Category:Second Temple Studies--2020s
Second Temple Studies : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Home General : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home
2020 : "A History of Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period", by Lester L. Grabbe
Lester L. Grabbe, A History of Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period. Vol. 3: The Maccabaean Revolt, Hasmonaean Rule, and Herod the Great (Library of Second Temple Studies, 95; London [England] and New York, NY: T&T Clark International, 2020).
"This is the third volume of the projected four-volume history of the Second Temple period, collecting all that is known about the Jews from the period of the Maccabaean revolt to Hasmonean rule and Herod the Great. Based directly on primary sources, the study addresses aspects such as Jewish literary sources, economy, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Diaspora, causes of the Maccabaen revolt, and the beginning and end of the Hasmonean kingdom and the reign of Herod the Great. Discussed in the context of the wider Hellenistic world and its history, and with an extensive up-to-date secondary bibliography, this volume is an invaluable addition to Lester Grabbe's in-depth study of the history of Judaism."--Publisher description.
- A History of Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period. Vol. 1: Yehud: A History of the Persian Province of Judah (2004 Grabbe), book
- A History of Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period. Vol. 2: The Coming of the Greeks: The Early Hellenistic Period (2008 Grabbe), book
2020 : Matthias Henze - Rodney Alan Werline (eds.), Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters, 2nd ed. (Atlanta, GA : SBL Press, 2020)
2nd ed. of Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters (1986 Kraft, Nickelsburg), edited volume
"Since the publication of the first edition of Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters in 1986, the field of early Judaism has exploded with new data, the publication of additional texts, and the adoption of new methods. This new edition of the classic resource honors the spirit of the earlier volume and focuses on the scholarly advances in the past four decades that have led to the study of early Judaism becoming an academic discipline in its own right. Essays written by leading scholars in the study of early Judaism fall into four sections: historical and social settings; methods, manuscripts, and materials; early Jewish literatures; and the afterlife of early Judaism"--Publisher description.
2020 : T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, ed. Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Daniel M. Gurtner
Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Daniel M. Gurtner (eds.), T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism (T&T Clark, <2 vols.> 2020).
"The T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism provides a comprehensive reference resource of over 600 scholarly articles aimed at those studying Judaism in the Second Temple Period, and the numerous texts and artefacts related to it. The work is split into four parts across two volumes. Part One locates the discipline in relation to other relevant fields (for example the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinics, Christian Origins) and provides an orientation to the discipline's distinctive nomenclatures and debates. The history of research in the area is also presented in full. Part Two presents an overview of respective contexts of the discipline set within the broad framework of historical chronology. Social/cultural, literary, linguistic, geographical, political, and religious contexts are all explained, from the time period of the conquests of Alexander the Great (332 B.C.E.) through to the reign of Hadrian (135 C.E.). Part Three focuses specifically on the literature of the Second Temple period, summarizing the content of key texts, and examining their similarities and differences with other texts of the period. This section includes surveys of scholarship on date, provenance, location, language(s), and interpretative issues. The reception history of texts is considered. Part Four addresses topics, specifically those relevant to Second Temple literature such as places, practices, historical figures and artefacts. The volumes include 14 specially created color maps and over 60 charts and illustrations."--Publisher description.
Pages in category "Second Temple Studies--2020s"
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.
- Le tre vie di salvezza di Paolo l'ebreo. L'apostolo dei gentili nel giudaismo del I secolo (2021 Boccaccini), book (Italian ed.)
- Aramaic: A History of the First World Language (2021 Gzella), book
- Tolerance, Intolerance, and Recognition in Early Christianity and Early Judaism (2021 Lehtipuu, Labahn), edited volume
- The Spirit Within Me: Self and Agency in Ancient Israel and Second Temple Judaism (2021 Newsom), book
- Dreams, Visions, Imaginations: Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Views of the World to Come (2021 Schröter, Nicklas, Puig i Tàrrech), edited volume
- I farisei (2021 Sievers, Levine), edited volume (Italian ed.)
Media in category "Second Temple Studies--2020s"
The following 62 files are in this category, out of 62 total.
- 2020 * Grabbe.jpg 333 × 499; 16 KB
- 2020 Arcari.jpg 329 × 499; 25 KB
- 2020 Bermejo Rubio.jpg 348 × 499; 40 KB
- 2020 * Boccaccini.jpg 333 × 499; 13 KB
- 2020 Carnevale.jpg 342 × 499; 22 KB
- 2020 Garcia Huidobro.jpg 331 × 499; 34 KB
- 2020 Gurtner.jpg 334 × 499; 36 KB
- 2020 Reed.jpg 314 × 499; 27 KB
- 2020-E * Adams Goff.jpg 328 × 499; 27 KB
- 2020-E * Ehrensperger Sheinfeld.jpg 314 × 499; 23 KB
- 2020-E * Henze Werline.jpg 314 × 499; 12 KB
- 2020-E * Stuckenbruck Gurtner.jpg 357 × 499; 38 KB
- 2020-E Allen Smith (ed.).jpg 1,000 × 1,500; 86 KB
- 2020-E De Troyer.jpg 339 × 500; 16 KB
- 2020-E Koltun-Fromm Kessler.jpg 330 × 499; 35 KB
- 2020-E Runesson Gurtner.jpg 333 × 499; 17 KB
- 2020-T Schafer en.jpg 324 × 499; 20 KB
- 2021 * Cirafesi.jpg 328 × 499; 12 KB
- 2021 * Grabbe.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 2021 Adinolfi.jpg 300 × 484; 37 KB
- 2021 Ahuvia.jpg 344 × 499; 37 KB
- 2021 Berthelot.jpg 329 × 499; 22 KB
- 2021 Bunta.jpg 331 × 499; 14 KB
- 2021 Canfora.jpg 357 × 500; 38 KB
- 2021 Czajkowski, Eckhardt.jpg 400 × 604; 231 KB
- 2021 Destro Pesce.jpg 341 × 499; 30 KB
- 2021 Fine.jpg 409 × 500; 48 KB
- 2021 Giambrone.jpg 334 × 499; 13 KB
- 2021 Hadas-Lebel.jpg 322 × 499; 26 KB
- 2021 Kazen.jpg 333 × 499; 21 KB
- 2021 Mimouni.jpg 346 × 499; 41 KB
- 2021 Orlov.jpg 327 × 499; 35 KB
- 2021 Parks Sheinfeld Warren.jpg 333 × 499; 40 KB
- 2021 Staples.jpg 218 × 346; 26 KB
- 2021-E * Sievers Levine.jpg 332 × 499; 32 KB
- 2021-E Aitken Patmore.jpg 314 × 499; 29 KB
- 2021-E Barmash.jpg 400 × 637; 239 KB
- 2021-E Berlin.jpg 333 × 499; 29 KB
- 2021-E Marlow.jpg 243 × 346; 18 KB
- 2021-E Perrin Stuckenbruck.jpg 328 × 499; 24 KB
- 2021-E Schroter.jpg 334 × 499; 10 KB
- 2021-E Tefera Stuckenbruck.jpg 334 × 499; 15 KB
- 2021-T Sievers Levine.jpg 328 × 499; 13 KB
- 2022 * VanderKam.jpg 400 × 600; 296 KB
- 2022 Adler.jpg 400 × 604; 103 KB
- 2022 Ilan.jpg 400 × 603; 363 KB
- 2022 Matt.jpg 400 × 593; 178 KB
- 2022 Merlo.jpg 348 × 500; 18 KB
- 2022 Parmentier.jpg 400 × 600; 36 KB
- 2022 Schwartz.jpg 400 × 608; 157 KB
- 2022 Wilkinson.jpg 400 × 603; 376 KB
- 2022-E Bakker.jpg 400 × 607; 88 KB
- 2022-E Oegema.jpg 360 × 470; 29 KB
- 2022-E Schniedewind.jpg 333 × 500; 61 KB
- 2023 Elledge (book).jpg 400 × 599; 53 KB
- 2023 Hamori.jpg 400 × 619; 379 KB
- 2023 Regaev.jpg 400 × 635; 122 KB
- 2023-E Beale et al. (ed.).jpg 400 × 575; 420 KB
- 2023-E Henze Lincicum (ed.).jpg 400 × 608; 439 KB
- 2023-E Middlemas.jpg 400 × 599; 34 KB
- 2024 Goodman.jpg 400 × 570; 226 KB
- 2024 McGrath.jpg 1,000 × 1,500; 115 KB