Category:Jesus of Nazareth--literature (subject)
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Alberto Capozzi (1924)
List of novels, poems, etc. on Jesus of Nazareth (in chronological order)
< Jesus of Nazareth in : Art -- Cinema -- Literature -- Music -- Theatre >
- 1924 - Alberto Capozzi (Jesus) in La passione di Cristo (1924 Colantuoni), play
Pages in category "Jesus of Nazareth--literature (subject)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 214 total.
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- Vita di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1472 Cornazzano), poetry (Italian)
- L'umanità di Cristo (The Humanity of Christ / 1535 Aretino), novel
- The Life and Repentaunce of Marie Magdalene (1558 Wager), play
- Passíusálmar (1666 Hallgrímur Pétursson), poetry
- La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo (Magdalene at the Feet of Christ / 1690 Bononcini / Forni), oratorio (music & libretto), Modena premiere
- The Life of Our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ (1693 Wesley), poetry
- La Maddalena a' piedi di Cristo (Magdalene at the Feet of Christ / 1698 Caldara / Sandrinelli, @1690 Forni), oratorio (music & libretto), Venice premiere
- The Holy Disciple; or, The History of Joseph of Arimathea (1740 Anonymous), fiction
- La passione di Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo (1745 Brunassi), play
- Der Messias (The Messiah / 1748-73 Klopstock), poetry
- Colección de varias historias (1767-1768 Santos Alonso), novel
- The Messiah (1768 Cameron), novel
- Traditions of Palestine (1830 Martineau), novel
- Julian; or, Scenes in Judea (1841 Ware), novel
- La dernière incarnation (1846 Constant), novel
- El mártir del Gólgota (1863-64 Pérez Escrich), novel
- Traditions of Palestine; or, Scenes in the Holy Land in the Days of Christ (1863 Sargent), novel
- Yeshu ha-notsri (1866 Goldstein), novel
- Der Messias (1869 Gensichen), play
- Ein Tag in Capernaum (1872 Delitzsch), novel
- Marie-Magdeleine (Mary Magdalene / 1873 Massenet / Gallet), oratorio (music & libretto), Paris premiere
- De prins uit het huis van David (1881 Ingraham), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Judas (1886 Hedberg), novel
- The Martyr of Golgotha (1886 Pérez Escrich / Godoy), novel (English ed.)
- Jeschua von Nazara (1888 Ador), novel
- Emmanuel (1889 Cooley), novel
- Come Forth! (1890 Phelps/Ward), novel
- Jesus, the Carpenter of Nazareth (1891 Bird), juvenile novel
- As Others Saw Him (1895 Jacobs), novel
- John: A Tale of King Messiah (1896 Woods), novel
- Three Children of Galilee (1897 Gordon), juvenile novel
- La Samaritaine (The Samaritan Woman / 1897 Rostand), play
- Tsar’ iz doma Davida (1901 Ingraham), novel (Russian ed.)
- Ben Tobit (1903 Andreyev), novel
- Under the Stars (1903 Kingsley), novel
- Vergilius (1904 Bacheller), novel
- O Rabbi da Galiléia (1904 Lacerda), novel
- Kristuslegender (Christ Legends / 1904 Lagerlöf), novel
- Christ Legends = Kristuslegender (1908 @1904 Lagerlöf / Howard), novel (English ed.)
- The House of Chimham (1909 Work), novel
- La leggenda di Gesù = Kristuslegender (1914 @1904 Lagerlöf / Albertini), novel (Italian ed.)
- The Brook Kerith (1916 Moore), novel
- By an Unknown Disciple (1918 Phillimore), novel
- Messias: drei Dichtungen (1920 Wiener), poetry
- Rex amoris--The King of Love (1923 Wind), novel
- La passione di Cristo (1924 Colantuoni), play
- Kristuksen historia = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1924 @1921 Papini / Hedman), non-fiction (Finnish ed.)
- Men Who Met Jesus (1924 Williams), novel
- The Trial of Jesus (1925 Masefield), play
- Krisztus története = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1925 @1921 Papini / Fülep), non-fiction (Hungarian ed.)
- Through Human Eyes (1925 Williams), novel
- The Master and His friends (1925 Wilson), novel
- Les Judas de Jésus (1927 Barbusse), novel
- Ho Hyios tou oikou David (1927 Ingraham / Potamianos), novel (Greek ed.)
- (+) The Escaped Cock (1928 Lawrence), novel
- حياة المسيح = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1929 @1921 Papini), non-fiction (Arabic ed.)
- Slings and Sandals (1929 Whitehead), novel
- The Affair at the Inn as Seen by Philo the Innkeeper & the Taxgatherer of Rome (1931 Finger), novel
- Jésus, raconté par le Juif errant (1933 Fleg), novel
- From Green Hills of Galilee (1935 O'Byrne), novel
- The Man Born to Be King (1941 Sayers), radio-play
- The Quest (1945 Bauer), novel
- Il grande sogno (1946 Villa), novel
- Il Nazareno (1947 Asch), novel (Italian ed.)
- Lo sguardo di Gesù (1948 Bacchelli), novel
- Bold Galilean (1948 Blythe), novel
- Il martire del Golgota (1948 Pérez Escrich), novel (Italian ed.)
- Der Sohn Gottes (1948 Schreyvogl), novel
- God so Loved the World (1951 Goudge), novel
- (++) Ο τελευταίος πειρασμός = The Last Temptation (1951 Kazantzakis), novel
- Jezus en Manachéém (1951 Praag), novel
- Jezus Chrystus i Jego apostolowie (1954 Dobraczynski), novel
- The Rock and the Sand (1954 Zehnpfennig), novel
- Ephraim of Israel (1956 Constant), novel
- Les témoins de l'Évangile (1956 Panneel), novel
- The Gifts (1957 Wilson), novel
- Son of Nazareth (1957 Zehnpfennig), novel
- Il giorno in cui Cristo morì = The Day Christ Died (1958 Bishop / Satta), novel (Italian ed.)
- The Crown and the Cross (1959 Slaughter), novel
- (+) Valtakunnan salaisuus (The Secret of the Kingdom / 1959 Waltari), novel
- (++) The Last Temptation (Ο τελευταίος πειρασμός / 1960 @1951 Kazantzakis / Bien), novel (English ed.)
- Der Sohn Gottes (The Son of God / 1963 Zierer), novel
- The Carpenter's Son (1965 Haughton), novel
- Il sale della terra (1965 Monterosso), novel
- The Salt of the Earth = Il sale della terra (1967 Monterosso / Quigly), novel (English ed.)
- Yeshua's Diary (1967 Shrader), novel
- Jesus Christs (1968 Langguth), novel
- Behold the Man (1969 Moorcock), novel
- Il maestro (1970 Brod / Bonfatti), novel (Italian ed.)
- Jewish Flower Child (1970 Topping), novel
- The Book of Witnesses (1971 Kossoff), novel
- Rabbi (1971 Nocentini), novel
- (+) The Escaped Cock (1973 @ 1928 Lawrence / Lacy), novel (new ed.)
- The Testament of Theophilus (1973 Wibberley), novel
- In Him Was Life (1975 Glyn), novel
- The Jesus File (1975 Leslie), novel
- Swiadkowie Jezusa (1975 Malinski), novel
- (+) Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1975 Pomilio), novel
- The Love That Dares to Speak Its Name (1976 Kirkup), poetry
- The Life of Jesus: An Apocryphal Novel (1976 Olson), novel
- Brothers (1976 Zeldis), novel
- My Jewish Brother Jesus (1977 Gompertz). novel
- The Gospel According to Pontius Pilate (1977 Mills), novel
- Das fünfte Evangelium = Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1977 @1975 Pomilio / Windisch-Graetz), novel (German ed.)
- Act of God (1977 Templeton), novel
- (+) Man of Nazareth (1979 Burgess), novel
- El quinto evangelio = Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1979 @1975 Pomilio / Pentimalli), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Piata Ewangelia = Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1979 @1975 Pomilio / Minkiewicz), novel (Polish ed.)
- The Brothel (1979 Zeldis), novel
- The Drama of Jesus (1980 White, Warne), novel
- Philip's Cousin Jesus (1981 Holmes / McEathron), book
- The Remnant (1981 LaCroix), novel
- Sie waren Zeitgenossen (1983 Fussenegger), novel
- The Body (1983 Sapir), novel
- Caballo de Troya (1984- Benítez), novel
- The Glory of Easter (1984 Dunn), play
- Hidden Victory (1984 Smith), novel
- Der Schatten des Galiläers (The Shadow of the Galilean / 1986 Theissen), novel
- The Miracles of Jesus (1987 DePaola), children's novel & art
- (+) The Messiah (1987 Holmes), novel
- L'ultima tentazione = The Last Temptation (1987 Kazantzakis / Aboaf), novel (Italian ed.)
- Vita di Gesù (Life of Jesus / 1987 Rovella), novel
- L’Homme qui devint Dieu (1988-1995 Messadié), novel
- Kallillaea saram ŭi kŭrimja (1988 Theissen / Cha), novel (Korean ed.)
- Figlio dell'uomo (1989 Angeli), novel
- The Samaritan Woman (1991 Berger), novel
- Mara: The Woman at the Well (1991 Bremkamp), novel
- Il vangelo secondo Gesù Cristo (1991 Saramago / Desti), novel (Italian ed.)
- The Gospel According to Jesus Christ (1994 Saramago / Pontiero), novel (English ed.)
- Beyond this Darkness (1993 Creighton), novel
- The Easter Story (1993 Wildsmith), children's novel
- Jeshua: The Gospel According to Benjamin (1994 Bliss), novel
- (+) The Judas Testament (1994 Easterman), novel
- Darien: Guardian Angel of Jesus (1994 Elwood), novel
- A Skeleton in God's Closet (1994 Maier), novel
- Bible Stories (1990 DePaola), children's novel & art
- Cominciò in Galilea (1995 Jacomuzzi), novel
- Belated Follower (1995 Reece), novel
- El hijo del carpintero (1996 Capo), novel
- The Gospel of Corax (1996 Park), novel
- The Gospel of the Beloved Disciple (1997 Carse), novel
- Prendere o lasciare (1997 Conconi), novel
- (+) Das Jesus-Video (The Jesus Video / 1997 Eschbach), novel
- According to Mary Magdalene (1997 Fredriksson), novel (English ed.)
- Enligt Maria Magdalena (1997 Fredriksson), novel
- Il vangelo secondo il figlio = The Gospel According to the Son (1997 Mailer / Marenco), novel (Italian ed.)
- Il diavolo nel deserto = Quarantine (1998 Crace / Noulian), novel (Italian ed.)
- Divine Invasion (1998 Monhollon), novel
- Quarentena = Quarantine (1999 @1997 Crace / Straus), novel (Portuguese ed.)
- البحث عن يسوع : قراءة جديدة في الأناجيل (Search for Jesus: A New Reading in the Gospels / 1999 Salibi), book
- Evangelie ot Iisusa (1999 Saramago), novel (Russian ed.)
- The Resurrection Encounter (1999 Skore), novel
- L'enigme (2000 Barilier), novel
- Chelovek iz Nazareta (2000 Burgess), novel (Russian ed.)
- Evanghelia dupa Fiul = The Gospel According to the Son (2000 Mailer / Horea), novel (Romanian ed.)
- Il nostro agente in Giudea (2000 Mimmi), novel
- The Miracle Maker (2000 Watts), novel
- El fuego de San Telmo (2001 Baena), novel
- Come Unto Me (2001 Lund), novel
- The Savior (2002 Coffey), novel
- The Welcoming Door (2002 Kemp), novel
- Behold the Man (2002 Lund), novel
- The Colt and the King (2002 McGee / Winch), children's novel & art
- Electric Jesus Corpse (2002 Mellick), novel
- Dark Passage (2002 Podrug), novel
- Testament (2002 Ricci), novel
- The Sparrow's Easter Song (2003 Adams / Eldridge), children's novel & art
- Living Water (2003 Hendricks), book
- Journey to the Well (2003 Taylor), novel
- They Call Him Miracle Man (2004 Booth), novel
- Kodi da Vinçi = The Da Vinci Code (2004 @2003 Brown / Jorgoni), novel (Albanian ed.)
- 達文西密碼 = The Da Vinci Code (2004 Brown / You), novel (Chinese ed.)
- Nocciolo d'oliva (2002 De Luca), novel
- Noyau d'òlive = Nocciolo d'oliva (2004 De Luca / Valin), novel (French ed.)
- La sombra del Galileo (2004 Theissen), novel (Spanish ed.)
- 從伯利恆到全世界 : 神的兒子耶穌 (From Bethlehem to the World: Jesus the Son of God / 2004 Wang, Ruan), children's novel
- Paul (2005 Brenton), play
- The Lazarus Projects (2005 Cowart), novel
- L'ombra del padre (2005 Pazzi), novel
- (+) Jesus (2005 Wangerin), novel
- The Masada Scroll (2006 Block/Vaughan), novel
- Jesus in Love (2006 Cherry), novel
- Yeshûa: A Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus (2006 Law), novel
- L'ombre du père (2006 Pazzi), novel (French ed.)
- El Mesías: El niño judío (2006 Rice), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Iesous (2006 Wangerin / Oikonomou), novel (Greek ed.)
- The Sacred Bones (2007 Byrnes), novel
- The Gay Disciple (2007 Henson), novel
- The Woman at the Well (2007 Ntihemuka), novel
- Moi, Jésus (2007 Sinoué), novel
- Seventh Day (2007 Thoene), novel
- The Sacred Blood (2008 Byrnes), novel
- Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment (2008 Chopra), novel
- Jesus in India (2008 Davids), documentary
- The Fire Gospel (2008 Faber), novel
- The Betrayal (2008 Gear), novel
- Camino a Caná: el Mesías (2008 Rice), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Master (2008 Sorenson), novel
- The Donkey's Easter Tale (2009 Colvin / Carmichael), children's novel & art
- Aparta de mí este cáliz (2009 Crosthwaite), novel
Media in category "Jesus of Nazareth--literature (subject)"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
- 1855 * Ingraham (novel).jpg 339 × 498; 28 KB
- 1880 * Wallace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 1921 * Papini (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 1936 * Mauriac (novel).jpg 400 × 659; 219 KB
- 1939 * Asch (novel).jpg 290 × 500; 36 KB
- 1946 * Graves (novel).jpg 328 × 499; 32 KB
- 1951 * Brod (novel).jpg 303 × 500; 50 KB
- 1961 * Speare (novel).jpg 332 × 499; 41 KB
- 1961-T * Waltari (novel) en.jpg 353 × 500; 43 KB
- 1991 * Saramago (novel).jpg 322 × 499; 22 KB
- 1992 * Vidal (novel).jpg 343 × 499; 37 KB
- 1997 * Crace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 2003 * Brown (novel).jpg 279 × 498; 39 KB
- 2013 * Lee (novel).jpg 400 × 613; 48 KB