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'''Polish''' is the official state language in [[Poland]]. It is written in a variant of the Latin alphabet. | |||
Polish is the primary language of Scholarship and Fiction used since the 15th century in Poland. | |||
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_language Wikipedia] / [http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C4%99zyk_polski Wikipedia.pl] | |||
[[File:Polish language Map.png|500px]] | |||
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|title= [[Polish]] : [[Polish Scholars|Scholars]], [[Polish Authors|Authors]], & [[Polish Artists|Artists]] | |||
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'''''[[Polish language]]''''' : [[:Category:Second Temple Studies--Polish|Second Temple Studies]] -/- [[:Category:Apocalyptic Studies--Polish|Apocalyptic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Archaeology--Polish|Archaeology]] -- [[:Category:Bible Studies--Polish|Bible Studies]] -- [[:Category:Christian Origins Studies--Polish|Christian Origins Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Christian Studies--Polish|Early Christian Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Islamic Studies--Polish|Early Islamic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Jewish Studies--Polish|Early Jewish Studies]] -- [[:Category:Early Samaritan Studies--Polish|Early Samaritan Studies]] -- [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Polish|Enochic Studies]] -- [[:Category:Gospels Studies--Polish|Gospels Studies]] -- [[:Category:Hebrew Bible Studies--Polish|Hebrew Bible Studies]] -- [[:Category:Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--Polish|Hellenistic-Jewish Studies]] -- [[:Category:Historical Jesus Studies--Polish|Historical Jesus Studies]] -- [[:Category:Johannine Studies--Polish|Johannine Studies]] -- [[:Category:Josephus Studies--Polish|Josephus Studies]] -- [[:Category:New Testament Studies--Polish|New Testament Studies]] -- [[:Category:NT Apocrypha Studies--Polish|NT Apocrypha Studies]] -- [[:Category:Qumran Studies--Polish|Qumran Studies]] -- [[:Category:OT Apocrypha Studies--Polish|OT Apocrypha Studies]] -- [[:Category:OT Pseudepigrapha Studies--Polish|OT Pseudepigrapha Studies]] -- [[:Category:Pauline Studies--Polish|Pauline Studies]] -- [[:Category:Petrine Studies--Polish|Petrine Studies]] -- [[:Category:Philo Studies--Polish|Philo Studies]] -- [[:Category:Reception History--Polish|Reception History]] -- [[:Category:Septuagint Studies--Polish|Septuagint Studies]] -- [[:Category:Wisdom Studies--Polish|Wisdom Studies]] -- [[:Category:Women's Studies--Polish|Women's Studies]] -/- [[:Category:Fiction--Polish|Fiction]] -- [[:Category:Varia--Polish|Varia]] | |||
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[[English language|English]] -- [[French language|French]] -- [[German language|German]] -- [[Italian language|Italian]] -- [[Spanish language|Spanish]] -//- [[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]] -- [[Albanian language|Albanian]] -- [[Arabic language|Arabic]] -- [[Armenian language|Armenian]] -- [[Bulgarian language|Bulgarian]] -- [[Catalan language|Catalan]] -- [[Chinese language|Chinese]] -- [[Croatian language|Croatian]] -- [[Czech language|Czech]] -- [[Danish language|Danish]] -- [[Dutch language|Dutch]] -- [[Estonian language|Estonian]] -- [[Farsi language|Farsi]] -- [[Finnish language|Finnish]] -- [[Flemish language|Flemish]] -- [[Greek language|Greek]] -- [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]] -- [[Hungarian language|Hungarian]] -- [[Icelandic language|Icelandic]] -- [[Japanese language|Japanese]] -- [[Korean language|Korean]] -- [[Latin language|Latin]] -- [[Latvian language|Latvian]] -- [[Lithuanian language|Lithuanian]] -- [[Maltese language|Maltese]] -- [[Norwegian language|Norwegian]] -- [[Polish language|Polish]] -- [[Portuguese language|Portuguese]] -- [[Romanian language|Romanian]] -- [[Russian language|Russian]] -- [[Serbian language|Serbian]] -- [[Slovak language|Slovak]] -- [[Slovenian language|Slovenian]] -- [[Swedish language|Swedish]] -- [[Ukrainian language|Ukrainian]] -- [[Welsh language|Welsh]] -- [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]] | |||
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'''''[[Timeline]]''''' : [[2020s]] -- [[2010s]] -- [[2000s]] -- [[1990s]] -- [[1980s]] -- [[1970s]] -- [[1960s]] -- [[1950s]] -- [[1940s]] -- [[1930s]] -- [[1920s]] -- [[1910s]] -- [[1900s]] -- [[1850s]] -- [[1800s]] -- [[1700s]] -- [[1600s]] -- [[1500s]] -- [[1450s]] -- [[Medieval]] -- [[Timeline|Home]] | |||
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Latest revision as of 22:44, 13 December 2019
Pages in category "Polish language"
The following 123 pages are in this category, out of 123 total.
- Brief Summary of Material and Chronological Facts, to Connect the Old with the New Testament (1862 Perceval), non-fiction
- Kol kore (1879 Solovaitsik), book (Polish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Grabowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- Pójdzmy za nim (Let's Follow Him / 1892 Sienkiewicz), novel
- Przewodnik judaistyczny: obejmujacy kurs literatury i religii (1893 Nussbaum), book
- Ben-Hur: opowiadanie historyczne z czasów Jezusa Chrytusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1901 @1880 Wallace / Stefanski), novel (Polish ed.)
- Josephus Flavius: Charakterystyka cztowieka i historyka na tle wspotczesnych wypadkow (1904 Balaban), book (Polish)
- Bóg Jezus w świetle badań cudzych i własnych (God Jesus / 1909 Niemojewski), book
- Marja Magdalena (1911 Danilowski), novel
- Literatura i religia u Żydów w czasach Chrystusa Pana = Jewish Religion and Literature at the Time of Christ the Lord (1911 Trzeciak), book
- Judasz z Kariothu (1913 Rostworowski), play
- Judasz (1917 Przerwa-Tetmajer), play
- Pochodzenie chrzescijanstwa = Der Ursprung des Christentums (Foundations of Christianity / 1923 @1908 Kautsky / Hempel), book (Polish ed.)
- Hellenizm a judaizm (1927 Zielinski), book
- Judaizm a Hellenizm: z powodu ksiazki Prof. Tadeusza Zielinskogo p.t. "Hellenizm a Judaizm" (1929 Stein), book
- Dzieje Pawla z Tarsu (Acts of Paul of Tarsus / 1947 Dabrowski), book (Polish)
- (+) Swiety miecz (The Sacred Sword / 1949 Dobraczynski), novel
- Problemat Chrystusa we wspolczesnej literaturze katolickiej (The Problem of Christ in Contemporary Catholic Literature / 1950 Dabrowski), book
- Przymierze (1952 Kossak), novel
- (+) Listy Nikodema (The Letters of Nicodemus / 1953 Dobraczynski), novel
- Jezus Chrystus i Jego apostolowie (1954 Dobraczynski), novel
- Nowy Testament na tle epoki: geografia, historia, kultura (New Testament Times: Geography, History, Culture / 1958 Dabrowski), book (Polish)
- Manuskrypty z Qumran a chrzescijanstwo (Manuscripts from Qumran and Christianity / 1958 Strakowski), book
- Odkrycia w Qumran nad morzem martwym a Nowy Testament (The Discoveries at Qumran near the Dead Sea and the New Testament / 1960 Dabrowski), book
- Wykopaliska w Qumran a pochodzenie chrzescijanstwa (The Excavations at Qumran and the Origins of Christianity / 1961 Chylinski), book
- Dzieje apostolskie (Acts of the Apostles / 1961 Dabrowski), book
- Dawne dzieje Izraela (Antiquitates Iudaice / 1962 Radozycki), book
- Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego = Рукописи Мертового моря (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1963 @1960 Amusin / Kunderewicz), book (Polish ed.)
- Rekopisy z Qumran nad Morzem Martwym (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1963 Tyloch), book
- Odkrycia nad Morzem Martwym = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1963 @1955 Wilson / Swiecka), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- Herod król Judei (1965 Krawczuk), book
- Dziesiec lat odkryc na pustyni judzkiej = Dix ans de découvertes dans le Désert de Juda (Ten Years of Discoveries in the Wilderness of Judaea / 1968 @1957 Milik / Kubiak), book (Polish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mohammed (Muhammad / 1970 Klabund / Klos-Gwizdalska, Naganowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- Starotestamentowy kult ofiarniczy w liscie do hebrajczyków a w manuskryptach i dokumentach z Qumran (The Old Testament Sacrificial Cult in the Letter to the Hebrews and the Manuscripts and Documents from Qumran / 1970 Skwarczewski), book
- Mahomet = Muhammad (1971 Hrbek, Petrácek), book (Polish ed.)
- Historycznosc Jezusa Chrystusa: w ujeciu wspólczesnego religioznawstwa marksistowskiego (The Genesis of Christianity in the Views of Contemporary Marxists / 1971 Kowalinski), book
- Tytus i Berenika (1972 Krawczuk), book
- Wedlug Judasza (apokryf) (1973 Panas), novel
- Aspekty spoleczne gminy z Qumran (Social Aspects of the Qumran Community / 1973 Tyloch), book
- Rzym i Jerozolima (1974 Krawczuk), book
- Mesjasz w biblijnej historii zbawienia (1974 Łach, Filipiak), edited volume
- Swiadkowie Jezusa (1975 Malinski), novel
- Królestwo Boże w Piśmie Świętym (1976 Łach, Filipiak), edited volume
- Struktura semantyczna neologizmów w listach sw. Pawla z Tarsu (Semantic Structure of Neologisms in the Letters of St. Paul of Tarsus / 1978 Popowski), book
- Piata Ewangelia = Il quinto evangelio (The Fifth Gospel / 1979 @1975 Pomilio / Minkiewicz), novel (Polish ed.)
- Teologia swietego Pawla (Theology of St. Paul / 1979 Stepien), book
- Wojna żydowska (Bellum Iudaicum / 1980 Radozycki), book
- Soteriologia sw. Pawla (St. Paul's Soteriology / 1983 Romaniuk), book
- Imperatiwus na tle indikatiwu w listach Pawla z Tarsu (Imperativus vs. Indikativ in the Letters of Paul of Tarsus / 1985 Popowski), book
- Przeciw Apionowi; Autobiografia (Contra Apionem; Vita / 1986 Radozycki), book
- Jezus historii a Chrystus wiary = The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith (1987 Kudasiewicz), book
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1991 Rodinson / Michalska-Novák), book (Polish ed.)
- Zwój Miedziany 3Q15 (Copper Scroll 3Q15 / 1993 Muchowski), book
- Jezus, Qumran i Watykan = Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan (1994 @1993 Betz, Riesner / Kielbasinska, Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- Wprowadzenie do literatury miedzytestamentalnej (Introduction to Intertestamental Literature / 1994 Medala), book
- Opinie o Jezusie = Ipotesi su Gesù (Jesus Hypotheses / 1994 @1976 Messori), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- Mahomet = Mahomet (Muhammad / 1996 Delcambre / Lukaszewicz), book (Polish ed.)
- Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1996 Muchowski), book
- Qumran: poemat symfoniczny (Qumran: A Symphonic Poem / 1996 Steinfeld), poetry
- Manuskrypty znad Morza Martwego = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1996 @1994 VanderKam / Gromacka), book (Polish ed.)
- Piesni ofiary szabatowej z Qumran i Masady (Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice from Qumran and Masada / 1996 Zdun), book
- 101 pytan sobre o Qumran = Responses on 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls (1997 Fitzmyer / Kapera), book (Polish ed.)
- Barabasz = The Rebel (1997 Zukowski / @1996 Johnson), novel (Polish ed.)
- Rekopisy z Qumran nad Morzem Martwym (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1997 Medala, Tyloch), book
- Kto zabił Jezusa = Who Killed Jesus? (1998 Crossan / Stopa), book (Polish ed.)
- Milosc od Boga = A Love Divine (1998 @1996 Ripley / Kolodziej), novel (Polish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1998 @1880 Wallace / Appel), novel (Polish ed.)
- Mahomet = Muhammad (1999 Cook / Zagórski), book (Polish ed.)
- == == 2000s == == ==
- Komentarze do rekopisów znad Morza Martwego (Commentaries to the Dead Sea Scrolls / 2000 Muchowski), book
- Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego, 2nd rev. ed. (Dead Sea Scrolls / 2000 Muchowski), book
- Jerozolima, Ateny, Aleksandria: greckie zródla pierwszych nurtów filozofii chrzescijanskiej (2000 Zielinski), book
- Koran = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2001 Cook / Pachniak), book (Polish ed.)
- Quo Vadis? (2001 Kawalerowicz), feature film
- Hebrajski qumranski jako jezyk mówiony (Qumran Hebrew as a Spoken Language / 2001 Muchowski), book
- Logos i stworzenie: filozoficzna interpretacja traktatu De opificio mundi Filona z Aleksandrii (Logos and Creation: Philosophical Interpretation of the Treatise De opificio mundi by Philo of Alexandria / 2001 Osmanski), book (Polish)
- Miedzy Starym a Nowym Testamentem (2002 Maier), book (Polish ed.)
- Kto jest dziedzicem boskich dóbr (Who Is the Heir of the Divine Things / 2002 Pawlaczyk), book (Polish)
- Peszery do Ksiegi Izajasza (Isaiah Pesher / 2004 Malecki), book
- Biblia a Koran: podobienstwa i róznice = Bibel und Koran: was sie verbindet, was sie trennt (Bible and Qur'an: What Unites, What Divides / 2005 Gnilka / Szymona), book (Polish ed.)
- Komentarze do rekopisów znad Morza Martwego, 2nd rev. ed. (Commentaries to the Dead Sea Scrolls / 2005 Muchowski), book
- Qumran (The Qumran Mystery / 2006 @1996 Abécassis / Melech), novel (Polish ed.)
- Idea swiatyni w pismach qumranskich (The Idea of the Temple in the Writings of Qumran / 2006 Skrzypczyk), book
- Jezus jako Syn Bozy (Jesus as the Son of God / 2007 Drawnel), book
- Potop w tradycji biblijnej oraz literaturze judaizmu okresu Drugiej Swiatyni (2007 Zajac), book
- Kowal mitu: Święty Paweł i wynalazek chrześcijaństwa = The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity (2008 Maccoby / Hoevels, Wysocki), book (Polish ed.)
- Qumran: pomiedzy Starym a Nowym Testamentem (Qumran: Between the Old and New Testaments / 2009 Drawnel, Piwowar), edited volume
- Klejnot Medyny = The Jewel of Medina (2009 Jones / Smulewska), novel (Polish ed.)
- == == 2010s == == ==
- Naśladowcy Jezusa = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2010 Ehrman / Hejmej), book (Polish ed.)
- Rabin rozmawia z Jezusem = A Rabbi Talks with Jesus (2010 Neusner / Wojtasik), book (Polish ed.)
- Życie, apostolat i dziedzictwo Pawła z Tarsu (The Life, Apostolate and Legacy of Paul of Tarsus / 2010 Szamocki), book
- Flakkus: pierwszy pogrom Zydów w Aleksandrii (Flaccus: The First Pogrom Against Jews in Alexandria / 2012 Osek), book (Polish)
- Wojna przeciwko Jezusowi = La guerra contro Gesù (The War against Jesus / 2012 @2011 Socci / Gogolin), non-fiction (Polish ed.)
- Hilary Nussbaum (1820-1895), scholar
- Henryk Sienkiewicz (M / Poland, 1846-1916), novelist
- Tadeusz Zielinski (1859-1944), scholar
- Andrzej Niemojewski (1864-1921), scholar
- Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer (M / Poland, 1865-1940), novelist
- Gustaw Danilowski (M / Poland, 1871-1927), novelist
- Stanisław Trzeciak (1873-1944), scholar
- Meir Balaban (1874-1942), scholar
- Karol Hubert Rostworowski (M / Poland, 1877-1938), playwright
- Zofia Kossak (M / Poland, 1889-1968), novelist
- ~ Edmund Menahem Stein (1895-1943), Jewish-Polish scholar
- Eugeniusz Dabrowski (1901-1970), Polish scholar
- Stanisław Łach (1906-1983), scholar
- Jan Dobraczynski (M / Poland, 1910-1994), novelist
- Cezary Kunderewicz (1912-1990), Polish scholar
- Henryk Panas (M / Poland, 1912-1985), novelist
- Jerzy Kawalerowicz (M / Poland, 1922-2007), film director
- Aleksander Krawczuk (b.1922), scholar
- Mieczyslaw Malinski (M / Poland, 1923-2017), novelist
- Ryszard Krasnodebski (M / Poland, 1925), novelist
- Witold Tyloch (1927-1990), Polish scholar
- Stanislaw Medala (M / Poland, 1935), Polish scholar
- Zdzislaw Jan Kapera (b.1942), Polish scholar
- Henryk Drawnel (b.1963), Polish scholar
- Piotr Muchowski (b.1963), Polish scholar
Media in category "Polish language"
This category contains only the following file.
- 1895 * Sienkiewicz (novel).jpg 674 × 1,100; 138 KB