Category:Jesus of Nazareth--fiction (subject)
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Survey of fictional works on Jesus of Nazareth.
< Art -- Cinema -- Literature -- Music -- Theatre >
Pages in category "Jesus of Nazareth--fiction (subject)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 329 total.
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- Vita di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1472 Cornazzano), poetry (Italian)
- L'umanità di Cristo (The Humanity of Christ / 1535 Aretino), novel
- The Temptation of Our Lord (1538 Bale), play
- Christus patient (Christ's Passion / 1608 Grotius), play
- L'orto di Getsemani glorioso nei sudori di Cristo (1661 Arresti), oratorio
- Licenza di Giesù da Maria (1661 Arresti), oratorio
- Passíusálmar (1666 Hallgrímur Pétursson), poetry
- La passione di Giesù Christo (1677 Cherici), oratorio
- In circumcisione Domini (1683 Charpentier), oratorio
- La sepoltura di Cristo (1704 Predieri / Mazzoni), oratorio
- Cristo nell’orto (Christ in the Garden / 1718 Fux / Pariati), oratorio
- Il re del dolore (1722 Caldara / Pariati), oratorio
- (++) Johannespassion (St. John Passion / 1724 Bach), oratorio
- Morte e sepoltura di Cristo (1724 Caldara / Fozio), oratorio
- Il testamento di nostro Signore Gesù Cristo sul Calvario (1726 Fux / Pariati), oratorio
- Per la festività del santo natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1727 Costanzi / Metastasio), oratorio
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (The Passion of Jesus Christ / 1730 Caldara / @1730 Metastasio), oratorio (music), Vienna premiere
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (The Passion of Jesus Christ / 1730 Metastasio), libretto (oratorio)
- Componimento sagro per il Natale di N.S. Gesù Cristo (For the Feast of Christmas / 1735 Mazzoni / 1727 Metastasio), oratorio
- Per la festività del santo natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1737 Gregori / 1727 Metastasio), oratorio
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (The Passion of Jesus Christ / 1737 Sarro / @1730 Metastasio), oratorio (music), Rome premiere
- (++) The Messiah (1742 Haendel / Jennens), oratorio
- Per la festività del Natale (For the Feast of Christmas / 1744 Chiarini / 1727 Metastasio), oratorio
- La passione di Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo (1745 Brunassi), play
- La Passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (1745 Sellitto), oratorio
- Der Messias (The Messiah / 1748-73 Klopstock), poetry
- Der Tod Jesu (The Death of Jesus / 1755 Graun / @1755 Ramler), oratorio
- Der Tod Jesu (The Death of Jesus / 1755 Telemann / @1755 Ramler), oratorio
- La Passione di Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo (1756 Feroci / Metastasio), oratorio
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (1773 Myslivecek / Metastasio), oratorio
- Der Tod Jesu (The Death of Jesus / 1776 Kraus / @1755 Ramler), oratorio
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (1789 Andreozzi), oratorio
- La passione di Gesù Cristo (1799 Nicolini), oratorio
- La resurrezione di Gesù Cristo (1804 Weigl), oratorio
- Christus (Christ / 1827-28 Neukomm), oratorio
- Christus (Christ / 1827-38 Schneider), oratorio
- Traditions of Palestine (1830 Martineau), novel
- Le sette ultime parole di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (1838 Mercadante), oratorio
- Julian; or, Scenes in Judea (1841 Ware), novel
- La dernière incarnation (1846 Constant), novel
- El mártir del Gólgota (1863-64 Pérez Escrich), novel
- Traditions of Palestine; or, Scenes in the Holy Land in the Days of Christ (1863 Sargent), novel
- Jesus der Christ (1865 Dulk), play
- Yeshu ha-notsri (1866 Goldstein), novel
- Christus (1866 Liszt), oratorio
- Calvary (1868 Osborn), play
- Der Messias (1869 Gensichen), play
- Ein Tag in Capernaum (1872 Delitzsch), novel
- The Coming of the Messiah (1873 Winkley), play
- De prins uit het huis van David (1881 Ingraham), novel (Dutch ed.)
- The Martyr of Golgotha (1886 Pérez Escrich / Godoy), novel (English ed.)
- Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1887 Bovio), play (Italian)
- Jeschua von Nazara (1888 Ador), novel
- Christ at the Feast of Purim = Cristo alla festa di Purim (1894 @1887 Bovio / Scott-Uda), play (English ed.)
- Jesús de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth / 1894 Guimerá), play
- As Others Saw Him (1895 Jacobs), novel
- Jesus of Nazareth (1896 Barlow), play
- John: A Tale of King Messiah (1896 Woods), novel
- The Horitz Passion Play (1897 Freeman), short film
- Passion du Christ (Passion of Christ / 1897 Kirchner), short film
- La vie et la passion de Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1898 Hatot), short film
- The Passion Play (1898 Lubin), short film
- La risurrezione di Cristo (1898 Perosi), oratorio
- La trasfigurazione di N.S. Gesù Cristo (1898 Perosi), oratorio
- The Passion Play of Oberammergau (1898 Vincent), short film
- La passione di Cristo (The Passion of Christ / 1899 Calcina), short film
- Christus (1899 Draeseke), oratorio
- Le Christ marchant sur les eaux (Christ Walking on Water / 1899 Méliès), short film
- Passione di Gesù (Passion of Jesus / 1900 Cristofari, Topi), short film
- L'entrata di Cristo in Gerusalemme (1900 Perosi), oratorio
- Tsar’ iz doma Davida (1901 Ingraham), novel (Russian ed.)
- Cristo en la fiesta de Purim = Cristo alla festa di Purim (Christ at the Feast of Purim / 1902 @1887 Bovio / Azzati), play (Spanish ed.)
- Jesús Nazareno (Jesus of Nazareth / 1902 García Velloso), play
- Ben Tobit (1903 Andreyev), novel
- The Apostles (1903 Elgar), oratorio
- Under the Stars (1903 Kingsley), novel
- The Passion Play Series (1903 Lubin), feature film
- La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ / 1903 Zecca, Nonguet), feature film
- Vergilius (1904 Bacheller), novel
- O Rabbi da Galiléia (1904 Lacerda), novel
- Kristuslegender (Christ Legends / 1904 Lagerlöf), novel
- Olivet to Calvary (1904 Maunder / Wensley), cantata
- Jezus de Nazarener (1904 Verhulst), play
- La naissance, la vie et la mort de N.-S. Jésus-Christ (The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ / 1906 Guy-Blaché), feature film
- Il Nazareno (The Nazarene / 1907 Giannetti / Golisciani), opera (music & libretto), Rio de Janeiro premiere
- Christ Legends = Kristuslegender (1908 @1904 Lagerlöf / Howard), novel (English ed.)
- The House of Chimham (1909 Work), novel
- Satana (Satan / 1912 Maggi), feature film
- Thus Saith the Lord (1913 Eclair), short film
- The Last Supper (1914 Johnstone), short film
- La leggenda di Gesù = Kristuslegender (1914 @1904 Lagerlöf / Albertini), novel (Italian ed.)
- Il Golgota (Golgotha / 1916 Consalvi), feature film
- The Brook Kerith (1916 Moore), novel
- Ο ανήφορος του Γολγοθά (The Uphill of Golgotha / 1917 Vratsanos), film
- By an Unknown Disciple (1918 Phillimore), novel
- Messias: drei Dichtungen (1920 Wiener), poetry
- St Mark Passion (1920 Wood), cantata
- Der Galiläer (The Galilean / 1921 Buchowetzki), feature film
- Christus Rex (1922 Ryelandt), oratorio
- Friends of Jesus (1923 Deseo), play
- La passione di Cristo (1923 Pea), play
- Rex amoris--The King of Love (1923 Wind), novel
- Kristuksen historia = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1924 @1921 Papini / Hedman), non-fiction (Finnish ed.)
- Men Who Met Jesus (1924 Williams), novel
- The Man Nobody Knows (1925 Kenepp), film
- The Trial of Jesus (1925 Masefield), play
- Krisztus története = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1925 @1921 Papini / Fülep), non-fiction (Hungarian ed.)
- Through Human Eyes (1925 Williams), novel
- The Master and His friends (1925 Wilson), novel
- Bible Dramas in the Pulpit (1926 Stackhouse), play
- Les Judas de Jésus (1927 Barbusse), novel
- Ho Hyios tou oikou David (1927 Ingraham / Potamianos), novel (Greek ed.)
- Jesus of Nazareth (1928 Conover), feature film
- The Coming of Christ (1928 Holst), theatre music
- (+) The Escaped Cock (1928 Lawrence), novel
- The Coming of Christ (1928 Masefield), play
- حياة المسيح = Storia di Cristo (Life of Christ / 1929 @1921 Papini), non-fiction (Arabic ed.)
- Slings and Sandals (1929 Whitehead), novel
- The Last Supper (1930 Thiman), cantata
- The Affair at the Inn as Seen by Philo the Innkeeper & the Taxgatherer of Rome (1931 Finger), novel
- Jésus, raconté par le Juif errant (1933 Fleg), novel
- From Green Hills of Galilee (1935 O'Byrne), novel
- The Crown of Thorns (1937 Agnew), play
- Prince of Peace (1939 Carter), short film
- The Man Born to Be King (1941 Sayers), radio-play
- The Quest (1945 Bauer), novel
- The Poet's Life of Christ (1946 Kemp), poetry
- Il grande sogno (1946 Villa), novel
- Il Nazareno (1947 Asch), novel (Italian ed.)
- Lo sguardo di Gesù (1948 Bacchelli), novel
- Bold Galilean (1948 Blythe), novel
- Il martire del Golgota (1948 Pérez Escrich), novel (Italian ed.)
- Der Sohn Gottes (1948 Schreyvogl), novel
- The Pilgrimage Play (1949 Stayer), feature film
- Yeshu`a mi-Natseret (1950 Bistritzky), play
- Il nazareno (1950 Perosi), oratorio
- Il processo di Cristo (1950 Porrino / Ricciotti), oratorio
- God so Loved the World (1951 Goudge), novel
- (++) Ο τελευταίος πειρασμός = The Last Temptation (1951 Kazantzakis), novel
- Jezus en Manachéém (1951 Praag), novel
- Behold the Man! (1951 Rilla), feature film
- Kalbaryo ni Hesus (The Passion of Jesus / 1952 Tolosa), feature film
- O Mártir do Calvário (The Martyr of the Calvary / 1953 Celestino, Gallon, Gherardi), TV film
- Day of Triumph (1954 Coyle / Pichel), feature film
- The Rock and the Sand (1954 Zehnpfennig), novel
- Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1955 Fabbri), play
- Il figlio dell'uomo (The Son of Man / 1955 Sabel), feature film
- Ephraim of Israel (1956 Constant), novel
- Les témoins de l'Évangile (1956 Panneel), novel
- The Gifts (1957 Wilson), novel
- Son of Nazareth (1957 Zehnpfennig), novel
- Il giorno in cui Cristo morì = The Day Christ Died (1958 Bishop / Satta), novel (Italian ed.)
- El Redentor (The Redeemer / 1959 Breen, Palacios), feature film
- The Crown and the Cross (1959 Slaughter), novel
- (+) Valtakunnan salaisuus (The Secret of the Kingdom / 1959 Waltari), novel
- The True Mistery of the Passion (1960 Acton-Bond), TV film
- (++) The Last Temptation (Ο τελευταίος πειρασμός / 1960 @1951 Kazantzakis / Bien), novel (English ed.)
- Once upon a Cross (1960 Mann), opera
- The Man Born to Be King (1961 CBC), TV film
- King of Kings (1961 Rózsa), film music
- La ricotta (1962 Pasolini), film
- Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1963 Bolchi), TV film
- Acto da Primavera (Rite of Spring / 1963 Oliveira), feature film
- Der Sohn Gottes (The Son of God / 1963 Zierer), novel
- Primera fila: Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1964), TV episode
- The Carpenter's Son (1965 Haughton), novel
- Il sale della terra (1965 Monterosso), novel
- Dawn of Victory (1966), film
- The Salt of the Earth = Il sale della terra (1967 Monterosso / Quigly), novel (English ed.)
- Yeshua's Diary (1967 Shrader), novel
- Processo a Gesù (Trial of Jesus / 1968 Bettetini), TV film
- The Light in the Wilderness (1968 Brubeck), oratorio
- Jesus Christs (1968 Langguth), novel
- The Wednesday Play: Son of Man (1969 Davies), TV episode
- La transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ (1969 Messiaen), oratorio
- Passio et mors Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Lucam (The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke / 1966 Penderecki), oratorio
- Behold the Man (1969 Moorcock), novel
- Il maestro (1970 Brod / Bonfatti), novel (Italian ed.)
- Jewish Flower Child (1970 Topping), novel
- (++) Jesus Christ Superstar (1970 Webber / Rice), opera (music & libretto)
- The Book of Witnesses (1971 Kossoff), novel
- Rabbi (1971 Nocentini), novel
- Godspell (1971 Schwartz / Tebelak), musical
- Jesús, el niño Dios (Jesus, the Child of God / 1971 Zacarías), feature film
- Appointment with Destiny: The Crucifixion of Jesus (1972 Guenette), TV episode
- Jesus Christ Superstar (1972 Harbutt, Hughes / @1970 Webber), documentary (opera)
- Gospel Road (1973 Elfstrom & Cash), film
- (+) The Escaped Cock (1973 @ 1928 Lawrence / Lacy), novel (new ed.)
- The Testament of Theophilus (1973 Wibberley), novel
- Proceso a Jesús (Trial of Jesus / 1974 Sáenz de Heredia), feature film
- In Him Was Life (1975 Glyn), novel
- The Jesus File (1975 Leslie), novel
- (+) Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1975 Pomilio), novel
- Jesus Christ, Rabble Rouser (1975 Topping), play
- The Love That Dares to Speak Its Name (1976 Kirkup), poetry
- The Life of Jesus: An Apocryphal Novel (1976 Olson), novel
- Brothers (1976 Zeldis), novel
- The Gospel According to Pontius Pilate (1977 Mills), novel
- Das fünfte Evangelium = Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1977 @1975 Pomilio / Windisch-Graetz), novel (German ed.)
- Act of God (1977 Templeton), novel
Media in category "Jesus of Nazareth--fiction (subject)"
The following 42 files are in this category, out of 42 total.
- 1803 * Beethoven (oratorio).jpg 300 × 425; 9 KB
- 1855 * Ingraham (novel).jpg 339 × 498; 28 KB
- 1916 Antamoro (film).jpg 1,382 × 1,761; 278 KB
- 1921 * Papini (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 1921 Bennet (film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1935 Duvivier (film).jpg 183 × 250; 11 KB
- 1936 * Mauriac (novel).jpg 400 × 659; 219 KB
- 1938 * Maus.jpg 1,082 × 1,200; 102 KB
- 1939 * Asch (novel).jpg 290 × 500; 36 KB
- 1946 * Graves (novel).jpg 328 × 499; 32 KB
- 1949 Beaudine (film).jpg 323 × 482; 38 KB
- 1951 * Brod (novel).jpg 303 × 500; 50 KB
- 1952 Morayta (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1954 Fabbri.jpg 425 × 600; 145 KB
- 1961 * Speare (novel).jpg 332 × 499; 41 KB
- 1961 Ray N (film).jpg 327 × 475; 46 KB
- 1961-T * Waltari (novel) en.jpg 353 × 500; 43 KB
- 1969 Zacarias (film).jpg 214 × 317; 25 KB
- 1971 Regattieri (film).jpg 282 × 400; 25 KB
- 1972 Zacarias (film).jpg 214 × 317; 24 KB
- 1973 * Greene (film).jpg 200 × 303; 22 KB
- 1973 * Jewison (film).jpg 200 × 302; 29 KB
- 1975 Rossellini (film).jpg 166 × 255; 53 KB
- 1979 * Jones (film).jpg 280 × 411; 46 KB
- 1979 Sykes (film).jpg 277 × 500; 53 KB
- 1980 Cellan-Jones (film).jpg 230 × 345; 29 KB
- 1986 Damiani (film).jpg 284 × 398; 33 KB
- 1988 * Scorsese (film).png 300 × 459; 57 KB
- 1989 * Arcand (film).jpg 300 × 419; 37 KB
- 1991 * Saramago (novel).jpg 322 × 499; 22 KB
- 1992 * Vidal (novel).jpg 343 × 499; 37 KB
- 1997 * Crace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 22 KB
- 1998 D'Alatri (film).jpg 348 × 488; 25 KB
- 1999 Young (miniseries).jpg 200 × 279; 12 KB
- 2003 * Brown (novel).jpg 279 × 498; 39 KB
- 2004 * Gibson (film).jpg 300 × 450; 45 KB
- 2006 * Dornford-May (film).jpg 300 × 429; 40 KB
- 2010 Barranchina (film).jpg 188 × 259; 10 KB
- 2010 Billups (film).jpg 214 × 317; 12 KB
- 2014 Spencer (film).jpg 486 × 720; 94 KB
- 2015 Batty (film) 2.jpg 707 × 1,000; 97 KB
- 2015 Parra (film).jpg 200 × 252; 12 KB