ted Neely (1973), Victor Garber (1973), Robert Powell (1977), Chris Sarandon (1980), William Dafoe (1988), Bruce Marchiano (1993), Christian Bale (1999), Jeremy Sisto (1999), Henry Ian Cusick (2003), Jim Caviezel (2004), Robert Torti (2005), Diogo Morgado (2014), Juan Pablo Di Pace (2015), Haaz Sleiman (2015), and Ewan McGregor (2015)
1930s | Jesus of Nazareth | Cinema | Country | Notes |
1935 | Robert Le Vigan (1900–1972) | Golgotha / Ecce Homo (Behold the Man / 1935 Duvivier), feature film | Wiki Imdb | |
1939 | Irving Pichel (voice) | The Great Commandment (1939 Pichel), feature film | Wiki Imdb |
Willem Dafoe as Jesus in The Last Temptation of Christ (1988 Scorsese), film
Kim Rossi Stuart as Jesus in I giardini dell'Eden (1998 D'Alatri), film
Christian Bale as Jesus in Mary, Mother of Jesus (1999 Connor), film
Henry Ian Cusick (2003)
Alessandro Etrusco in 7 Km da Gerusalemme (2006 Malaponti), film
Ahmad Soleimani Nia Mesih (2007 Talebzadeh), film
Jesus movies (selected)
Life of Jesus (general)
- Nativity Film Marston.jpg
Childhood of Jesus
Jesus Hidden Years
- Last Temptation Scorsese.png
Passion of Jesus
Resurrection of Jesus
External links
- [ Jesus of Nazareth] in Internet Movie Database
Pages in category "Jesus of Nazareth--cinema (subject)"
The following 142 pages are in this category, out of 142 total.
- The Horitz Passion Play (1897 Freeman), short film
- Passion du Christ (Passion of Christ / 1897 Kirchner), short film
- La vie et la passion de Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1898 Hatot), short film
- The Passion Play (1898 Lubin), short film
- The Passion Play of Oberammergau (1898 Vincent), short film
- La passione di Cristo (The Passion of Christ / 1899 Calcina), short film
- Le Christ marchant sur les eaux (Christ Walking on Water / 1899 Méliès), short film
- Passione di Gesù (Passion of Jesus / 1900 Cristofari, Topi), short film
- The Passion Play Series (1903 Lubin), feature film
- La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1903 Zecca, Nonguet), feature film
- La naissance, la vie et la mort de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ / 1906 Guy-Blaché), feature film
- La samaritana (The Woman of Samaria / 1910), short film
- Le Christ en croix (Christ on the Cross / 1910 Feuillade), short film
- Jésus de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1911 Calmettes), short film
- Giuda (Judas / 1911 Frusta), short film
- Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet (1911 Kent), short film
- Satana (Satan / 1912 Maggi), feature film
- The Holy City (1912 Arnaud), short film
- Herod (1912 Frenkel), short film
- The Illumination (1912 Gaskill), short film
- Erodiade (Herodias / 1912 Mentasti), short film
- The Three Wise Men (1913 Campbell), short film
- Thus Saith the Lord (1913 Eclair), short film
- The Last Supper (1914 Johnstone), short film
- Il Golgota (Golgotha / 1916 Consalvi), feature film
- Ο ανήφορος του Γολγοθά (The Uphill of Golgotha / 1917 Vratsanos), film
- Restitution (1918 Gaye), feature film
- Maria di Magdala (Mary of Magdala / 1918 Molinari), feature film
- Der Galiläer (The Galilean / 1921 Buchowetzki), feature film
- The Twice Born Woman (1921 Strauss), short film
- The Man Nobody Knows (1925 Kenepp), film
- La Passion (The Life of Our Saviour; or, The Passion Play / 1914 Maître), feature film
- Le berceau de dieu (The Cradle of God / 1926 Granville), feature film
- Jesus of Nazareth (1928 Conover), feature film
- Prince of Peace (1939 Carter), short film
- Jesus of Nazareth / Jesus de Nazareth (1942 Diaz Morales), film (es) MEX
- Queen of Queens: The Virgin Mary / Reina de reinas: La Virgen Maria (1948 Contreras-Torres), film (es) MEX
- The Pilgrimage Play (1949 Stayer), feature film
- Which Will Ye Have? (1949 Taylor), short film
- Family Theatre: That I May See (1951 Pierson), TV episode
- Behold the Man! (1951 Rilla), feature film
- The Living Bible (1952 Dew), TV series
- Kalbaryo ni Hesus (The Passion of Jesus / 1952 Tolosa), feature film
- Family Theatre: Triumphant Hour (1953), TV film
- O Mártir do Calvário (The Martyr of the Calvary / 1953 Celestino, Gallon, Gherardi), TV film
- Day of Triumph (1954 Coyle / Pichel), feature film
- Il figlio dell'uomo (The Son of Man / 1955 Sabel), feature film
- Jesus of Nazareth (1956 BBC), TV mini-series
- The Book of Acts Series (1957 Dew), film
- The Hill (1959 Almond), TV film
- El Redentor (The Redeemer / 1959 Breen, Palacios), feature film
- The True Mistery of the Passion (1960 Acton-Bond), TV film
- The Hill (1960 Almond), TV film (Canadian production)
- The Man Born to Be King (1961 CBC), TV film
- La passion du Christ comme thème cinèmatographique (1961 Estève), edited volume
- La ricotta (1962 Pasolini), film
- Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1963 Bolchi), TV film
- Acto da Primavera (Rite of Spring / 1963 Oliveira), feature film
- Primera fila: Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1964), TV episode
- Yhdeksännellä hetkellä (The Ninth Hour / 1964 Karlsson), TV film
- Dawn of Victory (1966), film
- The Trial of Jesus / El Proceso de Cristo (1966 Bracho), film (es) MEX
- Heeft geleden onder Pontius Pilatus (Suffered under Pontius Pilate / 1967 De Meester), TV film
- Teatterituokio: Barrabas (Theatre Sessions: Barabbas / 1967 Holmberg), TV episode
- Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1968 Bettetini), TV film
- The Wednesday Play: Son of Man (1969 Davies), TV episode
- Hallmark Hall of Fame: Neither Are We Enemies (1970 Pressman), TV episode
- Teatterituokio: Pilatus (Theatre Sessions: Pilate / 1970 Wallin), TV episode
- Jesús, el niño Dios (Jesus, the Child of God / 1971 Zacarías), feature film
- Appointment with Destiny: The Crucifixion of Jesus (1972 Guenette), TV episode
- Jesus Christ Superstar (1972 Harbutt, Hughes / @1970 Webber), documentary (opera)
- Pilatus und andere (Pilate and Others / 1972 Wajda), TV film
- Gospel Road (1973 Elfstrom & Cash), film
- Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1974 Sáenz de Heredia), feature film
- La passion (The Passion / 1978 Sangla), TV film
- The Life of Brian (1979 Burgon), film music
- In Search of Historic Jesus (1979 Schellerup), documentary
- The Life of Jesus Christ / La vida de nuestro senor Jesucristo (1980 Zacarias), TV film (es) MEX
- Los especiales de ATC: Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1981 Flores), TV episode
- Miracoloni (Big Miracles / 1981 Massaro), feature film
- Animated Stories from the New Testament (1987-2005 Rich), film
- Pontios Pilatos (Pontius Pilate / 1987 Zois), TV mini-series
- Ressureição (Resurrection / 1989 Vasconcellos), TV film
- The N-Town Passion (1990 Cohen), video (film)
- Incident in Judaea (1991 Bryers), TV film
- The Visual Bible: Acts (1994 Bergh), feature film
- Marie de Nazareth (Mary of Nazareth / 1995 Delannoy), feature film
- The Revolutionary (1995 Marcarelli), film
- The Revolutionary II (1996 Marcarelli), feature film
- Kristo (Christ / 1996 Yalung), feature film
- Atlanta Passion Play (1998 Hall), video recording (musical)
- Stephen’s Test of Faith (1998 Yake), short film
- Mary, Mother of Jesus (1999 Connor), TV film
- Jésus (Jesus / 1999 Moati), TV film
- Maria, figlia del suo figlio (Maria: Daughter of Her Son / 2000 Costa), TV film
- The Story of Jesus for Children (2000 Schmidt), feature film
- (+) Jesus Christ Superstar (2000 Edwards, Morris / @1970 Webber), video recording (opera)
- The Miracle Maker (2000 Hayes, Sokolov), animated feature film
- Gli amici di Gesù: Giuseppe di Nazareth (Close to Jesus: Joseph of Nazareth / 2000 Mertes), TV film
- Gli amici di Gesù: Maria Maddalena (Close to Jesus: Mary Magdalene / 2000 Mertes), TV film
- The Body (2001 McCord), film
- Gli amici di Gesù: Giuda (Close to Jesus: Judas / 2001 Mertes), TV film
- Gli amici di Gesù: Tommaso (Close to Jesus: Thomas / 2001 Mertes), TV film
- The Cross (2001 Tracy), short film
- Das Jesus Video (The Hunt for the Hidden Relic / 2002 Niemann), TV mini-series
- Maria, Mãe do Filho de Deus (Mary, Mother of the Son of God / 2003 Góes), feature film
- Jesus, min søn (Jesus, My Son / 2003 Larsen), feature film
- The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003 Saville), feature film
- Judas (2004 Carner), TV film
- Messiah (2004 Fitzgerald), video film
- Beaster (2004 Morrone), short film
- San Pietro (St. Peter / 2005 Base), TV mini-series
- Mary Magdalene (2005 Ferrara), film
- L'inchiesta (The Final Inquiry / 2006 Base), TV mini-series
- Matthäuspassion (2006 Blank), film
- Unlocking Ancient Secrets of the Bible (2006 Bouson), documentary
- Manchester Passion (2006 Chilvers), film
- (+) The Nativity Story (2006 Hardwicke), feature film
- (+) The Da Vinci Code (2006 Howard), feature film
- Color of the Cross (2006 LaMarre), feature film
- La sacra famiglia (The Holy Family / 2006 Mertes), TV mini-series
- Secrets of the Shroud (2007 Grieg), documentary
- The Lost Tomb of Jesus (2007 Jacobovici), documentary
- (+) Mesih (The Messiah / 2007 Talebzadeh), TV mini-series & feature film
- Anno Domini XXXIII (2008 Bonello), TV mini-series
- Bloodline (2008 Burgess), documentary
- Color of the Cross 2: Resurrection (2008 LaMarre), feature film
- The Passion (2008 Offer), TV mini-series
- Who Was Jesus (2009 Marengo), documentary
- Good Friday (2010 Bryan), short film
- The Passion (2012 Grifhorst), TV film
- Jesus Christ Superstar (2012 Connor / @1970 Webber), video recording (opera)
- Apostle Peter and the Last Supper (2012 Sabloff), feature film
- Barabba / Barabbas (2012 Young), TV mini-series
- Jesus Christ Superstar (2013 Kleevens / @1970 Webber), video recording (opera)
- Milagres de Jesus (Miracles of Jesus / 2014-15 Camargo), TV mini-series
- The Gospel of John (2014 Batty), feature film
- The Gospel of Matthew (2014 Batty), feature film
- Jesus: The Desire of Ages (2014 Hamilton-Myers, Orozco), feature film
- Barabbas (2014 Stout), TV film
- A.D.: The Bible Continues (2015 Downey, Burnett), TV series
- Joseph and Mary (2016 Christian), feature film
Media in category "Jesus of Nazareth--cinema (subject)"
The following 64 files are in this category, out of 64 total.
- 1909 Bour (film).jpg 220 × 286; 17 KB
- 1912 Olcott (film).jpg 300 × 460; 49 KB
- 1916 Antamoro (film).jpg 1,382 × 1,761; 278 KB
- 1916 Griffith (film).jpg 403 × 599; 80 KB
- 1919 Gallone (film).jpg 500 × 678; 127 KB
- 1921 Bennet (film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1923 Wiene (film).jpg 300 × 426; 25 KB
- 1925 * Niblo (film).jpg 406 × 599; 81 KB
- 1927 DeMille (film).jpg 348 × 490; 76 KB
- 1927 Duvivier (film).jpg 235 × 300; 28 KB
- 1935 Duvivier (film).jpg 183 × 250; 11 KB
- 1946 Contreras (film).jpg 1,012 × 1,576; 273 KB
- 1949 Beaudine (film).jpg 323 × 482; 38 KB
- 1951 Coyle (film series).jpg 214 × 317; 20 KB
- 1951 * LeRoy (film).jpg 338 × 517; 79 KB
- 1952 Glass (film).png 343 × 501; 233 KB
- 1952 Morayta (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1953 Coyle (TV film).jpg 214 × 317; 23 KB
- 1953 * Koster (film).jpg 325 × 496; 85 KB
- 1953 Sjoberg (film).jpg 308 × 436; 41 KB
- 1954 Gil (film).jpg 836 × 1,200; 203 KB
- 1958 Schuster (film).jpg 230 × 345; 36 KB
- 1959 Wyler (film).jpg 394 × 599; 53 KB
- 1961 Fleischer (film).jpg 300 × 467; 73 KB
- 1961 Ray N (film).jpg 327 × 475; 46 KB
- 1962 Callegari (film).jpg 204 × 300; 35 KB
- 1964 Pasolini (film).jpg 231 × 325; 16 KB
- 1965 Stevens (film).jpg 288 × 416; 179 KB
- 1969 Zacarias (film).jpg 214 × 317; 25 KB
- 1971 Regattieri (film).jpg 282 × 400; 25 KB
- 1972 Zacarias (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1973 * Greene (film).jpg 200 × 303; 22 KB
- 1973 * Jewison (film).jpg 200 × 302; 29 KB
- 1975 Rossellini (film).jpg 166 × 255; 53 KB
- 1976 Campus (film).jpg 280 × 280; 17 KB
- 1977 * Zeffirelli (TV miniseries).jpg 263 × 475; 43 KB
- 1979 * Jones (film).jpg 280 × 411; 46 KB
- 1979 Sykes (film).jpg 277 × 500; 53 KB
- 1980 Cellan-Jones (film).jpg 230 × 345; 29 KB
- 1981 Brooks (film).jpg 400 × 613; 79 KB
- 1986 Damiani (film).jpg 284 × 398; 33 KB
- 1987 Magni (film).jpg 176 × 250; 13 KB
- 1988 Benvenuti (film).jpg 296 × 417; 94 KB
- 1988 * Scorsese (film).png 300 × 459; 57 KB
- 1989 * Arcand (film).jpg 300 × 419; 37 KB
- 1993 Bergh (film).jpg 300 × 420; 20 KB
- 1998 D'Alatri (film).jpg 348 × 488; 25 KB
- 1999 Young (miniseries).jpg 200 × 279; 12 KB
- 2004 * Gibson (film).jpg 300 × 450; 45 KB
- 2006 * Dornford-May (film).jpg 300 × 429; 40 KB
- 2010 Barranchina (film).jpg 188 × 259; 10 KB
- 2010 Billups (film).jpg 214 × 317; 12 KB
- 2013 Downey (TV miniseries).jpg 349 × 500; 67 KB
- 2014 Spencer (film).jpg 486 × 720; 94 KB
- 2015 Ameur (film).jpg 194 × 259; 6 KB
- 2015 Batty (film) 2.jpg 707 × 1,000; 97 KB
- 2015 Batty (film).jpg 230 × 345; 38 KB
- 2015 Garcia (film).jpg 259 × 383; 19 KB
- 2015 Menaul (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 20 KB
- 2015 Parra (film).jpg 200 × 252; 12 KB
- 2016 Bekmambetov (film).png 249 × 389; 261 KB
- 2016 Bristow (film).jpg 474 × 672; 137 KB
- 2016 Reynolds (film).jpg 214 × 317; 22 KB
- 2017 * Jenkins (TV series).jpg 201 × 251; 8 KB