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- DICTIONARY: see Polish language
List of scholarly and fictional works in Polish (in chronological order).
Pages in category "Polish language"
The following 123 pages are in this category, out of 123 total.
- Brief Summary of Material and Chronological Facts, to Connect the Old with the New Testament (1862 Perceval), non-fiction
- Kol kore (1879 Solovaitsik), book (Polish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Grabowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- Pójdzmy za nim (Let's Follow Him / 1892 Sienkiewicz), novel
- Przewodnik judaistyczny: obejmujacy kurs literatury i religii (1893 Nussbaum), book
- Ben-Hur: opowiadanie historyczne z czasów Jezusa Chrytusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1901 @1880 Wallace / Stefanski), novel (Polish ed.)
- Josephus Flavius: Charakterystyka cztowieka i historyka na tle wspotczesnych wypadkow (1904 Balaban), book (Polish)
- Bóg Jezus w świetle badań cudzych i własnych (God Jesus / 1909 Niemojewski), book
- Marja Magdalena (1911 Danilowski), novel
- Literatura i religia u Żydów w czasach Chrystusa Pana = Jewish Religion and Literature at the Time of Christ the Lord (1911 Trzeciak), book
- Judasz z Kariothu (1913 Rostworowski), play
- Judasz (1917 Przerwa-Tetmajer), play
- Pochodzenie chrzescijanstwa = Der Ursprung des Christentums (Foundations of Christianity / 1923 @1908 Kautsky / Hempel), book (Polish ed.)
- Hellenizm a judaizm (1927 Zielinski), book
- Judaizm a Hellenizm: z powodu ksiazki Prof. Tadeusza Zielinskogo p.t. "Hellenizm a Judaizm" (1929 Stein), book
- Dzieje Pawla z Tarsu (Acts of Paul of Tarsus / 1947 Dabrowski), book (Polish)
- (+) Swiety miecz (The Sacred Sword / 1949 Dobraczynski), novel
- Problemat Chrystusa we wspolczesnej literaturze katolickiej (The Problem of Christ in Contemporary Catholic Literature / 1950 Dabrowski), book
- Przymierze (1952 Kossak), novel
- (+) Listy Nikodema (The Letters of Nicodemus / 1953 Dobraczynski), novel
- Jezus Chrystus i Jego apostolowie (1954 Dobraczynski), novel
- Nowy Testament na tle epoki: geografia, historia, kultura (New Testament Times: Geography, History, Culture / 1958 Dabrowski), book (Polish)
- Manuskrypty z Qumran a chrzescijanstwo (Manuscripts from Qumran and Christianity / 1958 Strakowski), book
- Odkrycia w Qumran nad morzem martwym a Nowy Testament (The Discoveries at Qumran near the Dead Sea and the New Testament / 1960 Dabrowski), book
- Wykopaliska w Qumran a pochodzenie chrzescijanstwa (The Excavations at Qumran and the Origins of Christianity / 1961 Chylinski), book
- Dzieje apostolskie (Acts of the Apostles / 1961 Dabrowski), book
- Dawne dzieje Izraela (Antiquitates Iudaice / 1962 Radozycki), book
- Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego = Рукописи Мертового моря (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1963 @1960 Amusin / Kunderewicz), book (Polish ed.)
- Rekopisy z Qumran nad Morzem Martwym (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1963 Tyloch), book
- Odkrycia nad Morzem Martwym = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1963 @1955 Wilson / Swiecka), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- Herod król Judei (1965 Krawczuk), book
- Dziesiec lat odkryc na pustyni judzkiej = Dix ans de découvertes dans le Désert de Juda (Ten Years of Discoveries in the Wilderness of Judaea / 1968 @1957 Milik / Kubiak), book (Polish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mohammed (Muhammad / 1970 Klabund / Klos-Gwizdalska, Naganowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- Starotestamentowy kult ofiarniczy w liscie do hebrajczyków a w manuskryptach i dokumentach z Qumran (The Old Testament Sacrificial Cult in the Letter to the Hebrews and the Manuscripts and Documents from Qumran / 1970 Skwarczewski), book
- Mahomet = Muhammad (1971 Hrbek, Petrácek), book (Polish ed.)
- Historycznosc Jezusa Chrystusa: w ujeciu wspólczesnego religioznawstwa marksistowskiego (The Genesis of Christianity in the Views of Contemporary Marxists / 1971 Kowalinski), book
- Tytus i Berenika (1972 Krawczuk), book
- Wedlug Judasza (apokryf) (1973 Panas), novel
- Aspekty spoleczne gminy z Qumran (Social Aspects of the Qumran Community / 1973 Tyloch), book
- Rzym i Jerozolima (1974 Krawczuk), book
- Mesjasz w biblijnej historii zbawienia (1974 Łach, Filipiak), edited volume
- Swiadkowie Jezusa (1975 Malinski), novel
- Królestwo Boże w Piśmie Świętym (1976 Łach, Filipiak), edited volume
- Struktura semantyczna neologizmów w listach sw. Pawla z Tarsu (Semantic Structure of Neologisms in the Letters of St. Paul of Tarsus / 1978 Popowski), book
- Piata Ewangelia = Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1979 @1975 Pomilio / Minkiewicz), novel (Polish ed.)
- Teologia swietego Pawla (Theology of St. Paul / 1979 Stepien), book
- Wojna żydowska (Bellum Iudaicum / 1980 Radozycki), book
- Soteriologia sw. Pawla (St. Paul's Soteriology / 1983 Romaniuk), book
- Imperatiwus na tle indikatiwu w listach Pawla z Tarsu (Imperativus vs. Indikativ in the Letters of Paul of Tarsus / 1985 Popowski), book
- Przeciw Apionowi; Autobiografia (Contra Apionem; Vita / 1986 Radozycki), book
- Jezus historii a Chrystus wiary = The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith (1987 Kudasiewicz), book
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1991 Rodinson / Michalska-Novák), book (Polish ed.)
- Zwój Miedziany 3Q15 (Copper Scroll 3Q15 / 1993 Muchowski), book
- Jezus, Qumran i Watykan = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner / Kielbasinska, Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- Wprowadzenie do literatury miedzytestamentalnej (Introduction to Intertestamental Literature / 1994 Medala), book
- Opinie o Jezusie = Ipotesi su Gesù (Jesus Hypotheses / 1994 @1976 Messori), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1996 Delcambre / Lukaszewicz), book (Polish ed.)
- Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1996 Muchowski), book
- Qumran: poemat symfoniczny (Qumran: A Symphonic Poem / 1996 Steinfeld), poetry
- Manuskrypty znad Morza Martwego = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1996 @1994 VanderKam / Gromacka), book (Polish ed.)
- Piesni ofiary szabatowej z Qumran i Masady (Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice from Qumran and Masada / 1996 Zdun), book
- 101 pytan sobre o Qumran = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Fitzmyer / Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- Barabasz = The Rebel (1997 Zukowski / @1996 Johnson), novel (Polish ed.)
- Rekopisy z Qumran nad Morzem Martwym (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1997 Medala, Tyloch), book
- Kto zabił Jezusa = Who Killed Jesus? (1998 Crossan / Stopa), book (Polish ed.)
- Milosc od Boga = A Love Divine (1998 @1996 Ripley / Kolodziej), novel (Polish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1998 @1880 Wallace / Appel), novel (Polish ed.)
- Mahomet = Muhammad (1999 Cook / Zagórski), book (Polish ed.)
- == == 2000s == == ==
- Komentarze do rekopisów znad Morza Martwego (Commentaries to the Dead Sea Scrolls / 2000 Muchowski), book
- Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego, 2nd rev. ed. (Dead Sea Scrolls / 2000 Muchowski), book
- Jerozolima, Ateny, Aleksandria: greckie zródla pierwszych nurtów filozofii chrzescijanskiej (2000 Zielinski), book
- Koran = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2001 Cook / Pachniak), book (Polish ed.)
- Quo Vadis? (2001 Kawalerowicz), feature film
- Hebrajski qumranski jako jezyk mówiony (Qumran Hebrew as a Spoken Language / 2001 Muchowski), book
- Logos i stworzenie: filozoficzna interpretacja traktatu De opificio mundi Filona z Aleksandrii (Logos and Creation: Philosophical Interpretation of the Treatise De opificio mundi by Philo of Alexandria / 2001 Osmanski), book (Polish)
- Miedzy Starym a Nowym Testamentem (2002 Maier), book (Polish ed.)
- Kto jest dziedzicem boskich dóbr (Who Is the Heir of the Divine Things / 2002 Pawlaczyk), book (Polish)
- Peszery do Ksiegi Izajasza (Isaiah Pesher / 2004 Malecki), book
- Biblia a Koran: podobienstwa i róznice = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2005 Gnilka / Szymona), book (Polish ed.)
- Komentarze do rekopisów znad Morza Martwego, 2nd rev. ed. (Commentaries to the Dead Sea Scrolls / 2005 Muchowski), book
- Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 2006 @1996 Abécassis / Melech), novel (Polish ed.)
- Idea swiatyni w pismach qumranskich (The Idea of the Temple in the Writings of Qumran / 2006 Skrzypczyk), book
- Jezus jako Syn Bozy (Jesus as the Son of God / 2007 Drawnel), book
- Potop w tradycji biblijnej oraz literaturze judaizmu okresu Drugiej Swiatyni (2007 Zajac), book
- Kowal mitu: Święty Paweł i wynalazek chrześcijaństwa = The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity (2008 Maccoby / Hoevels, Wysocki), book (Polish ed.)
- Qumran: pomiedzy Starym a Nowym Testamentem (Qumran: Between the Old and New Testaments / 2009 Drawnel, Piwowar), edited volume
- Klejnot Medyny = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / Smulewska), novel (Polish ed.)
- == == 2010s == == ==
- Naśladowcy Jezusa = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2010 Ehrman / Hejmej), book (Polish ed.)
- Rabin rozmawia z Jezusem = A Rabbi Talks with Jesus (2010 Neusner / Wojtasik), book (Polish ed.)
- Życie, apostolat i dziedzictwo Pawła z Tarsu (The Life, Apostolate and Legacy of Paul of Tarsus / 2010 Szamocki), book
- Flakkus: pierwszy pogrom Zydów w Aleksandrii (Flaccus: The First Pogrom Against Jews in Alexandria / 2012 Osek), book (Polish)
- Wojna przeciwko Jezusowi = La guerra contro Gesù (The War against Jesus / 2012 @2011 Socci / Gogolin), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- Hilary Nussbaum (1820-1895), scholar
- Henryk Sienkiewicz (M / Poland, 1846-1916), novelist
- Tadeusz Zielinski (1859-1944), scholar
- Andrzej Niemojewski (1864-1921), scholar
- Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer (M / Poland, 1865-1940), novelist
- Gustaw Danilowski (M / Poland, 1871-1927), novelist
- Stanisław Trzeciak (1873-1944), scholar
- Meir Balaban (1874-1942), scholar
- Karol Hubert Rostworowski (M / Poland, 1877-1938), playwright
- Zofia Kossak (M / Poland, 1889-1968), novelist
- ~ Edmund Menahem Stein (1895-1943), Jewish-Polish scholar
- Eugeniusz Dabrowski (1901-1970), Polish scholar
- Stanisław Łach (1906-1983), scholar
- Jan Dobraczynski (M / Poland, 1910-1994), novelist
- Cezary Kunderewicz (1912-1990), Polish scholar
- Henryk Panas (M / Poland, 1912-1985), novelist
- Jerzy Kawalerowicz (M / Poland, 1922-2007), film director
- Aleksander Krawczuk (b.1922), scholar
- Mieczyslaw Malinski (M / Poland, 1923-2017), novelist
- Ryszard Krasnodebski (M / Poland, 1925), novelist
- Witold Tyloch (1927-1990), Polish scholar
- Stanislaw Medala (M / Poland, 1935), Polish scholar
- Zdzislaw Jan Kapera (b.1942), Polish scholar
- Henryk Drawnel (b.1963), Polish scholar
- Piotr Muchowski (b.1963), Polish scholar
Media in category "Polish language"
This category contains only the following file.
- 1895 * Sienkiewicz (novel).jpg 674 × 1,100; 138 KB