Category:Jesus of Nazareth--fiction (subject)

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List of fictional works on Jesus of Nazareth (in chronological order)

< Jesus of Nazareth in : Art -- Cinema -- Literature -- Music -- Theatre >

Year Performer Film/play/opera Notes
1898 Jordan Willochko The Horitz Passion Play (1897 Freeman), feature film
1898 Bretteau La vie et la passion de Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1898 Hatot), short film
1898 ... The Passion Play (1898 Lubin), short film
1898 Frank Russell The Passion Play of Oberammergau (1898 Vincent), short film
1899 ... La passione di Cristo (The Passion of Christ / 1899 Calcina), short film
1899 ... Le Christ marchant sur les eaux (Christ Walking on Water / 1899 Méliès), short film
1903 ... The Passion Play Series (1903 Lubin), feature film
1903 Henry Pettibone (?) La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1903 Zecca, Nonguet), feature film
1906 ... La naissance, la vie et la mort de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ / 1906 Guy-Blaché), feature film
1909 Albert Lambert Le baiser de Judas (The Kiss of Judas / 1909 Bour, Calmettes), short film
1912 Robert Frazer The Holy City (1912 Arnaud), short film
1912 R. Henderson Bland - Percy Dyer (youth) - George Hollister Jr. (child) From the Manger to the Cross (1912 Olcott), feature film
1913 Fred Huntley The Three Wise Men (1913 Campbell), short film
1914 Sydney Ayres The Last Supper (1914 Johnstone), short film
1916 Alberto Pasquali - Renato Visca (child) Christus (1916 Antamoro), feature film
1916 Howard Gaye Intolerance (1916 Griffith), feature film
1917 Yorgos Ploutis Ο ανήφορος του Γολγοθά (The Uphill of Golgotha / 1917 Vratsanos), film
1919 Alberto Pasquali Redenzione (1919 Gallone, Mateldi), film
1921 Henry Pettibone (?) Behold the Man! (1921 Bennet), feature film
1921 Adolf Faßnacht Der Galiläer (The Galilean / 1921 Buchowetzki), feature film
1921 Alberto Pasquali The Twice Born Woman (1921 Strauss), short film
1923 Gregori Chmara I.N.R.I. (Crown of Thorns / 1923 Wiene), feature film
1925 ... The Man Nobody Knows (1925 Kenepp), film
1925 Claude Payton Ben-Hur (1925 Niblo), feature film
1926 Jean Bradin Le berceau de dieu (1926 Granville), film
1927 H.B. Warner The King of Kings (1927 DeMille), feature film
1928 Philip Van Loan Jesus of Nazareth (1928 Conover), feature film
1935 Robert Le Vigan Golgotha / Ecce Homo (Behold the Man / 1935 Duvivier), feature film
1939 Irving Pichel The Great Commandment (1939 Pichel), feature film
1942 José Cibrián Jesús de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1942 Díaz Morales), feature film
1946 Luis Alcoriza María Magdalena, pecadora de Magdala (Mary Magdalene, Sinner of Magdala / 1946 Contreras-Torres), feature film
1948 Daniel Pastor Reina de reinas: La Virgen María (Queen of Queens: The Virgin Mary / 1948 Contreras-Torres), feature film
1949 Millard Coody The Lawton Story (1949 Beaudine, Daniels), feature film
1949 Nelson Leigh The Pilgrimage Play (1949 Stayer), feature film
1949 Lewis Stringer Which Will Ye Have? (1949 Taylor), short film
1951 Robin Hughes The Living Christ Series (1951 Coyle), film
1951 [[]] Quo Vadis (1951 LeRoy), feature film
1951 Nelson Leigh Family Theatre: That I May See (1951 Pierson), TV episode
1951 Charles P. Carr Behold the Man! (1951 Rilla), feature film
1952 Nelson Leigh The Living Bible (1952 Dew), TV series
1952 Maurice Teynac Le chemin de Damas (The Road to Damascus / 1952 Glass), feature film
1952 Enrique Rambal El mártir del Calvario (The Martyr of Calvary / 1952 Morayta-Martinez), feature film
1952 Jennings Sturgeon Kalbaryo ni Hesus (The Passion of Jesus / 1952 Tolosa), feature film
1953 Pedro Celestino O Mártir do Calvário (The Martyr of the Calvary / 1953 Celestino, Gallon, Gherardi), TV film
1953 Robert Wilson Family Theatre: I Beheld His Glory (1953 Coyle), TV episode
1953 Donald C. Klune (uncredited) The Robe (1953 Koster), feature film
1954 José Nieto El beso de Judas (Judas' Kiss / 1954 Gil), feature film
1955 Eugenio Valenti Il figlio dell'uomo (The Son of Man / 1955 Sabel), feature film
1957 Carleton Young The Book of Acts Series (1957 Dew), film
1958 Tom Fleming Jesus of Nazareth (1956 BBC), TV mini-series
1958 Jon Shepodd The Power of the Resurrection (1958 Schuster), film
1959 Luis Álvarez El Redentor (The Redeemer / 1959 Breen, Palacios), feature film
1959 Claude Heater Ben-Hur (1959 Wyler), feature film
1960 [[]] [[

Joyful Hour (1960), TV film The True Mistery of the Passion (1960 Acton-Bond), TV film About Religion: The News on Good Friday (1960 ATV), TV episode David e Golia (David and Goliath / 1960 Baldi, Pottier), feature film Kartagon orjattaret = Le schiave di Cartagine (The Slave Girls of Carthage / 1960 @1956 Brignone), feature film (Finnish ed.) The Sword and the Cross = Le schiave di Cartagine (The Slave Girls of Carthage / 1960 @1956 Brignone), feature film (American ed.) Paul of Tarsus (1960 Harington), TV mini-series The Story of Ruth (1960 Koster), feature film (++) Spartacus (1960 Kubrick), feature film Giuseppe venduto dai fratelli (The Story of Joseph and His Brethren / 1960 Rapper), film Esther and the King (1960 Walsh), feature film About Religion: Inquest at Golgotha (1961 ATV), TV episode Lamp Unto My Feet: Esther (1961 CBS), TV episode (+) Barabbas (1961 Fleischer), feature film A Story of David: The Hunted (1961 McNaught), film (+) King of Kings (1961 Ray), feature film Hallmark Hall of Fame: Give Us Barabbas! (1961 Schaefer), TV episode Judith (1961 Stivel), TV film Sodom and Gomorrah (1962 Aldrich), film Ponzio Pilato (Pontius Pilate / 1962 Callegari, Rapper), feature film Anno 79: La distruzione di Ercolano (1962 Parolini), film La ricotta (1962 Pasolini), film No Star on the Way Back (1963), TV short film Giacobbe, l'uomo che lottò con Dio (1963 Baldi), film Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1963 Bolchi), TV film Amahl and the Night Visitors (1963 Grossman, Yaghjian / Browning / @1951 Menotti), video recording (opera) Het grote begin (The Great Start / 1963 Holland), TV film Le chemin de Damas (1963 Hubert), TV film Giacobbe e Esaù (1963 Landi), film Acto da Primavera (Rite of Spring / 1963 Oliveira), feature film Il Vecchio Testamento (1963 Parolini), film Primera fila: Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1964), TV episode Saul e David (1964 Baldi), film Barabbas (1964 Boon), film Gli invincibili dieci gladiatori (Spartacus and the Ten Gladiators / 1964 Nostro), feature film (++) Il vangelo secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St. Matthew / 1964 Pasolini), feature film Koning David (1965 De Meester, Langeraad), film L'incendio di Roma (1965 Malatesta), film Herodes und Marianne (1965 Semmelroth), TV film (+) The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965 Stevens), film Dawn of Victory (1966), film El Proceso de Cristo (The Trial of Jesus / 1966 Bracho), feature film Judith (1966 Haaf), TV film The Bible: In the Beginning (1966 Huston), film Pontius Pilatus (Pontius Pilate / 1966 Müller-Stahl), TV film Heeft geleden onder Pontius Pilatus (Suffered under Pontius Pilate / 1967 De Meester), TV film Teatterituokio: Barrabas (Theatre Sessions: Barabbas / 1967 Holmberg), TV episode Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1968 Bettetini), TV film Bérénice (1968 Jolivet / @1670 Racine), TV film (play) Seduto alla sua destra (Black Jesus / 1968 Zurlini), feature film The Wednesday Play: Son of Man (1969 Davies), TV episode Judith (1969 Maurice), TV film (play) Atti degli Apostoli (Acts of the Apostles / 1969 Rossellini), TV mini-series Jesús, nuestro Señor (Jesus, Our Lord / 1969 Zacarías), feature film

1970 [[]] [[

Der Mann am Strick (The Man on the Rope / 1970 Deickert), TV film Спартак (Spartacus / 1970 Grigorovich, Zhuraitis / @1968 Grigorovich, Khachaturyan), video recording (ballet) Herrat tuomarit (Gentlemen of the Jury / 1970 Krohn), TV film Hallmark Hall of Fame: Neither Are We Enemies (1970 Pressman), TV episode Teatterituokio: Pilatus (Theatre Sessions: Pilate / 1970 Wallin), TV episode A Vida de Jesus Cristo (1971 Regattieri), film Salome (1971 Schroeter), TV film-play Jesús, el niño Dios (Jesus, the Child of God / 1971 Zacarías), feature film Salomé (1972 Bene), film Appointment with Destiny: The Crucifixion of Jesus (1972 Guenette), TV episode Pilatus und andere (Pilate and Others / 1972 Wajda), TV film Les témoins (Witnesses / 1972 Wyn), TV film Jesús, María y José (Jesus, Mary and Joseph / 1972 Zacarías), feature film Salome (1973 Barker), short film Gospel Road (1973 Elfstrom & Cash), film (+) Godspell (1973 Greene), feature film (++) Jesus Christ Superstar (1973 Jewison), film Salomé (Salome / 1973 Koralnik), TV film-play Mosè, la legge del deserto / Moses the Lawgiver (1974 De Bosio), film Salome (1974 Böhm, Stratas / Friedrich / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera) The Story of Jacob and Joseph (1974 Kakogiannis), film Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1974 Sáenz de Heredia), feature film (+) Il Messia (The Messiah / 1975 Rossellini), film Bérénice (1975 Rouleau / @1670 Racine), TV film (play) Moses und Aron (Moses and Aaron / 1975 Straub, Hulliet, Gielen / @1932 Schoenberg), film-opera (+) The Passover Plot (1976 Campus), film Ish Rachel (1976 Mizrahi), film Spartacus (1976 Peter), TV film The Story of David (1976 Rich, Segal), film Los 3 reyes magos (The Three Wise Men / 1976 Ruiz, Torres Portillo), animated feature film I, Claudius (1976 Wise), film Second City TV: Ben Hur (1977 Bessada), TV episode Спартак (Spartacus / 1977 Derbenyov, Grigorovich, Zhuraitis / @1968 Grigorovich, Khachaturyan), video recording (ballet) Nabucco (1977 Muti, Nimsgern / Ronconi, Pizzi / 1842 Verdi), video recording (opera) Salomé (1977 Schaaff), film-play (++) Gesù di Nazareth / Jesus of Nazareth (1977 Zeffirelli), TV mini-series Salomé (Salome / 1978 Almodóvar), short film The Small One (1978 Bluth), animated short film Amahl and the Night Visitors (1978 López-Cobos, Sapolsky / Brown / @1951 Menotti), video recording (opera) Greatest Heroes of the Bible (1978-79 Conway), TV series Greatest Heroes of the Bible: David & Goliath (1978 Conway), TV episode Greatest Heroes of the Bible: Joseph in Egypt (1978 Conway), TV episode Greatest Heroes of the Bible: Samson and Delilah (1978 Conway), TV episode Greatest Heroes of the Bible: The Story of Moses (1978 Conway), TV episode Greatest Heroes of the Bible: The Story of Noah (1978 Conway), TV episode The Nativity (1978 Kowalski), TV film Estudio 1: Judith (Studio One: Judith / 1979 Castellón), TV episode Greatest Heroes of the Bible: Sodom and Gomorrah (1979 Conway), TV episode Greatest Heroes of the Bible: The Ten Commandments (1979 Conway), TV episode Greatest Heroes of the Bible: The Story of Esther (1979 Hively), TV episode (++) The Life of Brian (1979 Jones), feature film As Horas de Maria (Maria's Hours / 1979 Macedo), feature film The Thirteenth Day: The Story of Esther (1979 Penn), TV film Salome (1979 Rudel, Caballé / @1905 Strauss), video recording (opera) Nabucco (1979 Santi, Milnes / Ronse, Flédérick / 1842 Verdi), video recording (opera) In Search of Historic Jesus (1979 Schellerup), documentary (+) Jesus (1979 Sykes, Krisch), feature film Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith (1979 Till), TV film

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