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The category: '''Made in the 1960s''', includes scholarly and fictional works created between 1960 and 1969.
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< [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--1960s|Second Temple Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:OT Apocrypha Studies--1960s|OT Apocrypha Studies--1960s]]
|title= History of Research--1960s (Home Page)
*[[:Category:OT Pseudepigrapha Studies--1960s|OT Pseudepigrapha Studies--1960s]]
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
*[[:Category:Wisdom Studies--1960s|Wisdom Studies--1960s]]
|logo= history.png
*[[:Category:Apocalyptic Studies--1960s|Apocalyptic Studies--1960s]]
|px= 38
*[[:Category:Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--1960s|Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--1960s]]
|content= [[File:Man Moon 1969.jpg|550px]]
*[[:Category:Qumran Studies--1960s|Qumran Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Enochic Studies--1960s|Enochic Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Philo Studies--1960s|Philo Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Josephus Studies--1960s|Josephus Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Christian Origins Studies--1960s|Christian Origins Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Historical Jesus Studies--1960s|Historical Jesus Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:New Testament Studies--1960s|New Testament Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Gospels Studies--1960s|Gospels Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Pauline Studies--1960s|Pauline Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Petrine Studies--1960s|Petrine Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Johannine Studies--1960s|Johannine Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Hebrew Bible Studies--1960s|Hebrew Bible Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Early Samaritan Studies--1960s|Early Samaritan Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Early Christian Studies--1960s|Early Christian Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Early Jewish Studies--1960s|Early Jewish Studies--1960s]]
*[[:Category:Early Islamic Studies--1960s|Early Islamic Studies--1960s]]

[[Category:Works' chronology| 1960s]]
The page: '''1960s''', is the gateway that gives access to scholarly and fictional works in the field of [[Main Page|Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Origins]] made in the 1960s, or from 1960 to 1969.

[[Category:Made in the 1950s|-1960s]]

[[Category:1960| ]]
<p style="margin-top:-10px;font-size:300%">'''[[:Category:1960|1960]] -- [[:Category:1961|1961]] -- [[:Category:1962|1962]] -- [[:Category:1963|1963]] [[:Category:1964|1964]] -- [[:Category:1965|1965]] -- [[:Category:1966|1966]] -- [[:Category:1967|1967]] [[:Category:1968|1968]] -- [[:Category:1969|1969]]'''</p>
[[Category:1961| ]]
[[Category:1962| ]]
[[Category:1963| ]]
[[Category:1964| ]]
[[Category:1965| ]]
[[Category:1966| ]]
[[Category:1967| ]]
[[Category:1968| ]]
[[Category:1969| ]]

[[Category:Made in the 1970s|-1960s]]
* '''[[Scholarship]] (1960s)''' : [[Apocalyptic Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Archaeology (1960s)]] -- [[Bible Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Christian Origins Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Early Christian Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Early Islamic Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Early Jewish Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Early Samaritan Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Enochic Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Gospels Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Hebrew Bible Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Hellenistic-Jewish Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Historical Jesus Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Johannine Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Josephus Studies (1960s)]] -- [[New Testament Studies (1960s)]] -- [[NT Apocrypha Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Qumran Studies (1960s)]] -- [[OT Apocrypha Studies (1960s)]] -- [[OT Pseudepigrapha Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Pauline Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Petrine Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Philo Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Reception History (1960s)]] -- [[Second Temple Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Septuagint Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Wisdom Studies (1960s)]] -- [[Women's Studies (1960s)]] -/- [[Jewish Authorship (1960s)]] -- [[Women Authorship (1960s)]] -/- [[In memoriam (1960s)]]
* '''[[Fiction]] (1960s)''' : [[Art (1960s)]] -- [[Cinema (1960s)]] -- [[Dance (1960s)]] -- [[Literature (1960s)]] -- [[Music (1960s)]]
* '''[[Languages]] (1960s)''' : [[:Category:English language--1960s|English (1960s)]] - [[:Category:French language--1960s|French (1960s)]] - [[:Category:German language--1960s|German (1960s)]] - [[:Category:Italian language--1960s|Italian (1960s)]] - [[:Category:Spanish language--1960s|Spanish (1960s)]] -/- [[Translations (1960s)]]
* '''[[Biographies]]''' :  [[:Category:Born in the 1960s|Born in the 1960s]] -- [[:Category:Died in the 1960s|Died in the 1960s]]
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{| id="mp-right" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#f5faff; background:transparent;"
|title= [[Timeline]] (1960s)
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= history.png
|px= 38
|content= [[File:Timeline.jpg|thumb|left|250px]]
'''[[Timeline]]''' : [[2020s]] -- [[2010s]] -- [[2000s]] -- [[1990s]] -- [[1980s]] -- [[1970s]] -- [[1960s]] -- [[1950s]] -- [[1940s]] -- [[1930s]] -- [[1920s]] -- [[1910s]] -- [[1900s]] -- [[1850s]] -- [[1800s]] -- [[1700s]] -- [[1600s]] -- [[1500s]] -- [[1450s]] -- [[Medieval]] -- [[Timeline|Home]]
|title= [[Languages]] (1960s)
|backgroundLogo= Bluebg_rounded_croped.png
|logo= history.png
|px= 38
|content= [[File:Languages.jpg|thumb|left|250px]]
'''[[Languages]]''' : [[:Category:English language--1960s|English (1960s)]] - [[:Category:French language--1960s|French (1960s)]] - [[:Category:German language--1960s|German (1960s)]] - [[:Category:Italian language--1960s|Italian (1960s)]] - [[:Category:Spanish language--1960s|Spanish (1960s)]] -//- [[:Category:Translations--1960s|Translations (1960s)]]
== Highlights (1960s) ==
==== 1960 ====
* [[Les années obscures de Jésus (Jesus of Nazareth: The Hidden Years / 1960 Aron), non-fiction]]
* [[The Day Christ Was Born (1960 Bishop), novel]]
* [[Jésus selon le Coran (Jesus according to the Qur'an / 1960 Michaud), book]]
* [[The Foundations of Judaism and Christianity (1960 Parkes), book]]
* '''''[[Between the Testaments (1960 Russell), book]]'''''
* '''''[[Les sectes juives au temps de Jésus (Jewish Sects at the Time of Jesus / 1960 Simon), book]]'''''
* '''''[[The Threshold of Christianity: Between the Testaments (1960 Toombs), book]]'''''
** [[Jesus of Nazareth = Jesus von Nazareth (1960 @1956 Bornkamm / McLuskey), book (English ed.)]]
** [[The Last Temptation = Ο τελευταίος πειρασμός (1960 @1951 Kazantzakis / Bien), novel (English ed.)]]
==== 1961 ====
* [[The Scrolls and Christian Origins (1961 Black), book]]
* [[Barabbas (1961 Fleischer), film]]
* [[Die Zeloten (1961 Hengel), book]]
* [[King of Kings (1961 Ray), film]]
* [[The Bronze Bow (1961 Speare), children's novel]]
* [[L’archéologie et les manuscrits de la mer Morte (Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls / 1961 Vaux), book]]
** [[Paul: The Theology of the Apostle in Light of the Jewish Religious History (1961 @1959 Schoeps), book (English ed.)]]
** [[The Secret of the Kingdom (1961 @1959 Waltari), novel (English ed.)]]
==== 1962 ====
* [[The Key Concepts of St. Paul (1962 Amiot / Dingle), book (English ed.)]]
* [[Jesus of Nazareth: The Hidden Years = Les années obscures de Jésus (1962 @1960 Aron / Frenaye), non-fiction (English ed.)]]
* [[From Ezra to the Last of the Maccabees (1962 Bickerman), book]]
* '''''[[Daily Life in the Time of Jesus = Le vie quotidienne en Palestine au temps de Jésus (1962 @1961 Daniel-Rops / O'Brian), book (English ed.)]]'''''
* [[Christian Origins and Judaism (1962 Davies), book]]
* [[An Introduction to Philo Judaeus, 2nd ed. (1962 Goodenough), book]]
* [[L'enseignement du mépris (1962 Isaac), book]]
* [[Toward the Understanding of St Paul (1962 Selby), book]]
* [[The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, 1st ed. (1962 Vermès), book]]
* '''''[[The Rise and Fall of the Judean State (1962-1978 Zeitlin), book]]'''''
** [[The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (1962 Buttrick), edited volumes]]
==== 1963 ====
* [[A Historical Introduction to the New Testament (1963 Grant), book]]
** [[The Cambridge History of the Bible: 3. The West, from the Reformation to the Present Day (1963 Greenslade), edited volume]]
** [[Dictionary of the Bible , rev. ed. (1963 Hastings, Grant, Rowley), edited volume]]
* [[New Testament Apocrypha (1963-66 @1959-64 Hennecke, Schneemelcher / Wilson), book (English ed.)]]
==== 1964 ====
* [[The Meaning of the Qumran Scrolls for the Bible (1964 Brownlee), book]]
* [[The Dead Sea Scriptures, in English Translation, 2nd ed. (1964 Gaster), book]]
* [[The Teaching of Contempt: Christian Roots of Anti-Semitism (1964 @1962 Isaac), book (English ed.)]]
* [[Il vangelo secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St. Matthew / 1964 Pasolini), feature film]]
* [[The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic (1964 Russell), book]]
* '''''[[A Survey between the Testaments (1964 Sloan), book]]'''''
* [[The World of Josephus (1964 Williamson), book]]
** [[Theological Dictionary of the New Testament = Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament (1964-1976 @1933-1979 Kittel, Friedrich / Bromiley), edited volumes (English ed.)]]
** [[The Apostolic Fathers (1964-1968 Grant), edited volume]]
* '''''[[Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Jesus = Le judaïsme palestinien au temps de Jésus-Christ (1964 @1950 Bonsirven / Wolf), book (English ed.)]]'''''
* [[The Theology of Jewish Christianity (1964 @1958 Danielou), book (English ed.)]]
* '''''[[From the Exile to Christ: A Historical Introduction to Palestinian Judaism = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (American ed.)]]'''''
==== 1965 ====
* [[The Formation of the New Testament (1965 Grant), book]]
* '''''[[The Creative Era between the Testaments (1965 Howie), book]]'''''
* [[How Far to Bethlehem? (1965 Lofts), novel]]
* [[The New Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content (1965 Metzger), book]]
* [[Jesus in the Quran (1965 Parrinder), book]]
* [[We Jews and Jesus (1965 Sandmel), book]]
* [[The Passover Plot (1965 Schonfield), arch-fi]]
* [[The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965 Stevens), film]]
==== 1966 ====
* [[Masada: Herod's Fortress and the Zealot's Last Stand (1966 Yadin / Pearlman), book (English ed.)]]
** [[The Jerusalem Bible (1966 Jones), edited volume]]
==== 1967 ====
* [[Jesus (1967 Anderson), book]]
* [[Bruder Jesus: Der Nazarener in jüdischer Sicht (1967 Ben-Chorin), book]]
* [[Jesus and the Zealots (1967 Brandon), book]]
* [[Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus (1967 Perrin), book]]
* '''''[[The Jews from Alexander to Herod (1967 Russell), book]]'''''
* '''''[[Jewish Sects at the Time of Jesus = Les sectes juives au temps de Jésus (1967 @1960 Simon / Farley), book (English ed.)]]'''''
**[[God's Warrior (1967 Slaughter), novel]]
==== 1968 ====
* [[Neophyti I: Targum Palestinense Ms de la Biblioteca Vaticana (1968-1979 Díez Macho), book]]
* [[Jesus in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (1968 Flusser), book]]
* [[The Septuagint and Modern Study (1968 Jellicoe), book]]
* [[Judas, My Brother (1968 Yerby), novel]]
** [[The Jerome Biblical Commentary (1968 Brown, Fitzmyer, Murphy), edited volume]]
==== 1969 ====
* '''''[[Die Zeit Jesu: Herrscher, Sekten und Parteien (The Time of Jesus: Rulers, Sects and Parties / 1969 Bauer), book]]'''''
* [[Paulus (Paul / 1969 Bornkamm), book]]
* [[The Archeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church (1969 Finegan), book]]
* [[Judentum und Hellenismus (Judaism and Hellenism / 1969 Hengel), book]]
* '''''[[Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus = Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu (1969 Jeremias / Cave), book (English ed.)]]'''''
* [[Israel in the Apostolic Church (1969 Richardson), book]]
* '''''[[The First Christian Century in Judaism and Christianity (1969 Sandmel), book]]'''''
* [[The Dead Sea Scrolls, 1947-1969 (1969 Wilson), non-fiction]]
* [[The Cambridge History of the Bible: 2. The West, from the Fathers to the Reformation (1969 Lampe), edited volume]]
== Interpreters (1960s) ==
File:James Parkes.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[James Parkes]] <br> (1896-1981)
File:Henri Daniel-Rops.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Henri Daniel-Rops]] <br> (1901-1965)
File:Hugh J. Schonfield.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[Hugh J. Schonfield]] <br> (1901-1988)
File:Vaux.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Roland de Vaux]] <br> (1903-1970)
File:Norah Lofts.jpg|[[Norah Lofts]] <br> (1904-1983)
File:Günther Bornkamm.jpg|[[Günther Bornkamm]] <br> (1905-1990)
File:Elizabeth George Speare.jpg|[[Elizabeth George Speare]] (1908-1994)
File:Samuel Sandmel.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Samuel Sandmel]] <br> (1911-1979)
File:Alejandro Díez Macho.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[Alejandro Díez Macho]] <br> (1916-1984)
File:David S. Russell.jpg|[[David S. Russell]] <br> (1916-2010)
File:1922 Pasolini, Pier Paolo.jpg|1922|[[Pier Paolo Pasolini]] <br> (1922-1975)
File:Geza Vermes.jpg|1924|[[Géza Vermès]] (1924-2013)
File:Martin Hengel.jpg|1926|[[Martin Hengel]] <br> (1926-2009)

Latest revision as of 20:37, 1 October 2023

History of Research--1960s (Home Page)
History of Research--1960s (Home Page)


The page: 1960s, is the gateway that gives access to scholarly and fictional works in the field of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Origins made in the 1960s, or from 1960 to 1969.

1960 -- 1961 -- 1962 -- 1963 1964 -- 1965 -- 1966 -- 1967 1968 -- 1969

Timeline (1960s)
Timeline (1960s)

Timeline : 2020s -- 2010s -- 2000s -- 1990s -- 1980s -- 1970s -- 1960s -- 1950s -- 1940s -- 1930s -- 1920s -- 1910s -- 1900s -- 1850s -- 1800s -- 1700s -- 1600s -- 1500s -- 1450s -- Medieval -- Home

Languages (1960s)
Languages (1960s)

Highlights (1960s)











Interpreters (1960s)

Media in category "1960s"

The following 74 files are in this category, out of 74 total.