Category:Translated from French
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This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Pages in category "Translated from French"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 253 total.
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- == == 1500s == == ==
- On the Historie of Melchisedech and Abraham = L'histoire de Melchisedec et Abraham (1592 @1565 Calvin / Stocker), book (English ed.)
- == == 1600s == == ==
- The Alcoran of Mahomet = L'Alcoran de Mahomet (1649 @1647 Du Ryer / Ross), book (English ed.)
- The Mirrour of True Nobility & Gentility = Viri illustris Nicolai Claudij Fabricij de Peiresc (1657 @1641 Gassendi / Rand), book (English ed.)
- Mahomets Alkoran = L'Alcoran de Mahomet (The Alcoran of Mahomet / 1658 Du Ryer / Glazemaker), book (Dutch ed.)
- A Critical History of the Text of the New Testament = Histoire critique du texte du Nouveau Testament (1689 @1689 Simon), book (English ed.)
- The Critical History of the Versions of the New Testament = Histoire critique des versions du Nouveau Testament (1692 @1690 Simon), book (English ed.)
- == == 1700s == == ==
- The History of the Jews = L’histoire et la religion des juifs (1708 @1706-07 Basnage / Taylor), book (English ed.)
- (+) Flavii Josephi Judiske historia (1713-52 Arnauld d'Andilly / Gyllenstierna), book (Swedish ed.)
- Алкоран о Магомете, или Закон турецкий = L'Alcoran de Mahomet (1716 Du Ryer / Postnikov), book (Russian ed.)
- La storia dell'Antico e Nuovo Testamento = Histoire de l’Ancient et du Nouveau Testament et des Juifs (1725 @1719 Calmet / Canturani), book (Italian ed.)
- Il tesoro delle antichità sacre e profane = Trésor d'antiquitez sacrées et profanes (1729-1742 @1720 Calmet / Ponsampieri), book (Italian ed.)
- The Life of Mahomet = La vie de Mahomet (1731 Boulainvilliers), book (English ed.)
- Mahomet the Imposter = Mahomet le prophete (1744 Voltaire / Miller, Hoadly), play (English ed.)
- Vita di Maometo = La vie de Mahomet (The Life of Mahomet / 1745 Boulainvilliers), book (Italian ed.)
- Vita di S. Paolo = La vie de St. Paul (Life of St. Paul / 1752 @1735 Gervaise), book (Italian ed.)
- Il Maometto = Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1762 Voltaire / Cesarotti), play (Italian ed.)
- Mahomet der Prophet = Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1768 Voltaire / Löwen), play (German ed.)
- Mohammeds Leben = Histoire de la vie de Mahomet (History of the Life of Muhammad / 1781 Turpin), non-fiction (German ed.)
- Leben des Muhamed = La vie de Mahomet (The Life of Mahomet / 1786 Boulainvilliers / Mebes), book (German ed.)
- Historia del Antiguo y de Nuevo Testament, y de los Judios (1789 @1719 Calmet), book (Spanish, ed.)
- Книга Аль-Коран аравлянина Магомета = L'Alcoran de Mahomet (1790 Du Ryer / Verevkin), book (Russian ed.)
- Marianne (1793 Compagnoni) = La Mariane (Mariamne / 1636 Tristan L'Hermite), play (Italian ed.)
- Nachricht das Buch Henoch betreffend = Notice du livre d'Énoch (Notes on the Book of Enoch / 1801 @1800 Silvestre de Sacy / Rink), book (German ed.)
- Leben Mohammeds, des Propheten (1802-04 Vetterlein) = La vie de Mahomet (The Life of Muhammad / 1732 Gagnier), book (German ed.)
- Mahomet = Mahomet le prophete (Mahomet the Prophet / 1802 Voltaire / Goethe), play (German ed.)
- Storia della vita di Gesù Cristo (1812 Pertusati) = Histoire de la vie de Jesus-Christ (History of the Life of Jesus Christ / 1786-88 Compans), book (Italian ed.)
- Critical Examination of the Life of St. Paul (1823 Annet/Boulanger), book (English ed.)
- Storia filosofica degli Ebrei: dalla declinazione de' Maccabei fino ai tempi presenti (1841 Capefigue / Marchi), book (Italian ed.)
- Introduzione storica e critica ai libri dell'Antico e Nuovo Testamento (1843-1847 Glaire), book (Italian ed.)
- Geschichte der Römerherrschaft in Judäa und der Zerstörung Jerusalems (1847 @1847 Salvador / Eichler), book (German ed.)
- The Legend of the Wandering Jew (1857 Dupont / Thornbury / Doré), poetry & art (English ed.)
- Vita di Gesù (1863 Renan / De Boni), book (Italian ed.)
- Aurelia; oder, Die Juden der Porta Capena (1867 Quinton), novel (German ed.)
- Aurelia; of, De Joden van de Porta Capenda (1868 Quinton), novel (Dutch ed.)
- Paulus = Saint Paul (1869 Renan), book (German ed.)
- Saint Paul (1869 Renan / Lockwood), book (English ed.)
- San Pablo = Saint-Paul (St Paul / 1869 Renan / Cuesta), book (Spanish ed.)
- Storia degli ebrei dall'edificazione del secondo tempio fino ai giorni nostri (1870 Schwab / Pugliese), book (Italian ed.)
- History of Christian Theology in the Apostolic Age (1872-74 Reuss / Holmden, Dale), book (English ed.)
- Aurelia; ó, Los judíos de la Puerta Capena (1873 Quinton / Godoy), novel (Spanish ed.)
- Il Vangelo spiegato, difeso, meditato = L'Évangile expliqué, défendu, médité (The Gospel Explained, Defended, Meditated / 1876-77 @1864-66 Dehaut / Villoresi), book (Italian ed.)
- Kol kore (1877 Solovaitsik), book (German ed.)
- Palestine in the Time of Christ (1886 Stapfer), book (English ed.)
- History of the People of Israel = Histoire du peuple d'Israël (1888-96 Renan / Allen, Latimer), book (English ed.)
- The Christ, the Son of God = La vie de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (1890 @1880 Fouard / Griffith), book (English ed.)
- Saint Peter and the First Years of Christianity (1892 Fouard), book (English ed.)
- Saint Paul and His Missions (1894 Fouard), book (English ed.)
- Die Lücke im Leben Jesu = La vie inconnue de Jésus-Christ (The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ / 1894 @1894 Notovitch), arch-fi book (German ed.)
- The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (1894 Notovitch), arch-fi (English ed.)
- The Last Years of Saint Paul (1900 Fouard), book (English ed.)
- La vita di N. S. Gesù Cristo = La vie de N.S. Jésus-Christ (The Life of Christ / 1900 @1883 Le Camus / Gramatica), book (Italian ed.)
- Saint John and the Close of the Apostolic Age (1905 Fouard), book (English ed.)
- La religione d'Israele = La religion d'Israël (1910 @1901 Loisy), book (Italian ed.)
- The Religion of Israel (1910 Loisy), book (English ed.)
- San Paolo e i suoi ultimi anni (1920 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- San Paolo e le sue missioni (1920 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- San Pietro e i primi anni del cristianesimo (1920 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- S. Giovanni e la fine dell'età apostolica (1921 Fouard / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- La teologia di San Paulo = La théologie de Saint Paul (The Theology of Saint Paul / 1924-28 Prat / Albera), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus the Nazarene: Myth or History? (1926 Goguel / Stephens), book (English ed.)
- The Theology of Saint Paul = La théologie de Saint Paul (1926-27 Prat / Stoddard), book (English ed.)
- San Paolo = Saint Paul (1927 @1925 Baumann / Rigosa), book (Italian ed.)
- The Life of Mahomet = La vie de Mahomet (1930 Dermenghem / Yorke), book (English ed.)
- L'Evangelo di Gesù Cristo = L'Évangile de Jésus-Christ (The Gospel of Jesus Christ / 1930 @1929 Lagrange / Gramatica), book (Italian ed.)
- Maometto = La vie de Mahomet (The Life of Mahomet / 1933 Dermenghem / Marelli), book (Italian ed.)
- The Life of Jesus = La vie de Jésus (1933 Goguel / Wyon), book (English ed.)
- Das Leben Jesu = La vie de Jésus (The Life of Jesus / 1934 Goguel / Binswanger), book (German ed.)
- Jesus = Jésus (1935 Guignebert / Hooke), book (English ed.)
- Giuditta (1937 Honegger / Savagnone), opera (Italian ed.)
- The Prophets and the Rise of Judaism = Les prophètes d'Israël et les débuts du judaïsme (1937 @1935 Lods / Hooke), book (English ed.)
- Vita di Gesù = Vie de Jésus (1937 @1936 Mauriac / Novaro), novel (Italian ed.)
- An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1937 Vaganay \ Miller), book (English ed.)
- San Paolo = Saint-Paul (St Paul / 1938 @1869 Renan / Siniscalchi), book (Italian ed.)
- The Jewish World in the Time of Jesus = Le monde juif vers le temps de Jésus (1939 Guignebert / Hooke), book (British ed.)
- The Living Thoughts of Saint Paul = La pensée de Saint Paul (1941 Maritain / Binsse), book (English ed.)
- Gesù Cristo: la sua vita, la sua dottrina, l'opera sua = Jésus-Christ: sa vie, sa doctrine, son oeuvre (1945 @1933 Prat / Pellizzari), book (Italian ed.)
- Sacred History: A History of the Israelites = Histoire sainte: le peuple de la Bible (1949 Daniel-Rops / Madge), book (English ed.)
- Il giudaismo palestinese al tempo di Gesù = Le judaïsme palestinien au temps de Jésus-Christ (Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Jesus / 1950 @1950 Bonsirven / Marigliano), book (Italian ed.)
- Gesù (1950 Zini) = Jésus (Jesus / 1933 Guignebert), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus Christ: His life, His teaching, and His Work (1950 Prat / Heenan), book (English ed.)
- Il Vangelo di Paolo = L'évangile de Paul (The Gospel of Paul / 1951 @1948 Bonsirven / Graziani), book (Italian ed.)
- Teologia del Nuovo Testamento = Theology of the New Testament (1952 Bonsirven / Marigliano), book (Italian ed.)
- (+) The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Preliminary Survey = Aperçus préliminaire sur les manuscrits de la mer Morte (1952 @1950 Dupont-Sommer / Rowley), book (English ed.)
- The Jewish Sect of Qumran and the Essenes = Nouveau aperçus sur les manuscrits de la mer Morte (1954 Dupont-Sommer / Barnett), book (English ed.)
- El genio literario de San Pablo (1959 Brunot / Boada), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il mondo greco-romano al tempo di Gesù Cristo (1955 Festugière, Fabre / Schiro), book (Italian ed.)
- Golgotha en het Heilige Graf (1956 Parrot), book (Dutch ed.)
- Dieci anni di scoperte nel deserto di Giuda = Dix ans de découvertes dans le Désert de Juda (1957 @1957 / Milik / Rinaldi), book (Italian ed.)
- Golgotha and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (1957 Parrot), book (English ed.)
- San Paolo e il suo messaggio = Saint Paul et son message (1958 @1958 Brunot), book
- (+) The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte et les origines du christianisme / 1958 @1957 Daniélou), book (English ed.)
- Qumran und der Ursprung des Christentums = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte et les origines du christianisme (The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity / 1958 Daniélou / Schilling), book (German ed.)
- Muhammad and the Islamic Tradition = Mahomet et la tradition islamique (1958 Dermenghem / Watt), book (English ed.)
- Saint John the Baptist and the Desert Tradition (1958 Steinmann / Boyes), book (English ed.)
- Saint Paul and His Message = Saint Paul et son message (1959 Brunot / Matthews), book (English ed.)
- San Pablo y su mensaje = Saint Paul et son message (Saint Paul and His Message / 1959 Brunot / Ruiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Los manuscritos del Mar Muerto y los orígenes del cristianismo (1959 Daniélou / Ferrari, Mejía) = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte et les origines du christianisme (The Dead Sea Scrolls and Primitive Christianity / 1957 Daniélou), book (Argentine ed.)
- L'enigma dei manoscritti del Mar Morto = L'énigme des manuscrits de la Mer Morte (1959 @1957 Del Medico / Cantini), book (Italian ed.)
- El mundo judío hacia los tiempos de Jesús (1959 Guignebert / Clavel), book (Spanish ed.)
- (++) The Gospel according to Thomas (1959 Guillaumont), book (English ed.)
- Evangelium nach Thomas (1959 Guillaumont), book (German ed.)
- (+) Ten Years of Discoveries in the Wilderness of Judaea = Dix ans de découvertes dans le Désert de Juda / 1959 Milik / Strugnell), book (English ed.)
- La Iglesia en San Pablo (1960 Cerfaux), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il Vangelo secondo Tommaso = L'Evangile selon Thomas (The Gospel according to Thomas / 1960 Doresse / Romano, Andreose), book (Italian ed.)
- The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics = Les livres secrets des gnostiques d'Égypte (1960 @1958-59 Doresse / Mairet, Johnston), book (English ed.)
- San Paolo = Saint Paul et le mystère du Christ (1960 @1956 Tresmontant / Rossi), book (Italian ed.)
- (+) The Essene Writings from Qumran = Les écrits esséniens découverts près de la mer Morte (1961 Dupont-Sommer / Vermès), book (English ed.)
- Jesús = Jésus (Jesus / 1961 Guignebert / Camino), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il Corano è contro la Bibbia? = Bible et Coran (The Bible and the Koran / 1961 Jomier / Galetto), book (Italian ed.)
- Saint Paul (1961 Poirier / Barett), novel (English ed.)
- Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (1961 Vaux / McHugh), book (English ed.)
- Die verborgenen Jahre Jesu = Les années obscures de Jésus (1962 @1960 Aron / Mahr), non-fiction (German ed.)
- Christ and the Teacher of Righteousness = Le Docteur de Justice et Jésus-Christ (1962 @1957 Carmignac / Pedley), book (English ed.)
- Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1962 Daniel-Rops / O'Brian), book (English ed.)
- Gesù nel suo tempo = Jésus en son temps (1962 @1944 Daniel-Rops / Degli Occhi), book (Italian ed.)
- Ensayo sobre Filón de Alejandría (1962 Daniélou / Pérez), book (Spanish ed.)
- The First Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians (1962 Héring / Heathcote, Allcock), book (English ed.)
- 死海写本 = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1962 Laperrousaz / Nozawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Ideas maestras de San Pablo (1963 Amiot / Amenós, Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Las fuentes de la vida de Jesús (1963 Amiot/Brunot/Cristiani/Daniel-Rops/Daniélou / Riera), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gli anni oscuri di Gesù = Les années obscures de Jésus (1963 @1960 Aron / Miniussi), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- Lo que no dice el Antiguo Testamento = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1964 Dimier / Revilla), book (Spanish ed.)
- Quello che l'Antico Testamento non dice = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1964 Dimier / Martinetto), book (Italian ed.)
- The Old Testament Apocrypha = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (1964 Dimier / Tester), book (English ed.)
- The Bible and the Koran = Bible et Coran (1964 Jomier / Arbez), book (English ed.)
- Los manuscritos del mar Muerto (1964 Laperrousaz / Abril) = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1961 Laperrousaz), book (Argentine ed.)
- El cristiano en San Pablo (1965 Cerfaux / de Aguirre), book (Spanish ed.)
- Was nicht im Alten Testament steht = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1965 Dimier / Lampus), book (German ed.)
- The Date of the Last Supper (1965 Jaubert), book (English ed.)
- Itinerario espiritual de san Pablo (1968 Cerfaux / Lator), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Gospels and the Jesus of History (1968 Léon-Dufour / McHugh), book (English ed.)
- Dziesiec lat odkryc na pustyni judzkiej = Dix ans de découvertes dans le Désert de Juda (Ten Years of Discoveries in the Wilderness of Judaea / 1968 @1957 Milik / Kubiak), book (Polish ed.)
- The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (1969 Benoit), book (English ed.)
- Del Cristo de la historia al Jesus de los evangelios (1971 Bouttier / Ros), book (Spanish ed.)
- Gesù e i rivoluzionari del suo tempo (1971 Cullmann / Stella), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus and Israel (1971 Isaac), book (English ed.)
- Muhammad = Mahomet (1971 Rodinson / Carter), book (English ed.)
- The Problem of Miracle in Primitive Christianity = Le problème du miracle dans le christianisme primitif (1972 Fridrichsen / Harrisville, Hanson), book (English ed.)
- Maometto = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1972 Rodinson / Minerbi), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus and the Gospels (1973-1974 Benoit), book (English ed.)
- Resurrección de Jesús y misterio pascual (1973 Léon-Dufour), book (Spanish ed.)
- La teologia del giudeo-cristianesimo (1974 Danielou), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesús de Nazaret visto por los testigos de su tiempo (1974 Trocmé / González), book (Spanish ed.)
- 死海写本, 2nd ed. = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1975 Laperrousaz / Nozawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Gesù e Israele (1976 Isaac), book (Italian ed.)
- La persecuzione del cristianesimo nell'impero romano = La persécution du christianisme dans l'Empire romain (The Persecution of Christianity in the Roman Empire / 1977 Moreau / Balanza), book (Italian ed.)
- Che cos'è l'intertestamento (1978 Paul / Comunità di Bose), book (Italian ed.)
- Intertestamento (1978 Paul), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Book of Daniel = Le livre de Daniel (1979 @1976 Lacocque / Pellauer), book (English ed.)
- Il buon uso del tradimento: Flavio Giuseppe e la guerra giudaica (1980 Vidal-Naquet / Ambrosino) = Flavius Josèphe; ou, Du bon usage de la trahison (1977 Vidal-Naquet), book (Italian ed.)
- Vidas de Adán y Eva, de los patriarcas y de los profetas (1981 Cousin), book (Spanish ed.)
- La speranza giudaica al tempo di Gesù = L’espérance juive à l’heure de Jésus (1981 @1978 Grelot / Bacchiarello), book (Italian ed.)
- Gesù e la storia (1981 Perrot) = Jésus et l'histoire (1979 Perrot), book (Italian ed.)
- 古經之風俗及典章制度 = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions / 1981 Vaux / Yang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Los escritos de san Pablo: Cartas a las jóvenes comunidades (1982 Brunot), book (Spanish ed.)
- Storie di Adamo e Eva, di patriarchi e di profeti (1982 Cousin), book (Italian ed.)
- El mundo judío en tiempos de Jesús: historia política (1982 Paul), book (Spanish ed.)
- Jesús y la historia (1982 Perrot / Larriba), book (Spanish ed.)
- Die Apokalypse Abrahams (1982 Philonenko-Sayar / Philonenko), book (German ed.)
- The Four Wise Men (1982 Tournier / Manheim), novel (English ed.)
- Evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los apóstoles (1983 Auneau / Sierra), book (Spanish ed.)
- Maometto e la tradizione islamica = Mahomet et la tradition islamique (Muhammad and the Islamic Tradition / 1983 Dermenghem / ???), book (Italian ed.)
- Eucharistia in Philo (1983 Laporte), book (English ed.)
- Il mondo ebraico al tempo di Gesù (1983 Paul) = Le mond des Juifs a l’heure de Jésus (The Jewish World at the Time of Jesus / 1981 Paul), book (Italian ed.)
- La crisis macabea (1983 Saulnier / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- Historia de Israel y de Judá: Desde los orígenes hasta el siglo II d.C. (1984 Castel / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Filón de Alejandría: De la gramática a la mística (1984 Cazeaux), book (Spanish ed.)
- Historia política de Israel: desde los orígenes a Alejandro Magno (1984 Cazelles / Sierra), book (Spanish ed.)
- Sacerdotes antiguos, Sacerdote nuevo: según el Nuevo Testamento (1984 Vanhoye), book (Spanish ed.)
- La nascita dei Vangeli sinottici (1985 Carmignac), book (Italian ed.)
- The History of Israel and Judah in Old Testament Times (1985 Castel), book (English ed.)
- Storia politica d'Israele: dalle origini ad Alessandro Magno (1985 Cazelles), book (Italian ed.)
- Storia d'Israele e di Giuda: dalle origini al 2. secolo d.C. (1986 Castel), book (Italian ed.)
- Life and Death in the New Testament = Face à la mort, Jésus et Paul (1986 @1979 Léon-Dufour / Prendergast), book (English ed.)
- Old Testament Priests and the New Priest: according to the New Testament (1986 Vanhoye), book (English ed.)
- Studi sull'apocalittica (Studies on Apocalypticism / 1987 Delcor / Zani), book (Italian ed.)
- Lazarus (1988 Absire / Bray), novel (English ed.)
- Gli esseni secondo la loro testimonianza diretta (1988 Laperrousaz / Tosatti), book (Italian ed.)
- El judaísmo: desde el destierro hasta el tiempo de Jesús (1988 Tassin / Darrícal), book (Spanish ed.)
- Lectura del evangelio de Juan (1989-1998 Léon-Dufour / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- == == 1990s == == ==
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto e le origini del cristianesimo (1990 Daniélou / Palamidessi), book (Italian ed.)
- 死海写本, 3rd ed. = Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1990 Laperrousaz / Nozawa), book (Japanese ed.)
- Evangelio y tradición de Israel (1991 Collin/Lenhardt), book (Spanish ed.)
- Filone d'Alessandria (1991 Daniélou), book (Italian ed.)
- Il giudaismo antico e la Bibbia (1991 Paul), book (Italian ed.)
- Qumrán (1991 Pouilly / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1991 Rodinson / Michalska-Novák), book (Polish ed.)
- An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism (1991 Vaganay, Amphoux / Read-Heimerdinger), book (English ed.)
- Flavio Giuseppe = Flavius Josephus (1992 Hadas-Lebel / Tuniz), book (Italian ed.)
- Maometto = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1993 Delcambre / Zaccarini), book (Italian ed.)
- (++) Flavius Josephus = Flavius Josèphe (1993 @1989 Hadas-Lebel / Miller), book (English ed.)
- Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne (1994 Bohrmann), book (English ed.)
- Flavio Josefo (1994 Hadas-Lebel), book (Spanish ed.)
- L'uomo del libro = L'homme du livre (Muhammad / 1995 Chraïbi / Colace), novel (Italian ed.)
- El Dios de Jesús: Estudio exegético (1995 Schlosser), book (Spanish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1996 Delcambre / Lukaszewicz), book (Polish ed.)
Media in category "Translated from French"
The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.
- 1869-T * Quinton (novel) en.jpg 492 × 842; 43 KB
- 1959-T * Guignebert en.jpg 750 × 1,000; 111 KB
- 1962-T * Amiot en.jpg 1,217 × 1,500; 346 KB
- 1962-T * Aron en.jpg 177 × 285; 5 KB
- 1962-T * Daniel-Rops en.jpg 334 × 499; 25 KB
- 1964-T * Bonsirven en.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1964-T * Danielou en.jpg 224 × 346; 14 KB
- 1967-T * Simon en.jpg 1,074 × 1,637; 188 KB
- 1973-T * Vaux en.jpg 400 × 604; 12 KB
- 2002-T Leloup en.jpg 400 × 599; 39 KB