Category:Pauline Studies--1960s
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Pages in category "Pauline Studies--1960s"
The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total.
- La Iglesia en San Pablo (1960 Cerfaux), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paul of Tarsus (1960 Harington), TV mini-series
- The Epistle to the Hebrews (1960 Hewitt), book
- San Paolo = Saint Paul et le mystère du Christ (1960 @1956 Tresmontant / Rossi), book (Italian ed.)
- Paulus, die Pharisäer und das Neue Testament (1961 Baeck), book
- Paul and His Recent Interpreters (1961 Ellis), book
- Dans le sillage de Saint Paul de Césarée à César! (1961 Frank), novel
- Beyond the Bar: The Story of the Apostle Barnabas (1961 Morley), novel
- Saint Paul (1961 Poirier / Barett), novel (English ed.)
- Die konkreten Einzelgebote in der paulinischen Paränese (1961 Schräge), book
- Paul and His Converts: 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians (1962 Bruce), book
- Daniel to Paul: Jews in Conflict with Graeco-Roman Civilization (1962 Cornfeld), book
- The Life of Saint Paul (1962 Fosdick), non-fiction
- The Hidden Splendour (1962 Goldthorpe), novel
- Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1962 Hughes), book
- The First Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians (1962 Héring / Heathcote, Allcock), book (English ed.)
- Ideas maestras de San Pablo (1963 Amiot / Amenós, Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Epistle of Paul to the Romans (1963 Bruce), book
- El evangelio de Pablo (1963 González Ruiz), book
- Le chemin de Damas (1963 Hubert), TV film
- Paulus und Jakobus (Paul and James / 1963 Schmithals), book
- Man on Fire (1964 Blythe), novel
- The Epistle to the Hebrews (1964 Bruce), book
- Parole di San Paolo (Words of Saint Paul / 1964 Dallapiccola), oratorio
- Paul, Apostle of Liberty (1964 Longenecker), book
- A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (1964 Montefiore), book
- Okänd gud (The Unknown God / 1964 Oljelund), novel
- Saint Paul Épître aux Galates (1964 Viard), book
- Paulus von Tarsos (1965 Berstl), novel
- Paul: A Man Who Changed the World (1965 Buckmaster), novel
- El cristiano en San Pablo (1965 Cerfaux / de Aguirre), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians (1965 Cole), book
- I Have Kept the Faith: The Life of the Apostle Paul (1965 Kraeling), book
- Lettere ai Tessalonicesi (1965 Rossano), book
- Paul and James = Paulus und Jakobus (1965 @1963 Schmithals / Barton), book (English ed.)
- Paulus und die Gnostiker (Paul & the Gnostics / 1965 Schmithals), book
- The First and the Second Letters of Paul to the Corinthians (1965 Thrall), book
- Testimonianze archeologiche della tradizione paolina a Malta (Archaeological Evidence of the Pauline Tradition in Malta / 1966 Cagiano de Azevedo), book
- Le Christ, sagesse de Dieu, d'après les épîtres pauliniennes (Christ, Wisdom of God, according to the Pauline Epistles / 1966 Feuillet), book
- The Pastoral Letters (1966 Hanson), book
- Thirteenth Apostle (1966 Johns), novel
- Paul: Ontwerp van zijn theologie (Paul: An Outline of His Theology / 1966 Ridderbos), book (Dutch)
- The Eschatology of Paul in the Light of Modern Scholarship (1966 Shires), book
- Jesus, Paulus und die Juden (1967 Barth), book
- Parakalô: Form, Funktion und Sinn der parakalô-Sätze in den paulinischen Briefen (1967 Bjerkelund), book
- A Letter to Hebrews (1967 Davies), novel
- Pauline Theology: A Brief Sketch (1967 Fitzmyer), book
- The Threat to Faith: An Exegetical and Theological Reexamination of 2 Thessalonians 2 (1967 Giblin), book
- The Letters of Paul to the Philippians and to the Thessalonians (1967 Grayston), book
- Rechtfertigung bei Paulus (1967 Kertelge), book
- Carmen Christi: Philippians ii. 5-11 in Recent Interpretation and in the Setting of Early Christian Worship (1967 Martin), book
- The Letter of Paul to the Galatians (1967 Neil), book
- The Letters of Paul to the Ephesians, to the Colossians, and to Philemon (1967 Thompson), book
- Lettere ai Galati e ai Romani (1967 Vanni), book
- Lettera agli Ebrei (1967 Zedda), book
- A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1968 Barrett), book
- Fleisch und Geist: Paulus und die dualistische Weisheit (Flesh and Spirit: Paul and the Dualistic Wisdom / 1968 Brandenburger), book
- Itinerario espiritual de san Pablo (1968 Cerfaux / Lator), book (Spanish ed.)
- Theology and Ethics in Paul (1968 Furnish), book
- Ephesians, Baptism, and Pentecost: An Inquiry into the Structure and Purpose of the Epistle to the Ephesians (1968 Kirby), book
- (+) Saulus (Saul / 1968 Mészöly), novel
- El cuerpo: Estudio de teología paulina (1968 Robinson), book (Spanish ed.)
- Saint Paul: A Study of the Development of His Thought (1969 Buck, Taylor), book
- Timothy, the Young Elder (1969 Clarke), novel
- Der erste Brief an die Korinther (1969 Conzelmann), book
- Les Épîtres Pastorales (1969 Dormier), book
- (+) Paulinische Perspektiven (Perspectives on Paul / 1969 Käsemann), book
- Les étapes de l'histoire du salut selon l'Epître aux Romains (1969 Lyonnet), book
- The Apostle: A Life of Paul (1969 Pollock), non-fiction
Media in category "Pauline Studies--1960s"
The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.
- 1961-T * Schoeps en.jpg 1,059 × 1,529; 235 KB
- 1962-T * Amiot en.jpg 1,217 × 1,500; 346 KB
- 1962 * Selby.jpg 467 × 648; 99 KB
- 1963 Bruce.jpg 340 × 499; 24 KB
- 1967 Best.jpg 250 × 400; 21 KB
- 1967 * Slaughter (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 30 KB
- 1968 Murphy-O'Connor.jpg 284 × 363; 18 KB
- 1969 * Bornkamm.jpg 313 × 500; 29 KB