Category:Qumran Studies--1990s
The page: Qumran Studies--1990s includes (in chronological order) scholarly and literary works in the field of Qumran Studies made in the 1990s, or from 1990 to 1999.
In December 1990 Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) succeeded John Strugnell as editor-in-chief of the International Team (expanded to 55 members) and the DJD series. Emile Puech (Ecole Biblique) and Eugene Ulrich (Notre Dame University) were chosen as co-editors. In the Fall 1991 the complete set of photographs of the scrolls was finally released, ending years of fight for free access to the yet unpublished manuscripts. Following the 1991 Madrid Qumran Congress, the First Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies was held in Paris, France (July 19-24, 1992). The international organization would meet every three years--in Cambridge, England (1995) and Oslo, Norway (2-4 August 2-4, 1998). Other important international Conferences on the Dead Sea Scrolls was held at the University of Manchester, England (August 28-31, 1994) and at the Brigham Young University, Provo, UT (July 15-17, 1996). In 1995 the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature was established as part of the Institute for Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and also launched a cycle of annual conferences in Israel (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999). In the early 1990s Brill attempted to acquire the Revue de Qumran from Gabalda. When that project failed, Brill founded in 1994 a new specialized journal, Dead Sea Discoveries, which soon attracted major scholars in the field. The publication of 4QMMT turned the Qumran halakhah into a major research issue. In 1995 Norman Golb challenged the Qumran-Essene hypothesis, arguing that Qumran was a Jewish fortress and the Dead Sea Scrolls were the library of the Jerusalem Temple. In 1997 the 50th anniversary of the Discovery of the Scrolls was celebrated internationally with a series of conferences and publications
![]() QuS 1990s -- Conferences
English -- French -- German -- Italian -- Spanish -//- Arabic -- Bulgarian -- Chinese -- Croatian -- Czech -- Danish -- Dutch -- Finnish -- Greek -- Hebrew -- Hungarian -- Japanese -- Korean -- Latin -- Norwegian -- Polish -- Portuguese -- Romanian -- Russian -- Serbian -- Swedish
Pages in category "Qumran Studies--1990s"
The following 162 pages are in this category, out of 162 total.
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto e le origini del cristianesimo (1990 Daniélou / Palamidessi), book (Italian ed.)
- Les essèniens de Qumrân: des èsotèristes? (1990 Duhaime), book
- 死海写本, 3rd ed. = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1990 Laperrousaz / Nozawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Archaeology and History in the Dead Sea Scrolls (1990 Schiffman), edited volume
- Rotolo del Tempio (1990 Vivian), book
- Moral y conducta en Qumrán: Estudio lexicográfico y semántico de los verbos de "movimiento" en la literatura de Qumrán (1991 Ausín Olmos), book
- Verschlußsache Jesus = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1991 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Dachs, Neumeister-Taroni), arch-fi (German ed.)
- Τα χειρόγραφα της Νεκρής Θάλασσας (1991 Gratseas), book
- Qumrán (1991 Pouilly / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 1992 ~~ ~~ ~~
- El escándalo de los rollos del mar Muerto = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1992 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Casas), arch-fi (Spanish ed.)
- La Bible consfisquée = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1992 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Mezamat), arch-fi (French ed.)
- 死海文書の謎 = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1992 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Takao), arch-fi (Japanese ed.)
- Angels at Qumran (1992 Davidson), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research (1992 Dimant, Rappaport), edited volume
- Textos de Qumrán (Texts from Qumran / 1992 García Martínez), book
- International Organization for Qumran Studies (1992-), learned society
- The Madrid Qumran Congress (1992 Trebolle Barrera, Vegas Montaner), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 1993 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Bedrageriet med Dødehavsrullerne = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1993 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Jørgensen), arch-fi (Danish ed.)
- Qumran, die Antwort = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1993 Fitzmyer / Berzbach), book (German ed.)
- Zwój Miedziany 3Q15 (Copper Scroll 3Q15 / 1993 Muchowski), book
- Manuscrisele eseniene de la Marea Moarta (1993 Negoita), book
- Die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer: die Essener von Qumran und das Urchristentum (The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Qumran Essenes and Christian Origins / 1993 Schmithals), book
- Die Essener, Qumran, Johannes der Täufer und Jesus (1993 Stegemann), book
- Los esenios y los rollos del mar Muerto (1993 Vidal Manzanares), book
- ~~ ~~ 1994 ~~ ~~ ~~
- De Dode-Zeerollen en de verzwegen waarheid = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1994 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Smit, Michon), arch-fi (Dutch ed.)
- Jesús, Qumrán y el Vaticano = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jezus, Qumran i Watykan = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner / Kielbasinska, Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- New Qumran Texts and Studies (1994 Brooke, García Martínez), edited volume
- Dead Sea Discoveries (1994- Brill), journal
- (+) The Judas Testament (1994 Easterman), novel
- Manoscritti segreti di Qumran = The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered (1994 @1992 Eisenman, Wise / Jucci), book (Italian ed.)
- Dödahavsrullarna 101 frågor och svar = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1994 Fitzmyer / Hörnlund), book (Swedish ed.)
- Qumran: le domande e le risposte essenziali sui manoscritti del Mar Morto (1994 Fitzmyer), book (Italian ed.)
- Das essenische Abenteuer (1994 Flusser), book (German ed.)
- (++) The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated = Textos de Qumrán (1994 @1992 García Martínez / Watson), book (English ed.)
- De Rollen van de Dode Zee, 1st ed. (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1994-95 García Martínez, Woude), book (Dutch ed.)
- Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry = תפילת קומראן ושירתה (Nitzan 1994 / Chapman), book (English ed.)
- Кумраниада (Qumran Studies / 1994 Margulev), book
- Dødehavsteksterne, essæeerne og det Nye Testamente (1994 Müller), book
- תפילת קומראן ושירתה (Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry / 1996 Nitzan), book
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto: balance de hallazgos y de cuarenta años de estudios (1994 Piñero Sáenz/Fernández Galiano), edited volume
- Der Midrasch zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde (1994 Steudel), book
- История и идеология Кумранской общины (The History and Ideology of the Qumran Community / 1994 Tantlevskij), book
- ~~ ~~ 1995 ~~ ~~ ~~
- I salmi di Qumran = Psalmen aus Qumran (Qumran Psalms / 1995 Bergen / Bianchi, Bacchetta), book (Italian ed.
- Qumran and Jesus: The Truth under Lock and Key? (1995 Berger), book (English ed.)
- Qumran e Jesus: uma verdade escondida? (1995 Berger), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Gesù, Qumran e il Vaticano = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (Jesus, Qumran and the Vatican / 1995 Betz, Riesner), book (Italian ed.)
- The Use of Scripture in the Damascus Document (1995 Campbell), book
- 死海写本の謎を解く = Solving the Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1995 Cook / Ōta, Yukawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- The Ancient Library of Qumran, 3rd ed. (1995 Cross), book
- Time to Prepare the Way in the Wilderness (1995 Dimant, Schiffman), edited volume
- Textos de Qumran (1995 García Martínez), book (Portuguese ed.)
- The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls = Los hombres de Qumrán (1995 García Martínez, Trebolle Barrera), book (English ed.)
- 死海古卷 = The Dead Sea Scriptures (1995 @1976 Gaster / Wang, Cao, Mo), book (Chinese ed.)
- International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Ben Sira and the Mishnah
- Weisheit und Prädestination (Wisdom and Predestination / 1995 Lange), book
- La Regola della Comunità: edizione critica (1995 Martone), book
- Luci sul Mediterraneo: dai manoscritti del Mar Morto ai Cartaginesi in Italia (1995 Moscati), book
- Da un manoscritto di Qumran (1995 Putignano), music
- The Faith of Qumran: Theology of the Dead Sea Scrolls = Tro och liv enligt Döda-havsrullarna (1995 @1963 Ringgren / Sander / Charlesworth), book (new rev. English ed.)
- The Temple Scroll and the Bible (1995 Swanson), book
- Dødehavsrullerne = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1995 VanderKam / Jordt), book (Danish ed.)
- Manoscritti del Mar Morto = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1995 VanderKam / Prato), book (Italian ed.)
- 死海文書のすべて = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1995 VanderKam / Hata), book (Japanese ed.)
- Los esenios de Qumrán (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Los manuscritos del mar Muerto (1995 Vidal Manzanares), book
- Apocalyptique iranienne et dualisme qoumrânien (1995 Widengren / Hultgård / Philonenko), book
- ~~ ~~ 1996 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Qumran Cave 4. XIII: The Damascus Document (1996 Baumgarten), book
- Qumrán y Jesús: La verdad oculta? (1996 Berger / Brüger) = Qumran und Jesus: Wahrheit unter Verschluss? (Qumran and Jesus: The Truth under Lock and Key? / 1992 Berger), book (Argentine ed.)
- Deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls (1996 Campbell), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: Rule of the Community (1996 Charlesworth), edited volume
- A Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah, 1970-95 (1996 García Martínez, Parry), book
- Gli uomini di Qumran = Los hombres de Qumrán (The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls / 1996 García Martínez, Trebolle Barrera / Catastini), book (Italian ed.)
- Testi di Qumran = Textos de Qumrán (Texts from Qumran / 1996 @1992 García Martínez / Martone), book (Italian ed.)
- Quem escreveu os manuscritos do Mar Morto? (1996 Golb / Sousa Moreira), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Wisdom Texts from Qumran (1996 Harrington), book
- Qumranlitteraturen, fynden och forskningsresultaten (1996 Kronholm, Olsson), edited volume
- Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1996 Muchowski), book
- Current Research and Technological Developments on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1996 Parry, Ricks), edited volume
- The Temple Scroll: A Critical Edition with Extensive Reconstructions (1996 Qimron, García Martínez), book
- L'aventure des manuscrits de la mer Morte = Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls (1996 @1992 Shanks / Carteron), edited volume (French ed.)
- Gli Esseni, Qumran, Giovanni Battista e Gesù (1996 Stegemann), book (Italian ed.)
- Los esenios, Qumrán, Juan Bautista y Jesús (1996 Stegemann / Godoy), book (Spanish ed.)
- Qumran: poemat symfoniczny (Qumran: A Symphonic Poem / 1996 Steinfeld), poetry
- Manuskrypty znad Morza Martwego = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1996 @1994 VanderKam / Gromacka), book (Polish ed.)
- The Copper Scroll: Overview, Text and Translation (1996 Wolters), book
- Piesni ofiary szabatowej z Qumran i Masady (Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice from Qumran and Masada / 1996 Zdun), book
- ~~ ~~ 1997 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Die Jesus-Verschwörung = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Grosse), novel (German ed.)
- Het Qumran-mysterie = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Abeling), novel (Dutch ed.)
- O enigma dos manuscritos do Mar Morto = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Liba Mucznik), novel (Portuguese ed.)
- Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Caviglione), novel (italian ed.)
- Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Hernàndez), novel (Catalan ed.)
- Qumrán = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Serrat Crespo), novel (Spanish ed.)
- The Qumran Mystery = Qumran (1997 @1996 Abécassis / Read), novel (English ed.)
- クムラン = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1997 @1996 Abécassis / Suzuki), novel (Japanese ed.)
- Legal Texts and Legal Issues (1997 Bernstein, García Martínez, Kampen), edited volume
- Gesù e la comunità di Qumran = Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 @1992 Charlesworth / Franzosi), edited volume (Italian ed.)
- The New Jerusalem Scroll from Qumran (1997 Chyutin), book
- Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Collins), book
- Gli esseni di Qumran (1997 Duhaime), book (Italian ed.)
- Eschatology, Messianism and the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Evans/Flint), edited volume
- 101 perguntas sobre os manuscritos do mar Morto = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Fitzmyer / Bagno), book (Portuguese ed.)
- 101 pytan sobre o Qumran = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Fitzmyer / Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- Dead Sea Psalms Scrolls and the Book of Psalms (1997 Flint), book
- Reconstructing Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Herbert), book
- Qoumrân et les Manuscrits de la mer Morte: un cinquantenaire (1997 Laperrousaz), edited volume
- Holy Scripture in the Qumran Commentaries and Pauline Letters (1997 Lim), book
- Melchisedek e l'angelologia nell'Epistola agli Ebrei e a Qumran (1997 Manzi), book
- Rekopisy z Qumran nad Morzem Martwym (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1997 Medala, Tyloch), book
- The Textual Development of the Qumran Community Rule (1997 Metso), book
- The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira (1997 Muraoka, Elwolde), edited volume
- Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1997 Paul), book
- Qumran e le origini cristiane (1997 Penna), edited volume
- Dødehavsskrifterne og Det ny Testamente (Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament / 1997 Pilgaard), book
- The Scrolls and the Scriptures: Qumran Fifty Years After (1997 Porter/Evans), edited volume
- Yom be-Kumran: ha-hayim be-kat Midbar Yehudah (1997 Roitman), book
- Η Περιπέτεια των Χειρογράφων της Νεκρής Θάλασσας (1997 Shanks / Lappa, Kekropoulou), edited volume (Greek ed.)
- Qumranin kirjasto: valikoima teoksia (The Qumran Library: A Selection of Works / 1997 Sollamo), book
- ~~ ~~ 1998 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Kumrán avagy ki ölte meg Jézust? = Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 1998 @1996 Abécassis / Kiss Zsuzsa), novel (Hungarian ed.)
- Daily, Sabbath, and Festival Prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls (1998 Falk), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years (1998-99 Flint, VanderKam), edited volume
- La setta di Qumran: alla scoperta degli Esseni (1998 Flusser / De Francesco), book (Italian ed.)
- A Qumráni szövegek magyarul (The Qumran Texts in Hungarian / 1998 Fröhlich), book
- 死海文書は誰が書いたか? (Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? / 1998 Golb / Maeda), book (Japanese ed.)
- The Laws of the Damascus Document (1998 Hempel), book
- Il Rotolo della Guerra: edizione critica (1998 Ibba), book
- Kiáltó szó a pusztában. A holt-tengeri tekercsek, I: Az első kéziratok (Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness. The Dead Sea Scrolls I: The First Manuscripts / 1998 Komoróczy), book
- Il segreto di Qumran (1998 Pagnotti), novel
- The Great Isaiah Scroll, 1QIsaª (1998 Parry, Qimron), book
- The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1998 Parry, Ulrich), edited volume
- Qumrân grotte 4.XVIII: Textes hébreux (Qumran Cave 4.XVIII: Hebrew Texts / DJD 25 / 1998 Puech), book
- The Library of Qumran, on the Essenes, Qumran, John the Baptist, and Jesus (1998 Stegemann), book (English ed.)
- Biblical Perspectives: Early Use and Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1998 Stone/Chazon), edited volume
- 死海文書 (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1998 Takahashi), book
- Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time (1998 VanderKam), book
- A qumráni közösség és a holt-tengeri tekercsek története = The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective (1998 Vermès), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Messianische Texte aus Qumran (1998 Zimmermann), book
- ~~ ~~ 1999 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (1999 Abegg/Flint/Ulrich), book
- Pseudepigraphical Perspectives: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1999 Chazon/Stone), edited volume
- L'apocalittica nei rotoli del Mar Morto = Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (1999 @1997 Collins / Ferrario, Scarabelli), book (Italian ed.)
- The Copper Scroll Decoded (1999 Feather), arch-fi
- Esejské dobrodruzství = The Essene Adventure (1999 Flusser / Sláma), book (Czech ed.)
- Qumran Cave 4: XXIV. Sapiential Texts, Part 2.4Q Instruction (1999 Harrington), book
- The Copper Scroll, 3Q15: A Reevaluation (1999 Lefkovits), book
- The Copper Scroll--3Q15: A Reevaluation (1999 Lefkovits), book
- Sirach, Scrolls, and Sages (1999 Muraoka, Elwolde), edited volume
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto (1999 Nangeroni), non-fiction
- Vanhan testamentin lainausten teksti ja tulkinta Damaskon kirjassa (1999 Ranta), book
- Paganos, judíos y cristianos en los textos de Qumrán (1999 Trebolle Barrera), edited volume
- (+) The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origin of the Bible (1999 Ulrich), book
Media in category "Qumran Studies--1990s"
The following 26 files are in this category, out of 26 total.
- 1990 Charlesworth.jpg 306 × 474; 25 KB
- 1991 * Baigent Leigh (arch-fi).jpg 368 × 499; 31 KB
- 1992 Berger 2.jpg 381 × 599; 26 KB
- 1992-E * Charlesworth.jpg 334 × 499; 27 KB
- 1992 * Eisenman Wise.jpg 318 × 499; 31 KB
- 1992 * Fitzmyer.jpg 295 × 445; 25 KB
- 1992 * Garcia-Martinez.jpg 316 × 500; 12 KB
- 1992-E * Shanks.jpg 375 × 500; 49 KB
- 1993 Bergmeier.jpg 324 × 500; 22 KB
- 1993 Garcia Martinez.jpg 316 × 499; 18 KB
- 1995-T * Garcia Martinez en.jpg 326 × 499; 25 KB
- 1993 Puech.jpg 307 × 475; 23 KB
- 1994 * Schiffman.jpg 334 × 499; 28 KB
- 1994-E * Ulrich VanderKam.jpg 333 × 499; 37 KB
- 1994 * VanderKam.jpg 337 × 500; 41 KB
- 1995 * Golb.jpg 355 × 499; 33 KB
- 1995 * Collins.jpg 322 × 474; 29 KB
- 1995 * Vermes.jpg 315 × 499; 20 KB
- 1996 * Abecassis (novel).jpg 300 × 463; 35 KB
- 1996-E Kampen Bernstein.jpg 329 × 500; 28 KB
- 1996 * Wise Abegg Cook.jpg 400 × 608; 40 KB
- 1997 Stuckenbruck.png 361 × 536; 40 KB
- 1997 * Vermes.jpg 339 × 474; 24 KB
- 1998 * Boccaccini.jpg 336 × 499; 49 KB
- 1998 D'Alatri (film).jpg 348 × 488; 25 KB
- 1998 * Shanks.jpg 400 × 608; 43 KB