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Pages in category "Gospels Studies--1960s"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- According to Mark: A Running Commentary on the Oldest Gospel (1960 Carrington), book
- Il Vangelo secondo Tommaso = L'Evangile selon Thomas (The Gospel according to Thomas / 1960 Doresse / Romano, Andreose), book (Italian ed.)
- The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics = Les livres secrets des gnostiques d'Égypte (1960 @1958-59 Doresse / Mairet, Johnston), book (English ed.)
- The Secret Sayings of Jesus (1960 Grant), book
- Studies in the Gospel of Thomas (1960 Wilson), book
- The Gospel according to St. Mark (1961 Cole), book
- The Theology of the Gospel according to Thomas (1961 Gärtner), book
- Die Botschaft des Thomas-Evangeliums (1961 Haenchen), book
- The Gospel according to St. Matthew (1961 Tasker), book
- The Poet of Nazareth: A Revised Version of the Gospel of St. Matthew (1962 Noli), book
- Thomas and the Evangelists (1962 Turner, Montefiore), book
- The Gospel according to Matthew (1963 Argyle), book
- The History of the Synoptic Tradition = Die Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition (1963 Bultmann / Marsh), book (English ed.)
- Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel (1963 Dodd), book
- The Gospel of Luke (1964 Reicke), book
- Das Verhältnis des Thomas-Evangeliums zur synoptischen Tradition und zu den koptischen Evangelien-übersetzungen (1964 Schrage), book
- The Temptation and the Passion: The Markan Soteriology (1965 Best), book
- The Gospel of Mark: The New Christian Jewish Passover Haggadah (1965 Bowman), book
- The Gospel according to Mark ~ Cambridge Bible Commentary (1965 Moule), book
- Vangelo secondo Giovanni (1965 Prete), book
- The Gospel according to Luke (1965 Tinsley), book
- The Son of Man in the Synoptic Tradition (1965 Tödt), book (English ed.)
- Prophecy Interpreted (1966 Hartman), book
- Vangelo secondo San Marco (1966 Uricchio, Stano), book
- Markus evangelium (1967 Gärtner), book
- The Use of the Old Testament in St. Matthew's Gospel (1967 Gundry), book
- The Theme of Jewish Persecution of Christians in the Gospel according to St. Matthew (1967 Hare), book
- Makarius, das Thomasevangelium und das Lied von der Perle (1967 Quispel), book
- The Gospels and the Jesus of History (1968 Léon-Dufour / McHugh), book (English ed.)
- Il Vangelo di Giovanni (1968 Peretto), book
- The Secret Sayings of the Living Jesus: Studies in the Coptic Gospel according to Thomas (1968 Summers), book
- The Prelude to the Lukan Passion Narrative (1968 Vööbus), book
- Mark the Evangelist = Der Evangelist Markus (1969 Marxsen / Boyce), book (English ed.)
- The Tendencies of the Synoptic Tradition (1969 Sanders), book
Media in category "Gospels Studies--1960s"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- 1964 Pasolini (film).jpg 231 × 325; 16 KB
- 1965 Hunter.jpg 313 × 499; 20 KB
- 1966 Brown.jpg 326 × 499; 33 KB
- 1970 Brown.jpg 316 × 474; 28 KB