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* '''[[Scholarship]]''' : [[4 Enoch Main Page|4 Enoch]] -- [[Journal for the Study of Judaism]] -- [[Library of Second Temple Studies]] -/- [[Enoch Seminar]] -- [[Paul Eber]] -- [[Samuel Usque]] -- [[Azariah de' Rossi]] -- [[John Lightfoot]] -- [[Samuel Cradock]] -- [[Humphrey Prideaux]] -- [[Augustin Calmet]] -- [[Jean-Baptiste Honoré Raymond Capefigue]] -- [[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]] -- [[Joseph Salvador]] -- [[Isaac Mayer Wise]] -- [[Emil Schürer]] -- [[Ernest Renan]] -- [[Crawford Howell Toy]] -- [[Wilhelm Bousset]] -- [[Robert Henry Charles]] -- [[George F. Moore]] -- [[R. Travers Herford]] -- [[Charles Guignebert]] -- [[Elias J. Bickerman]] -- [[Robert Henry Pfeiffer]] -- [[Joseph Bonsirven]] -- [[David S. Russell]] -- [[Donald E. Gowan]] -- [[Ed Parish Sanders]] -- [[Michael E. Stone]] -- [[Jacob Neusner]] -- [[George W.E. Nickelsburg]] -- [[Paolo Sacchi]] -- [[John J. Collins]] -- [[Shaye J.D. Cohen]] -- [[Lawrence H. Schiffman]] --[[Gabriele Boccaccini]] -- [[Tal Ilan]] -- | * '''[[Scholarship]]''' : [[4 Enoch Main Page|4 Enoch]] -- [[Journal for the Study of Judaism]] -- [[Library of Second Temple Studies]] -/- [[Enoch Seminar]] -/- [[Paul Eber]] -- [[Samuel Usque]] -- [[Azariah de' Rossi]] -- [[John Lightfoot]] -- [[Samuel Cradock]] -- [[Humphrey Prideaux]] -- [[Augustin Calmet]] -- [[Jean-Baptiste Honoré Raymond Capefigue]] -- [[Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini]] -- [[Joseph Salvador]] -- [[Isaac Mayer Wise]] -- [[Emil Schürer]] -- [[Ernest Renan]] -- [[Crawford Howell Toy]] -- [[Wilhelm Bousset]] -- [[Robert Henry Charles]] -- [[George F. Moore]] -- [[R. Travers Herford]] -- [[Charles Guignebert]] -- [[Elias J. Bickerman]] -- [[Robert Henry Pfeiffer]] -- [[Joseph Bonsirven]] -- [[David S. Russell]] -- [[Donald E. Gowan]] -- [[Ed Parish Sanders]] -- [[Michael E. Stone]] -- [[Jacob Neusner]] -- [[George W.E. Nickelsburg]] -- [[Paolo Sacchi]] -- [[John J. Collins]] -- [[Shaye J.D. Cohen]] -- [[Lawrence H. Schiffman]] -- [[Gabriele Boccaccini]] -- [[Tal Ilan]] -- [[James C. VanderKam]] -- [[Lester L. Grabbe]] -- [[Martin Goodman]] -- [[Loren T. Stuckenbruck]] | ||
* '''[[Fiction]]''' : [[Second Temple Fiction]] -//- [[Ben-Hur]] -- [[Herod & Mariamne]] -- [[Salome]] -- [[Titus & Berenice]] -- [[Wandering Jew]] -//- [[Elizabeth Cary]] -- [[Nicolas Poussin]] -- [[Madeleine de Scudéry]] -- [[Jean Baptiste Racine]] -- [[Pietro Metastasio]] -- [[Georg Frideric Haendel]] -- [[Edward Bulwer Lytton]] -- [[Giuseppe Verdi]] -- [[Gustave Doré]] -- [[Lew Wallace]] -- [[Oscar Wilde]] -- [[James Tissot]] -- [[Richard Strauss]] -- [[Howard Fast]] -- [[William Wyler]] | * '''[[Fiction]]''' : [[Second Temple Fiction]] -//- [[Ben-Hur]] -- [[Herod & Mariamne]] -- [[Salome]] -- [[Titus & Berenice]] -- [[Wandering Jew]] -//- [[Elizabeth Cary]] -- [[Nicolas Poussin]] -- [[Madeleine de Scudéry]] -- [[Jean Baptiste Racine]] -- [[Pietro Metastasio]] -- [[Georg Frideric Haendel]] -- [[Edward Bulwer Lytton]] -- [[Giuseppe Verdi]] -- [[Gustave Doré]] -- [[Lew Wallace]] -- [[Oscar Wilde]] -- [[James Tissot]] -- [[Richard Strauss]] -- [[Howard Fast]] -- [[William Wyler]] |
Revision as of 06:48, 13 November 2019
This page is edited by Gabriele Boccaccini, University of Michigan
![]() STS -- History of research -- Overview The Second Temple Period is a crucial stage in the history of the Jewish people, as well as in the foundation of both Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism, but only in contemporary times it has emerged as an autonomous field of research. (a) The Forgotten Era The Second Temple period was for centuries equally neglected by both Christians and Jews. If Christianity was the fulfillment and replacement of the “old” covenant, and Rabbinic Judaism the continuation of the “old” Mosaic covenant, then Second Temple Judaism was a theologically insignificant period. There were exceptions. The continuous fortune of Josephus (and of his Christian and Jewish doubles, Hegesippus and Josippon), and the works of Epiphanius and Philastrius, Ibn Daud and Maimonides, kept alive the memory of ancient Jewish diversity up to the Middle Ages. But the Second Temple period caught no theological and scholarly attention. Not accidentally, the most comprehensive and original treatment of Second Temple Judaism would be offered in the Middle Ages outside both the Christian and the Rabbinic tradition by the Karaite leader Yusuf Yaqub al-Qirqisani at the beginning of the tenth century CE. (b) The Rediscovery of Second Temple Judaism (15th-17th centuries) The revival of interest in Second Temple Judaism during the Renaissance was prepared by the movement of the Christian Cabbalists, notably, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494), Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), and Guillaume Postel (1510-1581). Their philosophical search for universal wisdom gave theological meaning and dignity to post-biblical Jewish literature, effectively defending it from the charge of “heresy.” But it was the “rediscovery” of Flavius Josephus, that made post-biblical Judaism historically significant, after centuries of oblivion, in the broader context of a renewed interest in Classical Studies. In particular, scholarly work inspired by Josephus added new dramatic details to the characters (also known from the Bible) of the Maccabees, Herod the Great (and Mariamne), and Herod Antipas (Herodias, Salome, and John the Baptist). In 1548, Paul Eber (1511-1569), Professor of Old Testament at Wittenberg, was the first to write a history of the Second Temple period in modern times, following the model of Josephus. In the 1580s, Corneille Bonaventure Bertram (1531-1594) and Carlo Sigonio (1524-1584) offered a first reconstruction of Jewish political and religious institutions in post-biblical times. The interest in Classical Studies also penetrated Jewish culture. Azariah de' Rossi was the first modern Jewish scholar to focus on Second Temple Judaism, its history, archaeology and literature (especially Aristeas, Philo and Josephus), and to use non-Jewish sources (secular and Christian) to supplement or check the data in Talmudic literature. Among Christian Hebraists, post-biblical Jewish sources began more and more frequently to be studied for apologetic reasons in order to illustrate the New Testament and confirm its "credibility." In the 17th century, John Lightfoot (1602-1675) wrote the first comprehensive commentary of New Testament based on Jewish, mostly halakhic, literature. (c) The "Intertestamental" Age (18th century) The rise of critical scholarship produced a first, important turn. As a result of the new critical interest in history and philology, Christian theology began to admit that, to a certain extent, post-biblical Judaism served to prepare for the coming of Jesus. At the beginning of the 18th century, Humphrey Prideaux (1648-1724), clergymen and scholar, dean of Norwich, reinvented "Second Temple Judaism" as the “intertestamental” period. His work (The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews, and Neighbouring Nations; from the Declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ, 2 vols., London 1716-1718) dominated the field for more than a century with numerous editions and translations in French, Italian, and Germany. It also prompted interest in the literature of the period. The Codes Pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti (Hamburg 1713-33) by Johann Albert Fabricius (1668-1736) was the first published collection of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. The age "from Malachi to Jesus" emerged in Christian scholarship as a distinct historical period--it was the necessary "connection" between the Old and the New Testament, the time in which God's providence acted to create the right conditions for the spreading of the Christian message. (d) From "Intertestamental" to "Late" Judaism (19th century to 1945) The interest of Christian scholarship in the religious life of the Jews at the time when Jesus was born, strengthened in the nineteenth century; the neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte became an established field of research. The new climate created by the French revolution and the Emancipation encouraged Christian scholars, such as Johann Gottfried Eichhorn (1752-1827) and Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini (1779-1862), to approach the period in conversation with Jewish scholars. For the first time, Jewish scholars, notably, Isaak Markus Jost (1793-1860), Joseph Salvador (1796-1873), and Morris Jacob Raphall (1798-1868), entered the scholarly arena as scholars, greatly contributing to the development of the field. The scholarly interest did not result, however, in a more appreciative approach to Judaism. On the contrary, the spread of anti-Semitic attitudes, which came to dominate European culture particularly since the second half of the nineteenth century, added to the legacy of medieval religious anti-Judaism to make most Christian scholars even harsher in their contempt of Second Temple Judaism. What was previously seen as a time of stagnation and insignificance, marked by the production of 'non-canonical" literature, came more and more to be labeled as a time of religious decadence. After the Babylonian exile and the end of the prophecy Judaism regressed from its biblical premises to become "in the age of Jesus" the legalistic and sanctimonious religion against which the Christ had to fight and his followers in the present were still committed to claim superiority. The term Spa"tjudentum (Late Judaism) appeared the most appropriate--chronologically and morally--to denote this period. The masterpiece of Second Temple Studies in the 19th century, Die Geschichte des jüdischen Volks im Zeitalter Jesu Christi (The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ) by Emil Schürer was not unaffected by this climate. Even in the face of such derogatory attacks, the reaction of Jewish scholars, or actively pro-Jewish scholars like George F. Moore, was significantly ambiguous; while defending the validity of the one Judaism, they showed little interest in defending the religious value of the Second Temple period. Against the neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, the jüdische Wissenschaft concentrated on the cultural importance of the period in the long, glorious and not yet concluded history of the Jewish people. The rise and influence of Zionism added a political touch to this otherwise theologically meaningless age: after all, the Second Temple period was the last glorious time of Jewish independence and self-government in the land of Israel--the time of the second Jewish Commonwealth. (e) From "Late" to "Early" Judaism (1945-1980) The Second World War and the Holocaust shook even the most insulated consciences. In France, Jules Isaac denounced the responsibilities of the Christian teaching of contempt, which preached the religious "end" of Judaism. His appeal was heard by the conference of Seelisburg in 1947 and by the Vatican Council in 1965; the two events mark the formal debut of the contemporary Jewish-Christian dialogue on the grassroots and the official level respectively. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls came timely to open wide, unhoped-for horizons of research and fostered a renewed interest in ancient Jewish literature other than rabbinic. This did not mean immediately the collapse of the single-Judaism model. Post-war scholarship retreated to the less controversial notions of intertestamental or New Testament history; the "new Schurer" revised critically the work of the past generations. The most derogatory traits having now being removed, time was ripe for a reappraisal of Second Temple Judaism as a dynamic age of Jewish diversity and creativity and the common cradle of both Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. The Jewish monolith began showing its first cracks. The term Frujudentum ("early Judaism") established itself in the 1970s and early 1980s as an attempt to voice this new understanding of Second Temple Judaism not as a time of stagnation or regression but as a creative and dynamic age of new beginning. James H. Charlesworth went straight to the point: "as early Christianity signifies the origins of Christianity, so early Judaism denoted the beginning of synagogal (modern) Judaism." The breakdown with the polemical concerns that originated the single Judaism model could not be expressed more effectively: what once was "late" was now labeled "early". (f) From "Early" to "Middle" Judaism (1980-2000) The last twenty years of the 20th century have wiped out any residual confidence about the immutability of Rabbinic Judaism and its normativeness in the Second Temple period. The unbroken normative tradition from Moses to the Mishnah has been unveiled for what it is--nothing more than an ideological construct without any historical foundation, not less artificial than the Christian historia sacra. Far from being the trustees of the accepted tradition of Israel, the sages were the leaders of a bold reform movement that developed in the aftermath of the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and took its shape in the first centuries of the Common Era. "Through their distinctive literature and patterns of religion [the sages] gave Judaism a new form of expression... The destruction of the Temple thus marked not only an end but also a beginning" (Shaye J.D. Cohen). At its inception, the rabbinic movement, with its theology and halakhah, was just one of several varieties of Judaism of the time, competing with, and being influenced by, other theological and halakhic systems. With their major competitors (namely, Christians and Hellenistic Jews) the sages engaged a life-or-death fight for supremacy and survival that would shape their own identity and ultimately decide the destiny of Israel. "Many of the Judaic worlds of Second Temple Judea and the Hellenistic Diaspora persisted for quite some time into the post-70 CE period and influenced rabbinic Judaism dramatically... Rabbinic Judaism did not even begin to dominate the religious imagination and life patterns of large groups of Jews until the third century CE at the earliest. And it did not finally succeed until well after 650 CE" (Martin S. Jaffee). In fact, only during Islamic times was Rabbinic Judaism able to claim a clear victory within the entire Jewish people and become the norm, although neither totally exclusive nor unchallenged, of Jewish life. The rise of Rabbinic Judaism as a reform movement out of the diverse world of Second Temple Judaism strikingly parallels that of its christian sibling. The centuries from the Maccabean revolt to the Jewish War were neither the end point of an already established monolithic Judaism before Jesus ("late Judaism"), nor the starting point of a linear process of evolution naturally leading to the rabbinic stage ("early Judaism"). Those centuries were the transitional and diverse age ("middle Judaism") of many competing Judaisms, in which both Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism had their "origins" in common "roots" in post-exilic Jewish thought (Gabriele Boccaccini). After the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, their ways gradually parted; "formative" Judaism and "formative" Christianity shared a destiny of struggle and competition before "the Judaism of the rabbis and the Christianity of the church fathers... emerged as... primary Western religions" (Lawrence H. Schiffman) (g) The Diversity of Second Temple Judaism (the 21th century) |
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Pages in category "Second Temple Studies"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 362 total.
(previous page) (next page)- Second Temple Studies (1450s)
- Second Temple Studies (1500s)
- Second Temple Studies (1600s)
- Second Temple Studies (1700s)
- Second Temple Studies (1800s)
- Second Temple Studies (1850s)
- Second Temple Studies (1900s)
- Second Temple Studies (1910s)
- Second Temple Studies (1920s)
- Second Temple Studies (1930s)
- Second Temple Studies (1940s)
- Second Temple Studies (1950s)
- Second Temple Studies (1960s)
- Second Temple Studies (1970s)
- Second Temple Studies (1980s)
- Second Temple Studies (1990s)
- Second Temple Studies (2000s)
- Second Temple Studies (2010s)
- Second Temple Studies (2020s)
- Die himmlische Welt im Urchristentum und Spätjudentum (The Heavenly World in Late Judaism and Early Christianity / 1951 Bietenhard), book
- Ancient Judaism = Das antike Judentum (1952 Weber / Gerth, Martindale), book (English ed.)
- A History of the Jews, 4th ed. (1953 Sachar), book
- Les prophètes et le culte à partir de l'exil (1955 Chary), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 2nd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1955-56 @1940 Foerster), book
- Der verborgene Menschensohn in den Evangelien (1955 Sjöberg), book
- Hillel the Elder: The Emergence of Classical Judaism (1956 Glatzer), book
- The Later Herods: The Political Background of the New Testament (1958 Perowne), book
- The History of Coins and Symbols in Ancient Israel (1958 Wirgin, Mandel), book
- Οι Εσσηνοί (The Essenes / 1959 Feidas), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 3rd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1959-61 @1940 Foerster), book
- Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Spätjudentums und des Urchristentums (1961-68 Brill), book series
- The History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (1961 Schürer, Glatzer), book
- Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (1961 Vaux / McHugh), book (English ed.)
- Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1962 Daniel-Rops / O'Brian), book (English ed.)
- Old Testament Theology (1962-1965 Rad), book (English ed.)
- De geschiedenis van Israël van Alexander de Grote tot Bar Kochba = The History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba (1964 Bronkhorst), book
- A History of the Jews, 5th ed. (1965 Sachar), book
- עליה לרגל בימי הבית השני (Pilgrimage at the Time of the Second Temple / 1965 Safrai), book
- New Testament Times (1965 Tenney), book
- The Holy Land in the Time of Jesus (1967 Kotker), book
- Donateurs et fondateurs dans les synagogues juives (1967 Lifshitz), book
- The Origin and Significance of the Apocrypha (1967 Rowley), book
- Herod Agrippa I, King of the Jews (1968 Wirgin), book
- Religion in Ancient History (1969 Brandon), book
- Bibliographie zur jüdisch-hellenistischen und intertestamentarischen Literatur, 1900-1965 (1969 Delling), book
- Hellenizmus, Róma, zsidóság: az Ujszövetség korának világa (Hellenism, Rome, Judaism: The World of the New Testament Age / 1969 Kovács), book
- Studies on the Jewish Background of the New Testament (1969 Michel, Praag), edited volumes
- ביבליוגרפיה נבחרת לתולדות ישראל בתקופת הבית השני (Selected Bibliography on the History of Israel during the Second Temple / 1969 Rappaport), book
- König Herodes: Der Mann und sein Werk (1969 Schalit), book (German ed.)
- Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums (1970-2004 Brill), book series
- Men at the Crossroads between Jerusalem and Rome, Synagogue and Church (1970 Cohon), book
- The Restoration of Israel: A Study in Exile and Return (1970 Foster), book
- Journal for the Study of Judaism (1970-), journal
- עם ישראל בימי הבית השני (The Jewish People at the Time of the Second Temple / 1970 Safrai), book
- Umwelt des Neuen Testament (1971 Lohse), book
- The Rabbinic Traditions about the Pharisees before 70 (1971 Neusner), book
- Le judaïsme antique = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1971 Weber / Raphaël), book (French ed.)
- A History of Israel, 2nd ed. (1972 Bright), book
- The Shorter Books of the Apocrypha (1972 Dancy), book
- Pharisaism in the Making: Selected Essays (1972 Finkelstein), book
- Les sadducéens (1972 Le Moyne), book
- From Politics to Piety: The Emergence of Pharisaic Judaism (1973 Neusner), book
- Studies in the Early History of Judaism (1973-1978 Zeitlin), book
- Het joodse leerhuis van 200 vóór tot 200 na Christus (The Jewish beth ha-midrash from 200 BCE to 200 AD / 1974 Boertien), book
- The Pre-Herodian Civil War and Social Debate (1974 Buehler), book
- The Temple of Jerusalem (1975 Comay), book
- A History of the Jewish People (1976 Ben-Sasson), edited volume (English ed.)
- From Babylon to Bethlehem: The Jewish People from the Exile to the Messiah (1976 Ellison), book
- The Development of Jewish Religious Thought in the Inter-Testamental Period (1976 Whitelocke), book
- Society and Religion in the Second Temple Period (1977 Avi-Yonah, Baras), book
- Die Umwelt Jesu (1977 Dommershausen), book
- The Hanukkah Story (1977 Hirsh), children's novel
- Apocrypha: Jewish Literature of the Hellenistic Age (1978 De Lange), book
- Das antike Judentum in christlicher Sicht (1978 Hoheisel), book
- Religion und Klassenbildung im antiken Judäa (1978 Kippenberg), book
- Das jüdische Volk im Zeitalter des Zweiten Tempels = עם ישראל בימי הבית השני (The Jewish People at the Time of the Second Temple / 1978 @1970 Safrai / Amir), book (German ed.)
- New Testament Background (1978 Viertel), book
- Gottesverächter und Menschenfeinde?: Juden zwischen Jesus und frühchristlicher Kirche (Haters of God and Man's Enemies: Jews between Jesus and the Early Christian Church / 1979 Goldstein), book
- Ιστορία των χρόνων της Καινής Διαθήκης (History of New Testament Times / 1980 Agouridis), book
- Ἐσκυλμένοι καί ἐρριμένοι: Παρακμή καί κατάπτωσις τοῦ Ἰουδαϊσμοῦ κατά τούς χρόνους τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης (1980 Boulgaris), book
- A History of Israel, 3rd ed. (1981 Bright), book
- Die Wallfahrt im Zeitalter des Zweiten Tempels = עליה לרגל בימי הבית השני (Pilgrimage at the Time of the Second Temple / 1981 @1965 Safrai), book (German ed.)
- Oe kyŏng iran muŏt inga: Sin gu yak chungkan ŭi munhak (1982 Metzger / Min), book (Korean ed.)
- La crise maccabéenne (1982 Saulnier), book
- Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament (1983 McNamara), book
- Jewish Legends of the Second Commonwealth (1983 Nadich), book
- The Cambridge History of Judaism: 1. Introduction, the Persian Period (1984 Davies, Finkelstein), edited volume
- A History of Israel = Storia di Israele (1984 @1984 Soggin / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba = Geschiedenis van Israël van Alexander de Grote tot Bar Kochba (1985 Jagersma / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Geschiedenis van Israël van Alexander de Grote tot Bar Kochba (A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba / 1985 Jagersma), book
- From Early Judaism to Early Church (1986 Russell), book
- Le judaïsme: de l’exil au temps de Jésus (1986 Tassin), book
- Jødedommen i den første kristne tid (1987 Neusner / Hygen), book (Norwegian ed.)
- Le judaïsme ancien et la Bible (1987 Paul), book
- Ἱστορία ἐποχῆς τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης (History of New Testament Times / 1988 Galitis), book
- The Hasideans and the Origin of Pharisaism (1988 Kampen), book
- Portraits of Adam in Early Judaism (1988 Levison), book
- Manners and Customs in the Bible (1988 Matthews), book
- The Cambridge History of Judaism: 2. The Hellenistic Age (1989 Davies, Finkelstein), edited volume
- Judaism in the First Century (1989 Maccoby), book
- Siblings: Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity at Their Beginnings (1989 Perelmuter), book
- Emerging Judaism: Studies on the Fourth & Third Centuries BCE (1989 Stone/Satran), edited volume
- Le Temple de Salomon dans la tradition maçonnique = King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Tradition (1990 @1972 Horne / Beresniak), book (French ed.)
- History of the Jews in the first century of the Common Era (1990 Neusner), book
- Yesu sidae ŭi Yudaegyo chongpʻadŭl (1990 Simon / Park), book (Korean ed.)
- Second Temple Studies (1991 Davies), edited volume
- The Social History of Palestine in the Herodian Period (1991 Fiensy), book
- Iraq al-Amir: le château du tobiade Hyrcan (1991 Will / Larché), book
- Religionsgeschichte Israels in alttestamentlicher Zeit (A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period / 1992 Albertz), book
- Essai sur les origines du judaïsme, de Josué aux Pharisiens (1992 Nodet), book
- Studies in the Jewish Background of Christianity (1992 Schwartz), book
- Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: A Parallel History of Their Origins and Early Development (1992 Shanks), edited volume
- Songgyong uro chomyong han sin-kuyak chunggansa (1993 Chun), book
- Ch`odae Gyohoe baegyongsa (1993 Ferguson / Park), book (Korean ed.)
- 신약 배경사 = Geschiedenis van Israël van Alexander de Grote tot Bar Kochba (A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba / 1993 Jagersma / Pae), book (Korean ed.)
- A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period = Religionsgeschichte Israels in alttestamentlicher Zeit (1994 Albertz / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Kotae yutaekyo yoksa? (1994 Cohen / Hwang), book (Korean ed.)
- Essays on Ancient and Modern Judaism = Pagine ebraiche (1994 @1987 Momigliano / Masella-Gayley), book (English ed.)
- The First Generation after the Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem (1994 Nadich), book
- La pensée du Temple (1994 Schmidt), book
- Sin-Kuyak chunggansa (1995 Roh), book
- The Word of God in Transition: From Prophet to Exegete in the Second Temple Period (1995 Schniedewind), book
- The Jews in the Time of Jesus: An Introduction (1995 Wylen), book
- Das Judenedikt des Kaisers Claudius (1996 Botermann), book
- Sin-Kuyak chunggansa: chungganki ui yoksajok baegyong (1996 Choi), book
- Sacred Realm: The Emergence of the Synagogue in the Ancient World (1996 Fine), edited volume
- Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism (1996- Brill), book series
- Early Judaism (1997 Jaffee), book
- The Bible as It Was (1997 Kugel), book
- A Search for the Origins of Judaism, from Joshua to the Mishnah (1997 Nodet), book (English ed.)
- Exile: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian Conceptions (1997 Scott), edited volume
- Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflicts (1998 Hanson, Oakman), book
- (+) The Jewish People in Classical Antiquity: From Alexander to Bar Kochba (1998 Hayes, Mandell), book
- Melchizedek in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Gnosticism (1998 Pearson), essay
- The Building Program of Herod the Great (1998 Roller), book
- Tolerance and Intolerance in Early Judaism and Christianity (1998 Stanton, Stroumsa), edited volume
- Pseudepigraphical Perspectives: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1999 Chazon/Stone), edited volume
- The Cambridge History of Judaism: 3. The Early Roman Period (1999 Davies, Horbury, Sturdy), edited volume
- A judaizmus és a kereszténység eredete = Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (1999 Flusser), book (Hungarian ed.)
- Hillel: un sage au temps de Jésus (1999 Hadas-Lebel), book
- Michael and Christ (1999 Hannah), book
- A History of Israel, 4th ed. (2000 Bright / Brown), book
- The Interpretation of Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity (2000 Evans), edited volume
- Melchizedek in the MT, LXX, and the NT (2000 Fitzmyer), essay
- Jewish Literacy in Roman Palestine (2001 Hezser), book
- Kristendommens jødiske røtter (2001 Indergaard), book
- Israel in the Biblical Period: Institutions, Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals (2001 Soggin / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Daily Life at the Time of Jesus (2001 Vamosh), book
- The Internal Diversification of Second Temple Judaism (2002 Anderson), book
- Two Thousand Years Ago: The World at the Time of Jesus (2002 Frazee), book
- Jews, Antiquity, and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination (2003 Lapin/Martin), edited volume
- The Ancient Synagogue from Its Origins until 200 C.E. (2003 Olsson/Zetterholm), edited volume
- Baruch ben Neriah: From Biblical Scribe to Apocalyptic Seer (2003 Wright), book
- Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (2004- Brill), book series
- Things Revealed: Studies in Early Jewish and Christian Literature ~ In Honor of Michael E. Stone (2004 Chazon, Satran, Clements), edited volume
- Library of Second Temple Studies (2004- T&T Clark), book series
- Of Scribes and Sages: Early Jewish Interpretation and Transmission of Scripture (2004 Evans), edited volume
- Kuyak Sŏngsŏ ŭi oegyŏng immun (2004 Harrington / Pak), book (Korean ed.)
- International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books (2004-), learned society
- Deuterocanonica (2004- L'Harmattan), book series
- Memory in Jewish, Pagan, and Christian Societies of the Graeco-Roman World (2004 Mendels), book
- Early Jewish and Christian Monotheism (2004 Stuckenbruck/North), edited volume
- Szövetségek erőterében. A deuterokanonikus irodalom alapvető kérdései (Basic Problems of Deuterocanonical Literature / 2004 Xeravits / Zsengellér), edited volume
- Hagyomány és előzmény. Intertestamentális tanulmányok (Tradition and Antecedent. Intertestamental Studies / 2004 Zsengellér), edited volume
- God's Mountain: The Temple Mount in Time, Place, and Memory (2005 Eliav), book
- Tradition and Interpretation in Early Judaism (2005 Vermès), book
- Architecture and Utopia in the Temple Era (2006 Chyutin), book
- Le Temps et les Temps dans les littératures juives et chrétiennes au tournant de notre ère (2006 Grappe/Ingelaere), edited volume
- The Architecture of Herod, the Great Builder (2006 Netzer), book
- Studies in Jewish and Christian History (2007 Bickerman / Tropper), book
- Οἱ Σαδδουκαῖοι: Ἱστορική καί θρησκειολογική μελέτη = The Sadducees: A Historical and Religious-Historical Study (2007 Kralidis), book
- Erken dönem Yahudi tarihi: Yahudiligin mimari Ezra (2007 Kurt), book
- Historical Knowledge in Biblical Antiquity (2007 Neusner/Chilton/Green), edited volume
- Jewish and Christian Texts in Contexts and Related Studies
- Les tombeaux royaux de Judée dans l'antiquité: de David à Hérode Agrippa II (2008 Caillou), book
- Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies (2008- de Gruyter), book series
- Heterodoxy within Second-Temple Judaism and Sectarian Diversity within the Early Church (2008 Russell), book
- A deuterokanonikus könyvek. Bevezetés keletkezés- és irodalomtörténetükbe (The Deuterocanonical Books. Introduction to their Origin and History / 2008 Xeravits), book
- Ιστορία της εποχής της Καινής Διαθήκης (History of New Testament Times / 2008 Zarras), book
- Λαοί και πολιτισμοί της περιόδου του δεύτερου ναού (Peoples and Civilizations at the Time of the Second Temple / 2008 Zarras), book
- Manières de penser dans l'antiquité mediterranéenne et orientale (2009 Batsch/Vârtejanu-Joubert), edited volume
- The Aramaic and Egyptian Legal Traditions at Elephantine (2009 Botta), book
- Jewish and Christian Scripture as Artifact and Canon (2009 Evans, Zacharias), edited volume
- The Concept of Authority in Early Jewish Literature (2010), conference
- Journal of Ancient Judaism (2010-), journal
- Life in Year One: What the World Was Like in First-Century Palestine (2010 Korb), book
- Colonial Education and Class Formation in Early Judaism (2010 Victor), book
- Visions and Eschatology: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Zechariah 1-6 (2011 Finitsis), book
- Political Power and Ideology in Early Jewish and Early Christian Literature (2011), conference
- Angyalok az ókortól Szent Tamásig (Angels from the Antiquity to Saint Thomas of Aquin / 2011 Xeravits, Tamási, Szabó), edited volume
Media in category "Second Temple Studies"
The following 54 files are in this category, out of 54 total.
- 1604 * Cary (play).jpg 354 × 500; 59 KB
- 1649 * Lightfoot.jpg 300 × 366; 27 KB
- 1670 * Racine (play).jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 1713 Fabricius.jpg 326 × 500; 30 KB
- 1716 * Prideaux.jpg 435 × 750; 113 KB
- 1844 * Bianchi-Giovini.jpg 1,044 × 1,360; 280 KB
- 1880 * Wallace (novel).jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 1880 * Wise.jpg 907 × 1,360; 213 KB
- 1886 * Schurer.jpg 319 × 500; 32 KB
- 1890 * Toy.jpg 305 × 500; 18 KB
- 1911 * Kent.jpg 333 × 500; 45 KB
- 1914 * Charles.jpg 333 × 500; 34 KB
- 1927 * Moore.jpg 332 × 500; 44 KB
- 1948 * Fast (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 35 KB
- 1949 * Pfeiffer.jpg 300 × 400; 15 KB
- 1950 * Bonsirven.jpg 302 × 400; 17 KB
- 1960 * Parkes.jpg 337 × 499; 22 KB
- 1960 * Russell.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1962 * Bickerman.jpg 316 × 499; 31 KB
- 1962-T * Daniel-Rops en.jpg 334 × 499; 25 KB
- 1967 * Russell.jpg 355 × 499; 25 KB
- 1969 * Sandmel.jpg 331 × 499; 35 KB
- 1971 * Smith.jpg 312 × 499; 31 KB
- 1971 * Grant.jpg 673 × 1,000; 175 KB
- 1975 * McCullough.jpg 400 × 599; 20 KB
- 1976 * Safrai - Stern.jpg 328 × 500; 14 KB
- 1978 * Sandmel.jpg 324 × 499; 23 KB
- 1980 * Freyne.jpg 313 × 474; 31 KB
- 1980 * Stone.jpg 319 × 499; 27 KB
- 1983 * McNamara.jpg 635 × 1,000; 89 KB
- 1984 * Leaney.jpg 295 × 475; 29 KB
- 1984 * Neusner.jpg 324 × 499; 16 KB
- 1984-E * Stone.jpg 333 × 499; 21 KB
- 1986 * Segal.jpg 323 × 499; 19 KB
- 1986-E * Kraft Nickelsburg.jpg 327 × 499; 31 KB
- 1987 * Cohen.jpg 331 × 499; 25 KB
- 1987 * Ferguson.jpg 200 × 336; 13 KB
- 1987-E * Neusner Green.jpg 320 × 474; 21 KB
- 1988 * Bickerman.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 1989 Flusser.jpg 306 × 474; 25 KB
- 1990 * Maier.jpg 330 × 499; 21 KB
- 1990 * Riches.jpg 400 × 638; 14 KB
- 1991 * Boccaccini.jpg 332 × 499; 32 KB
- 1991 * Schiffman.jpg 336 × 499; 30 KB
- 1992 * Sanders.jpg 307 × 474; 17 KB
- 1994 * Sacchi.jpg 342 × 500; 46 KB
- 1999 * Ilan.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 2001 * VanderKam.jpg 330 × 499; 39 KB
- 2002 * Boccaccini.jpg 337 × 499; 28 KB
- 2007 * Goodman.jpg 324 × 499; 34 KB
- 2009 McGrath.jpg 666 × 1,000; 30 KB
- 2010-E * Collins Harlow.jpg 369 × 499; 48 KB
- 2020-E * Henze Werline.jpg 314 × 499; 12 KB
- 2021-E * Sievers Levine.jpg 332 × 499; 32 KB